• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,481 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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Twilight Buys a Wand: 1

Author's Note:

Mr. Ollivander's POV

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Next Chapter Pinkie Pie buys a Wand


“Good-bye Harry!” I offer, as the boy is about to turn towards the door, then watching him walk out of the shop.

Now, that is a nice boy..” I ponder, as I see the door close behind him.

A girl in a black witch robe is walking down the street, towards the shop; intent on obtaining the wand, her letter of acceptance had stated was required, for her to follow the curriculum.

There is a merry chimes as the girl opens the door, stepping in.

“Another new student, fresh for the new year of study!” I ponder, as I observe her, watching the tiny boxes lined up on shelf upon shelf.

I notice her skin in an off, unusual tint; then her deep purple eyes, as she is turning towards me. She slowly walks towards me, as she is ogling the small boxes, line upon line.

This hat is conveniently hiding my horn!” she ponders, as she makes the final approach.

“Hello, and welcome to my shop!” I greet the girl.

“Hello!” she responds, as she is looking up, finally facing me full on.

Face-to-face, I notice that it is not just her eyes that are a deep purple; but her lips are a curious, deep lavender as well.

Of course, the purple hair hangs down her back and shoulders; with the two streaks of cerise and red hue. Curious.

“Your first wand?” I inquire.

“Uhm; yes, Mister!” she responds, in a somewhat unsure yet stately voice.

That obvious?” she ponders, as she is looking up at me.

Neither a Malfoy, nor a Weasly..” I ponder; “but neither of them would have been alone and unattended to..” I continue.

I reach in, under the counter; pulling out a small box, placing it on the counter.

“Try this one?” I offer, as I am lifting the top off of the small mouse greyish beige box.

“Oh, that is what a wand is looking like?” she is inquiring, as she is reaching for the wand I present her with.

“Oak, eleven inches and stiff, a Phoenix core..” I explain.

“Oh?” she inquires, as she is picking up the wand in the fingers of her extended right hand.

I am watching, as she is grabbing the wand in her right hand, aiming at the mark at the back of the store.

A few sparks are flying, screeching noises are heard and the wand is vibrating violently until she drops it on the counter.

“Okay, maybe not that one?” I offer; “There are plenty of options left in store!” I assure her.

“I figured..” she responds, with a giggle.

“Such a delightful girl..” I ponder; “Silver Birch, ten and a quarter inch, flexible, Dragon heart-string core..” I start.

Only this wand is not even permitting her to touch it.

“Okay, that was an unfortunately bad choice!” I mumble, somewhat distraught.

“Well, yes..” she responds, obviously picking up on my words as if she had heard it.

“Let us try another, I am sure I can find the wand for you..” I offer; “I do have a fairly large selection, of high quality wands!” I point out.

She just snickers, with a warm smile on her lips.

“How about, you try this one?” I inquire, as I am pulling out the next wand.

I place the box on the counter, lifting the top off of the box; presenting her with the next wand, for her to try out.

As I am watching, she is lifting up the wand in a delicate grip; smiling, as she does so.

“Whoa, this does feel much better; but, it is a bit warm..” she points out; while she is still holding the wand, preparing to make the flourish.

“That, is not entirely unheard of..” I respond; “Linden, twelve and three quarter inches; single unicorn hair, core!” I offer.

She is still holding the wand, in her right hand, now taking aim; before she is making a flourish. At first, there is a light, but then sparks can be seen cascading from the tip of the wand. Slowly, the sparks come into focus, flying towards the mark; only to start burning a hold in the wall. She is hastily letting go of the wand, with an audible gasp.

“Now, that was interesting.” I offer; “but, I don’t think this was the wand for you..” I continue.

“An impressive weld-torch, if you even need one..” I chuckle; “a bit too fiery, for dueling, on school-grounds; but, if you were going for Assassin I guess you would chose this!” I offer.

“Not exactly, what I had in mind!” she gasps, in exasperation; “Dueling, that is not my thing!” she continues, with finality.

“There will be a few duels, in your class of Defence against the Dark Arts; but this wand would not be good, for that!” I explain.

“For my first wand; I think I would prefer a more well-rounded wand, I can use in every class I will have!” she ponders.

“That would be the wiser choice, for your educational needs and requirements..” I offer.

“While the Unicorn seems to be taking to you; the wand overall, is not going to be good for your education!” I put forth.

“Thank you, Mr. Ollivander!” she responds.

“Maybe this one is better for you?” I offer, as I am reaching down under the counter, extracting my next wand.

As she is picking up the wand in her right hand, making the flourish; she finds herself buried under a barrel full of confetti, raining down upon her head, from a caramel cloud.

There is a yelp of panic, heard from under the confetti piling up onto the girl.

“No, definitely not that one!” I declare.

As she is letting go of the wand, I manage to snatch it up in my right hand; before it had the time, to reach the floor.

Just as I clasp the wand, the confetti starts spreading out over the floor; while the abysmal downpour ends. The cloud is vanishing with a loud pop.

“Is there any chance you could custom make a wand for me?” she inquires.

“Uhm, yes..” I respond; ”I could, but this may cost a bit more; based on the specific materials required, and how much work it requires!” I conclude

“Wait, I heard that Unicorns are Magical?” she inquires.

“Yes, they are..” I explain; “among the most magical creatures of the land!” I offer.

“Oh, okay..” she mumbles.

“Could you hold that thought, for just a moment?” she inquires.

“Uh, okay?” I respond, somewhat confused.

As most of the confetti had reached the floor, she is taking a step back. Now, I am watching her, as she is taking a step back: once, twice and thrice.

She stops, and a lavender purple aura is forming around her; enveloping her entire form, before she is vanishing from the room.

“Wait, what?” I exclaim, as it is dawning upon me what had just happened.

Had she merely become invisible, that would have been enough of a feat all by itself; but a vanishing spell let alone an apparition spell is beyond the possibilities of a first-year student. Not to mention, the feat of bypassing the magic dampeners I have in place for my personal safety.

A moment after she had vanished, the confetti had slipped in between the cracks of reality. Another minute, and a purple aura is developing where she had been standing. I am watching in awe, as she is once more stepping up to me.

“Sorry, Ollivander..” she mumbles; "I am truly sorry; but I had forgotten an item, I seem to need!” she explains, as she is stepping up to the counter.

“No problem!” I offer; “At least, the excessive amount of confetti has disappeared, too!” I assure her, with a smile on my face.

“Ah, yeah..” she exclaims, as she is casting furtive glances around the room; “the confetti seems to have disappeared too!” she concludes, as she is turning her attention back to me.

“Here..” she offers; “Could you make a wand out of this?” she inquires, as she is presenting a perfectly shaped triple spire unicorn horn.

“I could..” I mumble, “I guess..” I continue.

As I am watching, she lifts her hat up; demonstrating a horn of her own. I feel a draft of air, as I hear the swishing of a clearly equine tail. I notice how she is growing taller, almost as if she had been standing on her toes; but something told me, it is not what she is doing.

“You mentioned something of a strand of Unicorn Tail-hair?” she inquires, most urgently.

“Yes, yes; I most certainly did..” I respond; “but why?” I inquire.

“Because, I have a few strands, I could spare!” she is explaining.

While I am watching, she is reaching in under her robe; extracting nine hairs from her tail. As she is pulling her hand out, she is holding three strands of purple hair, three cerise strands of hair and three red strands of hair; perfectly matching the hair, on her head.

“Unicorn tail hair?” I inquire.

“Should be..” she responds; “unless someone had swapped them, or I was to be ascending?” she puts forth.

She is braiding the purple strands of hair, the cerise strands of hair and the red strands of hair; before she is braiding the three braids and presents the final braid of Unicorn tail hairs on the counter.

“There most definitely is a magical aura to them, matching the colour of your eyes!” I breathe.

I am not sure I should be doing this!” I ponder; “Or, if I dare!” I breathe; “But based on her previous demonstration, I can’t deny her, either!” I realize, in stark shock.

I step out behind a door behind the counter, as I perform the spell integrating her core into the horn she had selected. Once I am done, I turn back to her, watching her smile.

“Oh, but I think there is one more ingredient..” she points out.

While I am watching, she is producing a vial and pricks the tip of the index finger of her right hand. Drop by drop of her blood slips down into the vial. The true shock, is in the colour of the liquid slowly gathering in the bottom of her vial. As opposed to the expected deep red; the liquid is more of a silver.

I gasp; “Do I even dare accepting that?” I inquire.

“It is seven drops of my blood, nothing more!” she is assuring me; “Whatever you think you saw, must be the trick of the light in the room!” she is explaining.

“Seven drops of your blood?” I inquire.

“Yes, but of course..” she is explaining; “You saw me drawing the blood myself; just a few seconds ago!” she points out.

If that is her blood, she is a Unicorn!” I ponder; “I may have heard of the use of blood, but I was not aware it was expected to be included in the creation of a magic wand!” I offer.

After a few moments of hesitation, I finally do accept the vial; slipping in behind the cover, performing the spell once more.

By Jobe, the Ministry will have to intervene?” I ponder.

“Is there anything more, you need?” I inquire.

“I don’t think so!” she offers.

With that, I apply the final touches and attach the handle on the thick end of her wand.

“Since you supplied all the material, I can’t charge you for that; but the three spells remain, of course!” I offer.

“Yes, I guess I did!” she merely responds.

“Twenty-one Gallions for the spells, and the work!” I explain.

“Twenty-one Gallions?” she inquires, as she is pulling out a purse from the right pocket on her robe.

A moment later, she is counting each coin, as she is dropping them onto the counter.

Once she had counted the coins, all the twenty-one Gallions I had asked for; I accept the payment, slipping the money off of the counter.

“Be careful with your wand; if anyone knew what it is, they may risk snatching it right out of your grasp!” I caution the girl before me.

“Thank you Ollivander!” she responds, as she is turning around, walking through the shop towards the entrance.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as she is making her way over the floor, on her way out.

While she is still wearing her traditional Witch robe; she now is a fair bit taller, and her hooves will be visible as she walks over the floor. I catch wind, noticing it as she had reached half the way towards the door.

“Wait, are you by chance an Animagus?” I inquire, forced to raise my voice to make sure she is hearing me.

“Uh, what?” she inquires.

The next moment, she is catching her mistake; changing back, to her regular human form.

“Thank you, for reminding me..” she responds, just before she is reaching for the door, opening and stepping out.

That; could have been embarrassing, on her part!” I ponder; “Had she stepped out the door, and been found out!” I ponder.

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