• Published 7th Aug 2021
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Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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A Charming Charm too Much: 4

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's POV

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Previous Chapter: A Rainbow in the Dark

Next Chapter: To Brush it Off


I know I had seen it somewhere, even if I can not for my life put a finger on where; or, I had seen her somewhere. The spell is listed and described in the book of spells, of course; where else, it is after all a spell.

I had read up on each and every spell in the book, true to form; it is who I am, the Element of Magic. What had you been expecting?

Not only had I bought the spell-book for this year, I had gone out on a limb; buying each and every book I was expected to need here at Hogwarts. Just in case I got bored, and I was curious.

Since I am in class, there apparently is no ward preventing me from casting a spell or two. I just have to be careful, not to cast the wrong spell. Or, barring that; casting a spell, with a bad outcome.

Naturally, I had arrived early; our teacher will not be here, for several more minutes so I should have just enough time.

”Expectum Patronus” I mumble.

The next moment; I find the fawn, roe Deer standing calmly munching on imagined vegetation as if she had been standing in the forest she should have been in.

She is lanky, but surprisingly nimble for one so young. As expected, she is shy, almost to the point of Fluttershy; yet, she stands tall.

After a moment, she takes a step forwards; then another and another. At the time the teacher is entering the room, the fawn is several yards away from me, ignoring me, almost as if she had not even known I am here.

Professor Squirel, the teacher of the defences against the dark arts enters the room; expecting to get the usual warm greeting, but what came next is a surprise to all. The doe turns her head towards the professor; only to open her mouth, breathing fire.

What did not come as a surprise, is the reaction; in absolute shock, everyone laugh. Squirel face the doe, with a robe severely burnt.

”What?” he exclaim; ”Who did that?” he then inquires.

The doe catches him in his gaze, stags ablaze with brilliant purple magic at the ready. And the obvious conclusion, the spell hitting him squarely in the face.

Of course, this is when professor Snape turns his head toward the professor standing in shock.

The doe, slowly trotting up to Squirel, then opens her mouth and once more breath fire; burning the turban to dust in the process. Stags still ablaze, she casts a new spell, petrifying the poor professor, who slowly falls over and lands onto the floor.

Everyone starts clapping their hands, even Draco; maybe he is impressed, or he dare doing nothing else?

”Who has the audacity, to attack a teacher and professor?” Severus Snapes bellows.

And the obvious happens, as much as a shock as it may be; the roe Deer snickers, ruefully observing him, but otherwise say nothing. She just point a tiny black hoof at the back of the head of Squirel.

”If I had not known better, I would have said it is an Animagus; but on second thought, she is clearly a Patronus..” Hermione mumbles.

”You suggest a Patronus casting spells, Miss Granger?” Serverus demands, not exactly believing the idea even worth mentioning; but now, it had been called for.

”Would you prefer a fire-breathing Animagus?” Hermione inquires, in response.

Of course, this is exactly when the Deer steps up to Snapes, lightly tapping him just below the knee.

”Whoa!!” Snapes exclaims.

”What is it, Miss?” Snapes inquires, as if expecting whomever it was to answer.

The fawn looks up, snickering for a moment; before calming down, opening her mouth to speak.

”Greetings, Severus Snape; I am sorry, if I upset you!” the fawn utters, in her frail Doe voice.

”Greetings..” Snapes responds, falling down on his knees, in order to face the person addressing him; ”and who may you be, if I may ask?” he now inquires.

”For now, suffice to say; I am a rue deer fawn, a Patronus if you will!” she responds.

”You mean to say, that you are a Patronus?” he inquires.

”Yes, that is exactly what I said..” she responds; ”On second thought; why don’t you just call me Twilight, from now on?” she inquires.

”Twilight..” he echoes; ”Let’s go for that, Twilight!” he continues.

”Such an odd and highly unusual name for a girl!” he ponders; ”wait, why does the name remind me of a student in my class?” he then ponders.

”Maybe, you would like to have a seat; sit beside Hermione, please!” Snape drawls, as he tries to regain his composure.

”Yes..” the Patronus exclaims; ”Thank you, Professor Snape!” she then concludes, as she trots over to the indicated seat.

A few scattered giggles and chuckles are heard from the students seated in the classroom. While maintaining a passive and impassionate expression, not even Snape could deny the amusement to himself.

”One of these years..” Snape mutters under his breath; ”an overachiever, who intends to challenge me?” he then drawls in a low, threatening voice.

Everyone is quiet, trying to look busy. Though it is obvious, a few actually read their books with curious interest. One Witch is standing out, where she is sitting in her seat; excitedly snickering, as she is reading the subject with great interest.

Ron Weasly is observing the girl with great interest, failing to even notice the deep purple hair sticking out under the brim of her hat.

He pokes the left shoulder of the girl; ”Uhm, are you reading a comics or something?” he then whispers, to the girl obviously ignoring him for the far more exciting materials before her.

Hermione, on her part, is fascinated by the Girl in Deer form, sitting beside her, eagerly reading and consuming the material like a sponge. As she is casting a side-glance, she notices the new girl; studying the book before her, with peaking interest.

”That is not the book, for this semester, is it?” she then inquires; ”and you hold the book upside down, too!” she then observes, helpfully.

However, I ignore the last comment; ”Yes, this is the third year book!” I then respond as if it had been nothing.

”Snape will have Kittens, if he catches you with that!” Hermione whispers back, giggling.

”Kittens?” I respond, obliviously; ”But I guess, Flutters would love that!” I then continue.

”Fluttershy?” Hermione inquires; ”That yellow shy, yellow girl?” she then continues.

”Yes, that is her..” Twilight responds, snickering; ”she is a good friend, but just don’t cross her ..” she concludes, with an air of finality.

”Uhm, why would I do that?” Hermione inquires; ”But I fear a certain Drako Malfoy may like to..” she continues.

”Playing with fire..” Twilight snickers; ”he would have been safer; if he had been facing Dumbledore himself, trust me!” she offers, with an angelic grin all over her muzzle.

”At least, you did not ask him to bother the poor critters in the forbidden forest or a Dragon?” Flutters chimes in, with a rare grin on her face.

Since Snape is one to stay on top of the situation, he is walking around in the classroom; observing everyone; noting what happens, and who does what. In a corner, at the back of the room; he notices a pink girl, Pinkie flipping pages as she is brewing potion after potion at breakneck speed.

Snape taps the girl on the right shoulder, gently as to not startle her too much; ”Uhm, what in Merlin’s Beard are you doing?” he then inquires.

”Just brewing a few potions..” she explains, as if it had been the most obvious thing in the world; ”You see; brewing potions is just like baking, you know!” she then offers, explaining everything, yet explaining absolutely nothing.

Pinkie flips a page, pouring the latest brew in a vial; before continuing, as if nothing had happened.

”Are you aware, of how dangerous it is to make a mistake?” he inquires; ”or, that some potions actually requires predefined time to work!” he then informs her.

”As I said, just like baking..” she now counters.

”Some of these ingredients are Rare, and expensive; not to mention, dangerous to handle!” he prompts, with a stern grin on his face.

”Nothing is for free, Silly!” she retorts; ”I labeled every vial, and you can enjoy grading them at your leisure!” she now points out.

If any of these are even remotely what your labels state, and with any level of potency; I fear, I will have nothing else to do!” Snape concedes, with a scowl.

”Oh, yeah; sorry about that, I’m whipping up potions faster than you can test them!” she now giggles, as if it was amusing to her.

Which it probably is. Even the Weasly’s grin, at the prospect.

With that, Snape accepts the challenge; picking up the first stand of potions and walks back to the front desk; ”Thank you, for your effort and entertainment, Diane!” he drawls, with a sincere reason to use the tone.

”Poor Snape!” Drako mumbles to himself; ”Just the risk of even one of these blowing up in his face; not to mention, all the time it will take him to properly grade all these..”; ”even if I suspect it will be a flat fail, categorically!” he surmises, to himself.

”Uhm, Twilly; could you lend me a few drops of Unicorn Blood?” Pinkie inquires, as she is tapping her friend on the right shoulder, after she had walked up to her old friend’s place.

”Did you ask her for Unicorn blood?” Hermoine inquires, in hushed tones.

”Yes, Hermoine; some of the more interesting potions require it, you know!” she merely responds, with a momentary snicker.

I just prick the tip of my index finger, extracting a few drops in the vial; ”Here you go, Pinkie; have fun, and make a revolutionary Potion or elixir..” I respond; ”Just make sure to blow poor Snape’s mind, properly!” I add, as I offer her the vial.

”A perfect potion, in a minute?” Snape exclaim, in pure shock.

The class is quiet, still; everyone is either engrossed in their respective studies, or shocked and amused by the events taking place.

”Another perfect Potion, and another, and another..” Snape mumbles to himself, as he continues checking each potion in turn.

Ten minutes later, Diane is stepping up to Snape with the next set of vials containing more potions; ”Here you go, the next batch of your entertainment!” she explains, offering him yet more potions.

”Thank you, Pinkie..” he just mumbles, taken aback; ”but, you are aware; some of these are supposed to take more than the time of a single class, and you perfected it in a minute?” he then points out.

”Thirty minutes, to twenty four hours, the book states..” she responds; ”but as you can see, each Potion is A-Grade or better!” she continues, with threatening implications.

”Wait, you are aware of what ingredients are required for this particular brew?” he inquires, in a sharp drawl; ”Three drops Unicorn Blood!” he explains.

”Yes, Unicorn Blood!” Diane exclaims, in bemusement; ”I know, I know, I know; but I have a vial full to play with!” she merely snickers.

”You have an entire vial of Unicorn Blood?” he exclaims, in a questioning tone.

”Yes, have a look?” she responds, producing the vial.

”What in Merlin’s name did you do, to acquire this insane amount of such a Rare and priceless commodity?” Snape just bellows.

”I just asked a friend, kindly; she produced it for me, willingly and effortlessly!” Diane explains.

”Do you think Unicorns grow on trees?” he inquires.

”No, Silly; they read books, all day!” she just snickers, as if the response had been the most obvious.

”Read books?” he inquires, incredulously.

”But of course, silly Snape!” she points out.

”Oh?” he mumbles.

”She is the biggest Book Horse..” she points out; ”She even puts Hermione to shame by light years!” she then elaborates.

”What does she mean by that, Twilight?” Hermione inquires.

”You know, I used to live in a library for years..” I respond; ”before that, I studied at Celestia’s school for gifted Unicorns..” I continue, without a single thought.

”Gifted Unicorns?” Hermione inquires.

”Yes, exactly..” I respond.

”Then Twilight is your Patronus?” she inquires.

”Yes, she is..” I merely respond.

”And here I sit, studying with a Patronus?” she inquires.

”Twlight is probably on par with your spell casting..” I just tease her.

”She also breathes fire, like a Dragon!” she offers.

”Doesn’t a Patronus have these capabilities?” I inquire.

”Most of us, are happy if we can cast the spell at all..” she explains.

”Most Witches and Wizards have stage props for Wands!” I point out.

”Stage props?” she inquires.

”Useless twigs with little to no real power!” I explain.

”Oh..” she responds.

At that instant, Pinkie snatches the Wand from Ron Weasly; throwing it my way, and I catch it in the air; ”Catch..” she mouths; ”oh, and give her a good demonstration of what you can do?” she continues, with a snicker.

”Poor Ron, his twig is broken!” I observe, as Hermione is watching.

”Yes, it would appear so..” I respond.

”You know a spell, dealing with this?” she inquires.

”Yes..” I merely respond; producing my Wand, casting the required spell.

”Why do you make it look, as if it had been easy; even mending a broken bone is complicated, complex spell work!” she points out.

Of course, the deep purple aura surrounds the Wand for several minutes; while it is disappearing from my grasp, only to appear in the right hand of Ron Weasly.

”Wait, what?” he exclaim.

”You are quite welcome, Ron..” I point out.

”You can be a real Wizard, again..” Pinkie exclaims, where she is preoccupied with yet another Potion, she is brewing.

”We do not live in a Mansion, like the Malfoys’; but at least, I can hold my head high..” Ron prompts; "my conscious clean!” he continues.

”You have the very bestest of bestest Friends, Ron; you can’t measure the worth, in Gallions!” Pinkie points out.

”Oh, yeah; I do have these!” he concedes.

”There can be none richer, than Pinkie!” I point out.

”How is that?” Hermione inquires.

”It is not in the Rock Farm, but in the countless friends she has!” Apple points out.

”Wait, a Rock Farm; you must be joking, right?” Ron inquires.

”No..” Apples points out.

The next time, Pinkie walks up to Snape at the front; I follow her, addressing him; ”Is it okay, if I were to cast a few harmless spells before the class is up?” I inquire.

”If the spell is indeed harmless, and you don’t disturb the class; I guess it would be fine!” he concedes.

Of course, Pinkie is depositing a new set of potions on the desk, before Snape; leaving him with yet more work, to tend to.

”I should not have accepted this, but it is too late to regret it now; but at least, the class is quiet..” he drawls.

”Will I catch her in the act, of performing even a single Potion; lesser than an A grade?” Snape ponders, in bemusement.

”Speaking of an earlier observation; Pinkie distracted him, from this!” I tell Hermione.

”She literally tied him to the desk with all these Potions; but since everyone is quiet, mostly doing their studies..” she responds, with a giggle.

On her way back to her seat and Cauldron, Pinkie walks past Draco; stopping, in order to address the boy; ”Don’t tempt your fate..” she mumbles.

”Sorry, Draco, but I am afraid your grades will be suffering under my presence!” Diane offers, with a snicker.

Guess it is time..” I ponder; ”Time to test out the spells Snape promised me!” I tell Hermione.

”Expectum Patronus!” I pronounce, knowing everyone had heard me this time.

A new Patronus appears before me, in the form of a Roe Deer Fawn, identical to the one known as Twilight. she is leisurely trotting around the classroom, gracing as she goes; snickering, before one student or the other.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, from the hooves of the Deer, as she is trotting over the hard floor.

Snape is looking up; noticing the reddish brown Doe, trotting up to him.

”In Blue blazes?” Snape exclaims.

”What does a Deer Fawn do in my classroom?” he then inquires calming down visibly, as he notices it is perfectly harmless.

”The Deer should be perfectly safe!” Hermione conceded.

”The Patronus is a purely defensive spell, but I guess it could be used in this fashion too?” Snape acknowledges.

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