• Published 7th Aug 2021
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Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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A Rainbow in the Dark: 3

Author's Note:

Mr. Ollivander's POV

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Previous Chapter:
Pinkie Pie buys a Wand


Pure-blood Wand” Lucius Malfoy reads, as he is leading his son Draco along the street.

“In Merlin’s beard, what did they get that preposterous name from?” he mumbles.

“Anything to impress?” Draco suggest.

“Sounds about right..” Lucius sneers in response.

The noises continue to raise in volume, until the door to my shop opens up and the next Witch in a pointy hat enters.

The girl is holding up the door, for a full minute; as if she had been offering the friend to enter. As she continues, walking in over the floor; the ruckus dies down; the cause hiding behind my door, while the girl confidently struts up to my counter with more swag than I had seen from even Lucius himself.

This is a witch, assured of herself!” I realize, even before she had stopped before my counter.

“Oh, sorry; I had to hold up the door to your shop, to avoid my broom to crash it in order to follow me!” Rainbow merely explains, as if it had been natural; as if she had been talking about a pet, not a mere broom.

“Wait, what?” I inquire, not knowing if I should laugh at or with her.

Thinking better of it, in the interest of my business; I hold my tongue, waiting for her to explain.

There is a chime from the door, as the door opens; Professor McGonnagle enters, walking up towards the counter.

“Greetings, McGonnagle!” I exclaim; “How can I help you?” I inquire.

“Greetings, Ollivander!” she responds.

“You are aware of the fact, that you can’t take the broom to Hogwarts?” McGonnagle asks Miss Dash.

“Wait, what?” Dash inquires; “I had to pay for the broom, to prevent it from breaking the front window of the broom shop!” she then adds.

“You mean to say, the broom just followed you out of the store?” McGonnagle inquires.

“Yes, but if you don’t believe me, ask the clerk at the store, or anyone along the street!” she offers; “I am sure none could avoid seeing it!” she points out.

“I guess I should, but you would not boast that much; if you did not know, you can back it up!” she mumbles.

At that, the broom stands up; as if it was putting its paws on the back of Rainbow’s robe.

“Down, Girl..” Rainbow mumbles, and the broom goes down as if to stand on all fours behind her.

“Why do you address your broom as if she had been a pet?” McGonnagle inquires.

“Maybe, because she is?” Dash inquires.

“Are you presenting the broom as your Familiar?” McGonnagle inquires, incredulously.

“Should I?” Dash responds; “Either way, it isn’t loyal to just leave her behind; now, is it?” she then adds.

Is this the incident, Diane was warning me of?” I ponder, in stark realization.

“If you can handle that broom in the air, I have the impression you wanted to be part of the Quidditch team!” McGonnagle points out; “But now, I fear it would be unfair to all the other players..” she continues.

“Quidditch..” Dash responds; “If it is a sport, I should be in..” she continues.

“Madam Hooch will be explaining all about this, at her flight lessons, if and when you arrive at the school!” McGonnagle explains.

“Well, I was intending to buy a wand; since it is a required item, to partake in the classes at Hogwarts!” Dash offers.

“Yes, Miss Dash, I believe it is; you can’t really partake in their classes, unless you do have a wand at hand!” I explain; “I’m proud to say, I have been trusted to provide Witches and Wizards with these for decades!” I then add.

“Since it is on the list of required items, I walked her; in the hopes of buying one!” Dash offers.

“Since it is a bit fickle to choose, I will present you with a selection; so you can pick the right one, for you!” I offer.

“Do you even have anything, other than Wands in this shop?” Dash inquires, musing.

“This is a Wand Shop..” I explain; “but I do have a selection of supplies, just in case I need to whip up a custom made item in a hurry!” I point out.

I had been warned, not to offer a Unicorn-hair core; but I think an Apple-wood wand would be just right for this girl!” I ponder.

I am reaching down, under the counter; extracting three beige boxes, each containing a different wand. Placing each on the top of the counter, opening the first; presenting her, to try it out.

“Now, just give it a flick; a flourish, to see how it feels?” I suggest.

“Okay, here goes!” Dash mumbles, as she is grasping the Wand; ”..feels a bit warm, but very comfortable to hold..” Dash offers, to the point.

“Apple-wood, eleven inches, stiff; Phoenix-feather core!” I offer, as she is performing.

“Phoenix-feather?” she is inquiring, while waving the Wand before her.

The light in the room flickers, as the room starts growing hotter; the front of the Wand sputters and gives of a bright aura.

“Yes, exactly; a very special bird, but I felt it could be right for you!” I respond.

“Oh..” Dash sighs, as she is dropping the Wand on the counter.

“Apparently, not quite the right Wand for you?” I inquire, as I hurriedly snatch the Wand; putting it back into its box, closing it and slipping it back into place.

McGonnagle stands, mouth agape; as she is standing a step behind Dash, during the incident.

“What in Merlin’s beard; if only that had been a Patronus?” she now gasps, as the Wand is safely out of the way.

“A Phoenix Patronus?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she responds; “but this was not a Patronus, and you don’t get one in this manner!” she continues.

“I doubt, even Dumbledore could perform one in this manner!” I offer, with a nervous chuckle.

“Don’t ask him!” she pouts out.

“We have had a few strange, powerful phenomena here today; there is something off, with the Wands today!” I offer.

“How is that?” she puts forth; “Explain!” she demands.

“Just picture a girl, or Witch producing the effect of an industrial grade weld torch?” I point out.

“A welding torch?” she inquire; “In Merlin’s beard; good thing, she did not set it of in a Library!” McGonnagle exclaims.

“Just don’t mention it..” I point out; “we don’t want people to know..” I point out, with utter finality.

“Yes..” she offers, meekly.

“Based on the ruckus from outside, everyone in town would know of the Broom; maybe we should hope, this rumour can shield the incident in my shop?” I propose.

“You were alone, in the shop; during these incidents?” she inquires.

“Aside from the respective girls, only Whinny Weasly was here!” I offer.

“Young miss Weasly?” she inquires; “Then I guess it is under wraps!” she continues.

“Whinny was with a Diane Pie..” I mumble; “Twilight was alone, but the strongest Witch I have ever heard of!” I continue.

“Is there any correlation, between the strength of a Witch and the reaction of the Wand?” McGonnagle inquires, more for form’s sake than anything else.

“While unreliable, but yes; there certainly is..” I offer.

“And that was a regular, off the shelf Wand you offered her” she inquires.

“It was, and let’s just leave it at that!” I mumble.

“I should probably go back to the Leaky Cauldron!” she offers, hasting out of the shop.

She only stop at the door, for a moment as she is pushing it up; before she steps out, and the door quietly closes behind her. With that, she is gone.

“Twilight?” Dash inquires.

“Yes, do you by chance know of her?” I inquire.

“Of course, I know her; she is a good friend of mine!” Dash explains.

“The supplies you mentioned, so you could custom-make a Wand?” she inquires.

“Yes..” I respond.

She is placing the palms of her hands on the edge of the counter; spreading her fingers, as she is leaning forwards. Had I not known better, I would have gasped; but she is growing several inches as her posture changes.

The next moment, she is reaching in under her robe; extracting a set of feathers, one in each colour of the rainbow. Once she placed these on the counter; she is reaching in under her robe, producing a set of tail-hairs matching the feathers.

“Include these, as the core?” she inquires.

“Wait, are these what I think they are?” I inquire, as I look at the colourful feathers and tail-hairs piled on my counter.

“Genuine article, Pegasus feathers and tail-hairs!” she only puts forth.

“After what I have seen today, what do I have to lose?” I offer.

“I hope, you have a good Apple-wood wand, to go with these!” she puts forth.

“For you; I think fifteen inches and flexible should be just right!” I offer.

A bit long; but I can’t maim her primaries, to make it any shorter!” I realize, as I produce the Wand; casting the required spells, finalizing the product.

As I had completed the work, I offer her the new wand; “Here, give it a flick!” I suggest.

She is taking the wand in her right hand, following the suggestion; giving it a beautiful flourish.

“Still warm, comfortable!” she mumbles; but I like it!” she continues.

The next moment, a perfect, beautiful rainbow appears from the tip of her Wand, slowly moving forth.

“Whoa!” I just exclaim, in pure surprise.

Pegasi feathers, and a Rainbow..” I ponder, in stark realization; “Are you by chance a Weather Witch?” I then inquire.

“Going by the local expressions, I guess you could say that!” she responds, snickering melodically.

“In our community, we refer to Females as Witches; and I guess that rainbow is a dead giveaway, particularly paired up with these particular feathers!” I offer, as explanation.

“Well, I am wearing a Witches’ hat; so I guess that tracks!” she continues.

“Since your Wand is ready, and has accepted you; now is the time to finalize the deal, before there is a chance to jinx it!” I point out.

“Oh, okay; I can’t walk out the door with the Wand, before I have paid you for it!” she offers.

“Yes, exactly..” I respond; “Fifteen Gallions..” I respond.

“What would the going prize for a Wand like this be, had I not provided the feathers?” she inquires, as she produces the coins, placing them on the counter.

“Just regular feathers, or tail-hairs alone would fetch more than the double on their own!” I point out.

“I guess feathers are worth alot here?” she inquires; “Are you still using quills, too?” she then continues.

“Witches, such as yourself require a Wand; so I do use a few of these feathers, on a daily basis during the season!” I put forth; "Though I’m not the only one, in town; using feathers, for special effects you know!” I continue.

“Ah, yeah!” she offers.

“Since it is quiet; maybe I dare peak out, so see if the coast is clear?” I suggest; “Maybe I could have a chance, seeing what that poster is looking like now?” I consider, as I follow the girl out towards the door.

Somehow, I had failed to notice; Miss Dash had already reverted, to her regular Human form. She had also made her newly paid for Wand disappear into her robe; even before I had stepped around the counter, following her out.

I open the door, and she is stepping out; the Broom in tow. Only now, I notice there is a third Wand on the poster.

“Unicorn Wand” reads the text under the first; “Pink Wand” reads the text under the second.

I notice the white cloud with a poly chromatic thunder flash, holding up the new apple-Wand; “Pegasus Wand” reads the text, under the Wand I had just sold.

“This is my wand, on the cloud!” she exclaims; “And that is Twilight’s and Diane’s Wands respectively!” she then points out.

“You knew?” I inquire, as response; “Genuine Witch poster!” I mumble to myself; as I see the movements, on the poster she had placed on my window.

“Good bye, Ollivander; and thanks, for the Wand!” she exclaim, as she is continuing down the street.

“Good bye, Dash..” I respond.

Since I had seen the poster, I open the door; stepping right in, walking up to the counter. This had been such an exciting day.

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