• Published 7th Aug 2021
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Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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Project: Twilight of the Broom: 9

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

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Previous Chapter: Astronomy under the Sun

Next Chapter: Twilight: Patronus


To visit the local library at Hogwart’s was obligatory; I had known it all along, even if it may raise a few red flags along the way. That part, just could not be helped.

I need to know Everything, there is to know about brooms; both in the rules and regulations governing the crafting and flying them, as well as the rules of the game involving them. Not to mention, the techniques and the magic involved; in the crafting and enchanting them.

Being Twilight, I do not leave details to chance; if I had done that, I would find myself back in the panic I had gotten only to familiar with, in the past. However, now is not the time to dwell upon the past of mistakes better left behind.

I had asked my friends, to borrow several books a day on the topic of Brooms and Quidditch; not just in order to avoid any limitations on how much I am permitted to borrow or suspicions on the count of the librarian; but some of these books would also be of interest, for them as well.

I had known about Rainbow Dashes leanings, being fanatic and an exceedingly accomplished Pegasus, and flyer.

Just as I had known the leanings of Rainbow Dash, I had known of Rarity’s sense of style and fashion; so I had asked her to pick up a few books on the dress code for the game of Quidditch; aside from a few other books relevant to her, in context. Along with a few other books I had been picking up; for her to borrow, in my name, without the Librarian: Irma Pince realizing it or knowing of it.

Pinkie Pie had eagerly carried piles upon piles of books for me; all from the open department of the library, of course. Though I suspect she may have nipped a few from the restricted section as well; however she managed to sneak in there and pick them in the first place I may never know. Though Pinkie being Pinkie, all things are equal; she is just Pinkie, and thus blatantly ignores such minor impediments.

I had questioned her once, and I had taken the brunt of what was coming; I am not repeating that mistake again, on the penalty of revisiting my day as Rapidash with all the pain that had come with it. I am more likely to question the Lord of Chaos himself: Discord, than questioning Pinkie Pie ever again.

Now I will just hope, she is not caught and returns these books unharmed; aside from that this project actually is teaching me something interesting, aside from preferably helps me craft a stellar Broom too of course. But who knows, that would be legendary; even if it may be a minor side-note, on my part.

I had stacked all the books in what is to be my private library, on the floor under the Astronomy Tower; at the floor I had been preparing for the purpose, of enjoying a good book whenever I was in the mood. Though I guess I could use it with my friends; for more general studies, in the interest of the school work and studies as well.

Placing the invitation on the pillow of each of my friends had been fun; even if I knew I had not needed to put the effort of inviting Pinkie Pie, on the note of her already knowing of the local in question. However, I soon realized some other friends were very happy to find the room. I had placed the inner sanctum under password, to make sure the room was to be quiet. Not even Dumbledore himself knew of the room, and would not be able to enter.

The classes still do take priority, and I do my home work most diligently; before I lend myself and my time to the project, walking through all the books in turn; before I read the relevant sections and take the necessary notes for my project. Just as I make sure, not to let on; so I take part in social events, and go to bed in time.

Maybe I could have a shortcut between our dorm, and this room; but I still have to be seen outside; making sure, none is suspecting what I am doing.

“Password: Animagus!” I explain, to Hermione.

“That, would keep most if not all snooping eyes out of our Book walking room!” she responds.

“Very few Wizards and Witches bother to take the time, investing the effort into learning the spell or gaining the Animagus form..” I am musing.

“Well, but our Transfigurations’ teacher has one!” she responds; “She is a cat, as I recall!” she continues.

“How convenient..” Pinkie interjects; “maybe I could be inviting her, as a representative for the school and all..” she offers; “could save us a few uncomfortable and inconvenient situations?” she then concludes.

“Yes, I believe she is; and I guess that would be true, feel free to invite her too!” I respond.

“This will be so Epic..” Dash exclaims, as she considers what my project is offering her.

“Yes, I believe it will; considering what we could do, for the fashion at the school and the larger community at Hog’s Mead in the process..” Rarity offers, generously.

Maybe we could bring in Rubeus Hagrid on the deal, if he would consider trading some silk with the local Cromantula colony; based on the expanded use of the material, in the near future!” Fluttershy whispers.

“Good idea, considering how he is dealing with them as the grounds keeper of Hog’s Wart!” Rarity agrees.

“Rubeus could make a few Gallions on the deal, ensuring the Spiders a secure food-source; while we can have a beautiful fabric for our robes!” Pinkie offers; “Everyone wins, and none outside is the wiser!” she then concludes.

“This would make the Forbidden forest and its surroundings much safer for everyone, while the Acromantula can roam freely without the need to forage so much?” Rarity offers.

Pinkie Pie had slipped out of the room, walking over to a room a few doors from the Book Walking room I had established for our personal use.


I am stepping out of the room, bouncing over to the door I had intended to become Minerva McGonagall’s office; lifting my wand, casting a spell to recreate the name onto the door, as if it had been her office.

While I am at it, I could as well create a door to a few others; namely: Poppy Pomfrey, Pomona Sprouts, Septima Vector, Sybil Trelaney, Aurora Sinistra, Rubeus Hagrid, Filius Flitwick, Bathsheda Babbling, Rolanda Hooch, and finally a local home of the select House Elves intended to be invited.

I do leave a blank, unmarked door between the Book Walking rooms; but mark one door for each of the intended invitees, respectively.

Once all these doors had been marked, I return to the door I had just marked: Minerva McGonagall; opening the door to her currently unofficial office; starting to reproduce each item in the room, as a duplicate maintaining the illusion of being her office.

I even put up the duplication of the password to her office, but promptly adds a pest-control charm on her door.

Just because she is a Cat, does not mean she will enjoy her office invaded by pests or even Mice and Rats.

I would have to duplicate the decorations for each of their offices, but that will just have to wait; because I need to finish the office for Minerva McGonagall’s office, right now!” I ponder.

“She will be surprised, when she is noticing the invitation I am placing on her desk; when she is noticing it, of course..” I snicker, as I am placing an invitation card on her desk; or if it is the replica of her desk, picking up a quill and write the invitation on the card.

I just flip the card over, before I am adding the final, secret information, for her to know how to enter our Book Walking room.

Password: Animagus” reads the first line.

You will have to turn into your Animagus form, so you can use the cat-door under your desk; just as you will need to be in your Animagus form, in order to enter the inner sanctum of the Book Walking room.” the second line reads.

Ps: You will find the door to the Book Walking room two doors to the right of your office, if you use the cat-door to your mirror office.” the final line reads.

I don’t explain, how the Headmaster can not enter the inner sanctum; only the Headmistress, or his Headmistress can enter. If he has an Animagus form or not, but he has not been granted entrance.

Of course; I had also neglected to explain, how she can not tell anyone of this room or how to enter it.

Once I had finished writing the message, inviting her over to the Book Walking room. After all, she needs to know where the room is and where we are.

She can come on her own time, when she does not have anything more important to do; though it would still be convenient, if she does not delay for too long.


I am opening the door to my office, stepping into the room; walking up to my desk, only to notice a written note on the top of the desk in my office. The first thing I notice, is the bright pink ink the text had been written with. I guess it is hard to ignore, with this vibrant a pink hue to the ink the girl is using.

Pinkie Pie!” I instantly realize.

Who would use this bright, a hue of any colour; other than Pinkie Pie, that is? None, that’s who.

“Wait, did she create a Cat-Door under my desk; for my Animagus Cat to use?” I inquire, of the card; but of course, it does not answer or reply in any way.

I flip the card over, to look at the back of the card; reading:


Password: Animagus

You will have to turn into your Animagus form, so you can use the cat-door under your desk; just as you will need to be in your Animagus form, in order to enter the inner sanctum of the Book Walking room.

Ps: You will find the door to the Book Walking room two doors to the right of your office, if you use the cat-door to your mirror office.


At least, they told me where they are holding up; when they can not be found in their dorm, or around the school in general!” I ponder.

“I guess; that is a clever password, in this case!” I mumble to myself; “maybe I should just see how they are doing, while it is fresh in my mind..” I continue.

Since I do not need to disrobe, in order to step into my Animagus form; I cast the spell, soon slipping into the tabby cat; trotting around my desk, in order to inspect the promised door.

Oh, but there it is..” I ponder; “Meow” I exclaim; “For as long as it is unknown, hidden; this will be a perfect escape rout, if and when I ever were to need one!” I ponder, as I am stepping up to the door under my desk.

I just put the right front paw onto the door, as if I had been opening a regular door; the door quietly open before me; I step through, only to find myself in an identical office. This, is the replica of my office, she had prepared for me.

I step out, from under my desk, before I discontinue the Animagus spell; returning to my regular, human form.

“Curious!” I exclaim.

After a cursory examination of my new mirror office, I am walking over to the door out of my office; opening the door and step out into the hall, following the instruction only to find the door exactly where they had told me.

I open the door and step in; looking around, watching the interior of the room such as they had decorated it.

White Oak-wood on the floor and ceiling and pink Cherry-wood for the walls; classy, but not too unusual outside of Hog Wart’s.

As I had entered the room, I can see three free-standing doors before me; aside from two reading pulpits on the right and left side of the door in into the room respectively.

With the door to the Book Walking room securely closed behind me; I revert back into my Animagus cat-form, noticing the three heavy doors three feet from the back wall.

I stop before the right door, critically examining it as if I had been expecting a trap or something; the door is easily recognizable, and I push the door open, only to step into the inner sanctum. The floor and ceiling are the same as outside, maybe I should have been expecting it; but the walls before me are looking as if they had been the backs of Ancient and very heavy tomes not of this world.

On the right and left, I find a reading pulpit with a cushion comfortable enough to enjoy a very long reading session upon. Turning around, I notice a book case on the right and left of the door into the room; scattered books on the left, all borrowed from our school library here at the Hog Wart’s.

Otherwise, the room appears to be empty.

There is a thud, and a series of squeaking noises; as if something had dropped out from between the cracks of reality, landing onto the wooden floor of the room.

“Surprise..” Pinkie Pie exclaims, just as her hooves hit the floor the first time.

“Yes, very surprised; but how could you guess?” I inquire.

Though her abruptness had broken me out of the spell, casting me right back into my human form. I now stand on the floor, on my feet; looking down at the pink Pony known as Pinkie, where she stands bouncing in place. Obviously excited.

“This..” she points out, gesturing to the room at large; is the Book Walking room!” she exclaims.

“Book Walking?” I inquire.

“Yes, silly..” she exclaims, excitedly; “a spell, or technique; with which to enter a book, any book and gleam its content!” she explains.

“Wait, are you suggesting one could enter a book; the same way, one could enter an extended trunk?” I inquire.

“Well, D’uh!!” she exclaims, as if it had been the most obvious of things possible.

“Since I have never heard of it, or even come across a reference to the effect of it being possible; how can you treat it so casually, being a first year and all?” I inquire.

“Casual??” she inquires; “Oh, yeah; this is my first year, here at Hog Wart’s..” she then acknowledges.

“With Twilight Sparkle, as my friend; Magic just isn’t what it had been hyped up to be, and I do have Magic of my own too, you know!” she promptly points out, as if the neglect of it had been an Insult.

A thud is heard, Twilight Sparkle exits the other book; as if on Cue, she is stepping up to me.

“Greetings, Minerva; I am Twilight Sparkle, but I guess you did know that?” she offers, as a greeting and introduction.

“Greetings, Twilight!” I respond; taken aback, by the abrupt appearance of the second Pony behind me.

“Technically speaking; Book Walking is commonly referred to, as Haycart’s method..” Twilight explains; “but you can pick up a great deal of knowledge and understanding, in just one session into a book!” she explains.

“Depending on how hard it is to learn, we may have to change the classes and their curriculum..” I ponder, as I am watching the purple Pony or Alicorn before me.

“As a matter of fact, I have been teaching my friends here, how to Book Walk; and am currently expanding this class to other students, interested in the opportunity I am extending to them!” Twilight puts forth, as a matter of explanation.

“Oh, and I guess you just met Pinkie..” Twilight mumbles to herself; “Though I guess you have seen her a few times, before?” she then inquires.

“Wait; you are teaching them this spell, permitting them to walk books at their leisure?” I inquire.

“Yes; as a matter of fact, I am..” she responds; “just as I am helping them finding their Animagus form; if the Pony form is indeed, truly an Animagus form?” she then prompts.

“Uhm, you do realize; just how complicated the Animagus spell is?” I inquire, critically.

“Wait, you tell me it is complicated?” she inquires; “I guess I have to compare my spell, with your local Animagus spell?” she inquires, with a new-found giggle creeping into her voice.

“As a matter of form, I have registered as Animagus; even if it may be deemed unnecessary later, it will define me as Human for all intents and purposes; if and when this may come into question, at a later time!” Twilight offers.

“That is clever, foreseeing the issue; before you need to defend your stance as a Human, in case your rights and privileges come into question..” I point out, matter of fact.

“As a registered Animagus, I would be recognized as a Human; a Witch in my case, with all the rights and privileges that comes with it, including the right to study and later teach my magic here at Hog Wart’s and carry a Wand!” she proposes.

“Yes, exactly; the registering should protect all these rights, and more..” I respond; “Regardless of if it is a true Animagus; but it is considered very rare amongst Wizards and Witches, this would in effect enhance your standings considerably; in the Wizarding community both here in Britain and the community, at large!” I point out.

“On that note; I can trace my ancestry back to the Paradise Valley, at least six millenia back..” she offers; “and there are no Muggles, Muggleborn or even a Squib to be found either in my line or our fair country of origin!” she now adds.

“Yes, I guess it is; but in a sense, I am on a mission to learn everything there is to know of Humans and Magicals of earth on a friendship side-note!” I explain.

“Squeak” is heard, as Pinkie is jumping up into the air as a Pony; and lands in the form of a cheetah, only hanging midair for a brief moment.

“Oh, but this is fun..” she exclaims; Fun, Fun, fun..” she continues.

“Is this an illusion, am I seeing things; or, is she the real deal?” Minerva inquires.

“I am Pinkie Pie, but you should be knowing that, by now!” she points out, crossly on the count of being questioned.

“She is Pinkie Pie, the real deal!” I point out; “but, if I were to question her; I would be transformed into a Rapidash, looking like this!” I point out, conjuring an illusion of the event so many moons ago.

“Did you by chance have the time to register these secondary Animagus forms, or are these too resent to be concerned with?” she inquires.

“I could be holding class for the students, eager to learn how to acquire the Animagus form of your flavour as well; if that would be appropriate, but then we would have to book time at the Ministry of Magic to register all at once!” I push forth with a sly grin.

“Then I could book the reporters representing every Parchment publisher there is, not just the local Daily Prophet!” Pinkie points out, matter-of-factly, in a dead serious tone of voice that came out a bit too gravely.

“Wait, all of them?” Minerva exclaims with an “Eeeep”

“Yes, all of them!” Pinkie replies; ”Including the Dribbler and all the foreign once as well, naturally!” she then continues.

“Let us just hope, your Headmaster: Dumbledore does not get kittens in the process!” I offer, sympathetically.

“The Quibbler, you mean?” Minerva inquires.

“I can as well through in Madam Pink’s: Through the Looking-glass” Pinkie splashes out.

“You don’t mean to say..?” Minerva inquires.

“Yes, I am afraid so!” I just respond, stifling a giggle.

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