• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Loyalty's Vision - SapphireRose87

Loyalty and the other Elements of Harmony saw two visions in regards to a machine called AI. There was a good vision and a bad vision. I don't know about you but I don't want the bad vision to come true.

  • ...

17) Atias Ingie


I guess AI wanted to keep up with giving me one surprise after another lately. First, I get promoted from Firewall to Royal Advisor, then I find out most of my fights with the Agents of the Sixth have been broadcasted to other workers that work at AI's castle. Now I have a weapon that's similar to the stunner needles that Jude uses to stun someone so he can bring them to the execution chamber.

Oh yeah I forgot the best part of the surprises. I have a ugly old hag by the name of First Mother who has a thing for me. I'm not interested in her at all, I mean she looks like she's old enough to be my grandmother. Yuck! It almost makes me sick to my stomach to even look at her because she's so ugly. I seriously hope she doesn't ask me out on a date or anything like that because I don't think I'll be able to keep myself from throwing up if she does.

It makes me wonder if AI decided to change its reality or something like that? Well at least that's what it's done for me lately and I have no idea why.

Once again, I got another surprise from Jude this time. He took me to an underground room below the dungeons in AI's castle. Jude told me to dress the outfit AI gave me for when I have to fight the Agents of the Sixth again. But I'm not sure why AI gave me an outfit for that either now that I'm a Royal Advisor and all.

"What's this about Jude?" I asked.

Jude smiled. "This is to help you train with those stunner needles that AI gave you for your weapons. I have the same weapon. I figured it was best for me to train you for it."

"Are you going to broadcast this training session by chance?" I asked.

Jude nodded. "For some reason, AI likes to do that when it comes down to you. Maybe it's because you're just as determined as Rainbow Dash to do your job at all costs?"

I smiled and looked away. "Oh."

Jude put me through the basics along with hand to hand combat during a fight. But during this training session, we threw our needles at each other and at various targets that would pop up around the room.

Even though I had to stop to catch my breath, I was feeling excited about this new form of training with my new weapon I got. It reminded me of when I got an upgrade from Poser Agent for AI to being a Beta Firewall and then upgraded to Firewall. I loved it when I trained for those positions and I loved training with my new weapon.

Jude chuckled, "I know you want to keep going but you need to pace yourself."

I tilted my head. "Why?"

Jude burst into a fit of laughter which confused me because I didn't see how my excitement with this new training was funny. Jude stopped laughing and said, "Because you're not a Firewall anymore, duh!"

"So I can't fight 24/7 like I used to?" I asked.

"I wonder if your attitude towards fighting is why AI chose you to be Royal Advisor?" Jude said. "You don't know when to quit, do you?"

"Ah…" I said.

Jude nodded. "Okay let's do one more round and we'll call it quits for the day."

I felt like I could keep going on with my training and I really wanted to. But Jude called it quits for the day after we did another round of training.

* * *

I really thought I was dreaming because I was standing in the strangest place I had ever seen. Everywhere I looked there was a bright blue light as far as the eye could see.

"Hello?" I called out. I jumped when I heard my voice echo.

"Well hello there Eli!" I heard someone say. He turned around to see a young man that looked like he could be my age. He had blonde hair and gray eyes. He was dressed in black from head to toe. His outfit almost reminded me of the outfit Jude wore, but he didn't have a cape. He just looked like a regular guy.

"Uh, hi?" I said. "Who are you?"

"My name is Atias Ingie," the guy said, "and I'm the one that created the machine everyone calls AI. AI actually stands for my initials."

"I thought it stood for Artificial Intelligence?" I said.

Atias grinned. "That's what I want everyone to think. Since I picked you to be Lord Jude's Royal Advisor, and now you communicate with me through the main computer. I figured it was time for me to meet you finally."

"Okay," I paused. "Again, hi?"

Atias snorted. "You've already said hi Eli. There's no need to do it again. I picked you to be Royal Advisor because you are the best Firewall I've ever helped Lord Jude make. Don't worry, I only broadcast your fights and not your personal life."

"Gee, thanks," I said. At this point, I was starting to get annoyed because it felt like this conversation was going nowhere. "Exactly where am I?"

"You're in a place located in what you call AI. It's likened to a battery for AI that I built around it. It's also how I give you food for the Feeding Ritual to help AI run properly." Atias responded.

"Is that why the Feeding Ritual is so painful?" I asked.

Atias sighed, "Unfortunately yes, I've tried to tone down the pain for the Feeding Rituals but AI refuses to work with me. It's being a spoiled brat right now and I don't know how to fix it."

"Oh," I said. "It's more intense for Lord Jude because he has to do his Feeding Ritual for fifteen hours. What's up with that?"

"Unfortunately, that's a side effect of the spoiled brat that wanted a king. It picked Rainbow Dash to be Lord Jude's mother because she has the most magic out of all of the Element of Harmony's Bearers with her legendary Sonic Rainbooms. She used to be able to do it in her sleep. Before AI sent Lord Jude to her, her magic was wreaking havoc on AI's USB ports short circuiting them on a daily basis. AI sent Lord Jude to her hoping to help control her magic," Atias explained. "Since Oliver and friends broke her out and got her Element of Harmony out, AI must be grieving the loss of its favorite toy." Then he added with sarcasm, "Oh the poor thing!"

I couldn't help but laugh at Atias mock sympathy for AI.

Atias smirked. "Yes, yes, very funny I know. Well it's been fun talking to you but it's time for you to wake up and start your day. I'll be talking to you through AI's main computer and please don't tell Lord Jude about me."

"Don't worry I won't, besides I doubt he would believe me anyway," I said.

* * *

As soon as I reported to work and did what I always did for the past few weeks as part of my job of being Royal Advisor. I sat down at the main computer plugging in different programs at its request. As I worked, suddenly, a notice popped up on my tablet I had sitting by the computer. This usually happened if AI had something important that it wanted to tell me. When I saw the notice my jaw dropped.

The notice was:

Royal Advisor Eli will be sent three servants to help with caring for him with the Feeding Rituals and various other needs. The three servants that will be sent are as follows:

Servant Milo

Servant Lucy

Servant Alice

After I got the message, I didn't know what to think. Once I got over my shock I thought, My life is getting weirder and weirder and probably going into insanity next.

Then I heard Atias thoughts inside my head, Oh no Eli, there's no insanity here. You see, part of being a Royal Advisor is you get servants just like Lord Jude and Lady Ivy do. Did you know, Lady Ivy was Servant Ivy before she became Lord Jude's wife?

What's your point Atias? I thought.

Since you're the Lord and Lady's right hand man so to speak. You get perks like having servants under you. Yes they will have to do the Feeding Ritual too. Theirs will last as long as yours does and they'll be out of commission after it too. Atias thought.

Oh boy, lovely. I thought.

Uh, Eli? Atias thought.

What? I thought.

First Mother or Grandma as you call her is looking over your shoulder and being nosy as ever. Atias thought. You might want to get her to give you some personal space.

I turned to see that First Mother was indeed looking over my shoulder and being nosy and annoying as usual. "I thought we talked about this First Mother, personal space please. For the last time, I'm not interested."

"I was seeing how your tablet works," said First Mother with an innocent tone to her voice, "mine doesn't give me notices from AI like yours does."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure you were."

"First Mother, what do you think you're doing with my Master?" Servant Milo said.

"Don't be snide with me boy," First Mother snapped. "I'm one of the Mothers of the Mainframe and aren't you supposed to be bowing to me?"

"No, he doesn't have to," said Second Mother, "you know for a fact that servants only have to bow to their masters just like mine and yours do. If they want to bow to someone else that has a position of authority that's their choice. It's not a punishable offense either! Honestly, First Mother, you've been throwing your weight around for too long and me and Third Mother are getting tired of it!"

After Second Mother finished scolding First Mother, Servant Milo and I burst into a fit of laughter.

I stopped laughing, "Thankyou Second Mother for another entertaining lecture on First Mother."

"Why is it my pleasure Royal Advisor Eli!" Second Mother said, she then bowed as if she were mocking First Mother.

When everyone in the same area saw this they started laughing. Servant Milo on the other hand, he never stopped laughing. At this point he was laughing so hard he got hiccups because of it.

I don't blame him, it was pretty funny to see Second Mother put First Mother in her place. So I went back to laughing again. First Mother's face turned red in embarrassment and she turned around and walked away. Once First Mother walked away, that was when the laughter stopped and everyone went back to work.

I turned to Servant Milo and raised an eyebrow. "So I'm your master now, Servant Milo?"

Servant Milo nodded. "Well yeah, unless I read AI's notice wrong."

"No you didn't get the message wrong," I said. "I'm still getting used to not being a Firewall anymore."

"That's understandable Royal Advisor Eli," Servant Milo said.

For a while, Servant Milo and I just stood there smiling at each other. Then I said, "Well I guess I should get back to work."

Servant Milo nodded and I turned my attention back to the main computer.

* * *

I saw the way you and Servant Milo looked at each other the other day. Atias thought.

I had just gotten a notice that Agent Rainbow Dash was inside of AI and I would have to go follow her around again. I actually hoped that she and Sia would do another improv food fight with Gary again. It seemed that Atias had other things on his mind or more like on my mind since Atias was communicating with me by thought.

It was late at night at the castle and I was trying to sleep when Atias woke me up.

Atias? I thought Why are you interrupting my sleep?

What I find funny is why haven't you asked me why I'm talking to you like this? Atias thought.

Okay. Why are you talking to me like this? I thought.

You were in my world and I was able to use my magic to connect with you. Atias thought. The Machine communicates with you by computer. It doesn't have this type of power. It won't be able to detect it either.

Okay what's your point about me and Servant Milo? I thought.

If I didn't know any better, thought Atias, I'd say you two have feelings for each other. So it stands to reason that you two will have sex together sometime in the near future. I think you would like that Eli. With you it's nothing but work, work, work. You're just as bad as Lord Jude before he met Lady Ivy.

Okay first of all, I don't know what sex is and I'm not sure that I want to find out. I thought. Second, I'm too busy with my job to do it.

Atias laughed, You know you can make time or it like Lord Jude does now. You never know, I might just command Servant Milo to do it to you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he is your servant after all. That's what Lady Ivy told Lord Jude before they got together. As you can see, he definitely took her up on her offer.

Don't even think about it Atias, I don't have time for- I thought.

Oh you'll make time for it sooner or later. You'll make time for a relationship too. Atias thought.

Yeah, I thought. I'm not talking about this anymore. I'm going back to sleep.

Okay fine. Atias thought.

After Atias stopped talking I went back to sleep.

* * *

{Rainbow Dash}

I was back on my original assignment and after my lunch break, Gilda and I decided to have another food fight and Discord was having the time of his life with it. Gilda decided to throw different foods this time so it became a free for all. Once again, Eli decided he wanted to be on the same team with Discord and I. Much to my surprise, Spitfire decided to join in on the fun, she was on Gilda's team.

After the food fight was over, Discord looked extremely happy about it. "Man, this is so much fun! I'm glad I set aside a budget for the food! Maybe we should schedule the food fights? I think that's a wonderful idea! Don't you think so Rainbow... Dash?"

I gasped and looked at Discord in horror when he said my name. Discord paused and looked puzzled when he called me Rainbow Dash. "Now that's interesting, I know your name's not Rainbow Dash, right Nancy?"

I gave a nervous laugh and lied, "Nope, no Rainbow Dash here. You're correct, my name is Nancy."

Discord looked at me. "You know something? I think it's your rainbow colored hair, it matches the hair of that character on that Tv show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I started watching it because I started seeing the names of the different characters on it around the store. Even the cardboard has the names on it."

Discord looked like he was pondering what just happened. I guess he decided to drop the issue because he shrugged. "Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter, I'll figure out if it means anything later."

I looked at Discord stunned as he left the room as if nothing had happened.

"Am I crazy or did Gary just call you Rainbow Dash, Nancy?" Spitfire asked.

"If you're crazy then all of us need to check ourselves into a mental asylum," I said. "Yup, you are correct. Gary just called me Rainbow Dash."

"You think he's already remembering stuff back in Equestria?" Gilda asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know, if he keeps this up, he might not need help breaking out of AI."

"Well it looks like the trigger responses are working perfectly," Gilda said. "If that's all we have to do to break him out, then he'll be out faster than you can say Rainbow Dash!"

I rolled my eyes. "Ha, ha Sia!"

"Huh? Oh," Gilda said. She must've realized what she said was a pun because she started laughing.

Spitfire looked at me and frowned when she saw my agitation with Gilda.

"It's a good thing you're not in griffon form Sia," I snapped, "or I'd be pulling out a feather right now."

This comment made Gilda stop laughing and she gave me a look of horror. "Okay I'm done laughing. Let's get this place cleaned up so we can go back to work."

So we spent the next half hour cleaning up the break room and went back to work.

* * *


I really didn't want to admit it but Atias might be right about me liking Servant Milo. The question was now if I should tell him about it or not. I started debating about it all week right after that food fight Gary and Gary called Agent Rainbow Dash by her real name and not her codename. From what information I found out, Agent Rainbow Dash's codename is Nancy. I also found out that Gary is also a character named Discord that needed to be broken out of AI. Agent Rainbow Dash seems to think Discord should stay inside AI and I'm going to assume it's because she doesn't like him and I have no idea why.

Once I got back from following Agent Rainbow Dash around it was the night before my scheduled Feeding Ritual and I decided that I should at least try to talk to Servant Milo about how I felt.

As usual Servant Milo was sitting by my bedside with his back towards me. He did this to keep First Mother from breaking into my room and watching me sleep at night. He also did this to keep me from sleep walking to my doom.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly to try and shake off my nervousness. "Um, Servant Milo?"

Servant Milo turned around to face me. "Yes, Royal Advisor Eli?"

"I um… Well." I said. At this point, I had no idea how to even begin to tell him about how I felt about him.

Servant Milo chuckled, "I know what that look is about Royal Advisor Eli. I've had it happen to me too many times to count. I've been thinking about it myself lately. This would be the first time I would be telling someone how I felt and not the other way around."

I paused. "Huh?"

Servant Milo leaned toward me and kissed me. Then he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

I smiled. "So I take it this means you feel the same way about me that I feel about you?"

Servant Milo nodded. "Of course, if I didn't feel that way I wouldn't have kissed you."

"Oh." I said. Knowing that Servant Milo felt the same way about me that I did for him comforted me.

"So what do you want to do now?" Servant Milo asked.

"Well, could you… Let me hold you at least?" I answered.

Servant Milo nodded. "Sure I can do that."

I laid back down and Servant Milo got into bed with me. I smiled as I held him in my arms. This comforted me even more because I didn't feel dread as much. Mostly because my next Feeding Ritual was tomorrow.