• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Loyalty's Vision - SapphireRose87

Loyalty and the other Elements of Harmony saw two visions in regards to a machine called AI. There was a good vision and a bad vision. I don't know about you but I don't want the bad vision to come true.

  • ...

25) Princess Rainbow Dash

{Rainbow Dash}

A month later I was cleared to be released from the hospital. Princess Celestia already had our rooms set up. Me, Oliver and Color Rain were set up in one room.

One day Princess Celestia asked me to follow her down the hallway for something very important she wanted to tell me.

"What's this all about Princess?" I asked.

"Well this is all about the new additions to the royal family's coronation's that will happen in a week's time," Princess Celestia said.

"O...Kay," I said, "so do you want me to help make the arrangements for it or something?"

Princess Celestia smiled. "It's more like or something. I just wanted to show you the new crowns for everyone, their new outfits for their royal attire, and I wanted to show you your new outfit especially."

I hope this doesn't mean what I think she means.

"As you know, my sister and I are going back into retirement soon. Equestrian law states that a ruler of Equestria can only be a Princess preferably an Alicorn." Princess Celestia said. "And since you are a new Alicorn, we have chosen you to be the next ruler."

I groaned, "You're joking right? Please tell me you're joking?"

Princess Celestia giggled, "I'm not joking. In the following month after everyone's coronation happens, you will have another coronation ceremony to attend."

"But I haven't finished learning magic and stuff like that with my horn yet!" I gasped.

"Well you don't have to finish learning that stuff to be a ruler," Princess Celestia said. "You will still be trained for it though. A ruler for the most part has to rule with common sense and a cool head. I think you've got this."

I groaned, "I just had to become the Alicorn."

Princess Celestia snorted. "I know but you don't have to take care of the day and night on your own. You can give the responsibilities to other members of the royal family. That will make it easier for you to deal with the chaos that comes with being a ruler. It just so happens that my special talent is to raise the sun and my sister's special talent is to raise the moon. But we're not the only ponies that can do that. Although a lot of other ponies would beg to differ from that idea."

I followed Princess Celestia down the hallway and stopped short when I found myself standing in front of the magic vault where the elements of harmony were kept before everyone got sucked into the machine. Princess Celestia lit up her horn and shot a beam of magic at the door in all different directions.

"Don't worry Princess Rainbow," said Princess Celestia, "I'll be giving you the passcode for the magic vault when my sister and I step down and hand the throne over to you."

I just had to become the Alicorn.

I counted the crowns, there was an adult size gold crown and the rest of the crowns were all silver. I tilted my head. "Where's my crown? I hope this means I don't have to wear one."

Princess Celestia laughed so hard that she was snorting in between her laughter, she composed herself, "Oh no Princess, you have to wear one alright. Your crown is over there."

I stared in shock and awe at a huge glass case that had a huge gold crown fashioned to look like Princess Celestia's. Along the outfit came gold shoes, the outfit was pretty much like Princess Celestia's. I laughed and pointed at it, "Ha! Now that's the definition of the word awesome!"

Princess Celestia chuckled, "You're in denial of your accomplishments right up to the very end huh Princess?"

"Well I'm not invincible for crying out loud!" I answered, "Alicorns can be killed, right?"

Princess Celestia frowned and hung her head. "Yes they can be. A good example would be Princess Twilight."

"Oh, sorry," I said, I shook my head. "I don't have a death wish or anything like that. I just want someone to beat me at something for a change."

"I see," said Princess Celestia, "so that's where the denial comes from?"

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"Oh that's right," said Princess Celestia, "Prince Oliver did say that you sulked when you won a race against Spitfire!"

"Yeah if anyone could beat me at something, it should've been Spitfire," I growled.

"But did Luna tell you that we along with Spitfire look up to you?" Princess Celestia asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah it's because I excel at things. I have no idea why I do that."

Princess Celestia smiled. "It's within your nature to do that Princess. I mean you did the sonic rainboom for the first time when you were a filly. From what I know of, that's exactly how you got your cutie mark! Or did I get that information wrong?"

I confirmed it, "Yeah that's exactly why I got my cutie mark."

"Speaking of sonic rainboom, I also heard that before you got kidnapped by the machine you were able to do sonic rainbooms in your sleep," said Princess Celestia. "And yes Prince Oliver's element of harmony, the element of Kindness, will be in his crown. It's a little bit bigger than the others because he's married to you. See?"

Princess Celestia pointed to Oliver's crown and sure enough, the element of Kindness was on it in the feather shape that it chose to change into.

"And your element of Loyalty and the element of Magic is also on your crown inside your royal attire." Princess Celestia said,

I chuckled, "I wonder how much those two are going to get on each other's nerves now that they're both in the same royal attire?"

"I know exactly what you're talking about," said Princess Celestia, "those two did fight a lot when they were connected to me and my sister."

"By the way, what's going to happen to the Sixth now that the machine is gone?" I asked.

Princess Celestia shrugged. "I don't know that depends on what the Founders want to do."

"I just thought of something," I said.

"What is it?' Princess Celestia asked.

"Well Loyalty said something about being changed back to their original selves when the machine kidnapped the elements of harmony bearers. There's a tree of harmony now with the elements descendants in it. Are the original elements of harmony needed now that the machine is shut down?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, we're still needed Rainbow Dash," Loyalty said. "Remember when you used my power to stop Queen Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Even though we have descendants in the new tree of harmony," said Magic, "double the power from us equals double the chances to save Equestria. Because of you I get to be on a crown again!"

Loyalty groaned, "I swear Magic, if you get on your high stone again…"

I found the fact that two elements of harmony arguing with each other funny. I started laughing when I heard Color Rain think, Hi mom! I'm coming your way, dad, big brother Jude and big sissy Ivy are playing with me today. I won't bother you for too long because I know you've been busy lately. I would stop and take a nap but this is way too much fun! Baby Leo doesn't know what he's missing out on always sleeping.

"Color Rain, you get back here!" I heard Oliver shouting.

Princess Celestia laughed, "Let me guess, another game of teleportation hide and go seek?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yup! Color Rain should be popping up for a visit anytime now."

Right on cue Color Rain teleported into the magic vault. Princess Celestia was on her back rolling on the ground in laughter when we saw her.

Hi mom! Color Rain thought. Bye mom! Gotta go and don't tell them I popped up here please.

I snorted. Sure Color Rain, have fun!

After Color Rain teleported away, I heard Jude growl, "You just had to encourage her didn't you?"

Seriously Rainbow, thought Oliver, can't you have any normal babies for a change?

I don't know Oliver, I thought, I might give birth to an owl next time just to make things interesting.

Jude paused. "Uh, an owl?"

It's what I came out of the machine as. Oliver replied.

"Oh." Jude said.

At least you didn't come out of the machine as a poodle. I thought. Or you would've been the pervert and food crazed nut.

Yeah I doubt that. Oliver thought.

"From the sound of it, Color Rain's headed toward the library," Jude said. "Why did I have to get acute hearing times ten and one would think that the ability to see through walls would be fun but no it's not!"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe and I didn't stop laughing for a while.

"Actually I feel sorry for Prince Jude though." Princess Celestia said. "I'll have to go and make sure his crown will help him control his magic."

I nodded, "I know it's bad for him right now. I think he'll get used to it like everyone else will."

"Let's hope so." Princess Celestia said.

I nodded and started laughing again as I heard Oliver, Jude and Ivy shouting after Color Rain as she played teleportation hide and go seek with them.

* * *

The following week the coronation ceremonies took place. The first ones that took place were for Oliver and Color Rain, then Jude, Ivy and baby Leo's coronation ceremonies took place, the next one was for Eli, then Milo's and the last one was for me.

After my coronation, Rarity pulled me into her boutique so she could measure me for my ruler of Equestria coronation ceremony outfit. I stood on the measuring platform bored out of my mind as Rarity made the necessary adjustments to my outfit, "I'm sooo bored, I need to fly or at least hover!"

Rarity laughed, "You know you did the same when I made you that outfit for the Grand Galloping Gala. I remember what you said about it. You said it needs to be 20% cooler."

"According to Gilda," I said, "it became my catch phrase."

And cue the laughter…

Rarity was on her back in hard laughter. Jude cleared his throat, "Um, Rarity? Isn't there something you need to say to mom that you Pinkie Promised to do?"

Rarity went from laughing to serious mode, "Oh yeah, Prince Jude is right, there is something I need to tell you Princess."

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Based on the look on Rarity's face I knew she was going to go into drama mode any time now.

"I'm sorry!" Rarity cried. "All these years I should've apologized to you and I didn't because I thought you were wrong! I was wrong, I humiliated you along with everyone else!"

I tilted my head. "Come again?"

I wasn't sure if Rarity's tears were real if she was just putting on a show because of being overly dramatic.

"It was that engagement party! You had the right to say no and you did." By this point Rarity was really turning on the waterworks. "But Pinkie Pie was the element of Laughter and I thought it would at least bring you two happiness and joy if you said yes. We should've been more understanding when you said no. It's time I get over my ego and apologize. I made a Pinkie Promise in front of everyone at the waiting room when you were giving birth to Color Rain. I understand if you don't want to accept it."

I rolled my eyes and I had half a mind to ditch the stupid dress, walk out the door slamming it in Rarity's face. What really pissed me off was she waited until after the machine was shut down to apologize to me. I also felt that it was a shame that she wasn't a griffon because I would have no problem pulling out every single one of her feathers and make her eat them. I thought about maybe breaking her horn but that would be cruel and it would be considered a crime so I didn't do it.

Jude chuckled, "Yeah I totally understand your feelings mom. I'm not so sure that I'd take her apology either at the moment. She should've apologized right after she realized she was wrong."

Rarity turned up the waterworks and at this point it just looked like she was putting on a show. "I know, Prince Jude is right."

At this point I thought she was going to take out her stupid fainting couch and sure enough she did. I did a facehoof and groaned. Jude on the other hand, got a real kick out of it and burst into laughter, "So that's the famous fainting couch stunt?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yup and I feel sorry for Generosity and Honesty for being her connections."

Then I joined in on Jude's laughter.

When Rarity put away her fainting couch, her face turned red in embarrassment. "I know I can be overly dramatic sometimes. But I really am sorry Princess."

At least with me and Jude laughing at her made me cool down on my anger for a bit. I shook my head. "Nope, I'm not accepting your apology and you want to know why?"

Rarity nodded. "I think I know why. Just as Prince Jude said, I should've apologized right when I realized I was wrong. I should've done it before the machine got shut down and not after."

I agreed, "Yup! That's exactly why and with all the drama I just witnessed from you, I'm not sure if your apology was sincere. Especially once you stopped your waterworks at the drop of a hat. Oh crap!"

Even though it didn't hit me until now that I was back in Equestria, I remember that ponies love to sing and dance at the drop of a hat.

Jude raised an eyebrow. "Song and dance?"

"Yup," I said, "and at the drop of a hat too."

"I forgot about that," said Rarity. "Remember the song we did when I went to Manehatten for my fashion show?"

Rarity took a deep breath and looked like she was about ready to belt the song out when I put up a hoof to silence her. "Please don't sing, not in front of me, in the name of Celestia, no singing!" I begged.

Rarity snorted. "Okay fine, I won't sing, but you're going to have to walk down the aisle to your coronation ceremony to the song Behold. You'll at least have to hear that song."

"I'm not wearing a dress for all the time I'm ruling either." I said.

"Well that's okay darling," said Rarity, "you were always more of a tomboy just like my ex-girlfriend was. I don't know why she won't go out with me again, but that's her choice and I'm not going to make a big deal out of it."

"Didn't you like stallions before?" I asked.

"Oh yes darling, I dated both sides of the coin and I still do," Rarity replied. "It depends on who I end up liking."

"You mean like when you had feelings for Trenderhoof?" I said.

"Yeah but then I met Spitfire a couple of years after that." Rarity said.

Jude groaned, "Oh great."

I was puzzled by this. "What?"

"Three, two, one…" Jude said.

I heard Color Rain's squeals of delight as she popped up at the boutique. Oliver's portal opened up shortly after that.

Hi mom! Color Rain thought. I gotta make this game more difficult! People seem to keep finding way too easy!

"Oh no you don't!" Oliver said. He summoned a rope and proceeded to tie Color Rain up with it.

That's not fair! Color Rain thought.

"Don't you want to take a break and take a nap?" Oliver asked.

Nope, this is so much fun. Can we keep playing? Please? Color Rain thought.

"I'm sorry Color Rain but no. At the rate you're playing I'm going to be the one who needs a nap," Oliver said. "A little help here Rainbow?"

"Okay fine," I said.

Mom, I want to keep playing! Color Rain thought. I'll play with someone else then, honestly I will!

Sorry Color Rain, I thought, but I'm with Oliver, how long have you been playing?

All morning. Color Rain thought.

I agree you need to take a nap. I thought.

But mom- Color Rain thought.

No buts Color Rain, I thought. It's nap time.

I lit up my horn and a small beam of magic went into Color Rain's horn. After a minute or two Color Rain finally settled down and went to sleep. Oliver let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks dear, hopefully she'll be out for at least a couple of hours."

"Too bad she doesn't go to sleep after she's had her bottle like Jude did when he was a baby," I said.

Oliver chuckled, "Yeah and it's a shame you don't give birth to normal babies for a change."

"Yeah and I don't think that's possible for me." I said. "I have no idea what I'll give birth to next, another human, another Alicorn or maybe an owl?"

"Very funny Rainbow," Oliver growled.

I laughed, "Hey I can't control what I give birth to."

"Yeah," said Oliver, "I'll see you later."

Oliver summoned a portal and left with Color Rain in his arms and she was asleep.

After Oliver left, Jude let out a sigh of relief, "At least she doesn't want to play with me today yet. Too bad she won't sleep forever."

I laughed at that because I don't think I'm going to give birth to a normal baby anytime soon.

* * *

Before my installation ceremony as the new ruler of Equestria. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia asked me who I thought would be willing to take care of the night and who would be willing to take care of the day. Eli readily agreed to take care of the night and Milo agreed to take care of the day.

I still feel sorry for Oliver because he spends most of the morning chasing after Color Rain and her daily games of teleportation hide and go seek. Although hearing her squeals of delight never gets old. I asked Flurry Heart to help babysit to give Oliver a break. I even taught Flurry Heart to the sleeping spell to calm Color Rain down so she'll take a nap.

Color Rain seems to favor playing with Jude, Eli and Milo but most of the time Milo's not interested in playing with her. But Color Rain does seem to know when not to bother people because they're not available.

The day before my ceremony I was practicing my sonic rainboom for the finale of it. That was my favorite part now that I can do them without any problems. The hard part of practicing for the ceremony is the landing, mostly because I do a crash landing because Eli gets in the way.

This time doing the sonic rainboom was no different. I had just done the sonic rainboom when Eli decided to stand in the way as a practical joke. I crashed into the ground and left a big crater where I landed.

Eli went into a fit of laughter, "Good one Rainbow Crash!"

"That's not funny Eli!" I growled.

Eli was laughing so hard that he was on his stomach rolling on the ground in laughter. Then Gilda's laughter added on to it. She laughed even harder when we heard Oliver shouting after Color Rain during her daily game of teleportation hide and go seek.

I flicked my tail in annoyance. "I'm so happy I could be the entertainment for today. Too bad I can't punish you for that. I would love to put you two in this hole and use my rebuild spell to bury you two in it. But people would notice if Eli was missing because he takes care of the moon."

Gilda did a fist bump with Eli. "Once again Eli, pure comedy gold."

I groaned, "Thanks a lot Eli! Now I have to do that again because you were standing in the way! Next time you do that, I might land on you instead of the ground. And I might actually add a fart in next time. I did have onion rings for lunch so yeah, the gas actually might not be so pleasant."

Right on cue my stomach gurgled I thought, Oh boy, I think I'm going to fart! Not good.

I couldn't hold it in and I actually farted. I cracked up because when I farted, Gilda and Eli were gagging, holding their noses and their eyes were watering because of the stench.

I laughed, "How's that for farting the rainbow Eli?"

"Seriously Rainbow?" Eli said, still holding his nose.

"Yup," I said, "that's some good old fashioned payback! I'm trying to land on the stage gracefully and not put everyone in danger because I crashed!"

"Sorry Rainbow, it's too much fun messing with you," Eli said.

I grit my teeth. "I have one more day to make this perfect you idiot. Maybe you should be the element of stupidity instead!"

"I think you're doing a wonderful job Princess Rainbow," Princess Celestia said. When we saw her we bowed to her. "No need to bow to me Princess Rainbow. But I think Princess Rainbow's right, Prince Eli. I hope you're not planning on doing that during the ceremony?"

Eli shook his head. "Oh no Princess. I'm not that stupid. I know Rainbow Dash has got this. It's just too much fun messing with her at the moment."

"At least you can't dump a bucket of water on my head anymore," I said.

Eli laughed, "That's because the guards won't let me into your room. Besides, it would disturb Oliver and wake up Color Rain. When Color Rain wakes up she'll want to play teleportation hide and go seek with me. I'm glad she's playing with Oliver at the moment."

I snorted when Color Rain teleported right in front of us. It was almost like she heard what Eli just said.

Come on Uncle Eli, come play with me. Color Rain thought.

Do I have to? Eli thought.

Color Rain gave Eli the puppy dog eye look and thought, Please?

Eli smiled and thought, Fine , I'll play.

I snorted. "Looks like Color Rain's got you wrapped around her hoof huh Eli?"

"What?" Eli said. "She's too cute to say no to and you know it!"

"Uh-huh," I said, "I think she knows that."

Then Eli ran off after Color Rain.

Well Princess Rainbow." Princess Celestia said. "Now that Prince Eli isn't here to make you crash, you want to practice that graceful landing with me?"

"Sure Princess," I said, "here let me repair this hole in the ground first."

I used my rebuild spell and fixed the hole in the ground. Princess Celestia nodded. "Now we'll pretend this is the stage. Once you do your sonic rainboom, you'll fly around with me and we'll land gracefully. Think of this as your final exam having a commanding presence shows that you're in charge. Okay?"

I gulped and nodded. "Yes Princess."

"Don't worry Princess you'll do fine," Princess Celestia said. "I know you will."

I took off like a rocket and did my sonic rainboom. Then I flew around to where Princess Celestia was and we did the graceful landing together. After hours of practicing, Princess Celestia called it a day. She smiled and winked. "See? You got this Princess Rainbow."

I smiled. "Yeah I got this. I just hope everything goes perfectly tomorrow."

"Don't worry," said Princess Celestia, "I think it will."

* * *

The following day was my installment as the ruler of Equestria ceremony. The castle was packed with family and friends. The stage was set up with three poles, one pole had a picture with the sun on it and on the other side of the stage had a pole with a picture of the moon on it. In the middle of the stage was a pole with a picture of a cloud with a lighting bolt coming from it.

Rarity helped me get into my outfit for the ceremony and I waited for my cue to walk down the aisle to the 'Behold' song. I watched as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took center stage and made their speech just like they did with Twilight. Finally, it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I kept telling myself to make sure I kept a commanding presence. As soon as I got up to the stage Princess Celestia smiled. "Princess Rainbow, it's your cue."

I nodded and took off the dress Rarity made for me. I shot up into the sky and I did my sonic rainboom. I flew back around to the stage and landed gracefully. Standing on the stage with my wings spread and my head held high Princess Celestia announced, "Everyone our new ruler of Equestria, Princess Rainbow Dash!"

The crowd cheered and clapped. After the ceremony people and ponies wanted to crowd around the stage but the guards, along with Oliver, Jude, Ivy, Eli and Milo made sure that they were kept at a safe distance.

Eventually Gilda was able to make her way over to me. She smiled and crossed her arms. "Again, tell me why you're not the definition of the word awesome?"

I chuckled, "Okay I'll accept my awesomeness... For now."

As Gilda laughed and Jude said, "Well it's about time!"

I had to admit for once in my life besides the day I got married to Oliver this was the happiest I've ever felt.

* * *

A month after the ceremony, the Sixth decided to form a contract with Equestria to set up a Military. There's a 33 page contract that's being kept in a magic forcefield in the Sixth to keep it safe and secure.

As Loyalty suggested to Finn he actually tried his hand at standup comedy and he found out that he was pretty good at it. He became the most famous comedian in Equestria and because of that he and his wife Mabel decided to quit their jobs as Founders of the Sixth.

Color Rain still likes to play her games of teleportation hide and go seek. When it happens, I can't keep myself from laughing while listening to the sounds of Oliver shouting, "Color Rain, get back here!"

Color Rain rarely ever plays with me because I'm always busy doing my ruling over Equestria duties. It's funny though, because even though Color Rain is a newborn, she's smarter than any adult and she knows it.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along with me explained to Discord what happened to Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight. He was floored about them becoming so evil that they were viewed as a threat. So Discord decided to turn Fluttershy's cottage into a townhouse and hired someone to help take care of the woodland creatures. He paid special attention to Angel in memory of Fluttershy.

I still feel sorry for Jude because for some reason, he can't get control of his magic. Princess Celestia made his crown especially for him to help him control it but it doesn't seem like it's working. As Jude told me plenty of times, it might be a good thing being able to do magic but it's not fun when it's not controlled. I can only imagine what he deals with on a daily basis. I'm sure one of these days, he'll get control of his magic. Or at least I hope so.

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