• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Loyalty's Vision - SapphireRose87

Loyalty and the other Elements of Harmony saw two visions in regards to a machine called AI. There was a good vision and a bad vision. I don't know about you but I don't want the bad vision to come true.

  • ...

5) Spitfire Breaks Out

{Rainbow Dash}

Back on my original assignment, trying to get a trigger response from Spitfire. I was in the breakroom working on my paperwork that I had to do as part of the assignment to break out Spitfire. As I worked and at my lunch, Spitfire came and sat down at the table where I was sitting.

"Hi Eve." Spitfire said.

I almost blew my cover, as I started to say her real name. "Hi, Spit-"

I caught myself from saying the rest of her name.

"What was that?" Spitfire asked.

I didn't say anything, I grabbed a glass of water, took a drink and spit it out in front of me. Or at least I thought I spit it out in front of me. I looked to see that I had actually spit out my drink on Oliver instead. After he grabbed a towel and wiped his face off with it, he glared at me. "Seriously Eve? I know you've been cranky lately, but what was that for?"

I looked down at my paperwork in embarrassment.

Spitfire rolled her eyes and smiled. "She was about to say spit and I don't know what else she was going to say because she grabbed a drink of water and spit it out on you."

Oliver paused when Spitfire said that, "Oh, I see…"

I gave a nervous laugh, "Sorry about that Julian, my bad!"

I looked behind Spitfire and smiled when I saw Maud Pie standing there. "Um, Iris?"

Spitfire groaned, "Let me guess, Hannah's right behind me?"

Oliver and I were trying so hard to hold in our laughter at Spitfire's annoyance with Maud Pie. Spitfire held up her hand and started to tick off with fingers counting down because she knew what Maud Pie was getting ready to say. "Three, two, one… Quiet on set and action!"

"Hey Iris," said Maud Pie in her usual monotone voice, "you want to hear my latest poem I wrote?"

Spitfire put her head on the table and groaned, "It's about rocks isn't it?"

"Yup!" Maud Pie answered.

At this point, Oliver and I started laughing and everyone else in the breakroom was laughing right along with us as Maud Pie recited her rock poem for the day. As Spitfire got up to walk away, Maud Pie tried to follow her, Spitfire snapped, "Would you give it a rest with the rock poems already? If I were you, I wouldn't follow me this time. I'm not putting up with any of your harassment for the day!"

After Spitfire left, Maud Pie came and sat down beside me. "I don't get it, I'm just trying to be her friend."

"I think you're trying too hard." I said. "I mean, Clara didn't have to try that hard for me. She let me choose on my own on who I wanted to be friends with. I think you should do the same. Iris is right though, what you're doing is classified as harassment. You might actually get in trouble for that if she reports you to HR. If that happens, I can't do anything to help you, even though I am your boss."

"Or you can throw paper balls in her trash can," Oliver suggested with a laugh.

"Hmm, yeah and I bet she'll probably tell you, we have coffee in the break room." I said.

Oliver grit his teeth, "Ha, ha, very funny Eve! Do you have to keep teasing me about that?"

I grit my teeth in response, "That was your bright idea when you first met me! And you opened up the door and walked right in, didn't ya?"

Before we could argue any more, I heard a familiar annoying laughter behind me, "Aww that's cute! A couple having a little squabble at work. Adorable!"

Oliver and I gasped when around and saw Eli dressed in work clothes and looked like a new employee at JJ inc.

* * *

Once I got over my entail shock, my feelings turned into anger.

"What is Eli doing here Eve?" Oliver said out one side out of his mouth.

"I don't know Julian," I said, copying Oliver.

I could tell by the tone of Oliver's voice that he was just as pissed as I was to see Eli.

Eli smirked. "What's the matter? Surprised to see me?"

"Forget about being surprised," I snapped, "I'm pissed off to see you!"

"What are you doing here Eli?" Oliver asked.

"The Lord sent me here to keep an eye on 'Eve' and take it that Eve and Julian are your fake names for whatever job you're doing now?" Eli said.

"Yes Eli," I growled. "As I said before, tell the Lord to stop sticking his nose into places where it doesn't belong! If we have another Pinkie Pie situation I swear..."

Eli tilted his head. "Uh, you talking about Life Force Pinkie Pie? What did she do?"

"She followed me to an assignment and put my team in danger because she wanted me to take an engagement ring from her!" I said.

Eli snorted. "I'm sorry 'Eve' but there's no way I would propose to you even if you paid me to!"

"Well, that's good to know," I said, "and what did you just call that nutcase Pinkie Pie?"

"It's Life Force Pinkie Pie," Eli responded. "It's the title we give to people once they've broken out of AI and decide to work with us."

"Okay, well that's what you call her and honestly I don't care what you call that nut!" I said.

I looked to see Oliver had an evil smirk on his face. "Can I make a suggestion? Maybe you can call her Poodle Pinkie Pie?"

"Poodle Pinkie Pie?" Eli repeated.

"It's what she came out of AI has." Oliver stated.

Eli snorted again. Oliver rolled his eyes. "At least you didn't have to do her six-day training."

"Huh?" Eli said.

"She barely passed her six-day training because she was too busy eating to bother with training." Oliver said.

Good thing Eli was leaning up against a wall when Oliver said that, because he went into full on hard laughter.

"Hey Eve!" Shining Armor said. "It looks like I missed another Hannah and Iris rock poem, huh?"

I laughed, "You guessed it. I think Hannah should find a boyfriend instead of creeping Iris out."

Shining Armor looked at Eli and smiled. "I see you've met the new guy. I was going to drop the paperwork off for him. But I was busy, some assistant I am."

"No, it's okay James." I mumbled.

I glared daggers at Eli and hard and he returned the favor.

"Wow, looks like we have a little bit of a glare off here." Shining Armor said. He turned to Oliver. "Uh, Julian? What's going on here? Why does Eve look like she wants to kill the new guy? Why does the new guy look like he wants to kill her?"

"My name is Eli," said Eli, "and I'm Eve's long lost big brother."

"And lost is where you should've stayed!" I snapped.

Shining Armor whistled, "A renewed sibling rivalry huh? I don't know which is more interesting, the fact that half of the coworkers around here have feelings for Eve or this."

"I think it's a tie," Oliver said.

Shining Armor tapped me on the shoulder. "Although watching this glare off is entertaining and all, here's the paperwork for Eli. I should get back to work."

"Sure. Thanks." I said. Shining Armor handed me the paperwork and I grabbed my briefcase and put the paperwork in it.

"Is the briefcase necessary?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, it is and you'll be getting one soon." I replied "Because every employee at JJ Inc has to fill out specific paperwork. I'm going to add that you have to drop the paperwork off to your boss at the end of the day. Want to guess who your boss is?"

The look on Eli's face was priceless and I wish I had a camera for it. The look on Eli's face told me that he knew what I was talking about. I pointed to myself. "That would be me, your long lost little sister!"

As I walked away laughing, before I got out of earshot, I heard Oliver talking to Eli. "Good job Eli, way to make a good impression on your boss on the first day of job."

"Hey, I think I made a good impression on her," Eli said with sarcasm.

"Yeah, glaring at your boss is a good impression, how?" Oliver said.

"I glared at her?" Eli said, keeping the same tone of sarcasm in his voice. "Whoops! My bad!"

"Good luck trying to keep an eye on Eve," said Oliver, "I have trouble keeping an eye on her and she's my wife!"

* * *


Firewall Eli doesn't seem to be scared of me anymore and I think it is pretty funny. He seems to be pretty annoyed with me instead. I don't blame him, because I did ask him to follow an agent from the Sixth around that gets on his last nerve.

This time when I saw Firewall Eli as he handed over the last video footage of his conversion with Rainbow Dash, I gave him an annoyed hiss just to see if he would flinch or cower in fear like he normally does. When I hissed at him, it didn't bother him, he just gave me an annoyed look instead. When I waved him away, he didn't run out of the throne room like usual either. He just walked out like nothing happened.

"Humm," Ivy laughed, "it seems that Firewall Eli has gotten thicker skin now."

"Yeah, it's weird because Firewall Molly is the one that's afraid of me now instead," I said.

"The conversation between Firewall Eli and Rainbow Dash was hilarious!" Ivy chuckled.

I snorted. "Yup! A glare off between siblings. Nice. He definitely didn't like the fact that Rainbow Dash is his boss!"

"That Hannah character with her rock poems, she's an interesting character isn't she?" Ivy said.

"Yup," I said, "I bet Rainbow Dash and Agent Oliver get a real kick out of listening to Hannah's rock poems."

Ivy giggled, "I can't wait to hear another one of those! I do find it funny that Life Force Pinkie Pie came out of AI as a poodle."

"Hmm," I said, "I wonder if that's why she's such a nutcase. I do feel sorry for Oliver for having to train Life Force Pinkie Pie when she became an agent for the Sixth. Now if Life Force Princess Twilight Sparkle would stop demanding to be a co-ruler with me, that would be nice!"

"Wow, she's pretty persistent isn't she?" Ivy said with a smirk.

"I know, she's getting on my nerves and I have no idea what to do with her," I said.

Ivy yawned, "I'm sure you'll figure something out. I should probably go to sleep."

I nodded and once I took Ivy and got her settled into bed, I went back to work. Like I always do, I worked until I couldn't keep my eyes open. I wanted to keep working but AI told me that I needed to go to sleep.

* * *

{Rainbow Dash}

I was in Samantha's realm and I couldn't believe a word she said. My jaw was dropped. "You mean to tell me that when Oliver and I went bungee jumping with Spitfire that sent her into Phase 2?"

Oliver looked at me. "Do you remember us talking to her in your pocket dimension?"

I remembered that Oliver and I had barely escaped the seekers when we went into my pocket dimension. Spitfire was standing there, looking like she was in a daze, it almost reminded of a Zombie actually. I remembered reading some words off an index card and wishing her good luck and then she disappeared. When I told what I remembered to Oliver and Samantha, they nodded to confirm what happened. "So what happens now?"

"She just finished Phase 3, you and Oliver will be meeting Spitfire at the mirror pool," Samantha said. "You will wait for her to finish watching the orientation video and begin her training from there."

I paused. "But why does Spitfire get two trainers? I thought only the elements of harmony bearers got two? That's what Finn told me."

Samantha shook her head. "Everyone that gets broken out of the Machine gets two trainers. That's just like Finn to say something like that!"

"Finn also played a joke on Rainbow Dash to send that food crazed nut Pinkie Pie to train her with me." Oliver growled.

"Whelp, that explains why Finn is the element of laughter's new bearer now!" Samantha grinned. "I forgot how much he loves to play pranks all the time. From what I heard, when you were back in Equestria, Rainbow Dash, you and Pinkie Pie did the same thing."

"Yeah but not the type of pranks Finn does," I said, rolling my eyes. "The type of prank I would play is putting a whoopie cushion underneath someone before they sat down. Now that's a good prank! I think the type of pranks Finn does are the troll pranks. Maybe he should date Princess Celestia? Her nickname back in Equestria was Trollestia. Oh well, too bad Finn is dating Founder Mabel now! Although I don't think an Alicorn princess ruler would be his type anymore, especially after what happened between him and Twilight."

Samantha snorted and I could tell by the amused look on her face, she found the idea of Finn dating Princess Celestia funny. "Yeah, Founder Mabel's a better fit for Finn than Princess Celestia is any day. Anyway, you Rainbow Dash will start Spitfire's dream transformation right after you start her six-day training."

My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide in shock and surprise. "Me? Start Spitfires dream transformation? Isn't someone supposed to do that who isn't her trainer?"

Even Oliver seemed kind of stunned by that. That's because his jaw dropped as low as mine was.

"Every creature is different that gets broken out of the Machine, they need to have someone familiar start it. It won't work any other way." Samantha explained. "Just like when Gilda started your dream transformation."

I looked at Oliver with curiosity. "Who started your dream transformation Oliver?"

Oliver looked down with an embarrassed look. "A family member, you met here at the last family reunion. She pushed me out of a tree to start my dream transformation by giving me hands. It's too embarrassing to talk about."

Even though I wanted to laugh, I kept my composure because of not wanting to add to Oliver's embarrassment as much as I possibly could. "So how am I going to start Spitfire's dream transformation?"

"That is where I come in!" My jaw dropped again when I turned around and saw Princess Luna standing there. When we saw her, Oliver, Samantha and I bowed to her.

"It's okay guys," Princess Luna said in a gentle voice, then she looked at me with an expression of joy, "stand up straight. I'd never thought I'd get to see you again Rainbow Dash."

"It's nice to see you too princess," I said, "but why do I have to do Spitfire's dream transformation?"

"Because you were a Wonderbolt back in Equestria and Spitfire is the second Wonderbolt to be broken out," Samantha said.

Princess Luna nodded. "You will start Spitfire's dream transformation, since Spitfire has already accepted who she really is. So, you Rainbow Dash will be giving her wings and a tail. Since you weren't accepting that you used to be Pegasus, I thought it would be best to just give you ears and a tail." She rolled her eyes at Oliver. "That was not a joke, Agent Oliver!"

Oliver's face turned red and he looked away. Samantha's crystal that she had in her hand lit up. She nodded. "That's the signal, you and Oliver must go greet Spitfire. And Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes, Samantha?" I responded.

"After you greet Spitfire in your Pegasus form, make sure you turn into your human form so she can see that it was you that broke her out of the Machine." Samantha instructed.

I nodded. "Sure."

Suddenly, Loyalty decided it was time to speak, "Hi Princess Luna!"

Princess Luna giggled, "Ah, Loyalty! It's so nice to hear from you again!"

"I'm here too!" Kindness chimed in.

When Princess Luna heard Kindness speak, she looked puzzled when she saw it hanging around Oliver's neck. "Why are you in the shape of a feather around Agent Oliver's neck Kindness?"

"Didn't you hear the news about the deaths of Applejack and Fluttershy?" Loyalty asked.

Princess Luna's ears dropped in sadness as she nodded. "I know, I heard about that."

"Anyway, on a good note," said Kindness, "Oliver is my new connection! Finn is Laughter's new connection! I changed into a feather because Oliver used to be an owl when he was inside the Machine. He protects Rainbow Dash who is a Pegasus, so it makes perfect sense that I should turn into a feather!"

Princess Luna giggled, "Well, I guess that makes sense then. So tell me, what did laughter turn into?"

Loyalty laughed, "Laughter got the bright idea to turn into a watch."

Princess Luna snorted. "That totally makes sense to me! You know, because of the watch question."

"I would love for you guys to stay and talk more," said Samantha, " and yes I will be Spitfires Predictor. Now, it's time for you and Oliver to go."

"And I'll be seeing you in the dream realm later Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna said.

I nodded, without another word, Oliver and I stepped through the portal so we could go greet Spitfire.