• Published 18th Nov 2021
  • 380 Views, 0 Comments

Loyalty's Vision - SapphireRose87

Loyalty and the other Elements of Harmony saw two visions in regards to a machine called AI. There was a good vision and a bad vision. I don't know about you but I don't want the bad vision to come true.

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4) Out of Control Partial Sonic Rainbooms

{Rainbow Dash}

"Are you sure about this, Rainbow Dash?" Gilda said, frowning.

Gilda was looking down as she was standing by the edge of the cliff. She had a look of worry and concern on her face.

Honestly, I'm getting sick and tired of that look. I know everyone's worried about me because of my out of control partial sonic rainbooms, but sheez give it a rest already!

I rolled my eyes and tapped my hoof on the ground. "Yes Gilda, I'm sure. I know why you're worried but I think I'm fine."

"Uh, no you're not!" Gilda snapped. "But fine, whatever. I know about those out of control partial sonic rainbooms. Honestly, we're not in your pocket dimension, and if you crash, you could seriously hurt yourself!"

I glared at her and then growled. "I know that! Let's do this already!"

"Okay, but it's your funeral, but I should be able to catch you if you crash. . ." Gilda gulped. "I hope."

Gilda and I dove off the cliff like we normally do when we start training. Only this time we flew through the twists and turns of the canyon and threw our daggers at each other and used our whip chains too. This is one of my favorite things to do when I'm training. The fact that we were flying through the cliff walls and not down it like we normally do, it added some danger to it. Oh how I love the thrill of dangerous activities! I loved dangerous activities when I was stuck inside AI and I love doing them even more now!

"Not bad Rainbow!" Gilda laughed. "You just keep getting better and better! Why do you want to do these practice flies again?"

I smiled ignoring Gilda's question, "Just keep going!"

I did a barrel roll and twisted my body around just in time to see Gilda's whip chain come towards me and I dodged it. Right when I dodged Gilda's whip chain, I felt a small surge of power go through me. I knew exactly what was going to happen next, a partial sonic rainboom.

This crap again! I looked down to see a small rainbow hula hoop around my waist. It went from being a hula hoop to a small rainbow tornado and it sent me flying forwards, before I could crash, I felt something yank on my tail. It didn't feel like Gilda's claw either.

Wait a second. . . I thought, This isn't Gilda's claw, it's a hand. Who on earth could be yanking on my tail? Last time I checked, Oliver can't fly and he's not here. The only other person I know that can fly is Eli during the last battle we had when I farted my so-called sonic rainboom. It can't be him. . . Can it?

I turned around and just like I thought, someone had pulled on my tail to prevent me from doing a crash landing. Floating right beside Gilda, was Eli.

* * *

As soon as I saw Eli, my ears went flat against my head and I snarled at him. "What in Equestria are you doing here?"

I flew towards him so I could push him into the cliff's wall where we were at, but all he had to do was move to the side to dodge me. When he did, he yanked on my tail again to keep me from crashing. I snarled at him again when I turned around to see Eli had an amused look on his face. He started laughing and that made me even more angry. Eli started laughing and Gilda was laughing right along with him.

"I do believe I asked you what you're doing here?" I snapped.

Eli rolled his eyes and put up his hands to say he surrendered. "Relax Rainbow. . ."

I paused when Eli said my name instead of calling me Loyalty, like he always does. "Uh, are you feeling okay, Eli?"

Eli didn't even have a hardened battle look on his face like he usually does when we fight either. "Okay am I dreaming or something?"

"No you're not dreaming Rainbow," replied Eli, "I come in peace. You really should be taking it easy right now."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you up to?"

"I'm not up to anything," Eli said, "I understand that you think I am, because I'm not calling you Loyalty like I usually do. If it makes you feel better, I can do that for you if you want? The Lord sent me to watch over you, he's been worried about you lately, and I kind of agree with him. Do you really think you should be doing something like this, especially after whatever you just did, and almost crashed?"

"I'm fine," I growled, "and tell the Lord that he shouldn't be sticking his nose in places where it doesn't belong!"

"Actually, it does belong here this time," Gilda stated in a matter of fact way.

Eli nodded. "I agree with your friend here Rainbow."

"My name is Gilda, Eli," Gilda said.

"So what did you just do that almost caused a crash landing Rainbow?" Eli asked. "Because you've done it in a couple of our fights and it doesn't look like it's under control."

"It's called a-" Gilda started.

"Thank you Gilda, but I can explain for myself." I cut her off. "It's called a partial sonic rainboom. And you're right they've been out of control lately and my boss wants me to go to a doctor for it. I wish people would just back off. I'm fine!"

"Uh no," said Gilda, "you're not and trust me, if a Firewall's here because his boss is worried about you, then yeah there's reason to be concerned. Oliver's been really overprotective of you lately too. Probably because he's your husband and all."

Eli nodded in agreement.

Okay, this is getting on my last nerve! I thought. I felt my right eye twitch. Normally, at this point I would flick my tail to show how annoyed I was, but that probably would make Gilda and Eli double over in laughter and I didn't feel like hearing it. My stomach suddenly decided that it was time to empty its contents. So I flew over the other side of the canyon and threw up.

When I came back to where Gilda and Eli were, Gilda rolled her eyes and said, "Uh-huh, oh yeah, you're fine, sure you are."

"Yup, the Lord has reason to be worried." Eli said with a small nod. "He has his suspicions on what might be happening, but he's not telling anyone, so yeah."

"I'm not a child and the Lord needs to lay off!" I growled. "And so does everyone else!"

At this point, I wasn't just annoyed, I was super annoyed. It made me wonder if AI decided to change it's reality.

"On top of that," said Gilda, "you've been acting like either Rainbow Angry or Rainbow Irritated!"

It was almost as if Eli could read my mind, "No Rainbow, AI did not change its reality. Trust me, I think the Lord and everyone else that works for AI would know."

I rolled my eyes. "What are you? A Predictor?"

Eli gave me a puzzled look and raised an eyebrow. "Predictor?"

"A Predictor is our boss," explained Gilda. "Her name is Samantha, she can hear our thoughts and announces them right in front of everyone. She can also see the future too. It's really annoying and sometimes we wonder if we could even have a normal conversation with her. But she does let us actually talk. So I guess that's okay."

Eli found what Gilda just said funny because he chuckled. "Wow and I'm glad she's not my boss."

"No kidding!" I said. "When I first met her, she announced my thoughts in front of everyone. I had to hold myself back from tripping her like I did to Oliver just to get her to shut up."

"What did you do that for?" Eli questioned while tilting his head to the left.

Gilda answered for me. "To stop the teasing, me and Oliver were doing while we were training Rainbow. I kept getting feathers pulled out by Rainbow and Oliver because of it."

"Yeah, makes sense you would do something like feather pulling Rainbow." Eli laughed. "You tricked me into going bungee jumping blind folded once!"

Gild doubled over in laughter and it looked like she might crash into the canyon wall she was laughing so hard. She finally composed herself, "Well at least you didn't have to pose as a dancer for a breakout assignment. If you ask me, since everywhere Rainbow goes half the staff that works with her develops feelings for her, she should've had the job as a dancer, not me. No, Rainbow got assigned to be on the security team."

Eli paused. "Uh, dancer?"

I groaned. "Yeah we had an assignment to break someone out of AI that worked at a Strip Club, that's not funny Eli!"

I felt my face turn red in embarrassment as Eli started laughing.

"I wouldn't be embarrassed Rainbow." Gilda said. "A job's a job trust me, I've had plenty of strange jobs before you became an agent working for the Sixth. For example, now I have to train that Zebra that got broken out of that Zoo a couple of weeks ago!"

Eli smirked and that creepy look he had on his face made my skin crawl.

This conversion started to get on my nerves, so I just started to fly away. As I did, I heard Eli call out, "Where are you going Rainbow?"

I turned around and snapped. "I'm going away from you! Once again, tell the Lord to stop sticking his nose in places where it doesn't belong and everyone else needs to lay off! So goodbye!"

As I flew off I heard Eli and Gilda talking.

"Wow she's angry!" Eli exclaimed.

"Nah, I don't think so," said Gilda. "Trust me, if she's angry, you would know. When it comes down to me, she won't talk to me for weeks if she's angry."

"Weeks! Seriously?" Eli said with surprise.

"Yup, for weeks," Gilda replied.

Eli whistled at that. As I kept flying away I was thankful that they didn't follow me because I didn't want to hear anything else they had to say.

* * *


Since Rainbow Dash keeps doing what she calls a partial sonic rainbooms and almost does a crash landing because of it, I've become concerned about her. At least now I know that's what it's called. I've recorded every single fight she has had with Firewall Eli and she's been doing those a lot lately. Along with the actual sonic rainboom she did that came out of nowhere, it was my suspicion that Rainbow Dash might be pregnant. She seems to be showing a lot of symptoms that Ivy did when we found out that she was pregnant, minus the out of control partial sonic rainbooms.

I sent Firewall Eli to keep an eye on Rainbow Dash, in the hopes that he could catch her before she did a crash landing by doing one of those partial out of control sonic rainbooms. Even though her crash landings are funny sometimes, I don't want her getting hurt. Not on my watch she won't!

As I did my usual work day of looking at the computer screens and paying attention to the patterns that AI wanted me to pay attention to, I heard First Mother clear her throat to get my attention. This stupid old hag is getting my last nerve! I really wish she would at least send a servant ahead of her so I can at least tell her whether or not she can show up here!

I turned around and made sure to show her how annoyed I was with her at the moment. "You know, I'm trying to get some work done here, First Mother!"

"Yes, yes I know," said First Mother giving me that creepy smile she's been giving me lately, "I just wanted to give you some intel about Life Force Princess Twilight."

I gave her a dirty look. "Uh-huh yeah, sure. . ."

First Mother seems to find my annoyance with her amusing because she kept that stupid creepy smile on her face as she continued. "Did you know Life Force Princess Twilight used to be nice before she took the throne back in Equestria?"

I gave First Mother a look of disbelief. "I'm not so sure she was actually ever nice, not with the way she's been acting."

"Yeah I know," said First Mother, "and that stupid engagement party Life Force Pinkie Pie threw for Rainbow Dash. She really didn't think that Rainbow Dash would say no to her, even though Rainbow Dash told her they were over several times before that happened. I guess she didn't want to believe that she was no longer with Rainbow Dash in a relationship anymore. All of the other elements of harmony bearers sided with Life Force Pinkie Pie and she still believes that Rainbow Dash wasn't being loyal because she said no to a marriage proposal to Life Force Pinkie Pie."

Upon hearing the same story Rainbow Dash told me, it made me angry all over again. To add to me being angry, my heart broke for Rainbow Dash at the same time.

"I know that angry look Lord Jude," said First Mother, "you've given it to me several times before. To tell the truth, I'm kind of angry about that too. If something like that happened to me, I'd probably go kill Life Force Pinkie Pie and everyone that took her side on the matter. Life Force Pinkie Pie still believes that Rainbow Dash will accept her marriage proposal sooner or later. I mean, she told me she followed Rainbow Dash to one of her assignments, wanting her to take the engagement ring and say yes. Life Force Pinkie Pie desperately wants Rainbow Dash to say yes to her.

"Now that she knows Rainbow Dash is married to Agent Oliver, she seems to think they'll say yes to marry her so they can form a herd. The idea of Rainbow Dash and Agent Oliver marrying her and that's all she's been talking about at the moment. She talks about it like this, 'Oliver and Rainbow Dash are going to marry me! I just know they will! Once they do, I can plan a great big party to celebrate our wedding! I know parties! Parties are serious business!"

It was kind of comical to me the way First Mother moved her hand as if it were talking as she relayed the conversation that she had with Life Force Pinkie Pie. Then, the way she ended her rambling surprised me.

"Life Force Pinkie Pie is starting to get on my nerves!" First Mother growled.

When I heard First Mother say that, I burst into laughter.

"That's not funny Lord Jude!" First Mother snapped.

I stopped laughing and wiped the laughter tears from my eyes. "It's funny because nothing gets on your nerves! Not even me!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" First Mother said. "What really throws me for a loop is that when Life Force Princess Twilight became the Princess of Friendship it was because she and her friends opened up a box and poof, a castle came out of it!"

"Huh," I shrugged. "Well, if AI can build an instant castle for me, it doesn't surprise me that a castle can come out of a box."

"The other thing that's throwing me for a loop is how can Life Force Princess Twilight become the Princess of Friendship when wasn't a friend to all of her friends? She wasn't a friend to Rainbow Dash at that time, so how is that even possible?" First Mother said.

I paused as I thought about that comment. "You know, I actually agree with you on that one. Life Force Princess Twilight shouldn't have become the Princess of Friendship if she wasn't being a friend to all of her friends."

Once again, I paused when First Mother started laughing. "Did I just agree with you on something?"

First Mother was laughing so hard, it amazed me that she could even speak. "Yup, you did! The look on your face is priceless! Man, I wish I had a camera right now!"

Damn it! I'm never gonna live this one down! I thought, as First Mother walked away I gripped the armrest of my chair to keep myself from snarling.