• Published 11th Jan 2022
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The Ending of the End Revised, or Be Careful with what you wish for. - SaburoDaimando

Were you disappointed in the Series Finale? Do you wish it was different? Well be careful with what you wish for.

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Chapter 15: The calm before the Final Storm

The calm before the Final Storm

A huge crowd has gathered in front of the castle of the Crystal Empire as dark red clouds formed above in the skies. On the balcony, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor approached the ponies, nervous and yet calm. Nearby, Grogar waited with much patience as his second bell hung from his neck.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire,” Princess Cadance said. “As you are aware, Neigh Nanners is leading a powerful cult towards our fair city with the intent of converting all of us towards his ideology. He has already captured, and more than likely converted, Princess Celestia. But that is the least of our worries. Turn around and look towards the south.”

The citizens of the Crystal Empire turned their head towards the south, where they saw the Fire Nags hovering above Canterlot. They all screamed in horror at the mere sight of the now inflamed Windigos.

“What you see above Canterlot were once Windigos,” Shining Armor said. “And now they have become Fire Nags, beings of pure hate and malice. Here to explain about this phenomenon is the former emperor of Equestria himself: Grogar.”

The crowd gasped and murmured as Princess Cadance and Shining Armor stepped to the side as Grogar took to the center of the balcony.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire,” Grogar announced. “Neigh Nanners has somehow used the Emotion Amplifier, formerly known as Nihilism’s Bane, to alter the Windigos into Fire Nags. They are more than capable of spreading this pessimistic magic across all of Equestria, causing an intense rage within individuals. If the Fire Nags are not contained, it would lead to either the end of magic in Equestria, or far worse: The end of all life across the planet.”

The whole crowd was in a panic, as if the end of the world was about to ascend. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance looked down at the crowd completely nervous.

“QUIET!” Grogar shouted, causing everyone to pause. He cleared his throat and added “However, your leaders are in possession of the Crystal Heart: The key that can undo the magic that has corrupted Equestria and stop Neigh Nanners’ Emotion Amplifier. Furthermore, the Amplifier is not needed to reverse the magic. Only an individual with enough Nihilism Magic built in is needed. My plan is to extract that magic with my new Bewitching Bell, and for Twilight Sparkle to cast the spell needed to activate the heart and to cleanse the bell, creating a chain reaction. When that reaction happens, Nihilism Magic will be purged once again and Equestria will be free from its influence.”

The crowd erupted into cheers as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance calmed down and wiped the sweat off their brows. The moment the crowd stopped, Grogar cleared his throat once again.

“But to win this important fight,” Grogar said. “We must work together and hold the line against Neigh Nanners and his cult. A ward will be casted upon anyone who wishes to fight that will not only protect you from the dangers of Nihilism Magic, but will allow you to nullify anyone who are forced to fight alongside Neigh Nanners. Who among you will be the first to be Equestria’s Last Stand?”

But before anyone in the crowd could answer, someone shouted “I plan on doing so.” The crowd turned to the right to see Latin Roma standing nearby.

“Normally, I would be the one to demand you speak,” Grogar shouted. “But in this case, I will defer to Princess Cadance.”

Princess Cadance stepped forward and said “As leader of the Crystal Empire, I grant you permission to speak.”

Latin Roma turned towards the crowd and said “I have seen the horrors of what Neigh Nanners was capable of doing with this Emotion Amplifier. He is a horrible monster that must be stopped, no matter the cost. And trust me, if Neigh Nanners succeed, even my way of life would be forever ruined by his evil. I choose this fight to protect my folks back home, and to ensure others don’t harm anyone again.”

The crowd cheers as Latin Roma takes a bow. Princess Cadance approached the front while Grogar walked back to the doorway.

“This is our final battle, every pony,” Princess Cadance said. “Everything is on the line. And it’s up to all of us to save the Magic of Friendship from the Magic of Nihilism. With your hope and courage, we will prepare the Crystal Heart to enhance all of you not only to protect you from the Nihilism Magic, but also to free each Pony from its sadistic spell. This is for Equestria. And if you’re willing to fight, I want to hear you yell out ``BING BONG!’ Do you hear me?”

With that, every pony in the Crystal Empire chanted “BING BONG!” Their voices caused their manes and tails to glow brightly, and for the entire city to shine as a beacon of hope for the entire world to see.

Meanwhile, a crowd of ponies, changelings, yaks, dragons, griffins, hippogriffs and niriks were marching due north from Canterlot towards the Crystal Empire. They were all decked out in some of the finest armor in Equestria history. Their weapons had a red glow around them. In front, Neigh Nanners walked alongside Crusader Celestia.

“Do you feel the moment, Crusader?” Neigh Nanners said. “It won’t be long until we crush this rebellion and seize victory over the Crystal Empire.”

“I feel it too, my lord,” Crusader Celestia said, marching alongside Neigh Nanners. “WIth me by your side, nothing can stop the march for freedom.”

“Indeed, my apprentice,” Neigh Nanners said, salivating at the moment. He turned to his troops and yelled out “When the day is over, the flames of tyranny known as friendship will be extinguished. And a new dawn will rise in the whole world, free from its shackles. We will march down and Make Equestria Great again.”

The crowd cheered as they chanted “Down with Twilight. Down with the Crystal Empire. Long Live Neigh Nanners.” Neigh Nanners turned back to the front with a grin on his face.

“Oh it won’t be long, my Apprentice,” Neigh Nanners said in anticipation. “Soon, you will convince your sister and the other traitors to give up this madness and become like the rest of us.”

“Free from the madness of Friendship and free from what was once the Windigos, My lord?” Crusader Celestia asked.

“Oh they are no longer Windigos,” Neigh Nanners said. “As of now, you liberated them into Fire Nags: Their true form. They will be the key that will free Equestria forever.”

Suddenly, Neigh Nanners felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned to his right and saw what appeared to be Filthy and Spoiled Rich standing right by him.

“My lord,” Filthy Rich said. “I just received word that the former Emperor of Equestria known as Grogar has taken sides with the rebellion.”

“How ironic,” Neigh Nanners said with a laugh. “The one who enslaved every pony in Equestria is now pretending to be some fake freedom fighter. Very well. I welcome the entertainment.”

“Would you like us to go after Grogar, My Lord?” Spoiled Rich asked.

“No,” Neigh Nanners replied. “Focus your attack on the castle and its inhabitants. I will face Grogar, alone.”

“My Lord,” Crusader Celestia. “You want to face Grogar by yourself?”

“Of course,” Neigh Nanners replied as he placed his hoof on the Emotion Amplifier. “It was his artifact to begin with. It will be this artifact that will doom him…for good. Besides, you have a score to settle with Twilight Sparkle for abandoning you.”

“That’s right,” Crusader Celestia replied. “And I will make sure she is punished before she joins us.”

“Excellent,” Neigh Nanners said. “Then the final battle shall begin.”

Neigh Nanners, Crusader Celestia, Filthy and Spoiled Rich continued to lead the army of ponies towards the Crystal Empire. But deep within the crowd, Silver Spoon marched alongside, chanting “No more Friendship, let’s be frank. I would sooner be a blank flank.”

Later that day, Midnight Sparkle was walking down towards the throne room. Accompanying her was Queen Novo, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Luna, who still appeared to be down in the dumps.

“So I heard some of the Hippogriffs were able to escape Mount Aris and make it here,” Midnight said.

“We still can’t seem to find Princess Skystar,” Queen Novo said. “But I can assure you that some of my own troops have made it and are ready to defend the kingdom.”

“Impressive,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Well not as impressive as when I once led the Changelings.” Chrysalis’ tone went south as she added “Too bad a certain lowlife now leads the Changelings and has made them weak.”

“Weak? From my point of view, you were full of it.” Hearing those words, Queen Chrysalis came to a stop and popped her head up.

“I know that voice,” Queen Chrysalis said, coming to a stop and turning her head towards a nearby doorway. “Thorax. Show yourself.”

Immediately, King Thorax emerged from the nearby doorway and stepped towards Queen Chrysalis. The latter just glared right at the former as Luna, Midnight and Novo stood there.

“I take it one of you called for King Thorax and the changelings here,” Midnight Sparkle asked.

“Actually,” Princess Luna said as her tone changed a bit. “It was Princess Cadance’s idea.”

As King Thorax approached Queen Chrysalis, the latter said “So what brings the usurper to show his visage towards the true leader of the Changelings?”

King Thorax stared at Queen Chrysalis and said “I know why you’re still upset. How long ago Starlight, Discord, Trixie and myself were able to overthrow your rule with the power of love, and how you wanted revenge on Starlight Glimmer of all ponies.”

“Yes. I did,” Queen Chrysalis said before turning her head away. “What does that have to do with why you’re here?”

“I heard about what happened with this Neigh Nanners character and what happened in Canterlot,” King Thorax said. “I also heard that you have ended your desire for revenge against Starlight Glimmer.”

Queen Chrysalis sighed and said “It’s because I now have bigger fish to fry in the form of Neigh Nanners.” She stomped her hoof down and said “What Starlight Glimmer did paled in comparison to that brute Neigh Nanners. He thinks he has every right to make me look like a weakling with his cult of personalities.”

“And if I were in your position,” King Thorax said. “I would have said the same thing. Many of the changelings at the hive just went rogue, declaring their love towards Neigh Nanners. Truth be told, we now share the same enemy.”

“The same enemy?” Chrysalis said.

“Yes,” King Thorax said. “Even if you were still the Leader of the Changelings, you would have desired revenge against Neigh Nanners for taking away your own people for his own. Which is why I want to forge a truce with you.”

“Never,” Queen Chrysalis snapped. “Why would I want to align myself with a peasant like you?”

“Because if you don’t,” Thorax stated. “You could lose your own magic for good. No more using love to sustain yourself, no more shapeshifting into anything. We’re talking about the extinction of our species if Changeling Magic was no more. You included.”

Chrysalis’ jaw dropped down. She looked up at Thorax’s eyes, no longer enraged or furious, all while the current Changeling Leader held his hoof out.

“He’s right,” Chrysalis thought to herself. “My magic is what made me who I was. Without it, ruling a kingdom would be pointless. And I never thought about the fact that I could die without my magic. Guess I have no other choice.”

Immediately, Chrysalis reached out and placed her hoof on top of Thorax’s hoof, nodding the moment it made contact.

“You got yourself a deal, King Thorax,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Thank, Queen Chrysalis,” Thorax said. “And truth be told, we actually missed you.”

Queen Chrysalis let out a chuckle as she said “Never thought I would hear those words.”

Princess Luna looked at Chrysalis and Thorax shaking hooves together. She looked outside a nearby window. Though she was still worried on the inside, a spark lit up within her soul.

“I’ve felt sorry for myself since I watched my sister sacrifice herself back in Canterlot,” Princess Luna said. “And I wonder why she would want to do that.”

“Luna?” Midnight Sparkle said, observing the younger sister of Celestia.

“But now, I feel like I’m letting my sister’s sacrifice go to waste,” Luna said as her eyes filled with a purpose. “So many individuals are starting to come together, to fight back against Neigh Nanners. If we don’t fight back, there may not be a Canterlot, or any other place to return to.”

With that, Princess Luna turned tail and marched down towards the hallway, much to the confusion of Queen Chrysalis, King Thorax, Queen Novo and Midnight Sparkle.

“Luna,” Midnight yelled. “Where are you going?”

Luna turned her head and said “To do what much. Can you catch up?”

Queen Novo just laughed and said “That’s the spirit. Show that monster that you mean business.”

Princess Luna laughed out loud as she galloped down the hallway, nearly bumping into a maid who was holding a stack of laundry. Midnight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis and King Thoras just stood there looking confused while Queen Novo continued to laugh with a jolly tone.

“Now that caught me off guard,” Midnight Sparkle said as a drop of sweat ran down her side.

Queen Novo halted his laughing as she said “I think there comes a time where we have to lighten up, to reach out and not to be that hermit stuck in an underwater cave. I know because I used to be like that.”

“Is that a fact?” Queen Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“My dear,” Queen Novo said. “Let me tell you about how we use to be until Twilight and her friends defeated the Storm King.”

It was later that day in the throne room. Diamond Tiara looked up at the Crystal Heart that spun around, radiating magic across the entire room. Next to Diamond Tiara was Cozy Glow, Apple Bloom and Smolder.

“So let me get this straight,” Diamond Tiara said, staring at the Crystal Heart. “This is the key needed to defeat Neigh Nanners?”

“Part of the key needed.” Diamond Tiara turned around, facing Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Big Macintosh and Lord Tirek.

“What do you mean by part of the key?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Holding up the first Bewitching Bell, Princess Cadance said “We don’t need the Emotion Amplifier to undo the effects of the Nihilism Magic. All we need is someone with enough of this magic to drain with the bell. And once that’s done, Twilight will fire a beam into the heart, shooting a spell directly into the bell and activating a healing effect across all of Equestria.”

“A ‘too long, didn’t hear’ statement,” Shining Armor said. “The Bell, Twili and the Heart are needed to end this magic, once and for all.”

Princess Cadance walked up to the Crystal Heart and said “Normally, we don’t allow little fillies to fight. But I’m afraid desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“Now hold up,” Applejack said, walking up to Princess Cadance while Shining Armor struggled not to laugh at Applejack’s physique. “Don’t tell me you’re going to let Apple Bloom or even Diamond Tiara take up arms and fight.”

“Truthfully, I don’t want to do this,” Princess Cadance said with a sigh. “But considering what we’re up against, I don’t want to take any chances.”

“But that’s just it,” Applejack said in protest as she slammed her hooves on the floor. “I don’t want Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara or any other filly to get hurt.”

“What do you mean by any other filly?” Cozy Glow said as she flew up to Applejack. “Just so you know, I was once your enemy and I was able to handle being in Tartarus with Tirek.”

“And we should have known better than to do that,” Applejack said. “Even if you were still our enemy, Cozy Glow, I wouldn’t even consider putting you in danger. The risk is just too much for you, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and the rest of the younglings.”

Tirek just laughed as he said “Real smart for some pony who was blasted down by Neigh Nanners back in Canterlot.”

“Excuse me?” Applejack yelled as she turned her attention to the Centaur.

“All I’m saying, “ Tirek said, approaching Applejack. “Is that you aren’t in any position to want to hold the younglings back considering what you went through. What would your family have said if they lost you? Besides, what if Neigh Nanners were to use his magic to turn them against us?”

Applejack just froze right there with her jaw hanging down. She closed her jaw shut with her hoof before turning to face Big Mac.

“Big Mac,” Applejack said. “You’re not offended by that?”

“As much as I want to say Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “I’m afraid Tirek’s right. We did nearly lose you and Diamond Tiara back in Canterlot when Neigh Nanners ambushed us. If we were to prevent Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom and the other younglings from taking part in the fight, we’d have to do the same thing for the rest of us, you included. And frankly, I’m not comfortable with doing that.”

“Big Mac,” Applejack said. “No one’s making you fight.”

“I know,” Big Mac said. “But while I do worry for Sugar Belle, for Apple Bloom, for Diamond Tiara, for Granny Smith and Grand Pear, and especially for you, all I know is that I have to fight back. Otherwise, there may not be a place to return to, nor a family to raise on my own. It’s time the younglings fight back and join us in saving Equestria.”

Applejack took off her hat and said “I know it’s hard. I don’t want to see any younglings die on the battlefield or become corrupted by Neigh Nanners’ magic. But you bring up a point there. If I don’t do anything about Neigh Nanners, I don’t think there will be an Apple family to return to.”

“Then it’s time to fight back,” Tirek said, placing his hand on Applejack’s back. “You already have that gift I gave you with those muscles. Put them to good use.”

Applejack looked down at her muscular physique and just blushed before she said “Okay. I understand.”

“That’s the spirit,” Tirek said, lifting his hand off Applejack. “The next best thing is to keep your mind focused on the fight when the time comes. You’ll need it.”

The buff apple pony walked up to Diamond Tiara and said “I know I’ve been concerned about you and your well-being. But now, I feel like holding you back is only going to make things worse. So if you wish to take part in our final battle, then it’s up to you.”

Diamond Tiara turned her head towards Princess Cadance, who stood next to the Crystal Heart.

“The powers within this heart will grant you a temporary form that will let you purge the Nihilism Magic from others,” Princess Cadance said. “Even the form of an Alicorn. Will you take it?”

Diamond Tiara turned towards Cadance and said “I’ll do it. Under one condition.”

“Name it,” Princess Cadance said.

Immediately, Diamond Tiara pointed to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and said “Make them Alicorns as well. They’re my friends, and friends stick together.” Immediately, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked up next to Apple Bloom.

“Us?” Scootaloo said.

“You really want us to be Alicorns?” Sweetie Belle said in surprise.

“I do,” Diamond Tiara said. “I’ve done some nasty things back when you three were blank flanks. But after all you’ve done to help me grow out, I’d say this is how I wish to repay you three. By letting you help me save Equestria from Neigh Nanners.”

Apple Bloom cried with a smile on her face before she said “It’s a deal.”

Princess Cadance smiled as she walked behind the Crystal Heart as she said “Then get ready. I’m about to show you four the true power of the Crystal Heart.”

Princess Cadance immediately fired a beam of magic into the Crystal Heart, creating a small set of shockwaves that echoed through the room with a sound of a pure twinkle. Immediately, the Crystal Heart fired a beam right at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara, enveloping the four fillies in a blinding light.

“Wow,” Cozy Glow said, covering her eyes with her hooves. “That’s the true power of the Crystal Heart?”

“And to think,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’ve never been up in the Crystal Empire until now.”

When the light disappeared, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara had emerged, completely changed. All four fillies had slightly bigger unicorn horns and longer wings.

“Wow,” Diamond Tiara said, observing our new wings. “We’re now…Alicorns.”

“It’s only temporary,” Apple Bloom said. “But I’m amazed by it.”

“If Rarity saw what I had become,” Sweetie Belle said. “She would have a heart attack and die.”

Immediately, Scootaloo flew up into the air, screaming with an excited tone. She dashed in the upper parts of the throne room, chanting “I CAN FLY! I CAN FLY! I CAN FLY!”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flies into the room, alerted by Scootaloo’s voice, and said “Did I hear Scootaloo say something?” She turned to face Scootaloo, and her jaw dropped at the sight of the little rascal flying in the air, and took notice of Scootaloo’s horn.

“Look Rainbow,” Scootaloo said as she flew in the air. “I can FLY!”

“Woah,” Rainbow Dash said. “Did you just become an Alicorn?”

“It’s only temporary,” Applejack said. “But it should give some confidence to the little ones and to all of us.”

Rainbow Dash flew up to Scootaloo and grabbed her. The rainbow mare looked at her in the eyes, before letting out a jolly laugh.

“Well I hope you’re up for kicking butt and taking names, Scoots,” Rainbow Dash said. “Even if this is only for a limited time, I want to see you at your best. Do you promise that?”

Scootaloo saluted Rainbow Dash and said “YES MA’AM!”

“Good,” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled her right arm away. “Because I wanna make sure you’re in tip top shape.”

With that, Rainbow Dash planted her hoof on top of Scootaloo’s mane and gave her a noogie, causing the temporary alicorn filly to giggle. Down below, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow and Smolder look up, with Apple Bloom struggling to hold back her laughter.

“You know,” Diamond Tiara said. “With this kind of happiness, I don’t think it can get worse than this moment.”

“If it did,” Smolder said. “I’d say that would be a mood whiplash.”

Suddenly, they heard a scream coming from behind them. The younglings turned around to see Rarity standing in the doorway with her eyes fixated on Sweetie Belle.

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Is there something wrong with the fact that I have wings now?”

“You….you’ve become…an alicorn?” Rarity said before fainting, prompting Shining Armor to lower her down gently with his magic. Applejack just looked down and shook her head with a slight smile on her face.

“That Rarity,” Applejack said. “Always the lady of drama when you need her the most.”

“Reminds me of the Rarity from the other world,” Sunset laughed.

“Which reminds me,” Princess Cadance said as she walked up to Sunset. “I believe you’re up for a power-up.”

Sunset pointed to herself and said “Me? Why would you want me to power up?”

“Considering that Princess Celestia will most likely be under the influence of Neigh Nanner’s Nihilism Magic,” Princess Cadance explained. “I’m afraid your current form won’t be enough. So I would recommend taking on a more powerful form. One that will help you fight back.”

“I…dunno if I can,” Sunset said as her ears folded down in fear. “Even though I have said that my past is not today, I sometimes still fear that I would revert back to being that she-demon, that monster I used to be.”

Shining Armor walked beside Sunset and said “Then think about one of your most heroic moments you’ve ever done for a friend. One that made you believe in yourself and those you care for. Besides, the Crystal Heart is full of positive magic. What do you say?”

“You know,” Sunset said as her ears popped back up. “That’s not a bad idea. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve been through to save the Twilight Sparkle of my world when she became Midnight Sparkle.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Princess Cadance said as she ran back to the Crystal Heart. “Let’s get you prepared for the final fight.”

Sunset Shimmer took a few steps forward and yelled out “Hit me with all you got.”

“Gladly,” Princess Cadance said, charging up her horn.

Immediately, Princess Cadance fired a blast of magic right into the Crystal Heart, emitting a shockwave once again before firing a beam at Sunset Shimmer, surrounding the room in a bright light.

“Hey, what do you think is happening to Sunset Shimmer?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Something tells me she gave that pony more than just the Alicorn treatment,” Tirek replied.

Immediately, Princess Luna appeared right behind the group and said “Who’s getting the alicorn treatment?”

When the light disappeared, Sunset Shimmer had changed. She was slightly taller, her horn was extended and now glowed brightly, her mane and tail were longer, she now had magical wings and her eyes were as red as part of her mane and tail.

“My word,” Princess Luna said. “Sunset. Did the Crystal Heart do that to you?”

“It was Princess Cadance’s idea,” Sunset Shimmer said, admiring her new form. “By the way. Call me…Daydream Shimmer.”

“Daydream Shimmer, huh?” Cozy Glow said as she flew up to the now transformed mare and looked at her new physique. “Sounds more like the name of a hero than a princess.”

“What can I say,” Daydream Shimmer said. “I like the idea of being a hero instead of a princess.”

Princess Luna observed the entire room, seeing Daydream Shimmer, along with the alicornified Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara. She turned to Princess Cadance and said “How exactly did you do that?”

“The Crystal Heart is capable of enhancing ponies with harmonious magic,” Princess Cadance said. “Even if you take on a demonic-like form, you are still in control of your own mind.”

Luna rubbed the bottom of her chin and said “As much as I despise my alter ego Nightmare Moon, you take on a good point. I think I’ll put it to risk and take on that form again.”

“Are you kidding me?” Applejack yelled. “We already have Celestia to worry about. Don’t you go turning on us.”

“If what Princess Cadance said is true,” Princess Luna said before stepping forward. “Then let me have it.”

“One transformation coming up,” Princess Cadance said before firing off a blast of magic at the Crystal Heart.

Once more, the Crystal Heart emitted a shockwave before firing off a beam of magic, this time hitting Princess Luna before enveloping the room in a blinding light once more.

“So what should we call this technique?” Scootaloo asked.

“I call it the M.A. Larson effect,” Princess Cadance said with a grin.

Suddenly, they heard a laugh echo through the room. When the light disappeared, everyone except Tirek, Cozy Glow and Princess Cadance stood in terror as Princess Luna had transformed once more into Nightmare Moon.

“The Rainbow of Darkness, that darkness sends, now begins the NIGHT THAT NEVER ENDS!” Nightmare Moon said before she laughed hard.

“I knew it,” Applejack said. “She’s gone evil again.”

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon turned to Applejack with a playful smile and said “Gotcha. You know I’m not going to turn evil again. After all, I may have the form of Nightmare Moon, but I am still Princess Luna.”

Applejack wiped the sweat off her forehead and said “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”

“I don’t know,” Tirek said with a laugh. “That phrase she said when she emerged. It has a nice catch to it.”

“By the way,” Smolder asked. “Weren’t you with Twilight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis and Queen Novo?”

“I was,” Nightmare Moon said. “But Twilight said she would check up on Starlight, Pinkie Pie and Silverstream to check if Neigh Nanners was marching forward with his army of mind-controlled followers.”

“Well the moment Starlight arrives,” Diamond Tiara said. “Perhaps she could be like the rest of us.”

Applejack just laughed and said “Imagine the outcry over the number of Alicorns in Equestria. And not to mention a buff pony like myself. It would make Neigh Nanners’ own cult look pleasant in comparison.”

“Ahhh let them whine,” Smolder said before she blew a raspberry. “It’s not like we’re a group of Mary Sues.”

Princess Cadance just laughed and said “Okay. So who’s next?”

Immediately, Big Mac jumped into the clearing and yelled out “ME NEXT! ME NEXT!”

Applejack just giggled and said “Are you really sure about that, bro?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “I want to do this for Equestria, for the whole family and especially Sugar Belle. ALICORN ME!”

Princess Cadance just smiled and said “Okay, big boy. Here comes the Alicorn discount.”

And with that, Princess Cadance fired one more beam of magic into the Crystal Heart, emitting another shockwave before firing its own magic right at Big Mac, filling the room with white light again. Once the light disappeared, Big Mac now had a horn on his head and a pair of wings.

“Wow,” Apple Bloom said. “Now that is awesome.”

“You said it,” Big Mac said, standing tall.

Apple Bloom runs up to Applejack and said “What about you? You wanna be an Alicorn?”

“Nah,” Applejack said. “I think there are enough Alicornified Apples in this bunch. Besides, I think I wanna put these muscles to good use.”

“Then we better find more volunteers,” Princess Cadance said. “Neigh Nanners won’t know what hit him.”

Meanwhile, at the balcony area, Pinkie Pie, Silverstream and Starlight Glimmer were walking out from a doorway where they saw Juno and Huckleberry observing the lands beyond the city limits.

“Juno, Huck,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’ve barely seen you since we first arrived in Canterlot. How are you two feeling?”

Juno turned towards Pinkie Pie and said “Sorry for not being around that much, Professor Pinkie Pie. When there is so much stuff going on, it can feel overwhelming.”

“Yeah,” Huckleberry said. “Juno passed out sometime when we got to Canterlot. So I had to look after her until we had to evacuate. Thankfully, she barely recovered.”

“I’m terribly sorry about that,” Starlight said. “This is why I get for not paying enough attention to every student from the School of Friendship.”

“It’s not your fault, Starlight,” Juno said. “Ever since we had to flee Ponyville, it felt like our life was twisted up completely. And with so many ponies to keep track of, it’s enough to make your head spin.”

“Come to think of it,” Starlight said. “Sunburst, Trixie, Princess Flurry Heart and some of the students were spending some time thinking about the final battle that was to come. Everyone’s stressed out.”

“Hey, relax Starlight,” Pinkie PIe said, putting her arm around the lavender unicorn. “We got this final battle in the bag. With Grogar on our side, nothing can go wrong.”

Starlight laughed and said “That explains a lack of your Pinkie Sense, considering how much you used it since I started living with you guys.”

Pinkie Pie just laughed and said “Awww. Makes me wanna reach out and give you one of THESE!”

Immediately, Pinkie Pie got on her two legs, grabbed Starlight and gave her a big hug, all while rubbing her cheek on Starlight’s cheek. The unicorn mare could barely breathe as she struggled to move.

“Thanks…alot,” Starlight said as Pinkie cuddled her.

Huckleberry looked at Silverstream, who walked next to him and Juno and observed the distant plains and mountains. The pegasus youngster asked “Aren’t you worried about the other Hippogriffs?”

“I am,” Silverstream cried. “I only have my Aunt Novo by my side, and I do miss my cousin Skystar. But I know one thing.”

“What’s that?” Juno asked.

“I know I’ll be able to see her again when this stupid conflict comes to an end,” Silverstream replied. “And I know she’s alive out there. Skystar’s too stubborn to break, even when she unintentionally angers my aunt.”

Huckleberry laughed and said “Sounds like she’s a tough girl.”

“And not only that,” Silverstream said. “Queen Novo used to be as playful as me and Skystar, back when she was a filly. Heard she drove grandma crazy.”

“Guess the river of time can change our attitudes,” Juno said. “One moment, you’re full of optimism, and the next you become a depressed wreck. You never know what we will become in the future.”

“The future’s always changing,” Silverstream said. “Maybe one day I’ll end up a cranky old hag. Or a professional business hippogriff. Or maybe a….”

Pinkie and Starlight laughed before they both said “Okay. We both get it.” Silverstream turned to see Pinkie and Starlight continuing to hug each other, all while staring at the hippogriff youngling.

“You know,” Silverstream said. “If I had a camera of some sort, I could capture this moment and treasure it.”

Pinkie and Starlight blushed before they proceeded to let go and place their arms on the ground.

“Maybe when the whole world is not at stake,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Speaking of which,” Huckleberry said. “Aren’t you worried about the fact that we are facing our darkest hour?”

Pinkie Pie brushed herself off before she said in a solemn tone “I am. I am afraid that this is our darkest hour, darker than any other event that transpired.”

“Pinkie,” Starlight said. “You’ve been down this path before.”

“I know,” Pinkie Pie said. “But despite the odds that are against us, I’m not one who gives up so easily. And that’s despite the fact that we’ve had to retreat twice.”

“All those ponies who wanted to overthrow us back at the School of Friendship,” Starlight said. “And they were under the control of Neigh Nanners. To think, I thought I was horrible with that stupid town I use rule over.”

“I mean, as much as you were horrible as the ruler over the equal town,” Pinkie Pie said. “Neigh Nanners has you beat in the cult and messaging department. And oh boy. He’s a real doozy.”

“So how bad was it to be a villain, Starlight?” Juno asked.

Starlight chuckled and said “It’s like you wanted power all to yourself. Like you wanted to be adored and feared at the same time. And then there was the revenge part. Made me a lot crazier than I was made out to be.”

“Ooooh,” Silverstream said in excitement. “Maybe when the dust is settled, I should try out for a villain role.”

Pinkie and Starlight yelled out “NOOOOO,” catching Silverstream off guard.

“Sorry,” Starlight said. “But after Neigh Nanners, I’m going to be exhausted for quite a while.”

“I’m with her on that,” Pinkie said with a grin.

All four girls proceeded to laugh really hard as Huckleberry turned to the horizon. His eyes quickly caught a load of small dots decorating the landscape. He quickly picked up the binoculars and looked through them towards the mountain. In the distance, he could see Neigh Nanners and his followers march towards the Crystal Empire. Marching right next to Neigh Nanners was Crusader Celestia, who looked cold and calculated. Immediately, Huckleberry put down the binoculars and tapped Starlight on the shoulder

“They’re about to arrive,” Huckleberry said. “Warn everyone.”

“Gotcha,” Starlight said before she turned tail and ran back through the doorway, leaving Pinkie Pie, Silverstream, Juno and Huckleberry to observe Neigh Nanners and his cult in the distance.

“So what do you think will happen?” Juno asked.

“I’d say we jump right down there and,” Silverstream said before being interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

“Woah, hold it,” Pinkie Pie said. “Now’s not the time to be that reckless.”

“Well why not?” Silverstream asked.

“Well first off,” Pinkie Pie said. “The last thing we need is for you to be lost and to upset Queen Novo even further. And second off, we’ve been in this part for too long.”

“Wait,” Juno said with a confused look on her face. “What do you mean by that?”

“What I meant to say is,” Pinkie Pie said. “The author wrote too much in this portion of the fanfic. He should wrap this up and prepare for the climax. The whole audience is watching.”

With that, I yelled out “Pinkie. You’re not supposed to break the fourth wall. Now that’s the second time you’ve done this.”

“Author,” Pinkie Pie said to me. “I know you wanted to squeeze in more characters to help keep them back in the limelight. But the time of the final battle is coming up. Wrap this up because you’re letting this drag on too long. The audience is anticipating the climax of this and you don’t want to disappoint them.

“Fine. I’ll do it,” I said in disgust as I typed in the following words….

To Be Continued

“You know,” Silverstream said. “This fourth wall thing sounds pretty cool. I wonder if I should break it as well.”

And with that, Juno and Huckleberry yelled out “NOOOOOOOOOO!”

Author's Note:

Daimando: Pinkie. Why'd you have to end this part of the fanfic like this? That was completely unnecessary.

Pinkie Pie: Well I know you wanted to give some other characters some time in the limelight. But at the same time, you dragged this out for too long. Bronies and Pegasisters want to see this come to an end.

Daimando: But that was rude, breaking the 4th wall like that. And sure, I know I have to begin wrapping this up. But I had to write it this long just to showcase that the climax is about to come up. And besides, don't you have a final fight to deal with?

Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah. I gotta do just that. But don't you even think about giving this a bad ending. The last thing we need is to end this dark fanfic on a major disappointment.

Daimando: Fine, fine. (Turns head to the audience) Everyone, the next part of the fanfic will be one part of the final battle. I plan to split this final confrontation into three parts, one of which will be Neigh Nanners's defeat. Trust me. After all he's done, his defeat will be the most satisfying part, ever.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, and don't forget about later this summer, when Daimando writes Saga 2 of his One as a Family Fanfic series.

Daimando: Pinkie. Back to the fanfic. You're becoming as annoying as Scrappy Doo of Scooby Doo.

Pinkie Pie: Okay okay. Sheesh. Some bronies need to lighten up.

Daimando: I heard that.