• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 2,374 Views, 201 Comments

The Ending of the End Revised, or Be Careful with what you wish for. - SaburoDaimando

Were you disappointed in the Series Finale? Do you wish it was different? Well be careful with what you wish for.

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Chapter 8: An Uneasy Alliance

An Uneasy Alliance

“Are you out of your mind, Princess Celestia?” Those words came from a nervous Starswirl the Bearded, as he, Princess Celestia, Starlight Glimmer, Stygian, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Somnambula, Flash Magnus, Mage Meadowbrook, Midnight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow backed up from the approaching Neigh Nanners and the mob.

“I actually agree with the fool, Starswirl,” Tirek said. “Why should we form an alliance with you ponies?”

“Because if you don’t,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Then we will all be crushed under their hooves, especially Neigh Nanners.”

“She’s right,” Princess Celestia said. “This is now a life or death situation, and Neigh Nanners is the bigger foe in the vicinity.”

“You’re kidding me,” Queen Chrysalis said as she backed up from the mob. “Align myself with the likes of you?”

“Then I hope you enjoy becoming a victim of mob mentality,” Princess Celestia yelled.

“I hate to be on their side,” Cozy Glow said. “But Princess Celestia is right. We need to work together on this, otherwise we’re going to be one step in Neigh Nanners conquering Equestria.”

Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek look forward at Neigh Nanners and the mob, who continue to approach the entire group. The two turned back towards the other ponies.

“Fine,” Queen Chrysalis yelled. “But don’t expect me to play nice with the rest of you.”

“I’m with her on that,” Lord Tirek yelled. “But that being said, how do we get out of this mess?”

“Even though I am freed from the Pony of Shadows,” Stygian said. “I still possess some of his former powers. Gather around. I will get you away from them.”

Midnight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Queen Chrysalis, Princess Celestia, Lord Tirek, Starswirl the Bearded, Cozy Glow, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook nodded as they stood close to Stygian. The unicorn with the brown cloak closed his eyes before opening them, revealing a shadow from within.

“Forces of shadow,” Stygian yelled. “Become one.”

Suddenly, the entire group was swallowed away in a shadow that stood underneath them. The shadow darted as fast as possible, and under the mob. Neigh Nanners just watched as the shadow fled past the entire group.

“Very interesting,” Neigh Nanners said. “I underestimated these elitists. Still, this does make it exciting to hunt them down and bring them to justice.”

In another part of the city, the shadow moves as fast as possible through the empty streets and up a building. The moment the shadow reached the middle of the rooftop, Stygian emerged from it with Princess Celestia, Starlight Glimmer, Midnight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, Starswirl the Bearded, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, and Mage Meadowbrook emerging right next to them. Everyone but Stygian looked disoriented as they struggled to get up.

“I am never going to get used to that,” Flash Magnus yelled.

“No argument on that,” Mistmane said as Flash Magnus helped her up.

Starlight Glimmer took a hard look at Midnight Sparkle, who picked herself up on her four hooves. The lilac unicorn ran up to Midnight.

“Twilight, why?” Starlight said. “Why would you take sides with them and become this? After all that you taught me on the magic of friendship, you just went and pulled this”

“That’s because I finally see how pessimistic life truly is,” Midnight Sparkle said.

“That is not you,” Starlight said. “I’ve known you since you first stepped a hoof on the equality town long ago, back when I was a villain looking for power.”

“Starlight’s right, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “When I found out that you took sides with Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow, I was upset. But not with you. Come back to us. I’m willing to forgive you.”

Princess Celestia reached out with her hoof towards Midnight Sparkle. The dark alicorn looked down at Celestia’s hoof and up at her former mentor’s smile, before turning her head away.

“Twilight Sparkle is no more,” Midnight Sparkle said, causing Celestia to retract her hoof away. “I am Midnight Sparkle, future Empress of all that you see.”

“See?” Queen Chrysalis said as she stepped in between Midnight Sparkle and Princess Celestia. “She’s one of us now. Accept it.”

“Or at least, I thought I was,” Midnight Sparkle said, causing Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia to freak out.

“Wait,” Cozy Glow said. “I thought you were perfectly fine with being bad with me, Chrysalis and Tirek.”

“I was,” Midnight Sparkle said. “But after that stunt that Neigh Nanners pulled on all of us at Central Park, and the fact that Discord’s magic does nothing to undo the effect, I don’t know who I am anymore.”

Starswirl slowly walked up to Celestia and whispered “This is more serious than any of us realized. Neigh Nanners must have dug deep into Twilight’s mind with this so-called Emotion Amplifier.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “It’s as if Neigh Nanners was targeting Twilight the whole time.”

Stygian approached Midnight Sparkle as the dark unicorn just looked down at the city below. She let out a depressed sigh and barely turned her head back towards the cloaked unicorn.

“I can’t believe it,” Stygian said. “And not just to the fact that you became one of them, but what you said…”

“That I’m losing hope again?” Midnight Sparkle said.

“What are you talking about?” Tirek said as he marched forward. “You’re one of us, now. You’re a bad guy, a villain, pure evil.”

Midnight Sparkle turned to face Tirek and said “First off, I’m beginning to question if there truly is a difference in between good and evil. And second off, you want to know the truth from me? I had intended on betraying you and your friends the moment we seized Canterlot.”

Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow stared at Midnight Sparkle in total shock as the dark unicorn turned around and faced down on the city.

“You don’t really mean that, do you?” Rockhoof said.

“I do,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Well…I did.”

“I can’t believe it,” Queen Chrysalis said as she nudged Rockhoof aside. “You wanted to betray us just for your own self-centered desires?”

“You and the others would do the same if you were in that position,” Midnight Sparkle said. “After all, you’re villains, it’s what you do best.”

Chrysalis attempted to speak, only for her to pause and her jaw to drop down. She turned tail and marched back to Cozy Glow, all while Tirek just looked on next to Midnight Sparkle.

“I hate it when she’s right,” Chrysalis said.

Tirek and Cozy Glow looked at Chrysalis and back at each other with a confused look on their faces.

“Well at least we still have the bell,” Cozy Glow said.

“Wait a minute,” Tirek said. “The bell. Where is it?”

Tirek and Cozy Glow looked left and right and saw Princess Celestia holding the Bewitching Bell, looking down inside the artifact.

“Don’t you fool,” Tirek yelled.

Tirek’s words caused Princess Celestia to drop the Bewitching Bell. It falls to the floor and lets out a powerful ring, firing a blast of energy on the Alicorn Princess and covering her in pure chaos energy.

“Oh dear,” Starswirl said. “What did you do, Princess?”

When the energy dissipated, Princess Celestia had changed into Daybreaker, much to the shock of everyone surrounding her. Starlight Glimmer took one glance at her and hid behind Starswirl the Bearded.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Daybreaker yelled. “I knew I should have absorbed Discord’s magic when I had the chance. Now I shall be the new Empress of Equestria, and all will bow before me.”

Stygian, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook stood by Starswirl as Daybreaker stood down at the group. Starlight just looked up at Daybreaker before hiding her face again. Chrysalis and Tirek also marched to the side of the pillars of old Equestria while Midnight Sparkle turned her head and sighed.

“Princess Celestia my student,” Starswirl said. “What have you done? You were a precious pupil. You were supposed to destroy the evil, not embrace it.”

Daybreaker laughed and said “Fool. There was always an evil presence within me. And there is an evil presence within all of you. Join with me, and together we will rule Equestria as one.”

As Daybreaker let out a devious cackle, Cozy Glow flew up to the bell and pointed it right at the crazed Alicorn.

“That’s enough of that, Princess Celestia,” Cozy Glow yelled as she fired a beam of magic into the Bewitching Bell

The bell came to life again as it fired a blast of magic at Daybreaker, withdrawing the magic away and turning her back into Princess Celestia. She fell to the ground and looked up at Cozy Glow, who stared down at the Princess of the sun.

“Don’t you ever….EVER….do that again,” Cozy Glow yelled before she took the bell and flew back to the rest of the group. Princess Celestia got up and placed her hoof on her head.

“To be scolded by the very filly you sentenced to Tartarus for stealing magic,” Celestia said. “I’ve definitely sunk to a new low.”

“What matters most is that you’re no longer Daybreaker,” Starlight Glimmer said as she walked out from behind Starswirl.

“Daybreaker?” Starswirl the Bearded asked.

“It’s a long story,” Starlight replied.

Princess Celestia turned her gaze towards Midnight Sparkle once more. She attempted to walk up, only to pause for a moment.

“Just recently,” Princess Celestia said. “Twilight looked like she was going to be the biggest villain I ever faced. And now, she’s as depressed as she was when she fled Canterlot not long ago.”

“If you want my opinion,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I believe that the Emotion Amplifier is affecting her mind in a way. As if it were soaking away at her emotions like a sponge.”

“I’m surprised that you still care for Twilight Sparkle,” Mage Meadowbrook said. “Especially after she confessed to wanting to betray you.”

“I have my own reasons,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And she’s right on one thing. We are villains and we wanted to betray each other for our own gain. But this Neigh Nanners character is far more devious than any of us even imagine. Myself, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Discord, Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, the Storm King, the Pony of Shadows. He makes us all look like a bunch of mere amateurs.”

Starlight walked up to Chrysalis and said “You think that’s bad? Trying using time travel to go back in time and change the course of history because you wanted revenge for destroying your own cult.”

Queen Chrysalis looked back at Starlight Glimmer and said “Wait. You figured out time travel?”

Starlight turned her head away and said “Yeah. And it’s something I truly regret doing.”

“It’s the demons in our past that try to drag us down,” Starswirl said. “But as long as we acknowledge that what we do is wrong, and figure a way to atone, we can become better individuals. And I would wish that for Twilight Sparkle.”

Everyone turned their heads towards Midnight Sparkle, who continued to stare down into the empty streets of Manehattan.

“Never thought I’d say this,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But I do feel bad for Twilight Sparkle. Partially for dragging her into our little club, and partially because of what Neigh Nanners did.” She turned her head towards Starlight and said “And I never thought I’d say this as well. But the more I think about this, the more this makes my desire for revenge feel bitter.”

“Chrysalis,” Starlight said. “I know why you wanted revenge on me, and I can understand that.”

“If you’re talking about how you overthrew me and let Thorax become King,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You’re only partially right. You unfortunately revealed the Emotion Amplifier to Neigh Nanners.”

Starlight yelled out a big “What?” as everyone sans Midnight Sparkle, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow turned their heads towards Chrysalis.

“The throne that you and Thorax destroyed was where I buried the Emotion Amplifier so I wouldn’t harm any of my subjects,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But when you destroyed the throne and the top of the hive tower, you unexpectedly exposed the Emotion Amplifier to the world, and allowed this fool to get his grubby hooves on it.”

“Oh no,” Starlight said. “I…I didn’t mean it.”

“But the past is past,” Queen Chrysalis said. “On your part. In my anger, I should have recovered the stone and hidden it further away from the rabble. But I now know that I was as much of a fool to let Neigh Nanners get the Emotion Amplifier. And we’re paying a fool’s price for it.”

“Never thought I’d say this,” Cozy Glow said. “But I’m beginning to miss my cell back in Tartarus.”

But as everyone began to ponder, Tirek felt something on his hind leg. He looked down and pulled up a small earth pony filly with a brilliant gamboge coat, a light and brilliant amaranth mane, and scissors for a cutie mark. She was also surrounded by a strange aura.

“Just who do you think you are to ambush me like that you little brat?” Tirek said as he held the filly by her tail.

Tirek’s words caught the attention of everyone in the vicinity, including Midnight Sparkle whose eyes popped the moment she looked at her.

“Babs Seed?” Midnight Sparkle said. “Is that you?”

Babs Seed turned her attention towards Midnight Sparkle and said “Not anymore. I’m now a follower of Neigh Nanners, the prophet and savior of Equestria.”

“Prophet?” Cozy Glow said. “Now I’ve heard everything.”

“Young lady,” Somnambula said as she walked up to Tirek and Babs Seed. “You are not a follower. You are a pony with big dreams ahead of you.”

“Not anymore,” Babs Seed yelled. “The only way Equestria will be free is if Princess Celestia is overthrown and the magic of Equestria is destroyed. This is the way.”

“It is not,” Midnight Sparkle said as she got off the railing and approached Babs Seed. “Magic is everywhere. Magic is what makes us who we are. Magic is…”


As most of the ponies backed off, Tirek pulled Babs Seed to his face and growled at the filly.

“I should have done this when I picked you up from the very start,” Tirek yelled.

“Tirek No,” Midnight Sparkle yelled.

But it was too late. Tirek drained the aura surrounding Babs Seed into his own mouth until it no longer surrounded the filly. But suddenly, he dropped Babs Seed unexpectedly, forcing Cozy Glow to fly up and grab the earth pony filly.

“This….magic,” Tirek yelled as he held his stomach. “It feels like…poison.”

Tirek held his gut for as long as he could, groaning and screaming in pain. He thrusted his torso upwards and belched out the essence of the aura into the sky, where it drifted upwards. Tirek collapsed afterwards, holding his stomach with both a bit of pain and relief.

“Never thought I’d encounter magic that would cause indigestion,” Tirek said as he held his stomach and wiped the drool off his lip.

Midnight Sparkle walked up to Tirek and yelled out “What were you thinking? You should have known better than to drain that. If it was poisonous for Chrysalis’s own underlings, then it’s poisonous for you.”

Tirek slowly picked himself up as he clutched his stomach and said “Well I thought if I absorbed the magic that Neigh Nanners placed on that kid, it would help break the spell.”

“And put yourself in that kind of danger?” Midnight Sparkle yelled. “I may be for double crossing, but I’m not above poisoning others with that kind of malice.”

“Poison me?” Tirek said. “I’m your worst nightmare. And I can take a bit of poison or two.”

“With that kind of stomach?” Midnight Sparkle yelled. “I don’t think so.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia got in between Midnight Sparkle and Tirek and yelled out “Enough. Both of you. We’ve got bigger problems to worry about than this.”

“She’s right,” Stygian said. “We still have Neigh Nanners and his base to worry about.”

Cozy Glow flew up to the group, still holding an unconscious Babs Seed in her arms. She slowly places her down next to the group as Babs Seed’s eyes begin to awaken.

“She’s coming to,” Cozy Glow said.

Everyone gathered around Babs Seed as her eyes opened up. She slowly got up and looked at everyone around.

“Wha? Where am I?” Babs Seed said. “Did I…die? Who are most of you?”

Babs Seed looked around to see the faces of Starswirl, Stygian, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook. But the moment she laid eyes on Chrysalis and Tirek, Babs Seed got up and faced the two foes with her back hunched up.

“GET BACK!” Babs Seed yelled. “I’m not afraid of you.”

Mistmane walked up to Babs Seed, who still had her back hunched up. The elderly mare placed her hoof gently on Babs’s face. The warm touch of her hoof was enough to calm down the little filly.

“It’s okay,” Mistmane said. “We’re not going to hurt you. Tell me. Do you recall anything?”

Babs Seed slowly sat down and looked up at Mistmane. She turned her head back and said “Barely. All I could recall was checking out a rally of some sorts by this guy who claimed that Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia were the real enemies of Equestria.

“We’re not the enemies you seek,” Princess Celestia said as she walked up to Babs Seed. “In fact, I’m at least the friend of your cousin Apple Bloom.”’

“You’re Princess Celestia,” Babs Seed said as she jumped up on her four hooves and wagged her tail with delight. “I can’t believe it. I get to meet Princess Celestia.”

Immediately, Babs Seed leaped up and clung onto Princess Celestia, who only sat down and gave the little filly a big hug.

“It’s alright,” Princess Celestia said. “I’m here to look after you, little Babs Seed.”

Midnight Sparkle walked up to Babs Seed and Celestia and said “At least that horrible Neigh Nanners has no power over you.”

Babs Seed turned around and looked at Midnight Sparkle. Her face went into a bit of a shock as she stared at Midnight’s mane and coat.

“Twilight?” Babs said. “What happened to you?”

Midnight Sparkle tilted her head away and said “Had a falling out with Princess Celestia thanks to Neigh Nanners, decided to join Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow, double-crossed Discord, and got double-crossed by Neigh Nanners. Truth be told, I don’t know if being a hero or a villain is working out for me.”

“Twilight, what were you thinking?” Babs Seed said. “What would your friends say if they found out about this?”

“Babs,” Celestia said. “One thing I know is that I want to see Twilight return to my side. She did a lot with bringing back my sister, and helping the ponies of Equestria through many of their problems. She’s already made herself a hero, and to see her get destroyed by Neigh Nanners in terms of character is what drove her this mad.”

“But why is this happening?” Babs asked. “Why are ponies lashing out at all of you?”

Cozy Glow flew up to Babs Seed and said “Neigh Nanners has this artifact called the Emotion Amplifier. He’s using it to rile up every pony in Equestria and turn them against all of us, hero and villain alike.”

“That’s sickening,” Babs Seed said as she lets go of Princess Celestia and turns towards Cozy Glow. “Why would he do that?”

“Well, why don’t you ask me yourself.” Everyone turned around to see Neigh Nanners approached from a rooftop doorway. Behind him were a number of angry protesters.

“How,” Princess Celestia said as she stood in front of the rest of the group. “How did you figure out where we were?”

Neigh Nanners just waltzed over to the rogue group and said “Why, I know exactly where you would be. I can see through the eyes of my followers and I can see where you will be. Especially through the eyes of that little filly that has taken your side.”

Babs Seed’s jaw dropped down. She bent down and scraped her hoof on the pavement of the roof.

“You monster,” Babs Seed snarled. “You used me to get to Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.”

“Along with her henchmen and her master,” Neigh Nanners said. “You were a good little minion until they took away your freedom. And now, you’ve lost your purpose….traitor.”

Neigh Nanners stepped to the side as the roused rabble chanted “TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!” Babs Seed looked like she was about to lash out at Neigh Nanners. But the moment she jumped, Mistmane grabbed her and held the filly back.

“No, youngling,” Mistmane said. “That’s what he wants you to do. It’s a trap.”

“I don’t care if it’s a trap,” Babs Seed yelled as she struggled to break free. “I want to pay him back for what he did to me.”

“Don’t be a fool,” Cozy Glow yelled. “The moment you lash out at them, they will chew you up and spit you out.”

Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek stood in front of the group, catching the attention of everyone, including Mistmane, Babs Seed and Cozy Glow. The two villains stared down Neigh Nanners as his army of followers marched towards the group, chanting like crazy and with fury in their eyes.

“Unlike the rest of you,” Queen Chrysalis said. “We have no qualms about attacking Equestrians.”

“Not to mention we’re doing you all a favor,” Tirek said.

“Tirek, Chrysalis, Don’t,” Celestia yelled out.

But it was too late. Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek charged up their magic and aimed towards the wild mob. Neigh Nanners stood to the side with a devilish grin on his face.

“Big mistake,” Neigh said as he slowly reveals the Emotion Amplifier.

Suddenly, Chrysalis and Tirek’s magic went out. The duo looked at their horns and tried to charge up again, only for nothing to go out. Everyone else in the group watched as Chrysalis and Tirek struggled to charge up.

“What’s going on?” Chrysalis yelled. “Where’s my magic?”

“I can’t do anything,” Tirek yelled as he tried desperately to charge his magic up.

Neigh Nanners just laughed as he walked up and said “You have no magic. You never did and you never will. You are powerless without magic.”

Tirek focused his gaze on Neigh Nanners and yelled out “But I still have THIS!”

WIthout a second thought, Tirek grabbed Neigh Nanners and opened his mouth, looking as if he were going to absorb his magic. But nothing came out of Neigh Nanners. Tirek opened his eyes and closed his mouth as Neigh Nanners smirked at the big centaur.

“Like I said,” Neigh Nanners said. “You have no magic.”

A bright orange aura surrounded Neigh Nanners and Tirek’s palm. Tirek yelled out and lost his grip on Neigh Nanners as he desperately shook his hand.

“What did you do, you coward?” Celestia said as Tirek blew hard on his palm to cool it off.

“I showed that imposter the truth,” Neigh Nanners said. “He’s no son of King Vorak. There was no King Vorak or a Centaur Kingdom. He’s nothing more than one of your little pets, like the changelings, and like your daughter Cozy Glow.”

“What are you talking about?” Celestia said. “I don’t have a daughter.”

“Don’t lie to yourself,” Neigh Nanners said. “From what I know, you sent Cozy Glow to drain the magic of Equestria in order to test Chancellor Neighsay’s best students. Once they passed the test, she was sent to Tartarus to await further instructions. She’s no villain, but an agent of your design and your daughter. Accept the facts.”

Celestia, Chrysalis and Tirek backed away from Neigh Nanners in a bit of confusion. Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer, Babs Seed, Starswirl the Bearded, Stygian, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook could only watch Neigh Nanners and his mob march towards them.

“Stygian,” Starswirl said. “Now would be a good time to use whatever you did to teleport us out of there.”

“I got a better idea.” Starswirl and Stygian turned to see Midnight Sparkle holding the bewitching bell. Right behind her, a portal had opened up, leading back to Grogar’s Lair.

“Princess Twilight,” Starswirl said. “Is that what I think it is?”

“It is,” Midnight Sparkle yelled. “Now come. We’re getting you all out of here.”

Starlight and Stygian nodded at each other as they jumped into the portal without a second thought. Starswirl turned towards the rest of the pillars.

“Pillars of Old Equestria,” Starswirl the Bearded said. “We must pull back from Manehattan. This way.”

Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook nodded. They followed Starswirl through the portal and out of Manehattan. Cozy Glow was quick to pick up Babs Seed and fly into the portal.

“Princess Celestia, Chrysalis, Tirek,” Midnight Sparkle yelled. “Come with me if you want to live.”

Celestia could barely move backwards as the crowd inched towards her, Chrysalis and Tirek.

“I can’t,” Princess Celestia cried. “It’s like something’s holding me back.”

Midnight Sparkle was quick to fire a blast of magic onto the pavement, surprising Celestia, Chrysalis and Tirek. The trio snapped out of their trance and looked at Midnight Sparkle.

“NOW OR NEVER!” Midnight Sparkle yelled. “ENTER THE PORTAL!”

“No way am I arguing with your logic,” Chrysalis said as she ran as fast as she could before jumping through the portal.

Tirek and Celestia looked at each other. They both nodded before they ran as fast as possible and jumped through the portal, disappearing from Manehattan. Midnight Sparkle levitated the bell towards her and looked at Neigh Nanners.

“Another time, Nanners,” Midnight Sparkle said before she jumped through the portal with the Bewitching Bell by her side.

As the portal closed off and disappeared. Neigh Nanners and his base stood by. He merely walked up to where the portal was and laughed it off.

“I did not expect you to pull that,” Neigh Nanners said as he casually adjusted his jacket. “But what I do expect is for where you have hidden yourself and your allies. I know where you are, and we will find you.”

Meanwhile, in Grogar’s lair, Stygian scanned the surroundings with his shadow eyes with Starlight Glimmer by his side. Starswirl, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, Somnambula and Flash Magus explored the interior of the cavern. Cozy Glow sets Babs Seed down on one of the steps, allowing the young scamp to get up and breathe a sigh of relief. Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek approached Twilight, who now stood on one of the rocks in the water and held the bell beside her with her magic.

“Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “I know you’re no longer yourself, and the fact that we’re now enemies. But right now, that pales in comparison to what Neigh Nanners just did to all of us.”

“I’m afraid I agree with Princess Celestia,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I’ve given you a run for your money in the past. But not compared to what this sick, filth just did.”

“As much as I don’t want to agree with you,” Midnight Sparkle said. “I actually do. Neigh Nanners has figured out how to turn our own emotions against us.” Midnight Sparkle turned to TIrek and added “Tirek. When you tried to drain Neigh Nanners of his magic, you wound up getting burned unexpectedly. What happened?”

“It’s really hard to explain,” Tirek replied. “One moment I couldn’t drain any magic out of that pony. The next moment, it felt like touching a molten rock.”

Starswirl the Bearded cleared his throat as he walked towards Midnight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis, catching their attention.

“I’m afraid it’s far more dire than we realized,” Starswirl said. “Neigh Nanners is using the Emotion Amplifier in a way that it’s…well…it’s distorting reality and beating us back.”

“We’ve had plenty of experience fighting monsters like the Dazzlings and the Pony of Shadows,” Flash Magnus said. “Fighting entire civilizations, especially with this kind of magic, is a whole new thing.”

“That reminds me,” Chrysalis said as she turned her head towards Starlight and Stygian. She immediately yelled out “STARLIGHT GLIMMER,” catching the attention of the lilac unicorn.

“Chrysalis,” Starlight said as she looked scared. “Now is not the time to renew your own act of revenge.”

“There will be no revenge today, Starlight,” Chrysalis said. “Until this crisis is dealt with, I have no choice, but to form a truce with you. It’s all about our survival now.”

“I….I see,” Starlight said. “Then I’m hoping we can patch things up.”

“Don’t bet on it, one hundred percent,” Queen Chrysalis said. “My grudge does stand despite this uneasy ceasefire. But my anger is now directed at Neigh Nanners for the moment.”

“I understand,” Starlight said as she nodded her head towards Chrysalis.

Stygian looked at Starlight and Chrysalis and smiled as he continued to scan Grogar’s lair. As his eyes approached Midnight Sparkle, he noticed a spark of magic in her mane.

“What in the world?” Stygian said. He immediately jumped and landed near Midnight Sparkle as he pulled out a pair of tweezers with his shadow magic and quickly plucked the magic spark from Midnight.

“Hey,” Midnight Sparkle said as she barely felt the tweezers. “What did you do that for?”

Stygian’s eyes returned to normal. He pulled up the magic spark and said “I found this on your mane. What do you suppose that is?”

Midnight Sparkle looked closely at the spark as it pulsed a bright magenta. Her face immediately went into despair as she backed up and fell into the water. Celestia, Chrysalis, Tirek, Starlight and Stygian all gathered around Midnight Sparkle.

“Twilight,” Celestia said. “What happened?”

“That magic….” Midnight Sparkle said. “It belongs to Neigh Nanners and the Emotion Amplifier.”

“What does that mean?” Tirek asked.

“It means,” Midnight Sparkle said. “I may have been spied upon all this time.”

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

On the next part, I will have Twilight reunite with her friends. Promise.