• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 2,397 Views, 201 Comments

The Ending of the End Revised, or Be Careful with what you wish for. - SaburoDaimando

Were you disappointed in the Series Finale? Do you wish it was different? Well be careful with what you wish for.

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Chapter 17: Instruments of Destruction

Instruments of Destruction

The fighting between the Equestrian Resistance and the Order of Neigh Nanners intensified as both sides held nothing back and lashed out with all of their natural skills. The Equestrian Resistance used their magic to break the grip of Nihilism from those who fell to Neigh Nanners, while those within the Order struck down Resistance members, converting them into another believer. Sides were switching up on the battlefield as a friend would become a foe, and foes could end up becoming friends.

But deep within the fighting, we find Latin Roma, Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, Tirek and Cozy Glow running through the infight. Even in light of the stress surrounding them, they continued their path, dodging attacks from both friend and foe.

“Never thought I’d live to see an actual war break out,” Nightmare Moon said.

“My father once told me that you’ll never know what the future will hold,” Latin Roma said as he deflected one of the followers of Neigh Nanners. “And this is saying a whole lot.”

“I’ve been in these kinds of battles before when I turned evil,” Tirek said as he threw one of the cultists aside. “But this is ridiculous.”

Starlight Glimmer scratched her hoof on the snow before she said “You want something done right? Go the extra mile.”

Starlight blasted her new wings with her magic, radiating a powerful glow. She extended her wings out and dashed forward towards the incoming cult members.


With one swift dash with her wings, Starlight crashed right through the cult member, knocking them aside. Some of them were hit in the mouth by her wings, flipping them down into the snow. One of them spat out feathers from his mouth and shook his head before turning to shake his hoof at Starlight.

“CURSE YOU RECKLESS MARY SUE!” That lone mind-controlled pony said as he got up and shook his fist at Starlight. “WHEN MY LORD HEARS ABOUT THIS, HE’LL…”

But before he could finish his speech, Cozy Glow flew right up and slammed her hoof right into his crotch. The brainwashed minion screamed in pain before he fell to the ground, moaning and winching.

“That was a low blow,” The minion said in a high-pitched voice.

“Well when you had an experience in evil,” Cozy Glow said before she landed on the snow. “Then it pays off to play dirty.”

Suddenly, Tirek yanked Cozy Glow by the wings and pulled her up to his face. The Centaur looked extremely agitated.

“DON’T YOU EVER, EVER…” Tirek yelled, scaring Cozy Glow. “PULL THAT STUNT AGAIN!”

“Why?” Cozy Glow asked in a nervous tone. “I thought you like being evil.”

“Even I think a low blow goes too far,” Tirek said before dropping Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow shook the snow off her face before watching Tirek walk off. Nightmare Moon walked up to Cozy Glow with an amused look on her face.

“If it makes you feel better,” Nightmare Moon said. “Me and my sister used to resort to low blows towards bandits back when we were fillies, with words like ‘That’s my purse. I don’t know you.’ It sure did make Starswirl upset.”

Nightmare Moon’s words made Cozy Glow giggle a bit while Tirek just looked back and shrugged.

“Sometimes, you mares just scare me,” Tirek said before turning to face more brainwashed minions.

Starlight flew back towards the group, being weighed down by the hooves of a brainwashed stallion. This caught the attention of the rest of her companions.

“Starlight,” Nightmare Moon said. “Do tell us who that fool is.”

“Someone who I don’t even want to be associated with,” Starlight said as she kicked the fool off her leg.

Cozy Glow flew up to the mind-controlled stallion, who got up and took off his hat, revealing himself to be Svengallop. Cozy Glow just looked at him and couldn’t think of anything to say.

“What are you staring at?” Svengallop demanded.

“I have never seen your face at all,” Cozy Glow said. “Are you some kind of rejected villain?”


Nightmare Moon landed her hooves right in front of Svengallop. The stallion looked up at the pony also known as Princess Luna, and began to cower.

“I’ve heard of you, Svengallop,” Nightmare Moon said. “Applejack told me about how you took advantage of her close friend for your own gain, and I’m not just talking about Coloratura. I’m also talking about a certain Pinkie PIe.”

“Now wait just a minute here,” Svengallop said, covering his face. “I’m not really under Neigh Nanners’ spell. I only pretended to be just so I could get my hooves on his Emotion Amplifier.”

“Wait,” Starlight said. “You were pretending to be under his spell just so you could double cross him and take control?”

“Well…yeah,” Svengallop replied, sweating rapidly. “And….I uhhh.”

“SPILL IT,” Latin Roma yelled with a voice that could cause a massive earthquake. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY UHHH?”

“Well,” Svengallop said nervously, scratching the back of his head with his hoof. “That unicorn pretending to be Twilight Sparkle…..I wanted to grab her and bring her down just to lure Neigh Nanners into a trap.”

Starlight Glimmer looked like she was about to explode. She glared down at Svengallop and yelled out “YOU WHAT?”

“Well two reasons,” Svengallop said. “One….You were really close to me. And two….you just screamed out ‘Damsel in Distress.’ Hehehehe.”

Starlight Glimmer took a few steps back before nodding her head towards Cozy Glow. The filly alicorn flew up to Svengallop and lit her horn up, surrounding the stubborn earth pony in a magical aura and lifting him off the ground.


“Just a little filly?” Cozy Glow sneered. “I tried to take magic away from ponies, and I roughed it out in Tartarus.” Her voice reached a fevered pitch as she yelled out “DO YOU THINK I AM THAT WEAK AND INNOCENT? LET ME SHOW YOU HOW USELESS I AM NOT!”

Cozy Glow swung Svengallop as fast as she could before throwing him at mach speed. The scared earth pony yelled as loud as he could before he landed right in Tirek’s hand.

“Oh no,” Svengallop said as he looked up at Tirek.

“So you pretended to be one of Neigh Nanners’ brainwashed minions just to swipe his artifact,” Tirek said as he pulled Svengallop up to his face. “And you turned out to be a bigger coward. You’re lower than even dirt, and I wouldn’t even consume your magic if it was the last bit of it on this planet. So do yourself a favor and buzz off.”

But before Svengallop could say anything, Tirek swung back and threw the self-centered stallion, sending him flying away from the battlefield. Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, Cozy Glow and Latin Roma all gathered around Tirek, who’s scowl was flipped into a smile.

“That felt satisfying,” Tirek said. “And I have yet to lay a finger on Neigh Nanners. But I still have faith that he’ll get his just desserts.”

“I wouldn’t want to be in that jerk’s horse shoes,” Starlight said. “And I meant that Svengallop jerk.”

“Well we should waste our time here,” Latin Roma said before he jumped up and kicked a charging minion right in the face, knocking him down. Latin landed his hoofs on the snow and added “Let’s make sure they bring Princess Celestia back to the base.

“I agree,” Nightmare Moon said. She pointed towards the castle and added “If Twilight, her friends and the pillars found my sister, then they’ll need backup. Come.”

WIth that, Starlight Glimmer, Cozy Glow, Tirek, Nightmare Moon and Latin Roma ran through the battlefield, knocking down any charging followers aside.

Meanwhile, back on the opposite side of the valley, Grogar and Neigh Nanners held each other back, Grogar with the Blade of the Bell, and Neigh Nanners with the Emotion War Hammer. The sound of metal slamming against each other filled the valley as neither combatant appeared to tire. Neigh Nanners was able to slam down Grogar’s sword into the snow. But the former emperor was undeterred.

“There is no escape,” Neigh Nanners said. “Your powers are weak, old ram.”

“You can’t win, Nanners,” Grogar said. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

“We shall see about that,” Neigh Nanners replied, all before Grogar lifted his sword out from the snow, knocking the War Hammer away.

Immediately, the two clashed at each other once more, slamming their weapons against each other, and dodging the incoming slashes or strikes. When Neigh Nanners attempted to thrust his sword towards Grogar, the old ram jumped back to dodge the strike before raising his sword into the air.

“Know that by wielding the Nihilism’s Bane,” Grogar said as energy flowed into the Blade of the Bell. “You condemn all life across Equestria…to extinction.”

“What I do is to free them from their shackles of friendship,” Neigh Nanners responded, bracing for impact.

“Then you are a bigger fool than you make yourself out to be,” Grogar said.

And with that, Grogar fired off a beam of pure energy right at Neigh Nanners. Though the stallion crusader began to freak out, he immediately swung his hammer outward, barely holding back the salvo of magic.

“You’re really starting to peeve me off, Grogar,” Neigh Nanners said as he struggled to push the beam back.

“That is the advantage of experience,” Grogar laughed. “To know more about magic than you can ever realize.”

“Well here’s something for you to realize,” Neigh Nanners yelled.

With all his strength, Neigh Nanners was able to push the hammer forward, sending the beam of energy flying back at Grogar. But before it could make contact, Grogar sliced the beam in half with his sword, splitting it in half and sending it flying into the atmosphere.

“I had a feeling that you would do that,” Grogar laughed.

Neigh Nanners held his hammer up and said “I will send you to Tambelon for this.”

Neigh Nanners swung his War Hammer right at Grogar, who blocked it with his sword. Grogar stood there, unimpressed as Neigh Nanners struggled to push him back.

“Tambelon,” Grogar replied. “What an interesting name. Is it a prison of some sort? One that makes Tartarus look weak? Though it does sound like the name of my former empire.”

“Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!” Neigh Nanners yelled as he smashed at Grogar’s sword in anger.

Grogar quickly moved out of the way, causing Neigh Nanners to fall down and smack his face onto the War Hammer. He looked up at Grogar and began to seethe in anger.

“You’re over emotional,” Grogar joked. “Perhaps all that Nihilism Magic is getting to you. Maybe you should lay off that stuff and learn to focus, like I do.”

“That’s it,” Neigh Nanners said in a cold, angry tone. “Forget Tambelon. I’ll carve your skull into a trophy.”

Grogar pointed his sword at Neigh Nanners and said “Bring it, amateur. Your grip on that artifact is coming to an end.”

Suddenly, a ball of fire descends from the skies and hits Neigh Nanners, exploding into a cloud of smoke and steam, and confusing Grogar. The ram lowered his sword down and approached the cloud of smoke.

“That was unexpected,” Grogar said.

When the smoke cleared, Neigh Nanners opened his eyes and looked down to see Svengallop attempted to pull the Emotion War Hammer away from him.

“That’s mine,” Svengallop said as he struggled to pull the hammer away. “I will take your artifact and I will become a god.”

Unimpressed, Neigh Nanners jerked the hammer away from Svengallop before swinging backwards. Svengallop stood there, looking up at Neigh Nanners helplessly.

“You are not worthy of being one of us,” Neigh Nanners said in a cold tone. “Begone, fool.”

With a swing of the hammer, Neigh Nanners smacked Svengallop so hard, that it sent him flying further into the atmosphere.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” Neigh Nanners said before turning towards Grogar. “And now, you’re next.”

“As I said,” Grogar said before he levitated the sword next to him. “Bring it.”

Back in the air, Discord just stood there, deflecting the shots from the Fire Nags. Even in spite of the fiery windigo’s best efforts, Discord looked uninterested, resorting to yawning, reading books, or playing tennis with himself, all while he continued to bat aside the magic.

“You’re the Windigos,” Discord said, batting aside more shots. “The most powerful beings on this planet, capable of freezing over every living creature if their anger reached a fevered point. And now look how far you have fallen. You’ve become the very thing you fought against. You’ve become a shadow of your former selves, taking sides with angry creatures. Is this how you want to go down?”

The three Fire Nags then gathered together and began to charge up magic in their mouths, catching the attention of Discord.

“Well it’s about time,” Discord said as he threw his stuff aside and braced himself. “I’d thought you were nothing more than a joke.”

The magic inside the Fire Nags’ mouth grew larger and large, almost to the size of a giant star, as Discord looked on, his eyes glaring at the sphere of magic and his instincts ready to pounce.

Suddenly, a blast of magic hits one of the Fire Nags, causing the sphere of fire magic to disappear without a trace and causing Discord to slump down in disappointment. He looked to the left to see Queen Chrysalis fly up and hit one of the Nags in the face, sending it flying towards the mountain range.

Chrysalis flew up to Discord as he said “Way to ruin a good time.”

“Now where’s the fun in letting you beat those beasts down?” Chrysalis said with a laugh. “Besides, it doesn’t look like you were taking them seriously.”

“Well considering the fact that they have yet to make a scratch on me,” Discord said. “They’ve become a joke.”

Chrysalis and Discord quickly eyed the third nag flying back up to its siblings before preparing to charge up their magical fire ball once again. Discord and Chrysalis immediately guard themselves for the worse.

“Whoever can knock those beasts the furthest wins,” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Bring it on,” Discord replied as he and Chrysalis face down the Fire Nags.

Back in the middle of the battlefield, Midnight Sparkle, Daydream Shimmer and Trixie held up barriers, blocking each and every one of Crusader Celestia’s blasts of magic and hits from her war hammer. Behind them, the rest of the Mane Six, Spike and the Pillars of Old Equestria watched on.

“I don’t know if I can keep this up,” Midnight Sparkle said.

“Neither can I,” Daydream Shimmer replied. “But we need a diversion, and fast.”

“As much as the Great and Powerful Trixie want to do that,” Trixie said. “If that happens, the rest of the crew will be left vulnerable.”

“So now what do we do?” Midnight Sparkle asked.

Immediately, Midnight Sparkle felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Starswirl the Bearded and Draconequus Pinkie Pie standing right next to her.

“Starswirl, Pinkie,” Midnight said with a bit of shock. “What are you doing?”

“We’re going to provide a distraction,” Starswirl said.

“With what you both got?” Midnight yelled.

“Yeah,” Pinkie said as she held her right hand up, looking ready to deliver a finger snap. “After all, I have the magic of chaos by my side, just like Discord. So this will be a treat.”

“Then that is what you should do,” Daydream Shimmer said.

“Are you out of your mind, Sunset?” Midnight protested.

“If Pinkie Pie has the same powers as Discord,” Sunset said. “Then why not? And besides, at least these barriers are soundproof.”

“And if it does get the job done,” Trixie said. “Then so be it. We can lure her back to the castle and drain that magic out of her.”

“Fine,” Midnight said before turning to Pinkie and Starswirl. “Do what must be done.”

“With pleasure, Princess Twilight,” Starswirl said with a devilish grin.

Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed Starswirl and snapped her fingers, teleporting away from the group and right behind Crusader Celestia. Before the brainwashed princess could react, Starswirl fired a blast of magic from behind, causing her to turn towards the duo.

“Blasphemers,” Crusader Celestia said as she raised her war hammer towards Starswirl and Pinkie Pie. “Know my lord’s wrath when I lay my hoof upon thee.”

But before she could swing the war hammer, a blast of magic behind Celestia knocked the hammer out of her hoof sending it flying to the ground. Crusader Celestia reached down and was about to pick up the hammer with her magic.

“YOU’RE TOO SLOW!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she zipped on by and grabbed the War Hammer with her hooves before flying upwards into the air.

“GIVE THAT BACK!” Crusader Celestia yelled before pursuing Rainbow Dash in the air.

Rainbow Dash took a good look at Crusader Celestia before she threw the hammer away with her mouth. The alicorn crusader quickly grabbed and held her tight.

“Where’s my hammer?” Crusader Celestia yelled as she squeezed Rainbow Dash. “Tell me.”

Rainbow Dash struggled to speak. The pressure applied by Celestia’s arms was crushing her voice box as the pegasus could barely breathe.

“OVER HERE, MY FORMER TEACHER!” Crusader Celestia released her hold on Rainbow Dash before turning her attention to Daydream Shimmer, who was already airborne and was holding the War Hammer in her hooves.

“Give that back you juvenile delinquent,” Crusader Celestia barked.

Daydream Shimmer let out a big raspberry before she turned tail and flew off towards the central castle in the Crystal Empire. Rainbow Dash immediately darted away from Crusader Celestia and flew towards Daydream Shimmer.

“Come back you two,” Crusader Celestia snapped. “My lord will punish you for your insolence.”

Back on the ground, Starswirl was quick to see Rainbow Dash and Daydream Shimmer flying towards the central castle of the Crystal Empire with Crusader Celestia in pursuit. He turned his head towards Midnight Sparkle.

“Princess,” Starswirl said. “My former student is on her way to the Crystal Empire. She’ll take the bait soon enough. Go there and finish the fight.”

“Will do,” Midnight Sparkle said, with Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike and Trixie nodding.

“Well it’s about time,” Spike grinned. “What do you think will happen?”

“We’re going to PULVERIZE THEM, INTO TINY, ITTY BITTY LITTLE PIECES!” Fluttershy yelled as she smashed her front hooves together, causing everyone around her to just stare at her in complete disbelief.

“Fluttershy Darling,” Rarity said. “What would Discord say if he heard that kind of mouth?”

“Oops,” Fluttershy said as she sat down and blushed. “Guess I overdid it.”

“There’s no time to lose,” Applejack said as she pointed her buff arm towards the castle. “We got a Princess and a whole planet to save.”

Immediately, Midnight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike and Trixie ran back towards the Crystal Empire, and towards the central castle. Starswirl immediately turned to Draconequus Pinkie Pie.

“As much as you are an asset on the battlefield,” Starswirl said. “They need you to help save the princess and undo this dark magic. Go, and light our darkest hour.”

Pinkie Pie gave a salute and yelled out “ROGER ROGER!” She turned around and dashed forward after her friends. The rest of the Pillars gathered around Starswirl, looking onward at their companions.

“I just hope they can save Princess Celestia in time,” Mistmane said as she held her hooves together.

“Considering what we’re all going through in this final fight,” Flash Magnus said. “I’d say they have a good shot at saving Celestia.”

The Pillars turned their attention to the advancing army of Neigh Nanners, charging at them with any signs of tiring. Stygian looked up to Starswirl.

“Starswirl,” Stygian said. “What do you wish us to do?”

“We stand and fight,” Starswirl said. And free them from this despair.”

As the brainwashed minions approached the pillars, Starswirl stood on his hind legs and held his arms out, all while his horn glowed brightly.

“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Starswirl yelled before slamming his hooves on the ground and emitting a powerful, magical shockwave, knocking the advancing mind-controlled minions down to the ground. The pillars began to cheer on the sigh of the fallen foes.

“That’s the spirit,” Rockhoof said. “Nothing like a little rallying cry to show Neigh Nanners who’s the boss.”

“It’s not over yet,” Starswirl said. “Steel yourselves, and fight for the magic of friendship.”

“Starswirl,” Mage Meadowbrook said. “We’re with you all the way.”

As the group of Neigh Nanners’ mind slaves start to get up, the Pillars shadowed over the group. Fear embedded itself into the faces of the group while the Pillars looked determined and a bit smug.

“You have been friended,” Somnambula said.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Babs Seed were dodging magic blasts coming from the hammers of Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, and Silver Spoon. While the Cutie Mark Crusaders were focused on the fight, Diamond Tiara was worried.

“Mom, dad, Silver,” Diamond Tiara cried, dodging each and every attack that went at her. “Snap out of it. It’s me, Diamond Tiara.”

“Oh we know who you are,” Silver Spoon said. “The problem is that you chose to take the side of those unworthy blank flanks.”

Diamond Tiara landed right next to Apple Bloom before hugging her closely and said “And we didn’t know better. We picked on them because we assumed we were superior and they were beneath us. I was naive and a fool back then to believe that.”

“You’re more a fool to fall from your own greatness,” Spoiled Rich yelled. “To take sides with those blank flanks, and to take sides with the Equestrian Traitors, is proof that we did not do enough to raise you….as our daughter.”

“We’re no longer blank flanks,” Apple Bloom said, holding Diamond Tiara tight. “We’re ponies who found our own destiny. And you can thank your own daughter for helping us after we helped her.”

“That’s right,” Diamond Tiara said. “And if you don’t like that, then I’m done being your daughter.”

“Don’t you DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT,” Spoiled Rich said as she raised her hammer into the air.

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara just stood there, closing their eyes as Spoiled Rich held her hammer into the air. But nearby, Silver Spoon’s scowl disappeared as she looked at her former friend and her former nemesis just standing there. The little filly’s jaw dropped down in horror as she saw Spoiled Rich raise the hammer upwards.

“What…have I done?” Silver Spoon said to herself.

Immediately, Silver Spoon ran as fast as she could towards Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. Before Spoiled Rich swung her hammer, Silver Spoon jumped in front of both Bloom and Tiara, taking the full blow of the hammer right on the side. Everyone’s face turned to complete shock.

“SPOON!” Diamond Tiara yelled.

The blow of the hammer was enough to knock Silver Spoon aside and send her tumbling into the snow. She came to a full stop, lying on her side with no movement at all. Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed ran up to the unconscious Silver Spoon, with Diamond Tiara picking up her former friend’s head.

“Spoon,” Diamond Tiara cried. “Spoon, answer me. SPOON!”

Diamond Tiara cradled Silver Spoon by her side as she cried her eyes out. Babs Seed walked up to Diamond Tiara and placed her arm around the crying filly.

“I’m sorry,” Babs Seed said. “You didn’t deserve it.”

As Babs Seed, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stood by Diamond Tiara, Filthy and Spoiled Rich just stood there in total shock. Spoiled Rich looked at the hammer in her hoof, staring at the flat end that she hit Silver Spoon with.

“What have I done?” Spoiled Rich said as she struggled to hold in her tears. “I have allowed my own anger to cost the life of a filly.”

Filthy Rich reached out towards his wife, only for Spoiled to back off from her husband. She continued to stand in her place, watching the fillies mourn Silver Spoon. Apple Bloom turned towards Spoiled Rich, her anger flowing within her veins.

“What were you thinking?” Apple Bloom said in a cold tone. “I know you’re under Neigh Nanners’ spell. But what you did is unforgivable.”

“But I…” Spoiled Rich said. “I didn’t mean to.”

“You didn’t mean to?” Apple Bloom said as her tone went up, marching towards Filthy and Spoiled Rich. “You were on the verge of striking your own daughter, no. My close friend. And in the result, you wind up striking Diamond Tiara’s own best friend. You are no mother. You are a monster.”

Spoiled Rich stepped back in fear as Apple Bloom marched towards her. Filthy Rich moved to the side in horror, watching Apple Bloom continue her march towards his wife.

“Now look,” Spoiled Rich said, her voice becoming unsteady. “My goal was to scare Diamond Tiara into siding with her mother. Not to physically hurt her.”

“Horse Hockey,” Apple Bloom yelled as her horn glowed bright. “What you did is personal. I will not forgive you for ending a filly’s life.”

As Spoiled Rich backed away from Apple Bloom, her ears picked up a faint voice that grew loud. The words being echoed were “Traitor. Traitor. Traitor.” Spoiled Rich turned to see a number of brainwashed individuals march towards her, tapping their hammers on their hooves. Spoiled Rich turned around and began to back up away from the group.

“Wait,” Spoiled Rich said in fear. “I’m not a traitor. I’m just concerned for the ally I unintentionally hurt.”

“Fake news,” One of the mind-controlled minions said. “We know you want to be buddy buddy with those ponies, and you tried to take pity on another traitor. So you deserve worse than what that filly told you. It’s time you all faced your punishment.”

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed stood beside Diamond Tiara as Apple Bloom, Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich. While both Filthy and Spoiled were scared half to death, Apple Bloom stood her ground, staring down her approaching foes who continued to chant “Traitor, Traitor, Traitor.”

“Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said. “Don’t you do anything reckless.”

“I know,” Apple Bloom said. “But at the same time, I’m just so angry at nearly everyone for justifying the death of a filly. Even if Neigh Nanners did force them against their will to become…evil.”

As the group of brainwashed minions approaches Apple Bloom, blasts of magic fly out of nowhere and knock them aside. Apple Bloom turned to her right to see Big Mac and Sugar Belle run up to her and the others.

“Looks like the cavalry arrived,” Babs Seed cheered.

Apple Bloom looked closely at Sugar Belle. Much like Big Mac, Sugar Belle now had alicorn wings on her side and a longer horn on her forehead.

“Wait,” Apple Bloom said. “My sister-in-law is an alicorn now? Like the rest of us?”

“Guess there was a big discount on Alicornifcations,” Scootaloo said.

The mind-controlled minions ran off as fast as possible with Big Mac and Sugar Belle running up to the rest of the group. Big Mac stepped forward and said “Is every pony okay?”

Diamond Tiara raised her hoof into the air and said “No. Silver Spoon took the worst blow.”

Big Mac and Sugar Belle looked down and saw Silver Spoon lying there with Diamond Tiara holding her head. Big Mac raised his head towards Filthy and Spoiled Rich, the latter who looked remorseful.

“I was the one who struck down Silver Spoon in anger towards my own daughter,” Spoiled Rich said as she began to choke up. “Your own sister chewed me out over this. If you wish to chew me out even further, I won’t stop you.”

“As upset as I am over a fallen filly,” Big Mac said. “That can wait later. Right now, we have more coming this way.”

Sugar Belle reached down to Silver Spoon’s head and said “I think I can try to heal her up. Can you hold the line until then?”

“Normally, I would just do a Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “But for all of you, I think a proper response would be to git er done.”

Sugar Belle nodded towards Big Mac as she reached down to Silver Spoon with her horn glowing. Big Mac turned back towards Spoiled Rich.

“If you wish to atone for what you did,” Big Mac said. “Then give up Neigh Nanners and join with me in protecting the one you hurt.”

Spoiled Rich nodded. She picked the hammer up and stared down the group of cultists coming the way of the group.

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Babs Seed,” Big Mac said. “I know you’re concerned with Silver Spoon’s life. But I could really use your help. Do this for her so that we may all live to see another day.”

Diamond Tiara wiped the tears from her eyes and said “I’ll do it. Even if I lose Silver Spoon today, I’ll do it for her.”

Babs Seed slammed her hooves together and said “Bring em on. I’m not going to fall for their magic again.”

Immediately, Diamond Tiara slowly set Silver Spoon’s head onto the snow before she got up and walked towards Big Mac. Babs Seed, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood by Big Mac as he stared down the incoming army. Apple Bloom looked up at Big Mac, her scowl disappeared into a face of sorrow.

“You’re not mad at me after what you believe I said to Spoiled Rich,” Apple Bloom.

“No,” Big Mac said. “Sure they were under a spell. But had I been your place, I would have said the same. You never know the attachments we have to others until the unthinkable happens.”

“By the way,” Scootaloo said. “Isn’t it weird that Silver Spoon, Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich somehow snapped out of their trance?”

“I think Neigh Nanners’ magic is starting to reach its limit,” Sweetie Belle said. “Do you think the magic of friendship has a lot to do with it?”

“I hope you’re right on that,” Scootaloo replied as her wings extended out and her horn glowed. “Because we could use a lot of that right now.”

As the armies of Neigh Nanners approached, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich stood their ground, ready to deliver the fight to their enemy, all while Sugar Belle’s horn bathed Silver Spoon in a warm light.

In another part of the battlefield, The Student Six stood alongside Queen Novo, clashing against Neigh Nanners’ own cult. None of the students looked like they were physically exhausted. But their faces told a different story.

“These creeps keep coming and coming,” Sandbar said.

“Do not hold back,” Queen Novo announced. “Whatever happens, we will fight to the very end.”

“You’re telling Yona,” Yona said as she knocked a minion aside. “Even yak can’t smash every one of them.”

“It feels like we’re fighting against an endless amount of foes,” Ocellus said as she transforms into a bull and charged with her horns out, knocking aside more minions.

“And there’s still no sign of cousin Skystar,” Silverstream said as she took to the air and dropped paint-filled balloons on other brainwashed minions, blinding them temporarily.

“Well I’m not one who wants to stand down,” Gallus said as he used his wings in the air to knock aside flying hammers. He turned to Smolder and said “Can you see anyone else from this angle?”

“Negative,” Smolder said as she looked around the battlefield. “Not even Diamond Tiara, nor the other Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“Don’t give up,” Gallus said. “We don’t want to be thrown off course by the slaves of Neigh Nanners.”

Suddenly, Gallus was struck in the wing with a scream by a blast of magic that came from a hammer. Gallus fell from the sky, horrifying Smolder.

“Gallus,” Smolder screamed.

But as Gallus was falling to the ground, Silverstream flew upwards and grabbed Gallus, stopping his fall. The griffon looked up at the young hippogriff with a sense of relief.

“Don’t scare me like that,” Silverstream said.

“I know,” Gallus said. “Thanks for catching me.”

As Silverstream landed on the ground and set Gallus down, they all looked around to see more of Neigh Nanners’ own minions approach the group. Smolder flies down next to the rest of her companions, looking as if she was ready to breathe fire in their face.

“Bring it,” Smolder said. “You want to hurt my friends? I’ll give you something to howl about.”

“Smolder, no,” Sandbar said, placing his hoof in front of Smolder’s snout. “You don’t want to do this.”

“I’m this tempted to do so,” Smolder said, pushing Sandbar’s hoof aside.

“I’m afraid Sandbar’s right,” Queen Novo said. “They may be our enemies now. But the fact that they used to be simple citizens of Equestria, even our own, says a whole lot.”

“But what can we do?” Ocellus said as she transformed back into her old self.

“All we can do is to stand back and fight,” Queen Novo said. “And hope that this dark magic can be knocked out of them.”

The Student Six stood beside Queen Novo as the approaching army of Neigh Nanners marched towards them. Though fear quivered in the eyes of these seven, they stood ready.

“This is our final stand,” Gallus said. “Get ready.”

The seven stood there as the army of Neigh Nanners approached. But just as they were mere inches away, a number of brainwashed soldiers were being thrown aside at random. The Student Six and Queen Novo just stood there, dumbfounded, as did the Nanner Army.

“What is going on here?” Sandbar asked.

“Even Yona is confused,” Yona said.

More and more troops were knocked aside, one by one, causing many of the others to run away. The figure in the crowd was getting closer and closer, knocking more minions aside.

“I don’t believe it,” Smolder said. “Someone came here to help out. But who?”

Queen Novo’s eyes widened as she saw the figure toss aside more minions, before approaching the group as…

“My daughter,” Queen Novo said with excitement. “Princess Skystar.”

There stood Princess Skystar and a couple of Hippogriff soldiers, while more soldiers led by Captain Seaspray held back the brainwashed minions. Queen Novo and Silverstream ran up to Princess Skystar and gave her a hug.

“Skystar,” Queen Novo cried. “Where were you? I was so worried.”

“Mom,” Princess Skystar said. “I was also worried about you since our own people went mad by Neigh Nanners’ magic. As did I.”

“Oh dear,” Silverstream said. “How bad was it?”

As the Hippogriff army held back the minions, Skystar let go of both Novo and Silverstream before she said “It was like you wanted to hate everything around you. Like you wanted to be a mean, vicious, cruel monster who sees the suffering of others as the only form of comfort.”

“But how did you break free of his control?” Queen Novo asked.

“Honestly,” Skystar said. “I don’t know. For some reason as this battle drove on, my mind started to feel like its old self again. As if I was shedding that stupid image of me being that cruel. Once I regained control of myself, I noticed all of you being surrounded by more of my former allies. So I gave a few of the troops some advice to help you out.”

“And judging by the results, it worked,” Queen Novo said. “I’m glad to have you back, my daughter.”

“But if this is true,” Smolder said. “Then it means the magic of Neigh Nanners is starting to wear off.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Gallus said. “We have our second wind, let’s light our darkest hour.”

Queen Novo and Princess Skystar nodded towards Gallus. The entire Student Six stood by the Hippogriff royals as did the guards. They all stood their ground, watching as the brainwashed cultists advanced further.

“This one is for all of us,” Silverstream. “Friends, Family. And for all of Equestria.”

“I’m with you on that, cousin,” Princess Skystar said. “To the very end.”

“No matter what happens,” Gallus said. “We will stick together to the very end.”

“As Yona’s uncle would say,” Yona said. “Do you smell what the Yak is cooking?”

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Latin Roma continued their push through the armies of Neigh Nanners, running or flying as fast as they could towards the Crystal Empire. Despite their determination, their eyes were also focused on Neigh Nanners’ own minions.

“Do you see that?” Nightmare Moon said. “The attack is working. They’re shaking free from Neigh Nanners’ own magic.”

“That’s excellent news,” Starlight said. “But no doubt once Neigh Nanners takes notice, he’ll try to put them back under his control again.”

“Then we don't have much time,” Nightmare Moon replied. “If I know Twilight, she caught the attention of my sister and is luring them back towards the castle.”

Cozy Glow turned her head and caught something in the distance. She flew up and tapped Nightmare Moon on the shoulder.

“I think you’re right on that,” Cozy Glow said. “Look to your right.”

Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, Tirek and Latin Roma turned to the right to see the Mane Six, Spike, Daydream Shimmer and Trixie running as fast as they could through the Crystal Empire with Crusader Celestia chasing after them. Midnight Sparkle ran as fast as possible while Draconequus Pinkie Pie gave the Crusader a raspberry.

“Good eye,” Nightmare Moon said. “Now we know what’s going on with my sister.”

“What’s our approach at this moment?” Latin Roma asked.

“Twilight and her friends are going to need our help,” Nightmare Moon said. “And we’re going to give it to them.”

“After all we’ve been through,” Tirek said as he smashed his fist to his palm. “I’m all ready for it.”

Immediately, Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Latin Roma ran behind Crusader Celestia, just as the latter made her way through the Crystal Empire in pursuit of the Mane Six, Spike, Daydream Shimmer and Trixie.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Originally, I was going to showcase the final fight between Crusader Celestia and the heroes. But I didn't want to push it to 20 pages. But I promise you this: The next part will be the final battle, and it will mark the beginning of the end for Neigh Nanners' reign of terror.