• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 2,398 Views, 201 Comments

The Ending of the End Revised, or Be Careful with what you wish for. - SaburoDaimando

Were you disappointed in the Series Finale? Do you wish it was different? Well be careful with what you wish for.

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Chapter 3: Midnight Rising

Midnight Rising

The sun was setting in the distance as the train was far away from Ponyville, headed towards the mountain where Canterlot stood atop. Inside one of the cars, the students and teachers sat by each other as Grand Pear stood at the front, singing into the train’s handheld mic.

“The sky is beautiful in the clouds above,” Grand Pear sang. “It’s breathtaking view will leave you in tears. But that pales in comparison to outer space, which many refer to as a final frontier. So come with me on this maiden voyage, and it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. We shall explore the stars together, where no one has gone before.”

The audience cheered and clapped their hooves as Grand Pear took a bow. He placed the mic back in its holder before he walked towards Granny Smith and sat right next to her.

“Who knew you had that kind of singing voice,” Granny Smith said. “Kinda wish you used that to give me a hard time.”

“Yeah I know,” Grand Pear said. “I would have. Except back then when I sang, ponies used to say that my singing was horrible and bad, even going as far as to call me the worst singer in Equestria. So since then, I made a vow not to sing, except in private. But with what we’re all going through, I just couldn’t help but at least give them something to smile about.”

“You silly old pear,” Granny Smith laughed.

“Right back at ya, crab apple” Grand Pear laughed.

Sitting nearby, Diamond Tiara looked out the train window as she saw smoke plumes emitting from Ponyville. She let out a sigh as Apple Bloom scooted up to the bruised and tomato-stained filly.

“You alright, Diamond?” Apple Bloom asked.

“No,” Diamond Tiara said. “I don’t know what happened to my parents and now the town I was born in is now in the hooves of some of the most despicable monsters ever.”

Apple Bloom wrapped her arm around Diamond Tiara’s back and said “It’s going to be okay, Diamond. In fact, I’ve known what it’s like to lose a loved one. Especially ma and pa.”

“I know,” Diamond Tiara said. “Daddy told me about how you lost your parents. And back then, I didn’t give a flying feather about it because of how self-centered I was. Now I feel like I’m going to end up like you.”

“Tell ya what,” Apple Bloom said. “If you end up like me, I’d be happy to be a surrogate sister for ya. What do you say?”

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh and said “I appreciate your help. But after what I did, I don’t know if I truly deserve your patronage.”

“What’s past is past, Diamond,” Sweetie Belle said as she jumped off a nearby seat and walked up to Diamond Tiara. “We’ve already forgiven you after you realized the error of your ways, and we chose to give you that second chance.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said “Don’t throw it away because of one tragedy. After all, we’re here for you.”

“You’re right,” Diamond Tiara said. “I’ll do what I can.”

Diamond Tiara extended her hoof out as Apple Bloom reached out and gave her another hug. Sweetie Belle just stood there in awe with Scootaloo smiling next to her.

“I used to find these moments incredibly cheesy,” Scootaloo said. “But when it comes to someone going through some tough times, I’d say this is needed more than ever.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. “Considering what we’re all going through, I’d say a hug is the ideal medicine that we all need.”

With that, Scootaloo reached out and gave Sweetie Belle a hug.

Nearby, Starlight Glimmer continued to look out the window, watching the sun set in the distance while seeing the smoke come out of Ponyville.

“You okay?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she and Trixie looked at Starlight.

“No,” Starlight Glimmer said. “First we lose Twilight Sparkle, and now Ponyville is lost. I have never felt this much despair in my life at all. Not even when I thought Sunburst left me for good during my filly days.”

“I thought I had it rough when Twilight and her friends at Canterlot High defeated me and I had to atone for what I did,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Back when the entire school was not forgiving of me for being that she-demon. But after seeing what you just saw, I’d say having the entire school frown over you was just a warm-up.”

“I heard about what happened at Canterlot High, Sunset,” Trixie said. “I also heard that where Canterlot High is and where you came from is an alternate world where there are human variations of all of us.”

“If you’re going to ask if there is a Great and Powerful student there,” Sunset laughed. “There is. And let’s just say she’s a good friend.”

“Well I was wondering if the rumors were true,” Trixie said as she waves her hooves in the air. “That a GREAT AND POWERFUL STUDENT WOULD ATTEND THAT HIGH SCHOOL!”

Starlight Glimmer quickly shifted her eyes towards Trixie as the pale, light grayish heliotrope unicorn and Sunset broke out into laughter.

“Oh that just made my day,” Starlight chuckled. “Especially after what happened.”

“You wanna know what else?” Trixie said. “Your pal, Pinkie Pie, enjoys being a little stinker when it comes to some of the biggest goons in Equestria.”

“I know,” Starlight said. “She once replaced the crab apples that Flim and Flam stole from Sweet Apple Acres with a bunch of angry crabs.”

“Sounds alot like the Pinkie Pie from the human world,” Sunset said. “And funny thing is that she did just that to the Flim and Flam from that world as well.”

“We may be in for some rough waters,” Trixie said. “But as long as we have some great and powerful friends, we can get through this.”

“Maybe that’s just what I need,” Starlight said. “A means to unwind while we pick up the pieces of our broken lives.”

“It will take all of us to get through these tough times,” Sunset said. “And if it means I have to stay here, I’m up for it.”

But as Sunset, Starlight and Trixie hugged each other, we see that Twilight Sparkle is spying on the trio through the magic ball in Grogar’s lair. She laughed at the three unicorns as she gazed into the sphere.

“Look at my former students,” Twilight said. “Just enjoying themselves in the worst of times. Next, they’re going to pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. Because they could really use a wish right now.”

“First off, what are airplanes?” Queen Chrysalis said as she walked towards Twilight. “And second of all, those are the cheesiest words I have ever heard of. Did you get that from a melodramatic blue jay?”

“First off,” Twilight said with a smug smile. “It’s just a way for me to get used to being a bad guy. And second off, me daing a blue jay?” She laughed it off and added “Not in a million years.”

“I thought so,” Chrysalis said as she walked up to the crystal ball. “And you’re enjoying the suffering that your former friends are going through.”

“You have no idea,” Twilight said as she gazed back into the crystal ball.

Immediately, the image of the ball shifted from the students and teachers in the train to the protesters trashing up the School of Friendship. Twilight just looked down at them as her smile dug in even deeper.

“Imagine what would have happened if those good-for-nothing trash heaps saw me as little old Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said in a mocking tone. “Then when they try to tar and feather my flank, I’ll give them the surprise of a lifetime.”

“You’re actually going to do that, are you?” Chrysalis said.

“And tell them to ‘Thank Neigh Nanners’ for showing me the error of my ways,” Twilight said.

Suddenly, Tirek came out of nowhere with Cozy Glow right behind him and placed his hand on the Crystal Ball and said “Not until we deal with Grogar.”

Twilight looked up at Tirek and said “Now why do you want to deal with that old goat first before we have our fun?”

Cozy Glow flew up to Twilight and said “Because we want you to join in on our fun….just like old times at the School of Friendship.”

“Oh ho ho ho ho, that’s right,” Twilight said with a laugh. “From one expelled student to a head mare in exile. We’re now two-of-a-kind, Cozy Glow.”

“Now that you’re in on the fun,” Chrysalis said. “Let’s see what’s going on with Grogar.”

Twilight placed her hooves on the crystal ball as the image of protesters disappeared. Another image formed of Grogar, carrying what appears to be a gem-like artifact, walking through the swampish forest.

“That must be him, I take it,” Twilight said.

“And he appears to have a little gift of his own,” Tirek replied.

“Now’s our chance,” Cozy Glow said as Twilight and Tirek lifted their heads up.

“Once we deal with Grogar,” Chrysalis said. “The rest of Equestria will come to us in a little gift basket. Let us lay out our trap.”

Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Twilight all laughed as they hid behind parts of the cave.

Sometime later, Grogar made his way through the entrance of the lair, holding the artifact with his magic.

“Minions, your leader has returned,” Grogar said. “I heard word that Twilight Sparkle has gone missing, and the leaders of Canterlot are in disarray. I have acquired an artifact that can help us strike them down while they are vulnerable. But this will require the three of you to work together on this important task.”

But as Grogar approached the central table, Chrysalis’s eyes shone from the shadows and said “Oh, we all know about that, Emperor.”

Immediately, Chrysalis spat out some gunk, pinning Grogar’s front hooves to the ground. Tirek emerged from one of the cavern interiors while Cozy Glow emerged from another cave before blasing the artifact with her magic, crumbling it to dust.

“What are you three doing?” Grogar said as he struggled to break free.

“We’re taking command,” Tirek said as Cozy Glow brought down the Bewitching Bell. “And you are dropping out.”

Grogar’s face turned to fear as Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow landed in front of him with the bell floating in front.

“You had the bell all this time?” Grogar yelled as he tried to break free. “But why? You could have told me about this.”

“Because we’ve been plotting to overthrow you from the very start,” Cozy Glow said. “After all, we’re villains, and this is what we do best.”

“And on a side note,” Chrysalis said with a laugh. “There is someone that you should meet.”

Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow stepped aside as Twilight Sparkle emerged from the cavern, leaped into the air and landed in front of Grogar. The emperor’s face became pale upon seeing the former Princess of Friendship.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Grogar said as he stood there. “You recruited Twilight Sparkle to your cause?”

“Twilight Sparkle is no more,” Twilight said with a laugh. “I am Midnight Sparkle, the ruler of all that you see, Grogar. At the sound of the bell, our mission to conquer Equestria will begin, and we won’t rest until all will bow before the four of us.”

“You,” Grogar said. “You think you can muscle into my territory and declare yourself the future ruler of Equestria? You’re insane.”

Midnight Sparkle just laughed and said “Flattery will get you nowhere. But in the meantime, say good-bye to your magic.”

Midnight Sparkle used her magic to point the Bewitching Bell at Grogar before firing a blast of magic at it. The bell rang violently as a vortex opened up and fired a beam of magic at Grogar. The emperor screamed in agony as the magic drained from him.

But as the magic was flowing from Grogar, his shape began to change from a bulky ram, to what appears to be a draconequus. Midnight Sparkle’s face turned from glee to shock as Grogar fell to the ground, now appearing to be Discord. Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow’s faces turned to confusion when they saw Discord’s visage.

“Discord?” Tirek said as he stood there, confused. “Grogar was Discord in disguise.”

:You,” Midnight said in a deep, threatening voice as Discord stood there, waving embarrassingly.

Midnight Sparkle flew over to Discord as the Draconequus attempted to get away. She used her magic to grab Discord and violently jerked him over to her.

“Hehehehe,” Discord said nervously. “Hi Twilight. Nice coat you got there.”

“So you think that’s funny to pretend to be Grogar, recruit my new friends for your little agenda, and make me a villain?” Midnight Sparkle said in an angry tone.

“Well I didn’t mean for you to be a villain,” Discord said as he began to sweat.

Midnight Sparkle roared loudly as she flung Discord violently around the cavern, bashing him into the nearby walls. Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow stood back as the alicorn formerly known as Twilight Sparkle continued to smash the powerless Draconequus around like a rag doll before throwing him onto one of the rocks.

“Now you little here you little stinker,” Midnight Sparkle sneered. “Tell Princess Celestia that I’m done with her lessons about friendship. Tell her that I’ve declared war on all of Equestria. And if you see Neigh Nanners, tell him I said ‘Thank you for making me see the light.’ Now GET LOST!”

With that, Midnight Sparkle picked up Discord with her magic and pulled him back by his tail, causing the spirit of chaos to scream in pain.

“Wait Twilight,” Discord said. “You’re making a big mistake.”

“I’m not,” Midnight Sparkle said. “In fact, I think the biggest mistake was Princess Celestia freeing you from STONE!”

And with that, Midnight Sparkle snapped Discord’s tail like a rubber band, flinging him towards the entrance of the lair. The draconequus screamed loudly as he went flying out the entrance of the lair. The dark alicorn flew down onto the ground with a satisfied smirk on her face.

“That felt great,” Midnight Sparkle said.

Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow walked up with Midnight Sparkle, each with a smirk on their faces.

“You have style, Midnight Sparkle,” Chrysalis said. “Ruthless and unrelenting.”

“You made a wise choice in joining our side,” Tirek said.

Cozy Glow looked outside the entrance and saw Discord land in a nearby pond. He quickly picked himself up and made a run for it.

“That being said,” Cozy Glow said. “Grogar was Discord all along? What exactly was his reason for pulling that stunt?”

“Who cares?” Midnight Sparkle said as she flew back to the crystal ball. “What matters is that we now have what he gave us, and we shall put it to good use.”

Midnight Sparkle looked down at the Crystal Ball and placed her hooves on it as Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow gathered around it.

“I take it you have a fascination with those Anti-Twilight Protesters,” Chrysalis asked.

“Exactly,” Midnight Sparkle said. “But not for purposes of revenge.”

The crystal ball then projected an image of the protesters continuing to trash the interior of the School of Friendship, Midnight Sparkle turned her attention to Cozy Glow.

“Cozy,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Do you remember this place?”

“Oh I have,” Cozy Glow said as she kept her eyes on the crystal ball with a devilish grin on her face. “The School of Friendship where I was once a student and your assistant. Until you and your friends sabotaged my plan and expelled me.”

“How ironic, considering that the one who expelled you is now the one who is by your side,” Midnight Sparkle laughed. “And how sad that the school that I was head mare of has become a shell of its former self. Guess the school was either nothing without me, or the new owners decided to go around, destroying the place.”

“So,” Chrysalis asked. “What is your fascination with those violent morons?”

“I originally planned on going down there and making them face my wrath,” Midnight Sparkle said. “But looking closer, I realized that they may have a use of their own. Besides, one thing that fascinates me is how fast they responded to outrage from Neigh Nanners.”

“And exactly what do you plan on doing?” Tirek said.

“Have you ever considered fueling the flames of anger that come out of them?” Midnight Sparkle asked. “I don’t know how Neigh Nanners did it, but I think it's time we seized them for ourselves.”

“A very interesting approach,” Cozy Glow said. “But there is one problem.”

Midnight Sparkle looked down at herself before raising her head up with a smirk on her face.

“I see what you mean,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Even if I wasn’t in this form, ponies would recognize me and chase me to the ends of Equestria.”

“Exactly,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Unless you could do…THIS!”

With a burst of magic from her horn, Queen Chrysalis shapeshifted from her changeling form into a pony with a similar mane and tail. Her coat was a pale greenish, while her mane and tail were a bright brown, and her cutie mark represented a ladybug. Midnight Sparkle looked at her with a quiet laugh.

“So that was you who took our pictures not long ago,” Midnight Sparkle laughed. “Did you need them to remind you of your hatred?”

The transformed Chrysalis looked at Midnight Sparkle and said “I wanted to create duplicates of you and your friends just so I could seize the Elements of Harmony and create a new hive. But alas, they turned out to be unruly.”

“Well that’s too bad,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Because the Elements along with the Tree of Harmony were destroyed.”

“Too bad indeed,” the transformed Chrysalis said. “And by the way, call me Shutterbug.”

“Shutterbug, eh?” Midnight Sparkle said. “I like it.”

“So ex-Princess,” Tirek said. “Do you happen to have a means to transform?”

“Watch and learn,” Midnight Sparkle said.

With a blast of magic from her horn, Midnight Sparkle began to shapeshift. Her horn and wings disappeared, her coat changed into an apricot color, her mane and tail changed into a magenta-and-purple color, all while the back of her mane wrapped up in a ponytail. Finally, her cutie mark changed from a bright star with five smaller stars, to one large pink star with a small trail and two smaller pink stars.

“What do you think?” The transformed Midnight Sparkle said.

“Not bad,” Shutterbug said. “But what do you call this spunky and naive form?”

Cozy Glow flew up close and looked at Midnight Sparkle’s new form, grinning at the colors on her mane and tail.

“The difference between this and Twilight Sparkle are night and day,” Cozy Glow said. “In fact, I would refer to you as a….Sunny Starscout.”

“Sunny Starscout, eh?” The transformed Midnight Sparkle said. “I like it. A polar opposite that makes my disguise perfect.”

Shutterbug walked up to Cozy Glow and said “Okay. Since the bell gave you the powers of an alicorn, let’s see if you have the ability to shapeshift like me and Midnight.”

“Challenge accepted,” Cozy Glow said with a devilish grin.

With a burst of magic, Cozy Glow allowed a magic aura to surround her filly form. She grew to be around the same height as Shutterbug and Sunny Starscout. Her wings disappeared while her horn extended upwards. Her coat changed into a lilac color, while her mane and tail grew longer and changed into a Cerulean Blue with indigo ombre. Her cutie mark changed into a blue heart with a light blue button and three pink and purple pins. Shutterbug, Sunny Starscout and Tirek looked at Cozy Glow with awe.

“Not bad,” Shutterbug said.”I dig the new you.”

“It is a disguise worthy of blending in,” The disguised Cozy Glow said as she shook her longer mane. “And by the way. Call me…Izzy Moonbow.”

“Sunny Starscout, and Izzy Moonbow,” Sunny said. “Now that’s what I call a real mockery of Celestia and Luna.”

Shutterbug turned to Tirek and said “So, big boy. You wanna demonstrate your ability to transform?”

Tirek shook his head and said “No way. I'm not going to transform into a pony to blend in. Besides, I’d like to study Discord’s magic while you three are out in the world.”

Shutterbug laughed and said “Very well. We’ll scout out and convince those fools into pushing themselves even further than before. After all, they fall easily to conspiracy theories.”

“Oooh,” Izzy Moonbow said. “Maybe we can cause a few ponies in Canterlot to go nuts.”

Shutterbug just laughed and said “Patience, Cozy. Or should I say Izzy. It won’t be long until they become Equestria’s downfall.”

Shutterbug, Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow skipped along the stones of Grogar’s Lair and walked through the exit, while Tirek took the bell towards the entrance of a nearby room.

Outside, Shutterbug, Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow continued to hop along the stones, making their way across the pond surrounding Grogar’s lair, until they reached land. Shutterbug stood on her four hooves as Sunny and Izzy landed near her.

“Now here’s the plan,” Shutterbug said. “Each of us will go into a nearby town to listen to each and every conversation from those crazy protesters. Maybe throw in a few conspiracies of our own. Are we clear?”

Sunny and Izzy looked at Shutterbug and nodded their heads in agreement.

“Excellent,” Shutterbug said. “Now let us move out with our mission, and stoke the flames of hatred.”

With a kick of dust in the air, Shutterbug ran off through the swampy forest with Izzy Moonbow dashing towards another direction. But Sunny Starscout stood there for a bit with a smirk on her face.

“They were fools to trust me in the first place,” Sunny Starscout said. “I’ll stick with them for the moment, until the time is right. Then I’ll double cross them and seize power for myself. For I am Midnight Sparkle, the future Empress of the world, and ruler of all that everyone sees.”

Sunny Starscout laughed to herself as she ran off in a separate direction.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, the sun was almost set in the west when the train pulled up at the train station and the doors came open. Princess Luna approached the train as Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Spike and Applejack emerged from the doorway.

“When Celestia and I heard about what happened at the School of Friendship,” Princess Luna said. “We feared the worst.”

“Don’t you worry, Princess Luna,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Everyone’s been accounted for, and you have Sunset Shimmer to thank.”

Luna turned her gaze towards Sunset and said “Thanks for helping out on such short notice, Sunset. It was one thing for you to rekindle your bond with Princess Celestia long ago. But when she hears about this, she’ll be relieved that you helped out.”

“You have Starlight to thank for alerting me about this crisis,” Sunset said.

“I also heard that you had to give up on a graduation party just to come to help us,” Princess Luna said. “I’m terribly sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Sunset said. “They understood why I had to come home to Equestria. Besides, we better get the others off the train first.”

“Oh right,” Princess Luna said as she moved to the side. “My apologies.

Sunset, Starlight, Applejack and Spike stood aside as Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Juno, Huckleberry, Granny Smith, Grand Pear, Big Macintosh, Sugar Belle, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Granny Smith walked through the doorway and off the train. Behind Luna, other students walked out of a second doorway located behind her.

“Safe and sound from those big meanies,” Trixie said as she threw herself on the floor and kissed it.

“Ewwww,” Pinkie said. “You’re silly, Trixie.”

“Just let her have her moment,” Spike said. “After all we’ve been through, I don’t blame her.”

Diamond Tiara looked up at the bright city of Canterlot, even as the night blanketed the world. She barely cracked a smile as she looked up at the towering city. Smolder and Apple Bloom walked up next to Diamond Tiara.

“Are you doing okay, DT?” Apple Bloom asked. “Is the city too much for you?”

“No, not really,” Diamond Tiara said. “Daddy sometimes took me up here when he made his deliveries.”

“Like with all those apple products that Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applejack made,” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, not long before I became a terrible bully,” Diamond Tiara said before she directed her gaze to the ground. “But now I don’t know where daddy or mommy are.”

“We’ll find them,” Smolder said. “No matter if we have to crawl through all of Equestria, we’ll find our folks.”

“You really think so?” Diamond Tiara asked before Yona walked up to the little filly.

“You bet,” Yona said. “Even if little Tiara was mean bully to Cutie Mark Crusaders, at least you not worst pony.”

“Yeah, I heard about what happened with this Cozy Glow fellow,” Diamond Tiara said. “Even I wouldn’t drain the magic of Equestria with that much malice. Though on the other hoof, I’m not so sure about locking her away in Tartarus.”

“What she did was horrible,” Rarity said. “And while some of us did object to her being locked away, she showed no sign of remorse.”

“Though on the flip side,” Pinkie Pie said. “She got off lucky, since she didn’t have to put up with those party crashers. They’re worse.”

“Yeah,” Yona said. “At this rate, Cozy Glow losing title of worst pony. Too many candidates out there.”

Sunset just laughed and said “Well right now, we’re safe from those maniacs. But in the meantime, we should get you all settled in.”

“Sunset Shimmer’s right,” Princess Luna said. “I better lead you all towards the castle so we can get you settled down.”

Princess Luna turned tail and walked towards the city of Canterlot. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Juno, Huckleberry, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Granny Smith, Grand Pear, and the rest of the students followed from behind as the evening moon shined down with a bright light.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Originally, Chancellor Neighsay was going to make a cameo appearance in this part. But I never got to the inside of the castle like I intended to. But I promise he will be coming in Part 4.

On the flip side, what are your thoughts on having Twilight and Cozy Glow disguise themselves as Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow from My Little Pony G5?