• Published 11th Feb 2023
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The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 14: Fortress

In the Fairy Forest, the three groups mare, baby dragon, and dragonfly already their and met all the fairies, but the elder fairies did not accept their welcome. They kicked the three of them out without the second Neverstar shards, Spike's only chance of going home to Equestria. But suddenly, one fairy named Tinkerbell have come to them. "Tinkerbell, it has been a while ever seen." Tiger Lily said with a smile and a fairy nodded to her with a bell sound and smile also.

"Do you two know each other?" Spike asked in confusion while pointed at them.

"Of course." Tiger Lily answered when she nodded to him. "She is an old friend of Peter Pan, they have been an adventure for years."

"Wow." Spike's surprised and start to introduce to the fairy. "Hi Tinkerbell, I'm Spike the dragon and this is my friend Sparx." He raised his hand to shake hand. But Tinkerbell prefer to shake his finger because she's small so that counts. Tinkerbell started talking with a bell sound, luckily spike can translate of what she saying. "She said, 'what are you here in the forest'?"

"We're here on a quest to restore Neverland." She said to her a reason why. "We needed to fix the Neverstar and send Spike back to his world. But the elder fairies have the shards, maybe you can convince them." Tinkerbell looking down with a frown and shook her head, meaning that she can't.

So she talked with a bell sound and Spike translated. "She said, 'I can't because the elder fairies... banished me'." Tiger Lily was gasping to here what Tinkerbell tell.

"Banished you, why?" Tiger Lily asked in serious question.

Tinkerbell starts to explaining while Spike translated. "She said, 'After the incident, the fairies began their fear of the destruction of Neverstar. The elder fairies found out it was Peter Pan who destroyed it, they became so enraged and blaming on him for bringing doom among us in Neverland. But I did not believe them, I convinced them to understand the reason why he did, but non of them listen. I try everything to them, until the time, they banished me and never return'."

"So that is why they don't trust us." Tiger Lily said when she completely understand.

Tinkerbell next to talk and Spike translated. "She said, 'Yes, now Neverland went to chaos, and the pirate dogs were everywhere and taken over anywhere as their territories'."

Tiger Lily felt so sorry to the fairy and she had to make things right to help her. "Tinkerbell, I wish we can you but... how can we do to gain their trust and get the shards back?" She asked when they started think of the way.

Until that time when Tinkerbell figured it out the idea how when she start to make a bell sound. "What is it?" Spike asked.

Tinkerbell starts to say to them and Tiger Lily asked to Spike. "What does she say?"

"She said, 'I know the way, follow me'." Tinkerbell flies to the east and they starts to follow her where.

A couple of minute later, Tinkerbell was slowing down to let the others to catch up on and so they did. She pointed out to let them see what she sees. Threw their eyes, they saw big fortress made of stones and woods full of pirate dogs. They don't understand why she led them here. "What is this place." Spike asked. Tinkerbell told him with a bell sound, meaning that 'this is the pirate dog's fortress'. "A fortress?" He said in confusion.

"Why are you brought us here?" Tiger Lily asked to Tinkerbell in confusion.

Spike started to translate when Tinkerbell tell Tiger Lily the reason why. "She said, 'this place has kept the rest of the fairies from the forest imprisoned. I was thinking if we free them, the elder fairies would change their minds and give you back the shards'."

Tiger Lily believes that Tinkerbell's idea might actually work. "This could work." She agreed. For a while, Tiger Lily looked at the fortress, seeing there are watch tower and pirate dogs doing all the work, but there are no way to enter. "But there's nothing we can go in without getting spotted by them." She sigh.

"I think I do." Spike spoke up while he looked down at the other side where pirate dogs doing the laundry. He was thinking that the only way to get inside, is to disguise Tiger Lily and himself as pirate dogs. It took them a couple of minute to sneak in, stole the clothes, and dress up like them and painted their faces, looking like a dog and it worked. That made Tiger Lily very intrigued of his ideas. "So, how do I look?" Spike asked when he showed her himself.

"You look like them." Tiger Lily answered, Tinkerbell and Sparx nodded for agree with her.

"Thanks, and you look great too." Spike thankfully to her.

"Good, now here's the plan." Tiger Lily while she keeps on telling each other the plan to get in the fortress.

Meanwhile, two pirate dogs were guarding the big front door, waiting if they spotted for a friend or enemy. But they do look very bored to do this all day and night. However, they spotted two figures walking towards them and it appears to be Spike and Tiger Lily in disguise as pirates, holding Tinkerbell and Sparx in the jar, pretending they are prisoners. One guard pirate dog steps towards them and asked. "Hold, who are ye and what's yer business here?"

Spike was about to say something to the pirate dog, but he frozed and eyes widened when he forgot the part about the fake names for him and Tiger Lily. "W- we're here to bring this uh... fairy and a dragonfly to be your prisoners... and my name is Sp- Sp- Sp- Sparrow and this is my mate uh... brown eyes." Spike barely nervously said introduces to himself and her to them with a pirate accent.

The pirate dog look closer to Spike's face with suspicions, causing the baby dragon nervously sweat and gulp. Tiger Lily was about draw her weapon if they know they're imposters. "Okay, ye can go in now." One guard pirate dog said when they move out the way and opening the big door.

"Oh, uh... Thank you... matie." Spike thankfully said to the pirate dog while they pass inside the door, it was a good thing those pirate dogs are stupid enough to fall for it. By the time they got inside the fortress, their eyes widened to see the biggest operations of mining the gems, explode the stones, and collecting a barrels full of some kind of glowing dust. They believe that this is gonna be harder than they thought. "Now what are we gonna do?" Spike asked in whisper to Tiger Lily.

"What we do, is to find the fairies somewhere in this place, but I do not know where they are." She answered in whisper, while looking around with her eyes.

"Ye their!" The other pirate dog shouted while walking towards Spike and Tiger Lily with aggressive tone and look. "What are ye doing to those fairies, put 'em back to their cage and ye, get back to work."

"Uuuuuh, yes... sir." Spike said in pirate accent and saluted along with Tiger Lily while the pirate dog walks away.

"Okay Spike, I have to find the fairies and you stay outside if something goes wrong, understand?" Tiger Lily said in whisper and Spike nodded until they split up. By the time they split, Tiger Lily walk and look around without being suspicious while holding Tinkerbell and Sparx in the jar. However, she saw a sign of fairy with an arrow pointing left, she believed that this could be where the fairies are.

Meanwhile, Spike was pretending to be working and look around, he couldn't help but seeing gems in the cart, looking so tasty when he drools. But he can't because he remember why he's here.

*Bell Rang*

Spike jumped in panic, believing that they caution him and Tiger Lily somewhere in the fortress. But it's not, because the bell rang, meaning that its lunch time. Pirate dogs dropped the pickaxes and headed to eat while Spike had to stay behind. He felt relieved, but the pirate dog spotted him and said. "Ye their, its break time, move on."

"Uh, actually... I'm not hungry." Spike said in pirate accent while rubbing his head behind.

"I said, MOVE!" Pirate dog shouted while grabbing Spike's head and dragged him.

"Ow, okay okay." Spike said with attitude face while he's been forced. "Tiger Lily, where ever you are, please hurry." He whispered.

Meanwhile, Tiger Lily got inside, looking for the cages where the pirate dogs kept the fairies. However, she saw a door made of metal with one pirate dog guarding. It is to easy for her to take down the guard, so she walked towards the guard and said. "Excuse me, would you hold them." The pirate is confused when she gave him a jar with Tinkerbell and Sparx inside. And then, she flying kick the guard in the face and grab the jar. "Thank you." She said while she take the guard's key for the metal door.

When she unlocks and open the metal door, she finally found the fiaries hanging in cages. The fairies making so much noises like they're panicking, Tiger Lily try to shushing them to calm down while opening the jar to let Tinkerbell and Sparx out. "It is okay, we're here to free you all." Tiger Lily said while they opened every single cages. The fairies are finally free from the tortured place while flying in groups and thankful to the three of them. "You are welcome." She nodded. "Now, all of you must follow us very quietly."

At the outside, Spike was stuck in the middle of all the pirate dogs while they'll chowing down. Until, he spotted Tiger Lily opening the door a little bit without. But the situation is troubling because she and the others can't get out when the pirate dogs everywhere. But luckily, Spike has an idea to distract the pirate dogs. The only way to do that, is to give them a joke.

He climbed up the stage and shouted in pirate accent. "Attention pirates, do you all wanna here jokes, because i got some you really like." All the pirate dogs caught his attention. Spike was thinking to remember a hilarious jokes from Pinkie Pie back then. So he said the first one. "What would bears be without bees? Ears!"

The pirate dogs started to laugh at his joke, it appears Spike's ideas is working, and then start a second joke. "Have you heard the joke about the peach? It's pitiful." He said while they'll laugh again. Spike seeing Tiger Lily get all the fairies out and fly away to the sky, but he has to keep going for the third joke. "Why was the potato alone at the party? Because it got there oily." He said while the pirate dogs laugh and the other one spit out a drink on Spike face. The face paint dripping down on Spike's face and the pirate dogs gasp. "Heheh..." He nervously laughed.

"GET IT!!!" One pirate dog shouted when they charged to the baby dragon. Luckily, Spike managed to jump over them and ran to join Tiger Lily.

Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx finally got all the fairies out of the fortress when they went to the sky. But suddenly, Tiger Lily heard a noise coming from behind her. Until, her eyes widened she sees Spike been chased by couple of pirate dog. She look around quickly until she sees a barrels full of gunpowder. "SPIKE, HURRY!" Tiger Lily said while she stab the barrel and letting the gunpowder out.

Spike finally made it to join the others on time. "What are you doing?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Getting those pirates away from us." Tiger Lily answered and Spike now understand what she's doing. She is planning to scare off the pirate dogs by blowing up the fortress. "Spike, light up the powder."

Spike took a deep breath and spit out his green fire on the lined up powder. "So what now?" He asked.

"Now, we run." Tiger Lily said and the four of them are running out the fortress as fast as they can.

By the time they got out, the pirate dogs on the other hoof, have stopped running because they saw a fire on the gunpowder headed straight to the barrel. "RUN FOR YE LIVE!" One pirate dog shouted and the rest of them were running back away from it.

"Take cover." Tiger said while pointed hoof and jump down on the small hill and covering their hearding because it's gonna be a biggest explosion ever.

*Weak Boom*

Suddenly, it wasn't the biggest explosion they've expected at all. Spike had to look up to the fortress and said. "Huh, that's weird, I was excepting for a huge-"

*Bog Boom Loud*

The fortress has been blown to Oblivion, causing everything fly sky high and falling down to the ground when it cut off Spike's words. A baby dragon's face was covered in black smoke and moved down to look at Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx. "Nevermind, it now did happen." He said and coughing out smoke of his mouth, But at least they all get to laugh at.

Meanwhile at the Fairy Forest, the fairies were flying around until they spotted a few more fairies that were imprisoned. They fly down to reunite with their family and friends when all of them are hugging each other, The Elder fairies are shocked to see them return. When they Spike, Tiger Lily, Sparx, and Tinkerbell arrived, they believed that there the ones who freed the fairies. All this time of blaming, they were wrong for not believing Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell fly towards the Elder fairies and the first one said to her like they were wrong to not trusted and banished her. And lastly they fly down to where Spike, Tiger Lily, and Sparx are. The first Elder fairy said to them and Tiger Lily asked to Spike. "What did he say."

"He said, 'we wanted to say... thank you and... we're sorry for not trusted you,... we are forever grateful for saving our fairies.'" Spike translated.

"You are welcome, i now understand your judgment." Tiger Lily said when she nodded.

The Elder fairy said when Spike translated. "He said, 'And for that, we will return the Neverstar shards to you along with the third one.'" The Elder fairies order the fairies to bring the the Neverstar shards and handed over to them back. By the time they got the shards back, the Elder fairies wanted Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx to follow them to get the third shard. "He said, 'down to this hole is where the Neverstar shard is, now try to reach it.'" But unfortunately, Tiger Lily can't grab it because she has a hoof and Spike's arm is too small to reach. Luckily for Sparx, only he can go in to get it.

Sparx got out the hole when he's holding the shard with all his strength to fly and Tiger Lily can help him hold it. They now finally obtain the third Neverstar shard. Tiger Lily bowed her head to the Elder fairies with a thanks and they bowed their heads too.

Meanwhile at the destruction of the Fortress, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee made it the to fortress, but the place is destroyed and the captain became furious because of his pirate dogs failing to keep the fairies imprisoned and he already knows who's responsible for this catastrophe. "Mr. Smee, this business becoming bad for my time, but I can assure, i will end it now." Captain Hook said with a sinister look to his eyes.

To Be Continued...