• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,160 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 3: Bird Chase

The sun rises in the horizon, inside the small cave was a little purple dragon and a dragonfly are both still sleeping. Until a one tiny water on the cave ceiling dropping down to Spike's nose and he's starting to wake up. He rubbed and open his eyes heavily, yawning to stretch arms, legs, and tail. He was hopping that everything was a dream. But sadly, it's not.

Sparx also waking up as well. He stretch his wings and taking flight. He flew towards Spike and said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Good morning Spike, how did you sleep.'

"Oh, morning Sparx, I slept fine but it feels hard to sleep comfortable." Spike said and Sparx understand the feeling. "So buddy, how far do you think this Tribal Territory is."

Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Pretty far, only just passing throw two mountains right over there.'

"Great." Spike said happily. "But first, let's have some breakfast. We can't travel with an empty stomach." Sparx had agreed on Spike about it.

**Couple Minutes Later**

Spike is all set for their travel to the same direction. He carried a pack made of leafs on his back. "Okay, I got everything I need." Spike said. "Are you ready little buddy?" A dragon fly around on Spike and nodded. "Alright then, let's get going." And so, they're going to there destination to Tribal Territory and went to the trees. However, a mysterious moving shadow on the ground swoop fast to the tree's shade.

It was a long travel for the two of them. Jumping on rocks in the river, going around the trees, hiking on hills, and climbing up and down on cliffs carefully. Sparx spotted a lake, thinking that they should take a break because they're getting exhausted. Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Hey Spike, let's have a break over there.'

"Yeah, good idea." Spike said tiredly. "I'm really thirsty and tired." They headed to the lake, he sat closer to the water and scooping it with both hands to drink it.

Sparx was curious to know more about Spike and said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Hey Spike, can you tell me more about your world and your friends because I like to know.'

"Sure." Spike nodded. "Equestria is a big world where I'm from, there are ponies, dragons, changelings, griffins, yaks, hippogriffs ,every creatures for all I know." Sparx's eyes widened when he was impressed on what spike's saying. "Now my friends, first is Twilight, she's smart and likes books... a lot. But she's also a princess of friendship and my sister. Second is Rarity, the most beautiful pony I have ever seen in all Equestria. Third is Fluttershy, she's so kind to everypony but afraid of everything for no reason but who can blame her. Fourth is Pinkie Pie, she likes parties and make everypony smile. Fifth is Applejack, an apple farmer who never lies. Sixth is Rainbow Dash, the fastest and loyal pegasi I have ever seen. And last is Starlight Glimmer, she's a student of Twilight. Though she was once evil but that's all in the past, so that's it."

Sparx didn't have a word to but say, but he still impressed. However, he sees something moving from the sky causing him very nervous. Spike looked on Sparx seeing him nervous but he doesn't what, until they saw an object falling slowly, it appears to be a feather which makes Sparx a shock and Spike was Confuse. Sparx said to Spike in Terrifying. *Squeaking* as in, 'Spike, we need to leave right now!'

"What is it Sparx?" Spike said in confuse.

But all the sudden, a big drop and crash down behind them. They turned around slowly and gasped for what they saw is a big bird skull with googly eyes, feather wing opened wider, and a clicking noise from its beek. Their eyes widened and terrified of the one called... neverbird.


"RUUUNN!!!" Spike shouted instinct.

Spike and Sparx began to run for their life together while a neverbird start chasing fly lower to the ground. "First Timberwolves, now a big ugly bird, can this day get any worse!?" Spike said desperately. A neverbird reach out its foot claw and miss grabbing spike's tail four time. However, it finally grabbed his tail, starting to fly up to the sky.

Spike was trying to set himself free, but the neverbird trying to reach to eat him, luckly Spike was keeping avoid from its beek. Sparx rushing in to save Spike, a dragonfly uses its brightness to blind a neverbird's vision. Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Quick, set yourself free while I distract it!' He swoop around the bird's head.

Spike is thinking quickly until he figured it out. He took a deep breath and release his fire ball on its foot claw. *SHRIEK CAWK* a neverbird shouted in pain when its foot claw was burning. It let go of Spike's tail, but Spike is falling down to the ground and landed hard on the bush. Sparx head to Spike where he landed, he was checking if he's hurt or not, Spike is struggle to getting up. "Ow... I'm gonna feel that in the morning." Spike said in pain. Sparx feels relieve that he's alright.

They heard a neverbird from above, Spike is looking somewhere to hide until he sees a hole under the tree. "Quick hide in here." He whispered at Sparx, They rushed to it and silent. A neverbird looking everywhere to see the little purple dragon and a dragonfly while making clicking noise from its beek. But they're no sight of them 'luckily', it took off and fly away.


Spike looking up to see if it's there, now it's gone. Both of them sigh in relieve as they got out under the tree and laying down on the other tree. Sparx laying down on Spike's belly, but he feels guilty.

Sparx said in apology. *Squeaking* as in, 'Spike, I'm sorry about to mention there are dangerous creatures somewhere in Neverland.'

"It's okay buddy." Spike said. "But thanks for saving me, you're a lifesaver."

Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'That's what friends do, right?

Spike nodded, both of them are getting tired after all that chase. They closed their eyes to fall a sleep.

**Couple Minutes Later**

They both still asleep, until Sparx woke up when he heard a twig snapped. He take flight to take a look further and saw something moving from the bushes. All of sudden, he knew that something is not right. He headed to Spike's face and said. *squeaking* as in, 'Spike wake up, there's something out there, we gotta-' His word cut off when something grabbed him.

Spike opened his eyes and said. "*Yawn* What wrong little bu-" His word were cut off when he sees a sword pointed on his face. He looked up slowly and what's in front of him were the Diamond Dogs, but not just Diamond Dogs, they're Pirates. One Pirate Dog holding Sparx on his paw.

"Well well well, what do we have here boys?" Second Pirate Dog said. "A talking purple lizard and a dragonfly, today's our lucky day." Three of them started laughing.

"Knock it down!" Third Pirate Dog said to second Pirate Dog.

Second Pirate Dog quickly raise his paw with a sword and SMACK on Spike's head, causing him to collapse on the ground. Spike's sight getting blurry, he's about to unconscious and slowly closed his eyes.


***Equestria, Ponyville 7am***

It is a beautiful morning in Ponyville, the five girls are all together and headed to Twilight's castle.
Each of them were talking and laughing about anything and brought some meals for breakfast. Like Applejack brought an apple pie for everypony it looks delicious.

"Take a deep breath y'all." Applejack said. "What do ya smell?"

"Uh, is it a guessing game?" Pinkie Pie said in excitement. "Challenge accepted. Is it flower, is it food, is it Rarity's perfume?" She keeps guessing on and on, until Rainbow Dash can't take it anymore.

"It's apple pie Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wrong." Applejack uncorrected. "It's a nice fresh air in the morning." The others finally get it.

Now they've arrived at Twilight's castle. Applejack is about to knock the door, until Starlight popped out of the door. "Girl, thank goodness you all here!" Starlight said in worry. "We needed your help!"

"What is the matter Starlight." Fluttershy said softly.

"Its Spike, he's gone!" Starlight said. The girls gasped together for what they hear from Starlight Glimmer.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Rarity said in worry.

"Last night, Twilight told me he wasn't there in his room when we arrived." Starlight said. "We've looked for him everywhere inside the castle. The kitchen, library, and every rooms, but he's still not there."

"Where is Twilight?" Pinkie Pie said.

"She's in the library." Starlight answered. "She's waiting for you girls, come on."

"Then let's get going sugarcube." Applejack said. The others followed Starlight to the library where Twilight is.

To Be Continued...