• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 6: Dream

On the rock island, a couple of pirate dogs were fixing a huge to sail it again, they keep telling them to hurry up to put the half of the ship together. It was really heavy for them to do that. Captain Hook on the other hand was standing their, looking at Neverland with an aggressive look on his face.

"C-Captain, I have good news and... b-bad news." Mr. Smee said when he nervously shivered. "The good news is, we completely fixed your ship."

"And what's the bad news?" Captain Hook said when he turned his head and look at Mr. Smee.

"T... the bad news is, it will take days to set sail. The got really tired of working so..." Mr. Smee said.

"... Tired?" Captain Hook angrily said while walking towards Mr. Smee. "Mr. Smee, do you why the crew gets tired?" Mr. Smee nervously shook his head side to side. "It's because they lost to a small weakling dragon and the princess. And now, they took the shard from my grasp, THOSE INCOMPETENCE MUTTS!" He shouted to his pirate dogs and then turned around.

"How will you gonna take that shard back to your hand when they have it?" Mr. Smee questioned.

"It's quite simple, I've send ten crews to find them and eliminate the dragon except the princess, I wanted her alive along with my shard. They better not return empty hand, if they do, they will answer to me." Captain Hook said.


On the beach where the canoe boat, Spike, Sparx, and Tiger Lily made it their to Neverland. They hopped out the boat and Tiger Lily is start to speak. "Alright, my village are far with in twenty-four hours by tomorrow once we continue to travel. If I'm remembered correctly, our destination is that way. She pointed her hoof to north.

"Yes ma'am, you'll lead the way." Spike nodded and saluted.

"Alright, let's go." She said. Spike and Sparx head to direction where Tiger Lily pointed at. Tiger Lily walked slowly behind, she reach out her pocket and pulled out the Neverstar shard. It is sad for her to see it broke. She sigh and put it back to her pocket and walk normally towards them.

They traveled for an short hours through the forest, stopping for there breaks and continued travel for another hours. The sun's almost setting down on horizon, every is getting dark for them walk through. A minute later, they started to camp the spot for the night to sleep. They sat in front of the fire which is Spike already started one and eating fruits from the trees. Tiger Lily looked at Spike and said to him. "Spike, do you ever miss your family along with your kind."

"My kind?" Spike confused until he understand what she means. "Oh, oh yeah... actually, I didn't live among dragons in my life, I was raised by ponies and accepted as one of there own."

"Really?" She surprised. "Then that means, you don't know about your parents either, are you?"

"I... I never knew them, at all." Spike sadly sighed.

"I'm sorry I asked, I shouldn't have said that to you." Tiger Lily regretted.

"No no it's okay, I'm over it now." Spike said. "So how did you end up pirate's ship anyway?"

Tiger Lily look away from Spike and said. "It's... complicated."

"It's okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." He said while place his hand on her.

"You both should get some rest now for tomorrow." She said.

"Okay, good night Tiger Lily, and good night Sparx." Spike yawned, they all start to fall asleep.

*Few Minutes Later*

The three of them were still sleeping, until something glowing happened from Tiger Lily's pocket. It let out its beam and placed on Spike's head while he still asleep. Spike closed eyes were twitching because of its magic by going into his mind.

* Spike's Dream*

it reveal itself as a unbroken Neverstar until it shattered by itself into four shards. One shard faded because they had one, but the rest were showing three locations of them. First, a the rock shape like skull. Second, a forest full of flowing glowing dust. And third, a two peak mountain. "Bring them all into one." A female voice echo.

"AH!" Spike gasped when he woke up in the morning, the others had already woken up before him.

"Are you alright Spike?" Tiger said.

"Y-yeah I'm alright, I just had a strange dream but, I don't think it is." Spike said. "I think i know where all the shards are."

I shocking face came from Tiger Lily when she heard him. "You do, but how do you know?" She said.

"I don't know but, it just happen." He said

"Then we must get to my village now. but first, we must gather things trav-." She cut off her words when she heard something. Her eyes moved side to side, noticing there's something watching them, she draws her sword to prepare.

"Tiger Lily, is something-" his words cut off when she shushed him.

Suddenly, what's jumping out are ten pirate dogs, circling surrounding them. One pirate dog stepped forward and said. "Ye have something belongs to me captain, hand it over and we'll spare yer lifes."

"If you want it, then come and claim it." She said when she pointed her sword to them.

"Okay... ATTACK!!!" One pirate dog shouted.

They began to charge towards a mare, baby dragon, and dragonfly. Until Spike used his green fire breath to stop them. Tiger Lily jumped through the fire and said to Spike and Sparx. "Go, I'll hold them off!"

"But what about you?" He worried.

"Do not worry about me, just go!" She shouted.

Tiger Lily threw herself for with a double kick on two pirate dogs. Another pirate dog grabbed Tiger Lily from behind, she tried to struggle to be free. But suddenly, a rock hit pirate dog's head, letting go of her and collapse to the ground. It was Spike who throw a rock.

"I told both of you to go!" She said.

"No!" He said. "We can't just run away when you face them alone, so I'm staying and were doing this together rather you like it or not."

Tiger Lily hated to admitted but she can't fight them all alone, so she nodded to Spike. She now continues to fight while Spike throw more rock and Sparx distracts them by uses his brightness.

The battle lasted near minutes between three of them and the pirates dogs. The pirate dogs had no choice but retreat, but one pirate dog pull something out behind him, a bomb.

"If we don't kill them, then this one will!" A pirate dog said while lighting up the tomb and throwing it at them.

The bomb landed in front of them. "TAKE COVER!" She shouted to Spike and Sparx. They ran far from it but Spike tripped to the ground, he tried to get up quickly but when the spark reached inside, he said. "Uh-oh."

*BOOM!!!* Spike was caught in explosion.

"SPIKE!" She shouted while she and Sparx rushing towards to look for Spike and finally found him. "Spike, Spike wake up, please." But no respond from a baby dragon until he coughed out a smoke from his mouth and barely opened his eyes. They felt so relieved by knowing he's alive.

"Ouch." Spike said.

"We're glad your alive, how did do survive?" Tiger Lily confused.

"Heh heh, dragon scales are fire and explosive proof." He said but in pain.

"It is good to know but your badly injured. We need to get you healed once we reached my village." She said and Spike nodded without saying a word. Tiger Lily lift him up and place him on her back to rest. "Okay, let's go Sparx." A dragonfly nodded to her.

And so, they began head to the village which they're nearly getting closer to help Spike from his injury.


***Equestria, Everfree Forest***

The Mane six and Starlight are still on track and made out through the forest for an hour, until they see floating light stop its track on the hill top ledge.

"Uh Twilight, are you sure it led us here?" Rainbow Dash said. "Because it's a dead end."

"According from the book, this spell knows exactly where he is." Twilight explained. A floating light moved down there to the cliff almost to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, he's down there, why?" Rarity confused

"Ah'm guessing he must've falling down when the ground breaks." Applejack explained when she pointed her hoof to Spike's footprint and broken piece of ledge. They gasp for what Applejack say to them.

"Oh no, he could be hurt, we need to hurry and help him." Fluttershy worried.

Twilight uses her horn to teleport herself and her friends to go down where the floating light is. As soon as they made it, the floating light started to glow brighter, Twilight knows only one thing.

"Uuuh sparkly, what does it mean?" Pinkie question.

"It means that Spike is near, come on!" Starlight happily. The others were excited for what Starlight say to them.

They rushed to follow the floating light when it glow even more while they call out his name to if he's close by. But unfortunate, a floating light was stopped and popped up. The others and even Twilight are confuse for what happen to it. They were expected Spike to be here but all they found is... nothing but grassy spot.

"I... I don't understand, that spell would've find Spike but he's not here." Twilight confused and worried.

"Maybe you cast it wrong?" Starlight said when she walk side her.

"No, I read it correctly but, why? It doesn't make any sense." Twilight said. It is hard to see Twilight looking disappointed herself in front of her friends, until Applejack stepped in to her.

"Here's an idea Twi, we could go back to Ponyvill, gather our camp supplies, and meet back here in this spot to search for Spike, right?" Applejack said.

Twilight look up to Applejack and said. "You're right, let's go girl, we need to get stuff and came back here." The others and Starlight all nodded to her, thanks to Applejack's idea.

They headed back up there to Ponyville to get there camping supplies to come back here where Spike was in the beginning.

To Be Continued...