• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 16: Down Fall

Almost at the top of the mountain, the four of them were managed to get out the cave from the illusions that shows their fear. Luckily, they did face it. And now they have keep on going to the fourth and last shard to the peak. But unfortunately, there is one problem, their path is blocked by a couple of boulders. "So... how are we gonna through to this?" Spike asked.

"No, we won't." Tiger Lily answered. "Even if we pass through those boulders, it'll cause the rock slides and dragging us with it."

"Oh." Spike now understand when he looked at boulders. "Then how are we going to do?"

"We climb." Tiger Lily said while taking out rope, she tied it up for something to hold. After that, Tiger Lily spinning it and throw it on top of the stone. She testing the rope if it is strong enough to hold, but now it is. But suddenly, when she looked at Spike, he seemed to be very nervous. "Do not worry, I will be right behind you the whole time."

"Uh... thanks." Spike said to her until he asked to himself. "Why can't I be hatched with wings?" They now began to climb up with a rope, it was really high up for them get their in time. A baby dragon still nervous to look up, but he has to keep on going when Tiger Lily was behind. Tinkerbell and Sparx on the other hoof, were so lucky they can fly in no problem.

They now finally made it to the other side when they go on the ground. "See, it wasn't so bad now, is it?" Tiger Lily said while she untying the rope.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad, but let's not do that again." Spike said after catching up his breath. Tiger Lily can see the grow from the shards in her bag, it is only matter of time before they get their on top. They now continues to move up forward to their destination. "Wow, I can't believe we're really on top." He said to Sparx next to him when he sees Neverland better down and a dragonfly nodded.

"It is indeed the highest mountains in Neverland." Tiger Lily said to give the baby dragon a correction. "Once you return to your world, what will you do?"

For the moment, Spike was just thinking if he returns to his world until he answered to her. "Hmm... well now what you mentioned, I can tell my friends where I've been and how amazing our adventures is, although I'm pretty sure Twilight is gonna be mad and grounded me for leaving the castle."

"I can imagine it." Tiger Lily said when she chuckled. "But I am sure she won't be upset for this, just only be worry for you."

"I guess so." Spike said when rub his head behind. "I wonder how they're doing at the Grand Galloping Gala? But I think it's worst than the last time."

"Worst than the last time?" Tiger Lily said in confusion.

"Um, you don't want to know." Spike said. After their conversations, it seems they've now made it to the top of the mountain and finally spotted the last shard in the stone. "There it is!" The baby dragon ran towards it and grabbed it to join the others. This is the moment they finally have all four shards in their position.

"This is it, my father once said to me, 'once you have all four of them, you must combine them together at the same time,and then place it back to the stone to ignite its power.' are you ready Spike?" Tiger Lily said to Spike while she passing the other shard and she holds two shards.

But before they do it, The baby dragon wanted to say to Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx. "Guys, I wanted to admitted... it has been the best adventure I've ever been in my life, and... thank you." Spike said with a smile on his face, but seeing Sparx looking so sad. "Don't worry Sparx, I promise I will see you again someday. After all, we are still friends." Because of Spike promised, Sparx has turned his sad face to smile to accept it when he nodded.

Spike and Tiger Lily are now ready to combine the shard into one, just like an voice said in Spike's dream back then. A native mare start to count down. "One... Two... Three." They now place the shard together. However, the shards began to glow more and more and then the cracks is starting to fix itself. By the time when its finished glowing, the second Neverstar is completely fixed. Now for the last part, it needs to be placed to the stone. Tiger Lily is about take to the stone, until... she hear a clapping metal sound, coming from behind them.

"What an magnificent scene." Captain Hook said when he's causing everyone to get shock by his appearance. "Though I must admit, I wanted to congratulate you all of your successful noble quest of restoring the Neverstar."

"Hook?!" Spike gasp. "How did you get here right now?"

"It's quite easy dear Spike." Captain Hook said to answering them. "We took our own path instead of the one you took."

"We?" Spike said in confusion, until there are all pirate dogs appears, even Mr. Smee and surrounded them in full circle, draw their weapons and a few blocking the stone. Tiger Lily and Spike also draw their weapons and the four of them take stands of defending the Neverstar.

"If you are gonna take the Neverstar, you will have to get through to us." Tiger said while putting the Neverstar in her bag.

"Oh, I attempted to." Captain Hook said until he notice their's a fairy on their side, a fairy he recognize. "Is that you Tinkerbell... well now, it is a pleasure to see you again my dear, I haven't seen you from the demise of Peter Pan."

Tinkerbell started to glow red, meaning that she is angry and she started fly towards Captain Hook to attack him. But Spike stopped her by grabbing her wings with his fingers. "Don't do it Tinkerbell, it's not worth it." He said until a fairy's glow turned back to normal and he let go.

"You're right Spike." Tiger Lily said. "We cannot let our anger corrupted us, we need to not let Hook get his paws on the Neverstar."

"Enough speak." Captain Hook said while he took a step back. "The rest of you, get them and bring me the Neverstar."

The pirate dogs begins to attack a native mare and the baby dragon with full charge while Mr. Smee giving Captain Hook's foldseat and passing him a gold cup of wine. Thanks to Tiger Lily, she completely taught Spike how to fight and how to defend himself. The baby dragon is starting to get good at this when he uses the dagger and breathe green fire one at a time. Tiger Lily is doing all her best to not let the pirate dogs taking her bag from her when she's fighting still. Sparx and Tinkerbell worked together as team to distracted the pirate dogs by blinding them and hitting themselves to one another. It would seem the pirate dogs are about to lose by them, until Captain Hook hate to see his crew are failing.

"It looks like they're winning Captain." Mr. Smee said.

Captain Hook standing up out of his seat and said with a sigh. "Must I do everything myself." He draw his sword and walked over to Spike, and then kick the baby dragon to the ground, causing Spike to lose his dagger. Spike was just about breathe green fire on Captain Hook, but he can't because Captain Hook squeezed his neck with his foot to stop breathing fire. "Enough, surrender and hand over the Neverstar and I will let Spike go as promised." He said when Tiger Lily and others stop, even the pirate dogs stop their attacks.

Tiger Lily was shock to see Captain Hook holding down Spike on the ground. "Don't hurt him, he need to return to his world." Tiger Lily said in worry.

"Don't worry... about me... Tiger Lily, just don't give... it to him." Spike barely said while he try to break free from Hook's foot from his neck.

"Last chance Tiger Lily." Captain Hook said when he pointed his sword at the baby dragon. "You do not want this to happen to Spike now, do you? Hand it over, and I will use it to send him home as promise, you have my word."

Tiger Lily began to be struggling with thoughts of choices. It's either giving him the Neverstar, or he'll end Spike's life. "Okay... I will give it to you." Tiger Lily said when she had no choice. She pulled out the Neverstar from her bag and walked towards him. At this moment, Captain Hook had hold to the Neverstar on his hook with an evil smile. "Now let him go."

"Hmm... Actually, I change my mind." Captain Hook said when he tricked Tiger Lily, causing her to gasp in shock. He snapped his fingers to his pirates to grab Tiger Lily and the others to grab Tinkerbell and Sparx while putting them in the bag.

"You said you have your word." Tiger Lily said while she struggling.

"I lied." Captain Hook said while he grab Spike by the neck with his bare hand. "You see, there is the only lesson you haven't learn... is never trust the pirate's deal." Captain Hook began to laugh along with a pirate dogs too. To this moment, Spike managed to break free his neck and start to bite him by the forearm, causing Hook to be pained. "Argh! You little... BRAT!" He tossed Spike to the cliff.

"NOOOO!" Tiger Lily shouted to see a horrible moment of Spike's demise, hearing his screams when fall to his doom. When the baby dragon's scream faded, she kneel down to the ground and her tears dripping down from eyes, believing that Spike's truly gone.


**Equestria, Everfree Forest**

The mane six and Starlight made it towards obtained The Elements Of Harmony where the abandoned castle of the two sisters is. Twilight Sparkle give her friends the elements when its glows to appears the necklaces and a crown. "Now that we have the elements, it's time to go Neverland." Twilight said while the others are nodded.

They walked out to the cave where The Tree Of Harmony, but a purple alicorn stopped when feels something. This feeling was not a good, it's bad way. "Are yah alright Twi?" Applejack asked on her right side while the others stopped their tracks.

"I... I dont know." Twilight answered. "It feels like... something wrong with Spike... like he's in terrible trouble."

"Whatever it is Twilight, we'll be there for him in no time." Rainbow Dash said while flying around and others nodded to agree with her.

"You're right Rainbow, let's do this." Twilight said like her spirit is rising to the top. They now begin to go to the spot where Spike was when he was sent to Neverland.

To Be Continued...