• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 4,167 Views, 71 Comments

Revenge of the Nightmares - Commander_Pensword

A Group of mages gathered to use their magic to bring about a change in the world, a world of Night.

  • ...

Night Court

Princess Celestia settled down at the dining room table for her dinner. She looked at the clock ticking away on the wall and then to the windows showing the inside courtyards of the castle and the gardens. The windows glowed from being enchanted with ballistic resistant shielding. She smirked at the memory of having let loose the Night Guard's entire military might to prove that point to Luna. She still found the act of seeing boulders crash against the windows rather amusing during the testing process. This self reflection ate up the time until Luna entered the room, looking wide awake and ready for her Night Court duties. A perk Celestia found enjoyable, as her sister would usually come in yawning. It meant she had woken earlier and had worked on something before dinner.

Celestia smiled as they sat down at the table, both beginning to eat their normal meal. Luna was eating breakfast food for dinner, which was a normal occurrence. She waited till the wait staff had left before speaking. “Luna, what are we going to do with our guest?”

Luna only had a small smile, “Well, I have a thought Tia, but it will require your cooperation and a little of Discords as well.” She picked up a fork and swung it in the air as she spoke, using the magic to trail behind the fork creating an image. “Seeing as we cannot keep William inside all the time, it is okay so far, but soon he will get restless, and, well I was thinking on using a major spell work to disguise-”

Celestia cut Luna off. “Are you sure? Because we cannot always recharge it.” She paused, “However Twilight can, and, with the events.” She trailed off but swallowed knowing that keeping secrets had been part of why Luna had gone to the Order of the Black Suns. “Luna, one of my guards, contacted William and I last night, as such, William needs to head to the Everfree Forest to deal with-”

“Nightmares.” Luna finished for her sister. “I could feel them when I woke up. They are gathering and tomorrow during the day, or the day after, but never hit them at night dear sister, daytime will be the best time to hit them.” She shook her head. “Still, we should think ahead, this is just one small step. The Nightmares will know of his existence, but if we can create something to hide him.”

“Luna,” her older sister spoke with a weight of ages in her voice. “We can hide him, but how can we craft a believable story?”

“He is a Nightguard that is on leave due to events that happened in the Everfree Forest, and working on recovering memories and motor movement.” Came Luna’s response so fast that Celestia realized she must have been working on it. “Simple, not too complicated, that the rest can be hidden in black ink and the term I have grown to love. Classified.”

Celestia closed her eyes. “Just be careful sister,” Strain evident in her voice. “Over using it might cause a backlash.”

“I only use it to annoy those that seem to think that all the words I speak are lies and coverups for thee dear sister.” Her voice growing annoyed. “It appears that my court has become a joke among the aristocrats for drawing all the Lunatics to their patron court.” To Celestia’s confusion there was not the bitterness she thought she would use, but an enjoyment?

“You enjoy this?” Celestia's disbelief heavy on her voice, “I thought for sure you would not be pleased at the use of your name to the root of a-”

“Sister,” Luna spoke raising a wing in a gentle comforting manner, “I see it as a constant reminder of what I did and to never go down that road again. If anything, I wish to try and set right all the Lunatics in the world if I can. If it means listening to their tales and beliefs, so be it,” She laughed a little as the meal arrived.

The time was spent talking of the day and after the dishes were cleared away they still had easily half an hour left of their hour-long dinner. It was Luna that returned to the first subject, “I say tomorrow night we give William his guise and backstory, the sooner the better. My guards can slip in papers during the filing of the coming conflict with some extra forms with enough black ink to keep all but a few from digging deeper.”

Celestia only nodded her head. “Sister,” her voice going to a more serious manner, “I know you know as I do, that something like this cannot pick a Pony species, as thou knowest, from when we were younger and we used it on ourselves to watch our subjects from within, I was a Unicorn and you a Pegasus.” She paused a little. “Tell me honestly, do you have a preference for William’s form?”

Luna blinked and blushed as she realized the answer. “To be honest my dear sister, I do, I, was it obvious?” Luna asked looked at Celestia with a confused look.

Celestia only gave a very neutral expression. “I figured you would, as you gave much of yourself to his mind, and he most likely gave to you. I also have seen that he showed a little bit of a pegasus stubbornness with the Griffons, so I want to warn you sister, you may get your wish. But be careful, I do not want your heart broken by undue attention or affection that is misplaced due to that of two survivors of a war getting by.” Her eyes stung a little before looking at the clock and the sun slowly lowering in the sky. “Come Sister, let us retire to the Balcony to do our duties for the day and night.”

Luna only nodded her head with a small smile, happy to have to not think about what her sister had said about William and her. “Sister, if anything, I think what you see is my curiosity, after all he has so many technologies that our own scientists never dreamed of, if anything, it might be that I would like to know more of his world.”

Celestia only shook her mane with a wicker. “Very well Luna, I will trust you with this. It seems you have already done and know more of what to do, and I am happy to give you these responsibilities, you are more than ready to head your own personal projects for the Kingdom.” Luna caught the look of a pleased smile from her sister. That small look was enough for Luna to know her sister trusted her with this.

The two sisters left the dining hall and moved to one of the empty balconies, one thing that the two sisters joked about was how many ponies thought they would raise or lower their celestial bodies from some special balcony, or some special ceremony. The two had really only done the ceremonies for their subjects sack and even then, they would do it once a year. Any other time it was just another small duty and they prefered to work their celestial magic as a team.

Their tasks done for the evening the two sisters parted with hugs to one another, Celestia going to sleep, and Luna moving to work her Night Court. Luna smiled as she made a quick check into her personal lounge she uses while resting or getting a drink of water between petitioners. She smiled at the small surprise and moved to the hallway that was used by Royalty and their guards. There standing at a relaxed stance was William dressed in a clean pair of ACU’s with two guards that she knew was William’s escorts around the castle.

“William, my guards, I require thee for a moment to attend to the lounge.” Without waiting for a response she turned around and began to walked back to the lounge. The two guards seeing William actually standing still looking a little lost quickly pushed him forward to follow the Princess.

Luna smiled and opened the doors to the lounge to reveal what she wanted to show the three guards by her side. Inside Rarity was smiling as she trotted next to a table with clothing laid out. William blinked as Luna pushed him forward. “So as to keep things from being too hard, these will be your clothing for the Night Court.” She smiled and looked at Rarity. “I must admit, Rarity measured you while you and I were out in our battle of Nightmares. So she was already working on some outfits when I came to her for this.”

First thing William noticed was the dark colors, it was evocative of the night sky. The shirt he saw was a Light blue color, similar to the ice cold moon during winter. The jacket itself was black as night. While the Pants were a dark indigo color with a white stripe down the pants outer seem. A few things he noticed was first over the heart was a large badge of a crescent moon that was originated so that the open bowl shape was facing up. On the sides of the moon were wings spread out in the act of flying. While in the dead center of the crescent shape was a wand with a star at the top pointing upwards. He looked back at the two Moonbeam Division members and saw they had the same crest as well.

He saw that on a purple satin sash that would go around his neck was the image of a single Dragons Eye. He had a feeling that had meaning as well. The Last thing he saw on the Uniform Jacket was one medal. He couldn’t tell what it was. But the silk fabric that connected the Metal to the pin was a Moon white with three Red stripes running up and down the silk. The Medal itself had the Mare in the Moon with a sword crossed over the image. He saw on the left shoulder a badge with text on a scroll on the bottom. “Luna Nobis Provident.” Above it, inside a shield with a black background was towards the top, a crescent moon with the opening to the left. Surrounding the moon where a pair of blue wings attached to a horn that was coming from the scroll text. On both sides of the horn three white stars. The edges of the patches were edged with the same blue color as the horn and wings.

The last parts of the Uniform he found were two black shined shoes and black socks. He also found a black tie. He looked at the guards. “Uh, why do I have a dress uniform? While you are wearing your Draconic Armor?” The two guards only grinned a little.

“Because we didn't’ have time to get your measured for a full set. Though even with a dress uniform you get a more ceremonial helmet.” Luna spoke while the guards remained silent with their grins. She pulled something from a cupboard with her magic and placed a dark blue helmet with a nose guard. The top had the finned ridges of what looked to be metal fins. To William surprise the helmet complimented the entire ensemble of the dress uniform.

Luna motioned for Rarity to leave, she paused at the doors. “Men, Help our new recruit into his temporary uniform.” With that the doors to the lounge closed and William was barely able to move before the guards both began to order him to start dressing in the uniform, every moment telling him something new about the uniform, meanings behind it. But it was happening so fast that he was barely able to remember anything. This entire event lasted less than ten minutes but still to William, it felt like a longer amount of time. One thing he did realize was that on the top of his shoulders were his ranks, Officer Cadet.

When he stepped outside, the smile on Luna’s face placed him a little at ease as Rarity floated a pair of white dress gloves over to William. While he was placing the gloves onto his hands Luna spoke.

“I saw the different dress uniforms, and since we don’t have a set style for bipedal members of the Lunar Guard.” She smiled a little. “I took a little of the styles of your Army, and Marines, well the gloves and the need for a sword, but the sword is coming later.”

William paused and looked at Luna, memories of Marine lore he heard from video games and a few movies. “Uh, that might be a bad idea.” he paused, “However as this is your elite guard, they might be flattered as well that you used some of their ideas for the a bipedal uniform.”

Luna only smiled happy at the compliment and turned around, “Come, my Night Court is soon to start, and I rather have you at your post before the first petitioner arrives.” Luna smiled and could sense her guards following her into the throne room. The room had changed from the time that Celestia had held her court. Instead of the moon and the bright colors of the sun. There were the somber colors and images of the moon and the night. She slowly walked up the the only bright object in the court. The throne shone in the soft colors accenting its golden color with the room rather well.

William was pointed to a pillar to stand near. “Now, an image of a Cadet Officer is a relaxed pose, stay alert but stay loose and nimble, that way if you need to, you and push off the pillar towards a threat or throw off trouble makers by making a very sudden move.” William nodded his head and leaned against the pillar, using it as a back rest. He practiced a few times in pushing off the pillar into a more alert pose that the first time he did so, actually startled some of the civilian workers for the court on the other side of the room.

It was then that one Pony entered into the throne room by the two large brass looking doors. He cleared his voice and used his horn on his head to project his voice. “THE ROYAL NIGHT COURT OF EQUESTRIA IS NOW IN SESSION.” He took a breath. “THIS NIGHT, NOVEMBER SECOND YEAR THREE OF THE YEAR OF LUNA’S RETURN.” He then bowed to Luna.

Luna smiled and tapped her hoof on a special spot as it seemed to echo throughout the entire room and beyond. “MY COURT IS NOW OPEN TO ALL WHO WISH TO COME FORWARD.”

William waited while things settled, his mind wondering if he just “heard” November in his head since he didn’t fully learn, but that made no sense, why have November as a month? He sighed and watched as the doors opened to let in the first petitioner.

He blinked as he saw the other guards seemed to tense a little and Luna herself stood taller using her body to intimidate the petitioner.

“Night Mage Starshine why are you here?” Her voice low and irritable. “I thought I told you, I am not going to return the Mare in the Moon image.”

“Your highness.” The Mage spoke, a Unicorn of black. His red eyes shining from the white of his eyes. The dark blue of his tail and mane were flat, but his tail flicked in a manner that information not of William’s understanding made him bristle at the attitude in front of Luna. “I did not come to speak of your charge nor the lack of a mainstay of tradition.” his eyes flicked over to William was poised. “But more to the creature that one concerned Duke spoke to me. As Night Mage, and the highest ranking mage on duty for the night, I felt it was my duty-”

“My sister and I both have checked him out. He is safe, and of no threat to the crown, the city, or your own position.” She added the last part in what appeared to be a long standing feud between the two.

“I was not questioning either of your own standings, but by royal mandate of my station, I am to third party verify that any new creatures are safe, clean of anything that might endanger this kingdom of either sickness or otherwise, and also to test any magical abilities that said creature might have.”

Luna lowered her head in an aggressive manner. “I as Princess of the Night can claim rights to any one being of another nation as a champion. Voiding all that you said. If you wish to push this path, I can push as hard back.”

“What will the city say?” The Night Mage asked with a small smirk. “That you have in your employ a creature of unknown history, recordings, or even myth in your guard and employ? There are those that might without the Ministry of Magic’s seal, could see this as a sign of things to come, that you might be-”

“That is enough.” Luna’s voice remained leveled but the threat and venom in it was enough. “You may proceed but it has to be done, HERE in this court.” She motioned a wing. “Cadet Officer William Howard, on loan from the United States Army till we can return him to his homelands.” She spoke as if announcing an important person.

Moonshade who was standing near him poked his side with a hoof, and William moved to a military stance and marched slowly to the center of the court. His arms pinned at his side as he reached the center of the room. He stopped and faced Luna with a stone still face.

Luna smiled a little. “Fall Out.” her voice hiding a little amusement that William was wondering if he was only catching. William only stepped back and dropped the military standing. “Turn around and face Night Mage Starshine.”

William only nodded and did an about face to stare at the Unicorn, he realized that this allowed him to finally noticed the sizes of the Pony’s around him. Luna was a head taller than him, but here was a Unicorn, he realized with a shiver that bowing one’s head the Unicorn could pierce his sternum right in the center of the body.

“Sit on the ground.” came the simple voice but one that said he was expecting to be followed every single order given. William did just that and sat down on the ground with a grump. “Now, Close your eyes and relax, well as much as one of you guard ponies can relax.”

William only nodded his head and closed his eyes. He took a breath and slowly let it out. He felt the horn touch his forehead, and, and then he was blinking in confusion as he was on his back eyes wide open. He blinked a few times trying to figure out what just happened. he felt something in his mouth and without thinking rolled onto his hands and knees and coughed. He blinked on horror as he realized that blood was on the ground. He coughed again and more came out. He looked up and around, trying to realize where he was. He was in the Court, but the windows were shattered, the tapestries were gone. It looked like the place had been attacked. He blinked and saw the Night Mage standing in the middle of the room with a look of a smug smile. “So this is the mind that the Princesses did not want seen, a mind of destruction.” He looked at the Throne Room. “Tell me Monster, what do you feel on seeing this?”

William coughed and found he wiped his mouth and chin with a sleeve, pulling it back it was a smoky dark images of his ACU uniform. “This is not my mind.” he spoke. The voice actually startled the Night Mage. “I,” he paused and furrowed his brow. “This is the remnants of the ones that tried to enslave me.” He looked at the Unicorn and then to the ruined windows. He stepped forward with morbid curiosity was wanting to look out the window. “The Nightmares, attacked me, and this was the fate if not for help.”

“Help indeed, the Mad saving the Mad.” The Night Mage coughed with a bitter laugh. “I still think that Luna is not fit to lead anything.” The Unicorn blinked as he realized the words were echoing. He looked at him. “How can you pull my thoughts from me? I am controlling this.”

William blinked as he saw the shadows of an Alicorn behind him. “Because,” He turned and there was a Transparent Luna in the ruined Throne Room. “I gave him a bit of my magic in case he was ever attacked by the Nightmares, but this is interesting, I thought you had an ulterior motive, and now I know.” She frowned. “Only it is up to William to tell the real Luna what he now knows.”

“You cannot.” The unicorn shouted. “She is a danger and a menace, we did fine with just one Princess ruling us all, but then came Cadence and now Luna, the mad sister, the Nightmare Moon, how can I know that she won’t go and corrupt the night magics again?”

William spun around. “She would never do that!” His voice echoing through the empty throne room. “How can you blame her for something that was not her fault?”

“She is a Princess, she could have fought it. She wanted it to happen, or did it to herself.” The Night Mage screeched in rage. “Nothing can beat one.”

Luna and William spoke as one, the look of uneasy and terror on the Mage’s face growing at the sheer perfect voice mirror. “We did not know what they were doing, we were tricked and by the time the trick was learned, it was too late, the chains too long and thick to break by one’s will alone. We fought all we could, we cried while the real monster attacked our dear sister and our subjects.” Here Luna’s voice finished. “Do not dare tell us what it is that we can and cannot do.” Her voice while low echoed and seemed to be weighed, so much so that when the echo faded there was utter silence.

The Mage just looked at the two after a minute had passed. “No matter, I have seen what I needed.” He looked at the human, “I saw your world, the turmoil and wars.” He sniffed. “I have all I need to make my decision.”

William looked at him. “What is that?”

“I will not tell you, nor the Princess you both will learn when we release our paper findings tomorrow.” Starshine smiled a little as if pleased now with himself. “Any last words?”

William looked at Luna who only nodded her head with a small grin. “You saw my world? Well seeing as I am once again awake and in my right mind,” he moved to the Throne, or where it use to be and moved a hand and he jerked back in shock as a screen appeared in mid air. “Let me show you something.” he stepped aside and played the Nightmares threats to him. “This all took seconds in the real world.” He explained with a quick nod to the screen as it began to play.

When it stopped the Night Mage actually was smirking. “I must say, that you were hoping for me to change my mind with that? or reinforce what I was making?”

“Nah,” William quipped, “I rather you make your choice knowing a bit more of the information.” He paused from his speaking. “Although, depending on what you publish, I might mention to Princess Luna what you said about her here.”

The Night Mage actually laughed. “See that you do, I don’t care, Princess Luna knows my feelings, she has read through my reports and worries.” He shook his head tossing his mane around. “I will bid you good day.”

IT was with a jolt and a sharp pain that he was back to the normal world. He fell back while seeing stars while the Night Mage turned to go. “I have seen what I need to make my report.” His voice more of a smirk. “Good day princess,” He didn’t even stop walking as he gave the next line, directed towards William. “Monster.” There was a noise that William heard that seemed off but he found himself being set back upright by a Pegasus as he saw Luna barring the doors and standing in the way of Night Mage Starshine. “Princess, need I remind you that baring my path is not something looked upon with joy?”

“Nor will I stand by and let you call humans monsters, they are just as mortal as you and my guards are.” Her expression hardened. “I only remind thee that if thou dost call one of my guards a Monster, need know this only, not only shall there be more complaints and potential rioting that would draw troops away from my dear Sister’s army, but also that we shall not stand to have thee slander our men.” She spread her wings and lowered her head, making a rather scary look. “Know this, if thou dost still call him that, I shall go through the civil courts to reprimand thee.”

Starshine only nodded his head. His face showing he had not expected that response from the Princess. “Of, of course.” He looked back at the weakened William. “Goodnight, human.” The way he said his species name almost seemed like a slur word to William’s ears but he did not do anything, and Luna seeing the trap that was open for her, did the only thing she could do that was smart. She let him leave. The room was eerily silent while more guards were trying to help him up to his feet.

Luna looked to one of the scribes. “Order a chair for Cadet Officer Howard, I am afraid that our, third party friend did not close the connection properly and left our friend,” She didn’t finish as she trailed off, however, the scribes did call out and order a chair. William blinked and looked at Luna.

“Uh,” he began weakly. “Isn’t that against royal standard?” he asked thinking back to royal protocols, mainly from the book , The Prince and the Pauper. Sitting was not allowed in front of royalty.

Luna blinked at looked at William. “I am royalty am I not? If I say for you to sit in my presence wouldn’t then it be that you sit to follow my commands?” She smiled at her logic while William did not wish to argue, he was still trying to catch his wind. He also felt extremely tired from that ordeal. “William?” a voice called out and he realized that he had dozed off.

He opened his eyes and realized Luna was in front of him, concern on her face. She looked at the two guards behind him. “Moonshade, Nightwing, take William to the Lunar Infirmary, it seems that Night Mage Starshine was too hard on him.” She looked concerned and did William catch some fear in her voice?

He blinked he noticed another Pony a Pegasus but he found it hard to think of anything other than a bright white with yellow mane and tail, but he couldn’t focus on anything else. In fact he fell back into darkness in the grip of Moonshades’ magical grip.

The sounds of voices broke through the blackness of William’s mind, shattering any dream he might have been having, which is odd, the human’s mind was invading her mind now. No, he was William Luna Howard Prince ss? of the Night. He mentally shook his head and groaned because that was not right. Americans didn’t have royalty, but why then did he remember raising the moon and falling to jealousy?

The voices grew in volume as it seemed to his, her ears? Were they shouting? he slowly opened his eyes and groaned at the light. “Too bright.” He moaned and the cacophony of sound paused. Then a soothing voice, his voice? No he was a male not a female. But why did the voice sound so familiar.

“William, please be still, I am afraid thou art suffering from a magical backlash, your mind, could not take the rough handling of our Night Mage, a normal Unicorn.” Her voice seemed to be pointed to somepony else. “can handle it, a creature that has never had magic before will not act well, also thou has ruined the organized manner of which his mind was set up, mixing up ours and his own memories.”

William blinked. “Luna? But, I, no, yet I am, but am not.” he rambled as he tried to make sense of his mind. He felt wing feathers touch his forehead. “Hush. All will be made better by morning.” William felt warmth like a warm blanket wrapped around a chill’d body and he soon drifted back into the darkness.

The next thing he felt he remembered was birds chirping nearby and a soft humming. William stirred and the birds stopped singing however a soft voice whispered to his ear. “Wakey wakey, time to get up William.” he blinked slowly letting the light in and squinting as he got his eyes use to the suddenly light. He slowly opened them wider as he saw an interesting sight. Fluttershy was smiling as she sat on one of the chairs, and in a more plush chair was Luna, dozing a little her head tucked to her chest. William’s eyes must have asked the questions as Fluttershy spoke up.

“She watched over you personally and was doing some of her night magic to, well heal you.” Fluttershy whispered, well talked was the appropriate denominator because her voice never rose above the softness. Yet in the stillness of the room it was loud enough to hear. “I only took over when it became day and,” she shivered. “Some of the guards asked that I come by to help you recover.” She gasped a little in worry. “Oh my, I am suppose to tell Princess Celestia when you wake up.”

She turned to the room only to try and bow as Celestia entered the room carrying a tray of food on it. Mainly salads and fruits. “Please don’t worry yourself Fluttershy, I am only here to give food.” She looked at William with a strange look. “Please know that Night Mage Starshine is at the moment taking a well deserved holiday due to the stress of work, his little emergency report was thankfully intercepted by the Arch Mage.” She sighed and shook her head. “Last night almost caused a stir in all of Equestria, thankfully all will be taken care of.”

She paused as she placed the tray of food onto a table. “Tell me your name,” She asked in a slightly concerned manner. “Any ranks or title you remember?”

William paused as Fluttershy helped him to sit up. “William Howard, Cadet Captain in the United States Army ROTC program. Also on special assignment due to knowledge of the Nightmares as an Officer Cadet in the Lunar Guard Moonbeam Division.” he paused and blinked. “Well, that is the cover story at least.”

Celestia only smiled, and William saw relief on her face. “That is good, when Fluttershy came in, you were raving about how your sister turned you into a strange bipedal being and that she must return you back to normal.” A slight twinge of humor appeared on her muzzle. “I am glad we are past that point.”

William nodded his head. “Are we, still a go for assaulting the,” he make a hand wave that Celestia got was him trying to ask, but at the same time not ruin any security protocols he might not be aware of.

Celestia smiled. “As for the attack on Sunny Town?” She smirked and stretched her wings. “The Elements of Harmony are some of our highest weapons to use, they have the clearance to know.” She dropped her wings a little and stepped closer to William. “As for the attack, Luna said that we can wait one more day. So you take today to rest.”

William only nodded his head and yawned rather loudly causing Luna to wake up with a snort and a jerk of her head. Her eyes widened with Joy. “Oh Good, thou art awake.” She smiled and saw some soup. “Come, I think thou wilt like our vegetable soup.” She smirked a little. “I have heard it is good for those who are not feeling well.” She took the bowl of soup in her magic and took a spoon and tried to feed William before a gold aura took hold of both soup and spoon.

“Lulu dear,” Celestia spoke calmly, but firmly. “William is not so weak as to not feed himself, let him at least eat himself.” Luna at her sister's words blushed and bowed her head. But Celestia only smiled and patted her on the head with a wing. “There now, no need to look ashamed, I guess you were just happy to help another being.” She smiled and looked around a little like she was going to share a big secret. “I did the same thing with Twilight who once studied so long she fell asleep in the library.” She had leaned in to share that tidbit with a smirk. “I forced her to spend the next day resting both body and eyes.” She leaned back a little then and smiled at the smiles it brought to Luna, Fluttershy, and the confused look on William’s face as he tried to imagine that happening to Twilight Sparkle, and succeeding rather spectacular.

Luna looked up. “You think I can take a student someday?” She asked in a sisterly tone of voice. Her eyes pleading to Celestia.

“Well,” here Celestia humm’d. “I think I can let you do better in a few years, with you returning, the new generation will sure to have unicorns focusing on the night, I think I might help set up your own school for Unicorns.”

Luna’s face seemed to just expand with joy and William was positive he heard the fluttershy smile squee sound. He just chuckled and shook his head but frowned as a little a stab of cold ice seemed to settle in the pit of his stomach.

“William, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Luna’s face was close to his own and a wing touched his forehead. He looked at Luna’s face and it was the last straw. he reached out and hugged the nearest thing, being Luna’s neck and began to cry. The sound was of deep sorrow and loss that Celestia could feel, as it felt similar to when she realized her sister was going to be gone for a thousand years. She just watched from a distance and Fluttershy made an epp at the sudden move and sound, she seemed to withdraw behind her mane, looking on with worry for William.

It was a while till William was to the sniffling stage of the wet hagrid and messy cry. He hiccuped a little before speaking. “I, I just,” he was on the verge of crying again, the human that was in the Canterlot Lunar Guard Infirmary looked suddenly much smaller, weaker, and rather miserable. “I miss my family.” he finally let out. Before he returned to sobbing.

Fluttershy by now had moved closer and was making small cooing noises while at the same time also letting it finish its course the entire time a sympathetic expression remained on her muzzle and in her eyes. Celestia had stepped back and just gave space. Luna on the other hoof or hand depending on the side of the species spectrum you were on was looking at her sister in confusion and wide eyed wonderment of what was happening, yet her heart was hurting from the sounds of sorrow. She also found that soon William finally let go of his rather firm grip around her neck. She blinked and when the second lull came she gulped and did something she remembered her sister doing to her after one of her little episodes as a filly, she gave a soft touch of her muzzle to William’s forehead in trying to show comfort.

William blinked and sniffed again before being handed a handkerchief by Celestia that William used to blow his nose, making a rather loud noise that startled Fluttershy. William coughed a little and turned Red. “Sorry,” he began only for Celestia to hold up a wing.

“Losing one’s family, is not an easy thing,” Her eyes drifting rather purposefully towards her sister. “I am just, you have had an eventful few days, and now, it has caught up. For a creature, if emotions are the same, you cared for your family deeply?”

William only nodded his head. “Yeah, I was close to all of them. Mom, Dad, Eric, His wife, their newly born....” his voice hitched and he hiccuped. “Even my Dad’s brother, annoying as he is, Grampa and Gramma.” He smirked a little at memories. “I even miss all of them.” He sighed and found that he was feeling better. “Uh, thank you.” He told the three ponies, well one pony and two alicorns in the room.

They all smiled and replied with different variations of Your Welcome at about the same time. The looks they gave each other caused all four of them to begin to laugh a little. However William did not notice, yet Celestia did the slight Red tinge to Luna’s muzzle during the laugh. Celestia’s face remained joyful but her mind became a little worried.

It was about then that one of the Solar Guards as William knew now walked in and whispered something into Celestia’s ear and she looked around quickly before nodding her head to the other three in the room. “If you will excuse me, I must attend to something, it seems Discord has done a prank and the, well, I have to deal with some punch in the local fountains.” she smiled and took her leave, Fluttershy quickly in her own terms flew over to Celestia’s side, whispering something into the Princess’ ear and after a short nod the two left the room. Luna and William looked at each other before bursting into more laughing at the thought of what Discord had done.

Author's Note:

Just to let you all know.

This is unedited and I just realized on how long it has been sitting around. I shall be making it a process to update once a week and be editing as it comes. After all, the story should go on and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.