• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 4,167 Views, 71 Comments

Revenge of the Nightmares - Commander_Pensword

A Group of mages gathered to use their magic to bring about a change in the world, a world of Night.

  • ...

Learning Curve

Slowly William yawned and awoke as the sunlight slowly shone brighter and brighter through the large open windows around him. William blinked and found something soft covering him and he moved to settle in a little more in the wonderful indigo cave he was in. He closed his eyes for a moment before they snapped open with fear at what he realized just where he was. He moved his head and blinked when the natural hole of his cave was blocked by a smiling face of Luna.

“Oh, you’re awake.” She smiled and moved her wing up and began to remove the cave that the wing had created. “I must say that you were riveted to my tellings of the stories of the paintings.” She leaned in a little. “Was it the history? The artwork? My voice? Or a little of all the above?”

William was still waking up and yawned again, “All the above, but you have a wonderful voice that I wouldn’t mind hearing in a college lecture hall.” he paused as his mind caught up to his words and he blush and ruffled his feathers in embarrassment. The moment caused him to turn even more red at the memory of talking some about the fandom. “Sorry again about the wingboner question.” He muttered in a barely audible voice.

“Please, do not be, I have not had such a good laugh in a long time, but you Bronies have some odd thoughts, how could a Pegasus have good flight control if they have that happen to them? No, what you most likely saw was a Pegasus reaction to something that they really enjoy. Say, you and steam engines. Those ears as you found out were amazing. I never saw another pony lose focus and hone in on another sound as quickly as thee.” She smirked a little and stood up as she gathered her wings to her sides. “Still, there is nothing like you have said that occurs.” She began to move from the middle of the first floor of her apartment. “Come, let us eat breakfast. I must say that was a fun prank pulled, I lowered the moon and created that cave moments before you woke up.” She was just grinning at another yawn. “Ah yes, I must introduce you to the Lunar Tea, it should help thee wake up for the day.”

William only yawned in answer before seeing the calendar and yet again and saw November in the month heading, “Luna, I am seeing my world’s months in your world. Why is that?”

Luna paused and blinked and looked at the calendar and tilted her head before nodding her head. “Interesting, it might be that is I am to guess your month names are in an old language that you really do not know much about?” She waited till she got the nod of the head she knew was coming. “Well I think as this too has a bit of a root in much older Alicorn language and not Ancient Equestrian, your world and mind to make it easier just replaced the months with your own. Don’t worry about it.” She smiled and picked up a pen next to the calendar and marked off a few more days. “Ah, today is the Ninth already? Time seems to have,” She paused and looked at William with worry before back at the Calendar. “Still, this is going to be a very intense month, next month is the Hearth Warming Celebrations, and some official meetings.” She paused before smiling. “Come, breakfast awaits a most faithful soldier of my Army.” She reached over and to both ponies surprises she patted him on his head with a wing. She quickly pulled the wing back and looked to the doors. “We should also create a name for thee, the old name I doubt would fit thee now.”

William only nodded his head as he fell into step behind Luna, he had been thinking of many things before looking up at the ceiling, before finally blinking as a name formed in his mind. “How about Nightstar?”

William found Luna doing a small hop dance suddenly on the stairs before settling down. She was silent for three more full rotations around the tower before speaking again. “I think, that would be a good name. I shall begin to have the paper reflect the current cover name.” She paused a few more steps down. “What, brought that name to your mind?”

William looked at the back of Luna’s head. “Funny thing, I thought of it as I remembered a dream I had last night.” He ruffled the feathers on his wing a little at the memory. “A night sky empty of everything when above my head began to shine a single star. To my left a full moon began to rise that seemed so close that I felt I could have touched it.” He cleared his throat. “As I watched this one single star seemed to move slowly as if on a patrol of the sky as it followed the moon on its path.”

Luna remained silent before changing the conversation so that the rest of the trip to breakfast was mostly that of small talk and a few jokes swapped, of both sides of the divide of worlds. They were both laughing a little as they walked into the breakfast area only to pause as two Ponies stood with Princess Celestia.

“Tia?” Luna began only to have a wing move as if to cut Luna off from any more talking.

The pony on the far right spoke. She was dressed in a full dress uniform. “Lunar Guard hopeful,” Her voice harsh and commanding. “I have been charged by Princess Celestia to put you through a refresher course to make sure you are still fit for duty after the attack in the Everfree forest. You will eat breakfast with the rest of the troops before Cadet Dash and I take over your training. It is good to see you are on your feet again.”

William moved to stand tall and rigid like Luna taught him last night. He did not say anything nor did he look at the speaker. “Good, looks like I won’t have to start at the beginning with making sure your attention does not wonder.” She moved to the doors. “MOVE OUT!” with the rigid steps of a march WIlliam turned and moved out the door with the two Pegasus following.

Luna heard the doors click shut before looking back at Celestia. “What are you?” She began before she paused as Celestia raised a wing to politely interrupt her sister.

“Putting him through normal training. You want him to be a part of your guard, then I will have him get the training, I do not want a half trained soldier of either worlds to have the weight of protecting my sister on his shoulders or wings.” Celestia's voice showed concern for her younger sister. “Besides, I feel that you shouldn’t be so, close till you figure out just what you want to do now that he is, a Pegasus. Besides I feel you should spend time with your niece Cadence as she and Shining Armor is visiting for the week.”

Luna blinked but only nodded her head. “Very well Sister. I will speak with Cadence when she arrives, I guess we shall eat now?”

“Of course sister.” Celestia spoke with a lighter tone of voice as the two sat to dine.

It was after a quick breakfast that William found himself standing outside in a small courtyard. Around him he had seen the banners of the Wonderbolts.

“Welcome to the Officer’s Court, at the moment it is only Cadet Dash, you, and I. I want to see you do what you know, and we can work from there. Start with push ups with your wings, so drop and give me twenty. Dash, count.”

William dropped and found that he had to be first shown and taught how to have a proper push up stance for a Pegasus. From there it was a grueling hour as he had to be taught the proper form to take. Yet he found them to be somewhat understanding. Though their was ribbing from Dash.

“You spent too much time watching that human work out, you are a Pegasus, you have six limbs of fighting power, you can beat anything with a swift kick, a punch, or using your wings you can call fire from the sky as the weather heeds your call. I cannot believe you think you want to be an elite soldier for Princess Luna, she has the toughest soldiers in all of Equestria, you are at the moment unfit for even police work in the royal castle.”

William remained silent using these and other barbs from both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash to push harder. The hour turned to two before Spitfire blew the whistle to signal a rest. “Okay, for your break you can get a nice drink of water, but you have to work for it. See that cloud over head? I want you to fly up, get ahold of it, and bring it down to take the water and put it into that trough over there.” She pointed to an empty water trough.

William nodded his head and took to the sky flapping his wings hard and gaining a little altitude, it was here that he found that the two Pegasus were now criticizing and working on improving his wing control. It was to his shock upon being informed twenty minutes to get from ground to the cloud and he was winded and exhausted. Still he was not going to give up and worked to now try and get the cloud to get lower to the ground.

William blinked as after a bit of time he was breathing hard and growling at the cloud that was still not moving. “NIghtstar.” The sharp voice of Spitfire called out to him. He looked up in confusion to see her standing on the cloud. “You just stop and watch Rainbow Dash and I work on this. It seems that whatever you had happen to you completely jumbled your weather skills. Just stay right there and just watch. I do not want you to end up yet again in the infirmary.” Nightstar saw that she was angry and frustrated, but something he never thought he would pick up was that there might be a bit of grudged respect towards something but he was not sure what it was.

As he just plopped down and rested, he realized how sore his body was already and he was amazed with the body, he realized as he thought back to the tasks he had been put through he would have as a human hit the wall already. Yet here, here he was in a new body being put through his paces and he was showing more promise than before. He grinned at the feeling he had before frowning as he felt a small part of him worried about becoming lost to this feeling and forget his past. He cleared his mind as he watched and at the same time felt somehow the actions and movements that the two Pegasus did to manipulate the cloud and he felt it slowly sink now to the ground. By the time they had reached the ground he felt that he might have a good grasp of cloud manipulation. Or maybe not, there's a big different he knew from seeing and doing a task,.

“Okay Nightstar,” Rainbow Dash began, “This should be easy, just hop up and down and shake the water out of the cloud.”

Nightstar slowly nodded and got to his hooves and slowly bounced a little on the cloud until he began to hear the pitter pat of rain drops falling into the trough. As he continued the rain continued to fall till there was the sound of a decent rainstorm. After a while he was told to stop and grunting a little he dove to the ground and landed a little harder then he wanted and wobbled from the exercise he had been doing all morning. He looked to the sky and wondered what time it was.

“Eyes forward and get your drink, we still have a lot to do still.” Spitfire shouted from the distance. With those words Nightstar who was once WIlliam dunked his head into the trough to first wake himself up and then began to drink, while at the same time looking up and roving his ears around at the same time to listen for anypony or thing sneaking up from behind.

Luna looked across the small table that held a royal tea set, and two plates with dainty cakes. Also across from her sitting and sipping a tea cup in the grasp of magic was her niece. “Cadence,” She began blinking a little and feeling confused at the odd smile she was giving her. “How is the Crystal Empire doing?”

“Oh, it is doing well.” She was smiling a little. “Shining and I are getting into the swing of things, I had to finally convince him to let some professional trainers to take over some of the training for the Equestrian Games.” She smirked. “Also, so far no signs of what you wrote me to look out for.”

Luna relaxed a little and took a sip from her own tea cup. “That is good, I would rather get my dear siblings concerned over nothing then throw them into a panic.” She looked to the side. “Unlike my Sister, what she is doing makes me uneasy.”

Cadence only nodded her head. “Well she must be having some interesting thoughts, who would have thought that-”

“Yes, I know.” Luna snapped as she interrupted as she drained her cup in a single gulp and set it down. She blinked and frowned, “What? What’s so funny?” She frowned at the smile and small giggle her niece was giving her.

Cadence only smiled and hid another of her small giggles behind a wing. “Oh, nothing, just, who is the stallion who has gotten under your wings?”

“What?” Luna asked as she looked up from pouring another cup of tea. Thankfully she did not overfill. The biscuit she had in her magic though fell back onto the plate in the middle, next to a yet untouched platter of cucumber sandwiches.

“Well, you are just glowing from where I can see. The funny thing is that it seems a bit more than a crush but then at the same time it is less than a crush, maybe I can help with sorting out these emotions?”

Luna looked at Cadence, her niece by Alicorn standards and turned her head down to pick up a cucumber sandwich. “How, how much has our sister told thee about what the past set of days have been like?”

Cadence blinked but let the change of topic go as she placed a hoof to her muzzle. “Well, not much, but a Crystal Pony did present me with a tabloid stating you....” Her eyes went wide. “Are you falling in love with one of your pets?”

Luna’s face darkened and glowered. “No, He is not a pet. I doubt any of my pets could ever had the mind to conquer or hold off a Nightmare for three seconds.”

Cadence was only smiling as Luna slowly realized what just happened. “You and your deceitful lies to bring out the feelings of others.”

“I only learned from the best.” Cadence chirped back as she took a cucumber sandwich. “besides, I wouldn’t call what your sister does as deceitful, more coy and cunning.” She grinned and stuck a tongue out at Luna.

“Bah,” Luna muttered before looking back down at the platter. “What is so conflicting is that, due to some outside magic that is not of Celestia, Discord that imp, or my own magic. It came from as far as we three can tell totally outside of Equestria, almost the same that dropped that blue box...” She paused and she shook her head. “Still, my friend, a soldier who... we have shared our minds and now... now he is a pegasus.” She was troubled, rarely had she ever fallen for being a loss, no, not a loss, a complete storm of conflicting thoughts at the moment.

Cadence blinked and grinned. “Oh, this is joyous news.” She replied as she playfully mocked Luna’s inflections. “Tell us, hast thee and yon stallion sat and gazed upon thy stars?”

“No,” Luna blushed as she took another bite, waiting for Cadence to take a sip of her tea. “I had him stay in my lower chambers and showed him my wing blades.”

The spit take that Cadence made was well worth the spittle that fleck on her own muzzle, the coughing was joyous to her ears as well. Teach her well to mock the old way of speaking she thought to herself.

“But, only,” Cadence began.

“Only,” Luna began to finish for Cadence, “Those of the Dead Lunatics are allowed to gaze upon my creations from a thousand years ago.” Luna paused. “Though I showed him my paintings and... we spoke at such lengths that he fell sleeping upon the floor, I must admit dear niece that he looks very cute sleeping.” She looked up a little. “He also has slept the soundest in many nights.”

“Nightmares?” Cadence asked with concern.

“Truth, but always of his own mental making no real attacks, he misses his own family and for we to even think of tempting him to stay longer then he needs would be dishonoring his willingness to defend our kingdom.”

Cadence paused and looked at Luna sideways. “he is staying and defending this land? Not finding a way home? Surely he would be wishing to return home to warn his own kind of the threat.”

Luna nodded her head. “We spoke to him last night those very same questions, and he says that he would rather fight the foe of his nation on another soil so that others would not have to fight them in their backyard.”

“Really?” Cadence asked with a smile,. “I guess he is tired of seeing an enemy passing through his nation’s homeland so often?”

Luna shook her head in the negative. “We thought the same, no, he says he takes pride that his nation was only invaded once, and attacked thrice on their soil.” She shook her head. “A champion of that, with flaws I see, but with the nightmares; convictions are a stronger sword then one’s own physical strength.”

Cadence only smiled wider. “You do like him, much more than a crush. Otherwise why would you even consider his feelings? I will guess you shall be aiding him in returning home once your personal war is over with the Nightmares?” She held a wing up to continue speaking. “I rather have you fight the Nightmares so none else do, I don’t want any mini Nightmare Moon's running around.”

“No matter how cute they might be.” Luna replied with a smirk and a laugh. “Inside joke between William and I.” A smirk from yet another small conversation they had from last night. The name Nyx might just be a cute name for a future recruit she thought as she took another sip of her tea.

Cadence only shook her head but grinned. “See you are even having inside jokes, so..” She leaned in a little. “How... serious are you with your feelings?”

Luna blushed and looked down at the table not eating now. “Uh,” she began with a small stammer, “I gave him one of my primary feathers as an ink quill.”

Cadence’s silence was what she needed to think and come to something, as she did so she began to mutter an old saying in a hushed whisper to herself. “Courage isn’t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It’s being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.”

“Then tell him.” Cadence’s voice shattered the silence, “Tell him how you feel, you have to tell him or you will be unable to move past this point.” She laughed a little. “Trust me, I know, You do not know what the future would hold for you if you remain silent and with how this war might shape out to be.” She took a small grin. “It sounds like he, and maybe you, need something a little stronger than love of nation.”

William yawned as he slowly and sore like never before finished climbing the steps to his room. He barely looked at the decor as at the moment as he just wanted to get to the room. Crawl onto the bed, and sleep till the morning. He fumbled a little as he opened the door with his new appendages, walked through it, closed the door and climbed onto the bed, and plopped down and closed his eyes ready to sleep from the long days work. He was out seconds after his head touched the pillow.

He blinked as he found himself staring in a detached wonder at a half ruined house. The white two story square home was surrounded by burned out corn fields as the sky was choked with a setting sun and dark clouds, or smoke. He was not sure yet. He blinked and turned sharply as he found himself human in this world. “Am? Am I dreaming?” he shivered a little, as the vivid dreams only meant one thing to his mind. Nightmares were attacking him. He shivered and turned trying to summon a weapon. Only to have clattering to the ground a set of wing blades. He looked up again and this time fear was in his eyes as he fully realized the building, how could he have forgotten. This was his step grandfather's farm.

From his left a dark chuckle began to drift on the breeze and from the hazy surroundings a dark silhouette of something, it looked like the dark images of a Pegasus. The eyes were glowing red while smoke seemed to seep off the extended wings and body of the creature.

William only glared back trying to return the stance of intimidation he was seeing. “What is this? Are you, did you slip through the wards of the castle? The Nightmares cannot attack me in the castle.” William’s voice hitched a little in fear that the only place he felt he could truly be safe and not be on constant guard was violated.

“Oh no,” The voice spoke coming from the dark pegasus. “But you have been tainted as our queen, as your fears grow in areas, so will we. Right at the moment, you have a big fear. One that frankly could very well be true.”

William shook his head. “No, that is a lie, she would never do that. She, she wouldn’t be that careless or act without asking my opinions. She already promised me after the war she will help me return home.”

“Really?” The Nightmare began to circle William as he felt nauseous and dizzy and the world spun until he couldn’t see straight and then, suddenly it was clear and they were on a dark stormy thunder cloud.

The problem William saw was that the two of them were now eye to eye and his body felt off. “Yet here you are, in a body not your own. In a world not your own, and do not deny that you have caught the look our queen has given you. Do not act so naive to not think or even contemplate if she might have feelings, and do continue to conflict over just what you are feeling.”

William glared and flared his own wings in anger and in an act of trying to take control. “WHy tell me this? Will this not weaken you?”

“Weaken? Why we shall plant the seed of doubt and fear, and worry over worrying if this will give us power over you, or just how can you beat a taint that is and always has been with you? Do not try to deny that you have felt us, that violent tendency that urge to wring one’s neck, or to end your life just so you would not be a burden on others.”

William shook his head. “Thoughts that were fleeting and no more than seconds in my life.” He turned away from the Nightmare to have it once more in his face.

“Oh? What about the anger you still feel over those that say Pearl Harbor was an inside job? The Twin Towers? The A-Bomb?” The Nightmare countered with glee.

“Those I have learned are items that I cannot control others viewpoints on, why should I waste my time or breathe with those set in their ways when I know I am just as set in my own? I just need to accept that I will not change my viewpoint. As much as I need to accept that others will have their own viewpoints, even those that I disagree with.” He glared at the Nightmare as he stopped his next words. “That is a work in progress, I am still working to be better in what I just said.”

“But,” The Nightmare leaned in whispering to William’s ear, “We can give you the power to make people, and ponies see you are right.” There was a small laugh,. “What about the power to choose your own form? You never wanted to be a pony, you wanted to remain a human being. All you need to do is just walk outside, slip away and let us take you. We can bring about a vision of your own world.”

William blinked and shook his head as memories were pushed onto him mind of the arguments, the man breaking his arm over that debate. The crying he did last night over the fears of being stuck a pony and never seeing his family. He slowly felt himself growing smaller and the darkness slowly beginning to envelope him in its grasp and he was not sure what to think. It was all so confusing and he was so tired from the day’s activities. So much work. Would it even work? He asked himself. Voicing that dark question he had not even wanted to give voice to since the first night and the first attack by the Nightmares.

Nightmare Moon still happened, A Lunar Colony was under their control. Did they have the chance the hope to win? or did they? He closed his eyes and shook his head. “NO!” His voice coming out louder than even William have expected, startling him a little.

“Excuse me?” The Nightmare asked with a growl. “What did you say to me?”

“I said no.” William growled out as he took an even more aggressive stance, one he saw Rainbow Dash do on the tv. “You have forgotten, or maybe too blind to notice this about Humanity, when we believe in something, we will go down fighting, we had people die in a sinking ship to give a spot to others, they died so others lived.” He was shaking as he was saying words at the moment, his heart was not fully in the moment, but he had to fight this. “Fighting, as you see is a human trait, you think it is the tool you will use to conquer us? I say it is the tool that will be your defeat. Humanity, most humans, do not like the idea of being ruled over. I, I cannot. I may fail in the end but I will go down fighting you with my bare hands, hoofs, teeth, head... I don’t care if I have to fight you in my mind for eternity, I shall fight you so my Niece and Nephew will never see or know the terrors you have in store for my homeworld. I will fight you so that my yet unborn Niece or Nephew will never fear the dark or night.” William’s voice had grown bolder and stronger as he kept talking.

“Maybe not now,” the shadow laughed and narrowed its own eyes, “but I shall be here, waiting, waiting for your darkest day, where you will be alone and all you will have to do is ask for my help. I will always be near, needling you, harping on every little detail you do wrong, every emotion you have that is not right by societies standards, falling for a Princess? Is that even allowed as a citizen that broke away from being ruled by a royal family? Let alone one that is another species then you?” The Monster, this Evil Mist began to laugh as it began to fade away leaving the world black, bleak, and very, very cold around William.

He curled up on the dream cloud and slowly in his sleep, and in the real world as well began to weep. He didn’t want to think about these problems, yet once his mind realized or thought of them. He kept on spiraling back to them, gnawing on it. Scratching at it like an itch, or a scab just to feel the pain of it coming from the skin.

He blinked as he slowly began to hear something, some kind of humming at his side and he turned his head to see Luna sitting there next to him. Her eyes moist as she looked at him. “I am sorry.” She spoke and turned away in shame.

William slowly put a hoof out only to have him touch a wall and the space between the two shimmered from his poking of the wall. He smiled a little, this was the real Luna. “What for?”

“For not preparing you for the taint.” She muttered. “I hoped that with how Humanity was, the taint would not be harmful. It was wishful thinking.” She sounded depressed to William’s ears.

“So you hoped and wished that I would not be subject to the same pains you gone through. You have placed yourself in a lofty place.” he looked out to the sky and blinked in wonder as the sky began to change from the oppressive blackness to a night sky. “You don’t want to be hurt or hurt others.” He added after a little while.

There was a loud sniff making William turn his head to see her nodding her head. “You are astute, and,” She trailed off before looking up at the sky with wonder. “Is this your world’s sky?”

William looked up and realized with a start that this was indeed his night sky from his world. “Yes, it is.” he felt a pang of homesickness, before he felt the light touch of Luna’s wing over his own back, his feathers touching her feathers felt, rather odd. Let along the sensation of having feathers attached to his body. “Luna, how? How much did you see?”

“All of it, I, I had to see how you would handle the taint before I could help thee. I think, if it gets too worse, or you feel like you will fall to it. Might I suggest being hit by the orbital rainbow cannon?”

William snarked and coughed from the laughter that racked his body. “Luna, you, you,” he shook his head and fell laughing as he also realized just why she said that. After a time laughing he sighed and looked up at the sky. “Thank you, you, you knew what to say to me to make me much more happy; as well as to cheer me up.” he paused before looking back at Luna. “It’s still there, the taint?”

Luna only looked to the sky and in a very serious tone while nodding her head answered, “Every day of my life. This is a wound I have carried all the time after my return, and I, I want nopony else to carry it as well.”

William only smiled as he moved closer to Luna. “Well, you do have someone who can know a little of what it is like.” He closed his eyes. “I just wish I knew how to better use my body to be cleared back to duty.”

Luna only smiled and looked at him. “Well, I might have an idea, but promise you won’t tell another pony? Not even my sister or your fellow Lunatics?” Before William could respond Luna added one more item. “Pinky Promise me that.”

William’s eyes widened at the request before he slowly took a deep breath and let it go. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he closed his left eye and placed a right hoof over the closed eye.

Luna smiled and leaned forward and covered his eyes with a wing hiding his vision before it was pulled away as the wing turned a lighter blue color. There standing in front of him was a light blue pegasus standing on a cloud with the sun shining in the sky.

William looked around and back to the female pegasus. “Hello?” He blinked as the pegasus began to smile and grin at the greeting.

“Hello, uh,” she looked down and giggled. She looked up and giggled even more at the shocked look on William’s muzzle. “What? I can change my form in the dream world. Nightstar come on now. Let us work on a few simple easy wing movements start from the basics and move from there.”

Nightstar only twitched a little with his mouth as he stepped forward to follow through the instructions. He found himself a little giddy at the thought that a pegasus Luna was teaching him the basics that he was missing. He also felt funny as well and he couldn’t fully, well he did but he didn’t want to admit to his feelings that he might be having.

Nightstar blinked and woke suddenly as a light slowly shone into his face and over his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw the two forms of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. It had looked like they were or had been about to wake him up rather forcefully. “Good Morning ma’ams.” Nightstar chirped as he quickly moved to get out of bed and as quickly as he could make the bed he had been sleeping in. He felt refreshed and a lot better, it did help that he was or had the chance to practice in his mind. The funny thing about the mind he was learning was that if you dream about the movements of, say how to walk, things like walking are actually very simple. He began to slowly hum to himself, not knowing he had picked up the same small lullaby that Luna had been humming to him to comfort him from the taint. Once in the bathroom Nightstar began to practice another skill, preening his feathers.

Luna slowly walked up the spiral staircase that was in an antechamber of her first floor apartment. Luna had been pleased that her sister created it so that if needed the antechamber could be a fall back to and defended from. She looked up at the security posts and holes that were unfilled. She didn’t need her security in her personal chamber, let alone the main bedroom area. Still she knew that her guards could never fully protect her. After all, she thought to herself; how could they defend her from her own mind? She sighed wearily and continued her slow steady walk.

She soon entered her bedchamber, she did not look around her as she made straight towards her bed. The bed was interestingly enough made in the same shape as a princess four post bed from earth. The only difference was that the mattress was a thick cloud with a simple blanket draped over the top and a few large pillows. She climbed into the bed and laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes for hopefully a restful sleep.

Luna found herself dreaming, a rare occurrence as she usually got her mental recharge by helping other ponies with their dreams. She looked around and tucked her wings close to her. The scenery was of a small community with thatched roofs and Ponies all milling about and smiling. She quickly noticed one thing wrong. Blanks, all of them had blank flanks. She knew she had to move forward. While others had to face their fears in the waking world, as that was where many fears came from. She would have to see this dream through to find out what to do to make sure it never would affect her again.

She found that the dream was different then most of the times she had ended up in this place. It seemed that the ponies were happy, there was no undercurrent of fear, death, or something wrong. She smiled. This was maybe a small way of her brain letting her come to terms that Sunny Town was free from the Nightmares’ grasp.

She smiled and began to look around the village when she paused as she saw a building. The two story thatched roof home just seemed to have a bit darker look. She noticed that many of the other other residences didn’t even look towards the building. She turned to look at the home fully when a hoof reached out to stop her.

Luna turned and looked at the pony that would stop her. The pony looked older and his eyes showed worry. “Don’t go in there. Something Terrible lives there.” he looked around. “Many who enter the home never come out, and I am just glad that many of the young ones do not even notice it anymore.”

Luna looked back. “I must enter,” Her voice low, “If I am to defeat the forces that live in that home, then I must confront it.”

“Very well, I wish you luck then.” with those word the old stallion lowered his hoof slowly before turning and walking towards another street. Luna took a breath before narrowing her eyes and approached the building.

She slowly entered the home and all she saw was darkness. She slowly stepped into the the first room and without batting an eye at the sound of the door slamming shut like an almighty steel door closing. Instead she stepped another step and the room erupted into light as torches lit around the walls. At the other end of the now enlarged room was a dark throne and upon it sat Nightmare Moon who only grinned. “Welcome home our Queen.”

Luna only snorted at the title. “This is not my home.”

“Ah,” Nightmare Moon chirped with a grin. “But it was, and it can be again, but what is a home without a family?” With that Nightmare flared both wings and a door opened from the side and the clip clopping of hooves sounded on the stone floor. Luna turned and then froze at what she saw walking out into the throne room. Luna found her muzzle hanging open a little in many emotions.

Author's Note:

Okay folks, after about two months, and three editors who had to drop the story due to real life issues. I have decided to post another chapter that I have edited myself. (Yes I know, a dangerous thing to do) Because I feel that two months of a dry spell in a little long for all of my readers. So here you go, hope it works and enjoyable to your eyes.

USB signing off. Seems a small filly already has AB assigned to them. So yeah, USB Signing off till next time.