• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 4,170 Views, 71 Comments

Revenge of the Nightmares - Commander_Pensword

A Group of mages gathered to use their magic to bring about a change in the world, a world of Night.

  • ...

Royal Inspections

Royal Inspections

The stare from Princess Celestia seemed to dig deeper and deeper into his soul. The two unicorn guards remained motionless as they stood watch between the human and the two Princesses. Just when the tension seemed to be ready to break all sanity, Celestia spoke. “William Howard, while it is true you are here by forces outside of your control, you are still here, a invader of my lands, a pawn in the claws of the Nightmare.” Her face seemed to harden more. “You are a threat to my world, and as you have stated to those who would listen, your world as well.”

William blinked and used that moment to try and judge Luna’s expression, which he realized mirrored Celestia’s own. He quickly returned to full focus on Celestia. He felt nervous now. What was she going to do with him, he wondered.

“Now, my sister has told me that you were willing to sacrifice your life for our world, but I cannot allow that, this would only cause any remaining members of the cult that brought you here to work on bringing out another human to my world, and the next one might not be so opposed to the power the Nightmare wishes to grant.” She narrowed her eyes. “So that leaves me with having to keep you in my kingdom, but I do not know what to do past that, so until we can come to a choice we can all live with, you shall stay in the castle, and only the castle. If you wish to leave the walls, even into our gardens, either I or my sister must be with you, so as to fend off any Nightmares that will hunt for you. My sister did inform me that you were also tagged by the Nightmares. So enjoy your golden cage until we can learn more.” Here face finally softened with pain and sorrow. “You will be treated as if you were one of my little ponies, but still, a cage is a cage.” She looked at her sister. “Please escort our guest to the private study, I am sure you will love to see just what it is that our... guest had brought with him, thanks to the Nightmare.”

William knew that Celestia was using the word to try and keep him calm, but they all knew that he was really a caged animal. He thought about a domesticated feline, he just hoped he didn’t make a mess with anything.

Luna only nodded her head and with the same stern gaze, stepped down the stairs with a jerk of her head that told William follow behind her out a side door and into a more private part of the castle. He figured it was for more personal use. As he left the throne room, he thought he heard the words being called out that the Elements of Harmony were on their way, but he couldn’t linger and had to keep following Luna. He was dividing his attention trying to focus on many things and not looking where he was going, accidently walking right into the back end of Princess Luna who instead of kicking, did something he felt was worse. She grabbed him with her magic, teleported him so she could glare at the one who walked into her, as her rear leg did kick out to attack whoever it was behind. Still, William realized he was faced with a very angry Princess who was keeping him from doing his own instinctual action, covering his face and cowering in front of a creature more powerful than he. However the moment of instincts was quickly past. They just stared at each other.

Luna finally broke the silence, “How are you enjoying the castle’s architecture? I hope it meets your discerning eye.” the voice Luna used he felt was doing its best to hide something, but what was it? He sure didn’t know, so he didn’t focus much at the moment.

“Yes, along with what must have been historical events, and I am rather fascinated,” here he realized his head drifted to a peculiar sight, a row of empty armor lining the hallway, he always wondered why empty armor was lining hallways in old castles. He could understand a museum, but a working, functioning castle? He didn’t realize he had trailed off in his sentence.

“Oh that, Celestia kind of uses them as...” here her face scrunched up as if trying to think of a way to describe it in a way William would get it on the first time. “OH!” she shouted, using half the volume of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “It’s like retired jerseys from your sports teams, only with guards that she felt should be remembered far after they retired.” Her voice returning to a normal tone of speaking.

William blinked as he had a moment where he had a thought of why did she know about our sports teams, that was before remembering that she had looked into his mind, just as he now knew the history of his current fascination with the empty suit of armor this guard was in memory of was one that fought, with a mighty shake of his head he cleared his mind as he felt himself be carried through the doorway and into what he realized and felt was the study that Celestia mentioned. Or so he thought until he noticed the decor of the room.

The room was not what what he really expected. For one thing, instead of a motif of both suns and moons and a mix of different colors to show that it was a shared room, he saw mostly the shapes of the moon in different phases, dark blues and violets. Shades that showed more of a nighttime shade. However at the same time, the room seemed to be as bright as a light filled room. The soft light seemed warm and inviting, but not overly hot as well. He looked at Luna in confusion.

“She said to take you to one of the studies, it is just that this is the study that I had your gear stored in the castle, now then, while you watch, I shall take out the items and you can tell me what they are so I can record them on a scroll. Is that good?” She didn’t even wait as she cheerfully trotted to a large table where his stuff was placed on it. “Good. Let’s begin.” Her horn glowed as she slowly opened the top flap of the ruck sack.

William slowly moved to the bundle and shook his head as Luna stepped aside. “As this is your stuff,” She began, “I think I shall let you take them out, just in case,” he realized she had stopped in her eagerness as if suddenly weighing something new she thought of.

“Just in case,” William started where Luna left off. “Just in case, this is set to do things unpleasant if someone or somepony other then I remove items.” he got a nod from Luna and sighing he moved to first undo the rolled bundle at the bottom of the rucksack. The first thing was to pull out the metal contraption stuck into the rolled fabric’s middle. “This,” he began, “Is an M16A2.” he paused as he closely inspected it. “Odd, it has the property of US Army, but no serial numbers, or identification numbers.” His face grew worried. “What we have here is an untraceable weapon without any numbers to show where it was made. I would guess magical construct then based on my memory of a standard infantry weapon.”

“Standard?” Luna started before her gaze shifted into nothingness. William realized that must have been how he looked when he started remembering about the suits of armor in the hallway. Before he could poke Luna she seemed to come out of it. “Your people have come a long way in weapon development.” Her voice showing sorrow and fear at just what humanity had gone through.

William only nodded his head. “Indeed, now,” here he moved to start empty the pouches on his vest. “This is called a Moll-e vest, it is,” he paused as he realized why he never really focused on it. It was in the puzzle schematics, he shook his head. “This pattern is what we refer to as a Army Combat Uniform, or ACU’s for short, you seem to call them Puzzle outfits.”

This made Luna to laugh a little in embarrassment. “Hey, don’t worry, you didn’t know what it was and you were trying to describe it in your vocab, anyway, where did you find the vest?” He realized he couldn’t remember wearing it at all till that moment. It was mainly straps, with two large front front covers with a lot of loops where other pouches could be fitted onto it in a mesh type manner, and it looked like he was loaded out with a lot of them. Also, all of them seemed to be in use.

“Wrapped around the pack, I saw that it was some kind of outerwear so I just put it on you while you were disoriented after the teleportation spell.” her words and body language showed William that she thought it was a funny prank to pull on him.

“Thank you. Anyway, let’s see.” He began to open the pouches, three of them were ammunition pouches for his rifle. “Let’s see, two magazines per pouch, so that is six, plus the one in the chamber,” he paused and looked at Luna. “You need to secure these, they can be rather dangerous.”

Luna nodded her head, “I know, I have been in your mind, I know the damage they can have, thankfully our guards armor is protected by a magical field, I doubt a normal bullet could harm them.” They both paused as something caught up to them. “Why are you telling me about your weapons capabilities and I just told you about our defensive strengths?”

William shook his head. “I don’t know, maybe because our minds are so... similar at this point in time, that we feel like we are more talking to ourselves?” But Luna’s expression was not what he thought, it was more thoughtful.

“Tia,” she finally whispered. “My sister must have done something.” She turned to the door only to stop as it opened, and in stepped Princess Celestia. “Tia, are you, did you do something that is causing us to give up what we both realize are state secrets?”

Princess Celestia didn’t even seemed phased by the accusation, but instead, she only smiled and stepped further into the room. Behind her the Elements of Magic slowly moved into the room and stood off against the wall. “No,” her voice soft. “You did this to yourself.” Celestia continued in the stunned silence. “When you shared your mind with Williams, and William gave up his own thoughts towards yours, you created a balance that you two feel needs to be kept in check for the time being, it will slowly fade, but till then, you two will be giving secrets to each other, similar to how William knows a normal bullet couldn’t kill my guards or yours, but you also already knew his power with his rifle. So do I thanks to your giving me more select tidbits of his mind. However, you gave him the information, due to the fact that there was an imbalance there.” Celestia only sighed. “Also, you two have been speaking in his language this entire time. I decided to come here so as to draw both of you back into Equestrian proper.” Here she turned around and sat on the couch. “Well, carry on.” She responded with a grin. “I too am curious as is Twilight is on what was given to William to fight my entire army.”

Luna gulped and realized William had as well. “Don’t worry, my sister won’t do anything mean to you, she’ll only send you to the moon if you decide to pull a Nightmare Moon.” Luna chuckle was not too convincing but it was enough to get them going.

“Right,” William moved to the larger of the pouches and opened it. looked down, and froze in horror. “LUNA!” But he didn’t finish as Luna looked into the pouch and froze as well before the entire pouch was teleported away, both of them turning to see that Celestia was now right behind William her horn glowing and her head down in a protective manner.

Luna was first to speak. “I teleported them to the Canterlot vault under the castle, those things were not... they are more dangerous.” She looked at William who was shaking now in worry, dread, and fear. “He never got full training to even deal with them.” She looked back at her sister and laughed. “Tia, please, you’ll just scare our guest even more.” Luna waited till Celestia had backed away from William and had negated the charged horn with a look of worry at the two. She looked back at William. “We can wait till you recover.” she commanded

Celestia just looked back at Luna, “What, was that?” her voice wanting Luna to answer the question while William recovered from the shock.

“That,” Luna began, “Was a group of grenades, those are metal explosives that would tear you apart with shrapnel. Very deadly, something you have to treat with a lot of respect.” She looked back at the ruck sack and acted like it was no big deal. That is before she looked at William and had to head butt him softly to get him back to moving.

“Oh, right, uh...” he quickly patted his Moll-e vest before sighing and moved to his shoulder pockets. “I don’t want any more surprises.” he admitted in Equestrian. He however stopped and returned to his vest. One small pouch towards his upper left collarbone area, he found and pulled out a sealed packet of some white fabric.

“This is a medical gaze, it is for helping soldiers with wounds to patch up to get to better field hospitals.” he replied as he put the sealed packet back into the pouch and smiled as he moved to another small pouch on the same side, it had some strings coming out and tying around an empty loop. Next to this was another item, it was also tied to the vest in the same manner.

“Right, these are a whistle,” He held up the black object and blew into softly, it emitted a soft sound, but those in the room could understand that it could have gone louder with more pressure or a harder blow. “Used for emergencies or calling for aid.” He patted it softly.

He then moved to the pouch with the two strings, he opened it with a snap of the pouch cover, whereas the other pouches had been held by velcro or buckles, this was held together by a clasp button. He pulled out a metal rectangle olive green item and opened it. “This is a Field Compass, using maps and common sense, you can find your way around the wilderness, and track movements and using this with a map, chart your own path.” He sighed and seemed more happy.

“Looks like no more weapons hidden on my body, so that is good, I guess I can move on with more items.” he smiled as he went back to his emptying of his pockets and the rucksack.

Princess Celestia only looked at him. “I would hope not, but tell me, do you have any more weapons?” William and Luna both knew she was asking. William only nodded his head and smiled as he moved to pick up a metal contraption.

He turned with the empty weapon. “This is a M16A2, a rifle that every soldier is trained to handle,” With quick fluid movements, he had pulled the charging handle back, locked the bolt keep the weapon open, he quickly checked the weapon to make sure it is clear, and kneeling on one knee and head bowed low he held up the weapon for Celestia to inspect. He felt the weapon leave his hands and saw as it was enveloped in a gold aura of magic as she pulled it to her to look at it.

As she looked at the weapon, and he realized that she had that same look as Luna, meaning she would hopefully be busy in her memories he returned to his original project. He checked on his shoulder pocket and realized it had a notebook with handwriting on it. It looked like notes in another handwriting that was not his own, which he would read later. He then moved to the pocket on his right shoulder, with the US flag on it. He pulled out two pocket sized books, he smiled softly. “Well at least I have some important reading.” he looked at Luna. “These are scriptures from my world. Also...” He paused as he reached in and pulled out another small booklet. “These are the founding documents of my government. Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.” he smiled as he held the booklet out to Luna. “You can read them, the Constitution are the highest laws we have.” he admitted with pride.

Celestia had moved the rifle to the table as she looked at Luna. “Let me read that when you are done sister,” She looked at Twilight. “Could you later create a copy of our own laws for our guest to read? Since he is letting us read his governmental laws, we shall let him read our own laws.” Celestia waited for Twilight to nod her head, before looking at William and Luna. “Well, please continue, this is somewhat becoming entertaining.”

Luna actually looked at her sister before looking at the ruck sack, while William realizing that part of the Moll-e vest had two water canteens and so taking one out, he took a swig of water, recapped the water and then placed the water back into the pouch it stayed in. he smiled a little as he moved to help start pulling other items out of ruck sack.

He reached in and while he could feel some items, he however did pull something out. He looked at the item. “This is,” He looked at Luna and Celestia. “This is a folding shovel, used to do so many things, the only thing I can think of here is that we can use these to create holes to hide in during battles and for protection. Still, it can be used to create many useful items as well, from wells to waterways and etc.”

He then moved into the ruck sack again and pulled out another item only to find himself pushed back by a ebony wing. “This is going by too slowly, I want to know what’s in this, I can tell that the Nightmares gave you a bigger on the inside holding device, but what did they give to you?”

William looked as Luna head completely disappeared into his rucksack as he looked down. Sighing he moved and dropped the unloaded Beretta M9 next to the rifle. He looked back to Luna and yelped in shock at what he saw. He looked at Celestia who was giggling and Twilight looked confused. There in front of William looking back at him was Luna with something in her muzzle, a grin on her muzzle.

“LUNA!” William shouted in shock and horror, his eyes looking right at the item in Luna’s mouth. “That’s a,” His voice almost failing, but Luna spoke over him with a grin.

“I know,” Luna spoke around the object. “Just shocked you got close range weapons that we know about, a knife it looks like.” She somehow smiled around the object. “This is a good Equestrian weapon.” She smiled as her horn glowed with her magic and it wrapped around the knife which then levitated to slowly attached to his left leg and then when it was secured the glow finally stopped and Luna grinned. “That seems like a good weapon, how sharp is the knife?”

“I do not really know, I never owned a K-bar knife, but I presume rather sharp.” he stuck his hands into his pockets for the first time and blinked as he took a folding knife in confusion. “Well, this is good, I wonder.” he trailed off as he poked his head into the rucksack and began to pull out many sealed packages of a dark tan, or light brown color with writing stamped on the front in english. Luna was looking at them puzzled by what she was seeing, while William was only smiling. “Well,” he muttered in wonderment as the pile kept on growing. “I guess the nightmares were not keen on me starving in Equestria.” William muttered in some relief. Before he looked back at the other ponies. “No offense to all of you, but I don’t think.”

“none taken.” Celestia replied, “Just like Dragons and Griffins, you have a different diet than others.” Celestia looked at Luna who was looking at the food with a look of interest. “I think we will have to have you show her how to eat one of those meals.”

William only nodded his head. “Yeah, I will teach you how to cook and eat the meal.” He sighed as he actually had to physically push Luna away from the pack. “Please, let me handle this, I know this more on sight then you do with your mind having to shut down to let you see what they do. I am amazed you didn’t know what an MRE is.” He held up said sealed meal and smirked at Luna’s blank expression as she got a small information dump into the Meal Ready to Eat. He sighed as he reached into the bag and found yet another thing to pull out, this one he felt had a strap for some reason.

Luna looked on in wonderment with a fake look of hurt while Celestia couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Now now Luna,” Celestia spoke with sage wisdom. “You got to remember that these are our guest’s belongings and while you may be a princess and can order to get into his stuff, we should try and refrain from...” She stopped as she saw Twilight looking at the table close up. “Uh, are the things on the table free game?” She asked William.

William looked back at Celestia and then to Luna, and then finally at Twilight who was trying to figure out how the inert Beretta worked. “Uh, I guess so.” his voice filled with uncertainty. “Though I think this might give you all some nice time to look into.” he admitted as he held the tote. It was bulky, with an ACU pattern, but also on it was a white square with a red cross on it.

It was Celestia who this time took the tote and pulled it to her. “A first aid kit? A rather large one.” She admitted in amazement.

“I would guess it is for field emergencies to stabilize war wounds or something. I wouldn’t know, not trained in it.” He admitted before hearing the zipper being undone on the tote and soon it was opened and Celestia was boggled at all the items in their sleeves, pouches, and straps, yet tucked inside it in a clear wrapped plastic was a field guide book as to how to use the tools and procedures. “Oh, I guess we can study that and learn.”

William returned to his ruck sack and continued in his rummaging before taking hold of a metal cylinder that definitely should not be able to be concealed inside the sack. He gulped as he slowly pulled out a weapon that he did not want to see. “Okay, Luna, Vault, NOW!” he commanded as Luna stepped back not in shock at seeing the weapon but the tone of voice that was spoken to her from William. She pouted but seeing the worry and fear, plus the respect he was giving that strange metal tube she complied.

“Okay,” Her voice a little darker and colder than before, “I followed a command, but you have to tell me what that is.” She had pushed the memory from her mind, she would review it later, she wanted to hear from William what it was.

“That,” William started as he turned to face Luna, knowing that the other two were listening. ‘Is an RPG, or Rocket Propelled Grenade weapons system.” he spoke calmly. “First off, I do not know how to work it, nor do I want to.” he went back to the rucksack to pull another item out, but found it too heavy for him. “Uh, Luna, can you, uh, please help me to get this thing out?”

Luna only nodded her head with a pleased look on her muzzle and in her eyes as her dark blue magic took hold of the strange box that was giving problems to get out of the sack. She soon had a metal crate that looked airtight with yellow writing denoting that they just got the ammunition of the RPG, which she promptly teleported away.

“I would think.” Celestia’s voice pierced the room with the sound of annoyance. “That we should create a designated room for all of these weapons of the Nightmare. I rather have them more secured in the vault.”

Twilight looked at her Mentor. “You mean a Vault in a Vault?” Her eyes gleamed with joy. “That would allow you to study them, but if something goes wrong,” She stopped in shock. “Or something sets them off, it would only hurt the smaller vault.”

“While keeping the bigger vault safe.” Celestia finished Twilight’s thoughts. “I will have work begun as soon as we get this mystery solved.” She looked back to the ruck sack with her own curiosity building. William found that all three of them were looking at him.

So with a sigh, he reached in, took hold of the first thing he could find and pulled out a Ruger Mk II. He blinked sighed and walked to the table with annoyance before placing the Ruger onto the table with the other weapons. “Let’s see, that is two pistols, a rifle, an RPG, and grenades, I am loaded out for a one man demolition team it seems.” He sighed and looked back at the seemingly never endless stream of, stuff that he was getting in this in his mind Mary Poppins carpet bag, only it was a military style. He sighed and moved back to finally empty it out. He would let those that knew magic better than him figure out this mess.

He had to calm his nerves and hoped there were not any more surprises. So he reached in, felt another strap and pulled out yet another tote in his camouflage marking as his shirt and saw the patch and read what it was. “Okay, one tent for sleeping out in the field. That is a keeper.” he spoke as he placed it to the side with the other items that he knew he needed to keep. “I wonder if I can stake that to a cloud.” He muttered to himself as he went back to his ruck sack.

Twilight actually looked up at that half thought out idea. “What a wonderful experiment, with your permission.” Twilight looked at Celestia with pleading eyes. “ I can begin with the experiment right away.”

Luna just looked at the two. “Well we could just issue a cloud tent, but,” She smiled at the thought, “I do say, thou hast a grandiose idea of seeing how other dimensions items might interact with our own physics, still, there is getting you both to the cloud cover.”

William only smiled at the ideas. “Well happy to have pushed forward some parts of thinking here and there. But I got a feeling we are not yet to the bottom of this problem, nor all what we have loaded into this item.” He waved a hand at the Rucksack in question.

He reached back into the Rucksack and pulled out another item with metal bars and green fabric that was all scrunched together into a small compact three dimensional rectangle. “An Army Cot,” he looked up at the confused looks. “Its like a bed frame, I would put that sleeping bag onto the Cot that would go inside the tent.” he replied as he put it with the tent and returned again to the Rucksack.

He reached into for yet another time, and he was getting rather tired with all of the in and out he was doing, but he had a feeling that dumping it all out onto the table would not do well for anyone, what if something else that was deadly was still in the rucksack. He hoped not because he was tired of turning into a walking arsenal. What he felt was still another strap, and pulling out with less enthusiasm than before he looked at it.

“A survival kit, sure won’t be opening that any time soon, don’t need it, nor do I even want to inventory it.” He blinked in shock as a purple aura enveloped the kit, which was a black backpack with some yellow warning tape with the words Survival Kit on the tape as well.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight spoke with a chipper voice then William felt should be given with how long it felt like he was going through this. “I can do it, and I love making lists, so I can help you here.”

“Only if Celestia helps you.” William spoke as he moved back to get the next item. “I still don’t trust anything here, just, feels too freaky for my liking.”

“Of course you don’t like this.” Luna spoke from her spot as she looked at the windows. “You are not use to magic, nor are you in your correct dimension and, well I can see many different means as to why you would feel uncomfortable.” She smiled and looked at the others. “Well, I can wait for an MRE later, but I think I should go get us all something to eat, but only if William agrees to let us observe him eat an MRE himself.”

William beat all of them by his answer. “I accept your offer, but I will do so, only when I know that this is empty. I rather like to know just what I am carting around Equestria on my back.” He made a grimace of a smile as he watched Luna walk to some type of rope and tugged on it with a rope. A guard seemingly materialized at a hidden door, spooking William at what he was seeing.

“I think we all would like our usual meals, also Twilight will be joining us, so have her old standby ready.” Luna smiled as the guard only nodded his head and left, she turned back to the rest of the party in the room. “I must say, it is a good thing we all have dined in the castle at least once.” She paused and blushed a little. “I mean us ponies.”

“None taken, I rather not risk anything with the local diet, and I am getting hungry and a slight headache, as it is almost noon, and I have not really eaten anything since...” he trailed off before finishing his sentence a little rushed. “Since yesterday afternoon.” His stomach gurgled at that point and a few nervous laughs sounded in the room while he went to his task, he wondered if anything was still in the ruck sack. So with another sigh, he reached his hand into the sack and began to feel around again.

He began to feel around, and it was feeling now a little more, well empty. He did feel something and when he pulled, it was once again a little heavy. He grunted a little before Luna stepped in and pulled out a metal box, only this one made sounds as something slide around inside, William stopped and paused and Twilight as well, and they both spoke at the same time. “Books?” The question was there on both faces as William found he had to actually push Twilight away.

“Please, this is my stuff, and my books, I should at least see what it is, and deem if it is safe for anyone outside of me to read.” He sighed and calming nerves took the latches and undo them with a click and clank for the two, he then pushed the lid, which made a small pop as air seeped into the chest. He saw that indeed there were books. He saw the first few books and smiled. “Princess Luna.” he muttered giving one to Luna. “Princess Celestia.” He set one to the side and let the other Princess take it in her golden magic. “And myself.”

Twilight looked at him crestfallen. “Only had three, and frankly, the Princesses should read them first, you can ask Celestia if you can read it...” He trailed off. “Actually, ask Luna to teach you how to read English.” he muttered.

There was a little laughter from of all ponies, Celestia. “Actually I can teach Twilight to read English, and, what is this? Art of War?” She looked at the book in a bit of disgust.

William spoke while looking at the other books. “If you want to know a core doctrine taught to every single military in our world, read that book. It has been also used by business leaders, sports teams, and normal people.” He looked up to look at the wall in front of him. “It is a very old book, and almost common knowledge to us. If our worlds do meet, it would be best if you know a little, so you can be able to stand on your own four hoofs in the first meeting.” He sighed and looked at the other books. “As for the others, I doubt I would like to give them up. All of them are military strategies and field guides, and I rather not have them fall into any hooves. So I will be keeping them with me.” he locked the box back up minus two books. He pushed it away and reached in one more time and pulled a formless tube bag.

“So, they gave me an A-Bag?” he asked in shock. “Well, makes sense,” he quickly opens it and looks into it, not caring to check all the items inside it. “Looks like three days of clothing.” He sighed and closed it up. He moved a stool to be next to the rucksack and found that up to the middle of his chest was able to fit into the sack. He only found one other thing. A Master list of every single item that he had in the ruck sack. He sighed and tried to climb out, which only succeeded in causing the rucksack to tip on its side and him falling off the stool and on the ground. He sat there in stunned silence before the sack fell off the table and landed on his chest, as he was laying on his back. All present were thankful that the metal back frame landed facing up. William it looked still got hurt from the falling piece of equipment, but not as bad as he would have if the metal frame landed on him.

This luck did some good as it lightened the moods of all involved, and they were still laughing when the lunch came into the room, and then came the new teaching, of a human soldier teaching three ponies, two alicorns, and one unicorn the “magic” of cooking an MRE with just water. He however was thinking of which one to eat when it was Twilight who spoke up.

“Fluttershy said that your teeth are like a bear in that you might eat meat. Is that true?” This question from Twilight caught William off guard. He turned and looked at her with a confused look. He didn’t know he was also looking nervous as well at the prospect of eating meat in front of what he considered the head of the elements of Harmony, and two rulers, the rulers he was not too worried, after all they dealt with Griffins, so surely they would be use to seeing some meat eating, but Twilight.

“If you are worried, don’t be, I have an owl who works the night desk at my library, and owls eat little rodents from the Everfree forest. So I am use to having seen some of nature in action. I also had to attend a function with some Griffin delegates as well, that was, an eye opener.” Twilight admitted.

After all of that, William felt more at ease for going after something to eat with a little meat in it. He was actually fighting a headache that threatened to decommission him for the coming afternoon if he didn’t eat something soon.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Totallynotabrony and Dancing Dead for editing this chapter.