• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 4,170 Views, 71 Comments

Revenge of the Nightmares - Commander_Pensword

A Group of mages gathered to use their magic to bring about a change in the world, a world of Night.

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The creature, the human, slowly opened his eyes, his mind was still foggy from the events in his dreamscape. He had the gut feeling that those scenes and images were not any normal dream. He quickly opened his eyes fully and sat up to try and look around. The first thing he noticed was that he was without either a shirt or undershirt. He quickly looked around to see a puzzle of images on a shirt. He shook his head, no that was his Camo blouse, However it took a few more moments then normal to process the information. Still, he moved to his blouse and tan undershirt to put them back on. To only freeze as his eyes met the stare of the creature from his dream.This creature that was in his dream. But he also knew this creature from before the night.

“Get dressed and walk with me, human. We have much to discuss.” Her words showed that he had no argument with the princess. He silently got ready, and while he was still looking around, he could see the sleeping forms of ponies, but there was a question. A question that it seemed Luna was reading on his face.

“They are protecting a perimeter. I am going to be the one interrogating you, so you have no need to worry about any of them jumping you, though I have many tools at my own disposal if you choose to be... uncooperative.” The slow and icy tone sent shivers down the human’s spine as he quickly crawled off of the couch only to have his boots levitated to him in a pale blue aurora. He barely acknowledged her help and after tying the shoes and tucking the shoe laces inside the boots, he began to creep out the door with Luna right behind him, he could feel the horn pushing lightly on his back. Almost in instinct he placed his hands upon his head and locked the fingers together.

“May I say that from my world I would be treated under-” He felt a bit more pressure at his back and he quickly quieted down he knew and could feel that this creature could pierce his back with a thrust.

“I know about your Geneva Convention, But if I recall Equestria is not a signer of the conventions.” Those words made the human more nervous and scared. That is until her next words came out. “However I shall treat you as I would treat a POW in Equestrian terms, though the diet might be a little rough on you.”

The human only nodded slightly, as the Princess of the Night slowly led him towards the end of the field and close to the Everfree Forest. “Sit,” she commanded as they reached a fallen tree, realizing that he was to sit on said log. The human slowly sat down and now looked at the alicorn, from his new angle and view point he was terrified of her. Yet the steel in her eyes softened a touch at the next words. “I am sorry your mind had to see those nightmares, I, I saw some of them as well, the war and destruction of your world. The march of boots to the cries of a tyrant.” Her eyes flashed with a bit of magic. “The sweet nectar of poisoned words.” She shook her mane as she returned to her steely appraising look that made the human think to how she was looking at Twilight, she was judging him he felt, sizing him up for something. Suddenly the Princess sat down in front of him and continued to look at him. “Tell me about Friendship is Magic, I saw those in your memory, tell me your context, your side of these memories.” Her voice hard and angry now. “I am here to protect my kingdom during the night, if it was daytime, my sister Princess Celestia of the Sun and Day would be asking the same things, so answer now.”

The human shivered, not just because of the temperature falling right before dawn, but because also of the fear he had, he made one observation, when an alicorn wanted something, they could be downright scary in getting what they want. He swallowed a little only to realize how dry his throat was and that it hurt a little bit. Still he spoke forward. “You have the memories why do I need to tell you?”

“Because,” Luna replied actually raising one corner of her mouth for a second before returning to the stoic stern gaze, it seemed the question amused her a little. “They are just that, memories, I can get gist of emotions, but nothing too concrete, it would be like...” She leaned in and whispered the next few words. “To the moon.” His first reaction was that those were not the words his sister used when she banished him for being nightmare moon. But before he could question anything else he felt just a strong emotion of loneliness and anger, but really all he could see were rocks and more rocks.

He did not even acknowledge his surroundings until he felt something hard knock his chest a little, in surprise he fell back off the log but never hit the ground as he felt an invisible force wrap around his entire body and rebalanced him upon the log again.

“As you can see, the memories, and the stronger emotions affiliated with them can disorientate those that are not used to sharing them, even then,” She paused and saw the human swallow again and lick his lips, she widened her eyes. “Oh my, yes, Fluttershy did say you would be dehydrated, please excuse my-”

This time the human actually interrupted the Princess, “Nah, you're fine, you needed the information and you are trying to ascertain my threat level;, safety of your people can and should come before my comfort.” Though it didn’t mean he wouldn’t refuse water, as he was very thirsty after all, but it didn’t matter, he was a POW. He paused and blinked in confusion a few times in a row. The reason being that a nice water jug was hovering in front of him ready for him to take.

“Uh, thank you?” The human muttered.

“You’re welcome; Like I said, Equestrian POW rules, be nice, and if they cooperate, continue to be nice, only get touchy if they start to avoid questions or lying, and I can tell when somepony is lying.” Her voice once again dipping into that ice cold tone that gave most anything shivers.

He nodded his head and slowly drank the water, he was shocked in how sweet, how clean it tasted. It was even better than filtered water. He slowly looked at Luna and motioned for her to continue with her explanation on why he had to answer her questions.

“Yes, as I was saying you are in need of answering them to allow your perspective to handle these memories, you are the key to them as I am the key to your new ones. But do not think I will give a trade of one to one.”

The human only nodded his head. “Well if you missed my name, I am William Howard, I did two years of ROTC, but you want to know about the show, about My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.” His voice showing it was a statement, he continued forward. He spent the next few hours explaining about the show, and the fans and how those that were fans were trying to improve their world and trying to be friends to all and tolerate those around them. Still with the questions, and the discussions, things began to wind down. Soon the only thing that was left for either one to talk about, was either William’s access to some of Princess Luna’s memories around her becoming Nightmare Moon or the big problem. William decided to tackle the bigger of the problems.

“So, what do we do with myself? I am a threat, and I can still...” he shivered a little. “I can still feel the residue of those Nightmares, I do not know if I am being paranoid or what, but I am just worried.” William admitted to both himself and to the Princess, he looked up, only to realized that Luna was more focused on the night sky at the moment, but he couldn’t blame her, she was lowering the moon. He blinked once before it clicked in his mind and he sat even more upright as he watched in rapt attention. He was watching the lowering of the moon, in person. With a bit of an inner squee he just remained silent outwards to not disturb Luna.

Luna’s head moved as if listening to a silent hidden tune as he just watched, he jumped a little when suddenly she spread her wings out and slowly rose into the sky, her hoofs moving now as if to direct a soft moving piece of music as she worked, William began to see the stars fade from the heavens and the moon dip below the horizon. A few moments later Princess Luna slowly set back upon the earth and slowly opened her eyes heaving a breath of joy. Her smile slowly faded as her eyes focused on the stunned look on William's face. “Cadet Captain-”

“Please I never was a Cadet Captain, the nightmares created this uniform, not me.” William interrupted the Princess yet again, William realized that and looked nervous till Luna smirked and chuckled a little.

“Thank you, but you are wearing that uniform, and as the only human representative, and how much you respect that uniform, I am hereby declaring you a representative of your world and your military, no matter how little you know. It would be much, much easier on you if you just go with the flow here for the moment," She softly smiled at William before continuing. "At least till we can get you tailored some more normal clothing.” Her face grew solemn as she looked at William. “To answer what we do with thee? We shall have to take thee to our sister to get her input, though I can see thou hast an idea of what to do?”

William looked at Luna, his face devoid of emotion as he looked around the edge of the forest and the growing light. “I had a thought, a plan if needed, since those Nightmares are after me, and I am a priority target to control two worlds.” he motioned his head back towards the cabin. “As you might have seen, there is weapon on me, you can use it and-”

Luna stopped him by holding up a hoof and silencing him with a glare. “I admire one who will be willing to give one’s life if it means saving billions of lives,” She looked a little distant as her eyes widened. “So many humans living on your planet, you are as a race, very prolific in growing.” She shook her head to get back on track. “Still, I will refuse from ending your life so quickly, there has to be another way, a means to make you not so,” Her eyes widened and a smirk grew on her muzzle. “Yes, but that would require my sister’s help as well.” She looked back towards the cottage. “Return with me human, William, we shall see about keeping you safe till we get you in front of my sister so we can decide what to do, I need you to know that we may go your path if it is best for our ponies.” Her face fell as they started the walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“What worries me is, if we kill you, the Nightmares will only work on perfecting their spells and get what they truly want next time, at the moment you are the route of least resistance and they will go after you first before going through another long age of gathering recruits for their deeds.” Her words hung in the air as they continued to walk towards the cottage, the daylight growing and giving the shadows nowhere to flee and be destroyed, the air also began to slowly warm up.

William stopped in shock as it finally hit him. He was standing on grass and dirt of another planet, he was, he really was first contact. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around him as it was finally hitting him that he was alone in this world, a creature of horror most likely to those around him or curiosity. He also just realized finally and fully that he had been talking to the one half of the two most powerful beings in this region of the planet. He didn’t realize that Luna had wrapped him in a levitation spell and continued to carry him forward. It was not until a small meek voice slowly slipped into his mind that he noticed he was in a different location.

He slowly began to focus on his surrounding, he did as the voice asked to do a few standard medical check up procedures, raising an arm, or holding his breath. He just was in shock as he realized what room he was in. There were nests and burrows and holes in the wall, and he could feel the eyes of many different creatures looking on, he was actually surprised when a mouse scurried up and sniffed his boot before darting away as it realized that he had spotted it, for wild animals they seemed to be acting rather tame, but then again he realized that he was dealing with Fluttershy. She would attack bears in a unique chiropractic technique. So with bears around, he guessed that they just saw him as a strange bear or something. Still it wasn’t until he felt a hoof on his forehead. He slowly looked to who was touching his forehead, it seemed that Fluttershy was trying to check his temperature and could only smile, making sure not to show teeth. “Uh, hello.”

This caused gasps, a purple unicorn that he recognized as Twilight Sparkle tried to move in, but was kept at bay with Princess Luna, it still didn’t keep the questions from flowing. “He knows Equestrian? But how? I never seen him in any of my books not even my myth books.” She looked at Luna and then back at the creature. But Luna quickly preempted any more questions. By answering a few already.

“First off Twilight Sparkle,” she began, and then looked at the other Ponies in the room, both the Mane Six and the guards that she saw were staring the human down as if daring him to make a wrong move, “He is called a Human, and he comes from another dimension so of course you won’t find his species in any of your books.” She looked a little guilty here, “As for speaking Equestrian, it is because of the exchanges, you see, by him and I interacting we had to keep harmony of mind, so he knows Equestrian, just as I know his native language.” She chuckled and spoke before Twilight could ask. “Yes, I will teach you a little about their language, just please don’t scare him, he is after all, the ONLY one in this world.” This caused Fluttershy to gasp and to the shock of her friends seemed to hug the human.

“Oh you poor thing, no one should be alone, if you have no where to stay you can have the couch till we find you a place to stay. I am sure AppleJack could help.” Her sideways look was one of pleading to have her help the poor creature.

Luna only chuckled a little. “Actually, he needs to be coming back to Canterlot with me.” The looks from Fluttershy made Luna to smile a little, it was what she was looking for. “However I would not be opposed if the Elements of Harmony would accompany me and William back to the castle, in fact I think My Sister and I would be more at ease if you were to be there, just in case.”

These words caused one marshmallow white unicorn pony to squeal in joy, another purple unicorn one to grin and hop around at the prospect of meeting with her mentor again. A Pink Pony to hop around with joy and talking about all the treats and fun she will have at Canterlot. The cyan blue pegasus made a meh sound while two ponies seemed reluctant but still willing to go and fulfill their duty to their Princesses. The human just sat there dumbly as he watched Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy all react to the news of going to the seat of power, the Capital city of Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle to his shock was now looking right into his face. “Your name is William?” She tilted her head to the left. “What a peculiar name, but I guess from where you are, it is not so strange?” Her eyes he could see were wanting answers and William saw no problem in answering one question.

“Actually you are correct, in my world, my name is not that strange, whereas, to you all, names like Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack.” He was interrupted by Applejack who was giving him a strange look with her eyes.

“How ya were able to know our names? I don’t recall ever mentioning my name in front of ya.” Her voice and body language was one of accusation and wanting to know the truth of the matter, before William could answer it was Luna who answered.

“I am sorry, but it is my fault, he learned your names in exchange for me learning about their world’s most powerful weapon.” William knew she was lying but the other Ponies were only nodding their heads and Applejack blushed a little and took her stetson off her head.

“Sorry bout that Princess.” She apologized in her southern accent, “I guess I got a bit weirded out that some new creature,” She paused at the glares from Fluttershy, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. “Human,” she quickly corrected herself. “how a human knew our names, I didn’t think that he learned it from the Princess.”

William only chuckled. “No need to worry, you just looking out for your friends is all I think.” He sighed and looked around the room and while the others around him moved into conversations Twilight moved once again to stand in front of him, she made a sound of clearing her throat and she had quill and parchment out with what he thought were notes already on it. “Oh yeah, to finish my sentence, your names while common and not very strange for you all, would, well the parents would be looked upon funny for naming a child that.” He chuckled as that was truth as well, still the guards were getting antsy. “Uh, you all should get ready, I think I’ll step out with some of the guards, as I think they don’t like me being too close to all of you.”

Before Luna could protest the Pegasus guards literally leaped at the chance to, first get out of the cottage, and second finally have a good secured ring between the alien and seven of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. He was escorted out into the backyard and was more or less ordered to sit on one of the chairs at a table, it was built for a Pony so it was a tad strange to sit on it like humans normally do, but he made it work, and still be comfortable. “Okay,” William spoke as the guards moved around but could all hear him. “What do you have against me? Don’t worry, I from what your Princess has told me, I am a POW, I promise that I will not try to escape, after all, I can’t return to my homeland at all, so why waste my energy in futile...” His voice cracked and he had to bow his head to try and stop the tears or at least hide them. William did laugh a little. “Besides I feel safer with those spears then fearing for my life from Nightmares.” His voice making a sound of a harsh laugh as if trying to make a joke at his own expense.

He heard a rap on the table that caused him to jerk up to look into the eyes of one who had seen stuff he felt, he also had a different type of Armor. “You will maintain a level head, you will also sit there while I tell you, just why you are making us all on edge.” William only gulped and remained frozen in his chair, he felt that some of this was because of outside actions of the Pegasus but he didn’t dare test any of this.

“You,” Began the leader of the troop William figured, the Pegasus guard that was talking pointed a hoof at him.“Are a threat to Equestria, the nightmares that took our princess those thousand years ago have returned and wish to use you as a weapon, frankly while the Princess is doing something I do not fully understand, if it was up to me, I would have you snuck away and placed into the deepest cavern in Canterlot Castle and hide away for the rest of your life.” The Pegasus guards all looked at William wondering what he would do. They did not expect his answer.

“I would serve in that Cavern for all my days if it means protecting, YOUR World.” he made sure they heard that word. “And Mine! You think your world is the only one under threat? Mine is as well, and, I would gladly be imprisoned if it meant that two worlds could be saved.” He smiled and looked around. “Your world is too beautiful not to defend, and so is my world, I am as much a guest now of this land, even if not by choice, so please note that I would do everything I could to make sure that these nightmares can never do what they did to your Princess.”

Another pegasus looked at him with a look of disdain. “Just what gives you a right to even attempt to know what our Princess went through with the Nightmare?” This one had taken to the air to glare right into Williams eyes, instead of backing down William narrowed his own eyes and looked back, a staring contest happening while William answered the question.

“Because I almost lost the battle against the Nightmare, if it was not for your Princess you would have been fighting a possessed human that might have been able to utilize Magic.” There were confused looks, “Yes, you know my secret, I cannot use Magic, a lot was told to me while in my dream world, trapped.” He returned in full attention to the pegasus who had challenged him. “So, I may not know all about, but I sure as heck went through something similar.” He blinked as he shielded back in shock as he shivered suddenly, his eyes and mind remembering the smiling black skeleton of a horse that almost appeared at the back of the woods. “NIGHT!” he yelled before just as suddenly it was gone. He yell and reaction at the forest edge did send some of the guards to the edge and Luna teleporting into the meadow with her horn already glowing, ready for battle. She did however relax and slowly took a deep breath, held it, and then let it go.

“Guards, form up and escort the Element Bearers on my chariot, I shall be teleporting myself and our guest.” She stopped any protests, “I will not call him a prisoner at this time. He has proved himself by his actions, even those out here that he can be offered a hoof of at least our respect at this moment.” Her eyes conveyed that there was to be no arguments.

The pegasus that started the entire conversation only saluted and promptly began to issue orders to the others, soon leaving the two alone. Princess Luna looked at William. “Before we go, please note that while you are in the castle and nopony is around, you shall call me Princess, elsewhere you shall call me Princess Luna. Do you understand?”

William only nodded his head slightly. “As you wish Princess.” His words full of respect for her, “I shall be ready, but shouldn’t I get something to eat?”

“Not until you arrive at the castle, I rather not risk you throwing it all up from your teleport spell experience, so you can eat after we arrive at the castle, also my sister has cleared her schedule for you, due to the rather, unique problem you present to our kingdom.” she bowed her head and touched her horn to his forehead. “Also, I must say, what a smart thing to do, allowing my guards to get their words to you, and answering their concerns in your,” here she smiled softly, “Unique way. Now, close your eyes, and don’t move, I am going to teleport us.”

William swallowed hard, closing his eyes and stilling his breathing, he felt a tightness, then a lightness and his body floating all around his mind, and so he began to feel just queasy. Just as suddenly the feelings took hold they were done and he was glad he had not eaten, as he doubted he could have kept it down. The next few moments with his eyes closed he dried heaved. Still he felt like he was going to fall over, and it was then he realized that maybe being on all fours would have been a lot better, still he felt a nudge and Luna’s voice.

“Please open your eyes, and render a salute, as your people do not bow.” Her voice urgent and soft to where he felt he could only hear her. He slowly opened his eyes and realizing just where he was, quickly moved to the stance of an American Attention and rendered a salute. For staring down at him from her throne at the end of a red carpet with stain glass windows on either side, and whose throne was set upon the top of a platform with two fountains of water on either edge, and staring at him as if trying to bore right into his very soul was the second half of the Co-Rulers of Equestria. Princess Celestia.

With a cold, calculating look, Princess Luna stepped away from his side and looking at him like she did with Twilight Sparkle in the Crystal Empire episode, walked to stand next to her sister, the guards at the bottom of the stairs stared at him, both of them unicorns and more than likely capable of taking care of him in two steps if he did anything. While he watched, Princess Celestia nodded her regale head and William dropped his salute, but remained at attention.

Luna was the one to break the tension. “At rest, I need to confer with my sister, so just, stay put.” Her grin showed she was trying to make William more at ease, and while he went to stand at rest, Luna moved her head and the two alicorns touched horns and as he watched energies flowed from the horns and for a moment he thought he saw his own aura from when he was in his dream battle flow from Luna into Celestia’s horn. This he felt would take a while.

He let his eyes wander around the room and the stained glassed windows. He noticed images, from the Elements of Harmony’s first use by the Mane Six, followed by Discord’s defeat, then came what had to be the Royal Wedding, with two ponies creating a heart with their horns touching, finally, he saw the stained glass window of Spike saving the Crystal Empire. Before he could try and find more pictures to decipher or look at, his attention was drawn back to the throne. Princess Celestia was staring at him. What made this a little more scary was that the way she glared at him was similar to how Twilight would imagine her when she got mad and disappointed in her, yet he was going to fully accept anything including banishment and then being jailed in the place he was to be banished. He just waited for the words to be spoken towards and or against him.