• Published 4th Feb 2012
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Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Pink and Purple

Chapter Twenty-Two "Pink and Purple"

Peter's mind came to a halt, slurring as it struggled to come back to terms with reality after what felt like an endless, recurring nightmare. Initially, he was about to panic due to the fact that his costume and mask were removed, but after learning Canterlot was his current locale, Peter managed to remain calm by clinging to a tiny thread of hope. Had either Celestia or Luna's influence been a factor during the aftermath of the accident, then there was a chance Spider-Mane's secret identity had not been revealed to the world.

It was faint, but he needed something to grasp to keep from falling into a deep rooted panic.

Peter sighed inwardly. Pinkie Pie's overly-positive outlook on life was rubbing off on him. Which brought the current situation back into mind. While Peter was grateful for a guest, he wished to have been greeted by any of his closest friends, namely the ones that knew of his tie-in with Spider-Mane. They could properly inform him of what transpired since his loss of consciousness. Whether or not the pyrotechnics backfiring was truly an accident, how Pinkie actually gotTrixieinto acheerleader'soutfit, and why Twilight's sister-in-law, of all ponies, was present.

He stared, or rather squinted, at the mare for several moments, and after an embarrassing amount of time, Peter managed to spot a pair of wings on her sides. The stallion's brow furrowed, showing his befuddlement. The mare was not a unicorn as he originally thought, but an alicorn like Celestia and Luna. She was tall in stature as well, perhaps not quite the height of either co-ruler of Equestria, but certainly when compared to Peter.

'Is there a third goddess I didn't know about? If so, Twilight certainly crowds herself with celebrities.'However, realizing he was staring (finally), Peter shook his head and scratched the side of his jaw.'Real smooth, Parker. This conversation's off to agreatstart.'

The last thing Peter wanted to do was leave a bad impression on a stranger, let alone a close relative of the girl he really liked. Nervous laughter escaped from the stallion. "Sorry, I sort of blanked out for a moment there. You said your name was Cadance, right?"

His laughter grew inadvertently.'Stop laughing, moron!'

Heeding his mind's screams, Peter placed his hoof over his mouth and cleared his throat, forcefully. "Not to sound rude, but what are you doing here, visiting me? We've never even met."

Smiling, the alicorn nodded. "I understand where you're coming from, and it's only fair I explain myself." Her bright violet gaze shifted to the open window before falling back to the bed-ridden stallion. "It's been a week since your accident. Twilight's stayed here and waited for you to wake up the entire time." Cadance shook her head, the smile on her face remaining warm. "Poor thing. She hasn't slept for days. I practically had to beg her to go home and get some rest yesterday. The only way she agreed to it was if I promised to stay here in her place for the night."

"I've been out for a week?!" Peter blurted out, sending a jolt through his broken limb. As he clutched at his leg, murmuring several expletives under his breath, the stallion's eyes widened at a late realization before softening with remorse. "Twilight's been with me the entire time?" A saddened smile formed on his features. "That dork. I didn't mean to make her worry. Is she okay?"

Cadance raised her brow questionably. "Unbelievable. You've just woken from a week-long coma, and you're worried about somepony else?" Peter's ears perked as his face flushed with embarrassment. Yet, the alicorn giggled innocently. "Twilight was right. You're very caring."

The temperature in Peter's face elevated, evident by the shade of crimson that rose within his cheeks. "She actually said that? Twilight gives me way too much credit. If anypony's caring, it's her."

"You're modest, too. Just like Twilight said," Cadance added, winking.

Shaking his head and hooves defensively, Peter felt his presence melting into a pile of frazzled goo. "What?! No! I'm not-! She's-!"

"-also right about you having trouble accepting compliments," the mare nonchalantly stated, grinning upon earning a defeated groan from the stallion.'He gets flustered so easily,'her mind noted, giggling,'just like her.'Cadance paused, her expression suddenly matching that of a serious tone. "There's something else I agree with my little sister about."

"Huh? What's that?" Peter asked dumbly, unable to remove the goofy smile that etched itself onto his face.'Parker! Focus! Stop smiling like a doof! You can't earn cool points like this!'Biting down on his lips, Peter managed to hold eye contact with the alicorn, but his nerve slipped, allowing his smile to resurface. His mind moaned, sadly.'Who am I kidding? I've never played the cool card.'

What may have seemed like a crushing defeat turned into a baffling turnabout. Cadance's demeanor lifted, leaving behind the firm tone for a light-hearted smile. Peter's hazel irises widened, unsure of what to make of the situation. His confusion only grew when the mare giggled innocently.

"Twilight was not exaggerating. You'reveryhandsome when you smile!"

In the span of a second, Peter felt everything grow fuzzy. His mind raced while his heart sped, threatening to break its own limit. To make matters worse, he began to laugh uncontrollably, as if his mind had finally gone over the proverbial edge. Twilight actually thought positively of him, but as if that weren't enough, she thought he was handsome. Peter's mind huffed, reminding the star-struck stallion that Twilight would not have kissed him if she didn't find him somewhat attractive.

However, the fact that shetoldsomepony spoke volumes to Peter. It meant there was a chance Twilight wasn't ashamed of what she felt, and that her feelings were mutual with his. Rolling his eyes, Peter's smile lost its merit, morphing into a bittersweet grin. He was getting ahead of himself again thanks to Pinkie's influence. It was just a series of compliments. Everypony does that for each other. Twilight was an innocent girl, and her words were probably just a reflection of that.

Shrugging inwardly, Peter accepted that possibility, although a large part of his being begged to be proven wrong.

"Peter, there is something I would like to know," Cadance gently called out, freeing the stallion from his self-induced trance.

Her demeanor stiffened once more, and there was no sense of falsehood in her voice to be found whatsoever. Peter acknowledged this, placing his hooves down by his side while maintaining his silence. Cadance smiled inwardly, appreciating the stallion's ability to take situations seriously when the time was needed.

"Twilight has told me so much about you, though I would like to know how you feel about her; and I want the truth."

"The truth? You honestly want to know how I feel about Twilight?" His gaze fell to the ground, but it could not mask his blush underneath. "I mean, it's embarrassing coming from a nerd like me. So the truth is going to sound cheesy." Inhaling deeply, Peter mustered every fiber of his will together before turning back to the alicorn with a stern glare in his eyes. However, the smile he bore was pitiful, full of plea. "You promise not to laugh?"

Cadance simply nodded. "Of course."

"Well, it's easy to say how much I like Twilight as a friend. She's nice, smart, supportive, and understanding. I mean, how can younotfind her appealing on that alone?" Twilight's image filled his mind, causing Peter's face to burn. "I may be a nerd, but Twilight's a total bookworm to the point where it's silly. She's so awkward at times. Have you seen how clumsy she is at times? Seriously, I think she's the only pony whose dance moves make mine look professional. She freaks out so easily, too. Just last week, that girl thought I lost my backpack and tripped over her hooves trying to get it for me."

His smile grew in width. "Honestly, she's too clumsy, but it makes me want to be there for her even more. I wouldn't change her for anything, even though I wish she'd let me sleep in once in a while. I only deal with that because I get to see that cute smile of hers every morning. I can say with a straight face that Twilight is the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

Peter's mind groaned, finding this outpour of emotion sickening, but it sighed desolately, knowing there was more to confess. Only the truth escaped from his mouth. He only hoped Cadance would believe it all.

"Back at home, I was a wallflower. Nopony really noticed me, but they sure paid attention whenever I made a mistake. I guess that's why I was the local screw-up." Peter shook his head, recalling the events over the past couple of months, but despite the numerous negatives that plagued his road, there was one constant positive that cleared the path. "None of that ever bothered Twilight. She accepts me for who I am, and that means so much. I can't describe how special that girl is, or how much I love..."

Perhaps out of instinct, Peter's hoof fell over his mouth, but it was too late, for his emotions were not very clear to himself and Cadance. His mind went out a flurry of a tirade, chastising Parker for saying too much. It was no wonder why none of the women on Earth, with the exception of Gwen, bothered to give him a passing glance, but with the confession he just gave, Peter was finally able to understand the depth of his feelings for Twilight.

She had become more than the friend who took a stranger in and the girl who constantly bugged him to wake up at dawn. Twilight was the best friend Peter ever had, and the second girl he grew to love.

"I love her," he firmly stated against his mind's will. Peter felt confident his chances to be with Twilight withered away, like a snowflake's life on a sunny day. However, he closed his eyes and smiled widely. If the truth was going to be heard, he had to make sure Cadance believed him. "I love that bookworm, and I wouldn't change that for anything."

Cadance stood silently with her mouth agape, but she quickly closed it, allowing her lips to curl into a smile. "You trulydolove her."

Peter brought his hoof over the bandage over his forehead, rubbing it gently. "Trust me, Iwantto tell Twilight how I feel, but I don't know if she's ready. Before my accident, she told me she needed time to figure things out. It'd be wrong if I forced anything on her right now."

The alicorn closed her eyes and nodded, all while maintaining her smile. "You're so considerate, but I wouldn't worry. Twilight's more than ready to take that next step."

"Really? What makes you sure?"

"Let's just say it's a special talent I have, but you do not have to be the Goddess of Love to sense what you and Twilight hold for each other is special."

"So you're totally okay with this? I mean, she's Princess Celestia's apprentice, and now I find out the Goddess of Love is her sister-in-law," Peter said somewhat sarcastically, his dealings with gods in the past leaving little room for surprises. "Twilight's obviously meant to do great things. Is an average pony like me even worth her time?"

"She sure seems to believe you're worth her time, so why would I object to that?" Cadance politely stated, taking a step closer to the stallion until her shadow engulfed his entire figure. Shaking her head, the mare sighed inwardly. "You're just as dense as she is. Can't you tell Twilight loves you, too?"

Peter, unable to think of a response, sat silently, taking in the alicorn's words. He often believed there was a chance Twilight felt something for him, but his cynical side prevented him from believing in that possibility. Not because he wished it wouldn't happen, but to keep his hopes from getting too high should they crash. Peter shook his head. No. There was something else leading him away from the truth, and he knew exactly what it was.

An image of Gwen suddenly flashed through his mind, but darkness engulfed the girl, causing Peter to slam his eyes shut and throw his hoof over his face. Distortion warped his vision, and Spider-Man appeared to have taken center stage, holding Gwen's lifeless body in his arms. However, something was amiss. The girl's blonde hair suddenly grew in width, falling to her lower back, and its color matched a violet tone. Spider-Man's hand brushed a lone pink strand of it behind her cold ear before shifting his blank lenses to face Peter.

'Are you going to let her die, too?'

His ears strained at the comment, but Peter felt everything slip once he saw who the girl was in Spider-Man's arms. It was Twilight. He failed to save her, too. Peter's eyes shot open, shifting to find his surroundings had returned to normal. The answer was there. Madame Web's words finally made sense for the first time in his life. The true reason behind his diminished powers was not because he lacked a cutie mark. That was apparent to Peter the moment Celestia and Twilight explained exactly what the mark was meant to be.

'You must accept who you are.'

Being Spider-Man was not his natural talent. It came from a miracle of modern science or, rather, an accident. He only became Spider-Man through a series of life-altering circumstances. No, being Spider-Man was a choice, and Peter realized he no longer wished to be a part of it. From his final days on Earth to his present time in Equestria, Peter's alter-ego had done nothing but cause problems. Captain Stacy, Gwen, and Ponyville paid the price for Spider-Man/Spider-Mane's blunders. Eventually, Twilight would fall into that category, and Peter would never forgive himself.

'...for her sake as well...'

If he could be with Twilight without putting her in danger, life would be perfect. Sure, he would no longer have his abilities, but things would be safer. Equestria was relatively harmless, and even if something were to occur, Twilight and her friends could handle it. If not, Princess Celestia or Luna would take care of it with ease. Peter nodded. The loss of his powers were not a curse. He'd finally be a normal Equestrian and find the closure he needed. Twilight would not die because of him.

He would be there for her, not as Spider-Mane but Peter Pony Parker. Twilight sacrificed enough for his sake. It was high time he repaid the favor.

Facing Cadance, Peter smiled. "Of course I do, and I'd give anything for her."

"Then I have no right to object. Unrequited love can be found in many shapes and forms. Your feelings are sincere, so I know you will treat my sister well." Her hoof fell over his shoulder, but Cadance stole a glance out of the corner of her eye, smirking at a realization. "I think it's time Twilight told you how she feels herself."

Cadance stepped away from the bed and turned her attention to the door on the other side of the room. Using her magic, the alicorn gently pulled the door open, but Peter's mouth fell agape at the sight curled on the floor outside. Though her back was turned, facing the ponies inside the room, it was easy for Parker to recognize dark-violet mane and tail of the purple-coated mare, thanks to the lone pink strand in the middle of each. With her flank planted firmly on the ground, Twilight sat with her gaze fixed on the ground, seemingly oblivious to the stares of her sister and roommate.

Peter turned to Cadance, flushed. "I thought you said Twilight left."

"I'm sure you've realized that Twilight is rather stubborn and worrisome. I told her to go home, but she obviously didn't listen. I heard her outside by the door a few minutes ago before you woke up. Subtlety has never been her strong suit." the alicorn replied, smiling as she shifted her attention back to Peter.

Before he could reply, his ears perked at a familiar sound, prompting Peter to face the doorway. A series of sniffles escaped from the unicorn, each louder than the last. Twilight used her hoof to wipe her face clean as she slowly turned around to face everypony, but she could do nothing to hide the tears that stained her cheeks profusely. However, Peter eyes softened at the sight of the tiny smile the librarian managed to hold. Even now, he was amazed with her beauty.

"Twilight, did you hear all of-?" was all he managed before a pair of hooves fell around his neck. Peter sighed, feeling Twilight's soaked face sink into the collarbone, yet he managed a smile, wrapping his limbs around the mare's body.

Suddenly, Twilight trembled as her grip on the stallion tightened. "Thank the stars. I thought I lost you."

"I would have been a little more careful if I'd known you would worry this much about me." Peter grinned, causing Twilight to attempt a glare, but her resolve quickly dissipated, leaving the mare to lower her face back into its spot on her friend's chest. Shaking his head, Peter ran his hoof through Twilight's mane before planting a gentle kiss on the top of her crown. "You are such a dork."

Nodding, Cadance smiled. "Since you're here, Twilight, I'll go and let Auntie Celestia know the good news. She'll be thrilled to see Peter's finally awake." She made her way out of the room, pausing to give both ponies a friendly wink before cutting around the corner. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

The pair sat silently, waiting until they felt certain Cadance was out of hearing range. Twilight reluctantly broke away from the embrace but maintained a sitting position on the bed. She avoided his gaze, looking at the open window and then the sun hanging high overhead. The warm dizzying sensation was not going away, nor did it feel like it planned to any time soon. Peter's words played throughout her mind relentlessly. He admitted to his feelings, and despite the trouble she caused for him, Peter still loved her.

Her whole face seemed to be burning now. Blushing, she tore her eyes away from the sun and shifted the entirety of her focus on Peter. "Everything you said... I know you meant it all, but there's something I have to say." She shook her head. "I wish I told you this sooner. I know I said I had to figure things out, but..."

Peter nodded, a serious expression failing to mask what appeared to be a blush. "Twilight..." He started to say something else, but it was lost in an array of hastily prepared words the mare released.

"I always knew how I felt about you. I just... had a hard time accepting it." She immediately placed her hoof over his, patting it gently to show she meant no form of offense. "You're the only pony that's ever made me feel this way. I read several books trying to figure out how I should go about confronting my emotions," Twilight murmured, sighing, "but nothing was able to help me. I thought there was an exact way I had to go about doing it, and everything I read had various ways of expressing intimate emotions."

Twilight bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable in a situation she was unfamiliar with. "I even went to my sister-in-law, Cadance, for help. I figured if written documents couldn't help, surely the Goddess of Love could provide me with the answers I needed." The entire conversation played throughout her mind, but it faded to the conflict of rising emotions within her being. "She simply told me that love can't be described through definitions or text. It's something everypony experiences in their own way, and once it takes hold, we want to cherish and embrace it with only that one pony."

Her tears slowly returned, forcing the mare to slam her eyes shut. "I didn't know what she meant at first, but I finally started to understand when I thought about the times you and I shared together." Her cheeks began to feel wet again, and her voice lost its firmness, coming out in choked sobs. "Despite the fact that we've gone through low times recently, you've always brought a smile to my face with your honesty, kindness, and stupid jokes." Twilight turned her face away, wiping her sore eyes, but her smile remained intact. "Your stupid, stupid jokes."

Her voice had taken its cue from the passionate words floating around inside her head, unrestrained sobs echoing across the room. "When I realized that there was a chance I couldn't experience these feelings again, it all made sense! You're the one that makes me feel special, and I almost missed the chance to tell you how much that means to me!" Twilight's head fell in a slump, and her tears proceeded to fall, dripping onto the sheets of Peter's bed. "I'm sorry, Peter! I should have told you this sooner!"

Taking a breath, Twilight made certain her eyes came into direct contact with Peter's, their faces only inches apart. "I... I am in love with you." Cadance was certainly right. Such simple words were astoundingly difficult to say. "I know it's selfish, but after everything you've been through, I want to fill the void in your life... and help you start over." Twilight told herself to shut up, but the absence of her voice created a stillness she immediately felt ashamed of.

"Twilight..." Peter's voice seemed to hang in silence for ages as he reached out, placing his hooves over the mare's. In that one moment, she yearned to hear his next words, despite knowing they could possibly break her heart. However, her nerves loosened once the stallion laughed to hide his blatant nervousness. "I'd love to start over, as long as you're the one there with me."

It was unusual. After days of struggling to grasp her feelings, Twilight found the simplest of words held the deepest of meaning. As a wave of emotions washed over the mare, she found herself unable to speak. Yet, evident by the smile on her face, she was fine with the circumstance. Nothing else had to be said. Both ponies had confessed their feelings for each other, and despite the arduous road they traveled, their hearts were attuned. Peter didn't hate her. He loved her.

Twilight leaned forward, sobbing into Peter's embrace until she broke away, brushing her lips against his. She drank him in, and her fears disappeared, replaced by a nervous yet blissful passion. Peter´s hooves wrapped around the mare's body, matched only by the 'embrace' his lips shared with hers. Twilight's face was stained with tears still. Even though her heart felt as light as the clouds patterned across the sky, she could not stop herself from crying. Loosening out of their hold, Twilight brushed her hoof across her face and sighed.

These emotions were going to take quite some time to get used to. Peter, perhaps sensing her thoughts, wrapped his limbs around her neck and placed his chin on the top of her head. The physical contact filled Twilight with warmth but above all else, a strong sense of safety, as if nothing could bring her any harm. Her smile grew as wide as the horizon. Suddenly, she couldn't hold him tight enough and never wanted this feeling to end.

Peter glanced off to the side, a thought pulling at the back of his mind. He held Twilight firmly and closed his eyes before deepening the embrace. The inside of his chest tightened, clinging to whatever happiness it could, yet there was a pull, a lingering doubt that refused to yield to his heart's desires. A part of him begged to ignore the feeling and follow with his original plan to leave his life as a superhero behind.

However, he opened his eyes, finding his surroundings had changed once more. However, Peter was not lost in an abyss of darkness nor a realm of endless light. Something warm fell over Peter's shoulder, bringing his gaze to find an older man standing next to him with a warm smile etched on his features. Peter almost couldn't bring himself to meet the man's gaze, as tears filled his own eyes, but he managed, smiling sadly at the sight of Uncle Ben.

"You've got a lot on your mind, son,"he gently said, squeezing Peter's shoulder reassuringly."Talk to me."

Peter sighed, despising his conscience for doing this to him."I wanted to give up, Uncle Ben."

Ben removed his hand from Peter's shoulder and shifted his gaze to the ground, prompting his nephew to follow his line of sight until he spotted something in particular. Its crimson design was easily recognizable, but the unwavering blank, white stare of the lenses sent a wave of uncertainty through the younger man. Ben knelt down, as if sensing his nephew's doubt, and retrieved the mask. However, he was not quick to surrender the attire, instead choosing to give Peter a stern glare.

"You mean this? Why's that?"Ben asked softly despite the firm gaze he bore.

"Because for a moment I thought if Spider-Man never existed, things would be better off. My friends would be safe, and I wouldn't get them involved in trouble like Captain Stacy and Gwen."Peter shook his head, letting out a harsh scoff."Then I realized if I just gave up, there'd be no way I could protect my new friends. I even thought it'd be better if they handled everything instead."

Gritting his teeth, Peter clenched his fist, resisting the urge to punch himself to the greatest of his ability."They can't fight hydras or dragons! I got so wrapped up in my guilt that I nearly made a selfish mistake. It'd be no different from the time I let you die, Uncle Ben. All because I didn't want to use the power I had... Because I didn't want responsibility."

"Then you know what you have to do, right?"Ben reached out and grasped Peter's hand, leaving the mask with its rightful owner. Before the younger man could respond, his uncle pulled him into an embrace."Don't think for a moment that I'm not proud of you, Pete. Stop trying to run when you have no reason to."He stepped away, causing his surroundings to fade into a bright flash of light."Now go do what you do best and be the hero those girls need."

Peter's eyes shot open, but they quickly softened, finding he was still locked in Twilight's loving embrace. Ever since Gwen was killed, Peter deeply hated the life he led, begging to find a way to free himself from its grasp, and now it seemed victory was within his reach finally, evident by his powerless state. However, it was nothing more than a hollow victory. Should the stallion lose his powers now, the happiness he fought so hard to achieve would be washed away in one foul swoop.

The friends that trusted him, the public that adored him, and the girl who mended his broken heart would all be lost. Peter shook his head defiantly. He would never let that happen. His new life was worth fighting for. If being Spider-Man could ensure the safety of his best friends and newly appointed marefriend, Peter would happily take up the mantle. After all, there was a bad guy coming in a few weeks. Somepony had to be ready to kick his butt, and Spider-Mane was just the one to do it.

"Twilight," Peter said, closing his eyes. The mare's ears perked at the sound of her name. Slowly reopening his irises, the stallion found his sight had improved mildly, evident by the clear image of his marefriend that sat only inches away but blurry background behind her. "I may be without my powers right now, but I swear I'll get them back so that I can protect you with everything I've got." He smiled. "I promise!"

Before she could respond, Peter's lips met with Twilight's once more, this time with an astounding amount of passion. They remained in that state for minutes, although some would argue it may have been hours.

Standing outside of the door with a victorious smile, Cadance nodded before turning to Princess Celestia, who only giggled a response.

"Remember, Cadance... don't tell Shining yet."

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