• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,744 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Homecoming, Part IV

Chapter Forty-Six "Homecoming, Part IV"

Thirty Days Remain Until the Portal Closes…

Peter paced across the room with his arms folded, groaning as he struggled to pull his gaze from the ground. "Aunt May. There's no easy way for me to put this."

"What are you talking about?" May snapped, wadding the soaked tissue in her hand. "You have been gone foryears!You never called or anything! Good Lord, Peter! I thought you were dead!" She shook her head. "What's worse is that you come back telling me a story likethat?!Trapped in another world? Honestly!"

Slapping his hand on his forehead, Peter exhaled. "It's the truth!" Only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like an eternity for Peter. His aunt had every right to be furious. He rubbed the sides of his temples. Peter was handling this as badly as he anticipated. "Look. This isn't easy. I knew you would think I've gone around the bend." Exhaling, Peter shrugged. "Fine. Maybe this will be easier to believe."

May nearly shrieked as Peter flipped into the air, perching himself on the ceiling. He stood in the middle of the living room with his shirt lifted, revealing his costume underneath. Twilight sat quietly on the couch, while May stared at her nephew, eyes wide and mouth agape. The young man sighed inwardly. In this particular situation, there was no way to mince words. To convince his aunt of the truth, he had to introduce her to his alter ego, Spider-Man.

After a brief but awkward amount of time, Peter lowered his shirt, exhaled, and started to flip from the ceiling, but his foot tore a weak spot in the plaster, causing a chunk (and Peter) to fall. Peter landed on his hands, recollecting his balance. He ripped the piece of ceiling from his heel, but before anyone could react, Twilight extended her hand and violet energy enveloped the material. May slipped into her seat, weak-kneed, as the plaster found its way back to its place in the ceiling. Snapping her fingers, Twilight caused the material to glow brightly before dissipating, erasing all evidence of any damage.

"My Lord. How long?" May managed, patting her hand over her chest to calm her beating heart.

Peter flipped to his feet and ran his fingers through his hair. "Since I was fifteen."

"So this entire time…" May trailed off, her hands fidgeting in her lap. She shook her head, glancing off to the side before directing her sight back to her nephew. "It's no wonder you were always able to get those pictures. It's surprising, but itdoesmake sense." Her initial shock subsided, and a smile formed on her face. "My nephew, Spider-Man. Even when the Daily Bugle labeled you a criminal, you continued to save people and take pictures of it. You left quite a mark on the city. When Spider-Man disappeared - or rather, whenyoudid - criminals practically took over the city. The Bugle even went bankrupt, without more libel against their favorite whipping-boy to sell their rag."

Peter's eyes widened. "Seriously? They went out of business? What about JJ?"

May shook her head. "No, the Bugle is still in business. It's clear they're on their last legs, though. Spider-Man was the reason they were so successful, financially. However, when the crime rates rose and you were nowhere to be found, people finally started realizing how false some of the Bugle's accusations were." The older woman inhaled deeply, before continuing. "I went to the Bugle personally. I asked where you had gone to, but they hadn't the faintest idea. No one had seen or heard from you, it was as if you just disappeared. I was afraid you might have committed suicide over Gwendolyn, you took her death so hard. I assumed the worst and eventually grew to accept the possibility."

Shame filling his eyes, Peter turned his head to the side. "I'm sorry, Aunt May. I didn't mean to worry you."

May's smile grew. "It's quite all right, dear. I'm grateful and happy. My Peter is a hero, Ben would be so proud if he were here right now." As Peter recoiled at the sound of his uncle's name, May shifted her attention to Twilight. "So, you're the reason my nephew has been gone for so long? It's still rather difficult for me to believe you're not from our world. You look so normal. Why is it that Peter was the one you summoned? Our world is full of heroes."

Peter rested his chin in his hand. "That's the same thing I said."

Twilight nodded. She doubted May would take well to her real form being a pony, so she hadn't said anything when Peter glossed that part over, and she didn't say anything now. "Yes, ma'am. My village was in danger, and I performed a spell that summoned the greatest hero in any world that existed. As a result, Spider-Man was the one who appeared, but it was only before I learned the spell was irreversible." She sighed as her gaze fell to the ground. "I'm sorry. Itismy fault. I was desperate to save my friends and didn't stop to properly think about the repercussions. Peter was forced to adapt to our culture, and not once did he complain."

"Besides for all the times you woke me up before daybreak?" Peter deadpanned, causing Twilight to nudge him in the side.

Despite the remark, Twilight's cheeks burned while her lips curled into a smile. "Over time, I found out we had so much in common. I needed help figuring it out, but I fell in love with Peter. He returned my feelings, and the past few weeks have been so wonderful." Peter's arm fell over the girl's shoulder once her voice began to waver. Twilight smiled, leaning into her lover. "I couldn't be happier…or luckier."

May chuckled softly. "I'm happy for you two." Smiling playfully, the older woman took a glass of lemonade in hand, prompting Twilight to lift her own magically. "Are you keeping my nephew out of trouble? It sounds like he's as lazy as ever."

Twilight stared flatly at Peter from the corner of her eye. "That's an understatement, Mrs. Parker. I'm usually the one who has to wake him up every morning. He's also forgetful and absent-minded. I can't tell you how many appointments he's nearly missed."

Peter rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Everybody's a critic."

Twilight patted his thigh, laughing. "Peter's very sweet, but he's a complete mess at times. Someone has to keep him in check."

May's eyes widened before she smirked devilishly. "Oh, Iloveher, Peter. Make sure you treat her nicely and do as she says." Peter grumbled incoherently, though the words 'bossy women' figured prominently, and Twilight elbowed his side, prompting the young man to give his aunt an affirming nod against his will. May watched the couple with a sweet smile, but a realization came to her, and her expression fell into sadness. She gently placed her glass back down on the table, sighing. "Peter, is it true that you can't stay?"

Peter could see his aunt's obvious sorrow. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but it took Doctor Strange a lot just to bring me here for a short time, so thirty days is all that I have left here on Earth. After we take care of the Goblin, there's no way I can come back." Peter reached over and took Twilight's hand into his own, squeezing it gently. "Besides, I'm needed in Equestria because I've been able to make a difference there. Not to mention, as my duty as a knight and prince, I'm sworn to protect Twilight and the rest of the country. With great power-"

"-comes great responsibility. Goodness, gracious. You sound just like Ben now," May stated, brushing her face free of a stray tear. Again, Peter cringed at the mention of his uncle, but May remained oblivious, standing from her seat with a renewed sense of vigor. She walked over, embracing Peter the moment he stood. "I always knew you were special, son. I couldn't be more proud of you." Cupping the young man's face in her hands, May stared deeply in her nephew's eyes with a teary-eyed smile before stepping back toward the kitchen. "I know it's late, but would you two like something to eat?"

Peter waved away the offer. "Save it for tomorrow, Aunt May. We should head back to the Sanctum Sanctorum before it gets too late."

The older woman's shoulders slumped, disheartened. "Can't you stay? You've only got a month before I lose you again."

Peter kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry, Aunt May. We have to stay at the Sanctum with Doctor Strange. The spell keeping me here on Earth needs to be recharged every day or two, and I need to stay near him, but I can come visit while I'm here."

May put on a brave face for her wonderful nephew. "Please do. It's been so lonely here without you."

As he helped Twilight from her seat afterward, Peter offered his aunt a weak yet sincere smile. "I'll be giving Twilight a tour of the city tomorrow, we'll stop by around lunch time. Make sure you bake your world famous apple pie. No one has really lived until they've tried it at least once." His eyes widened at a late realization. "Oh, Aunt May! No meat! Twilight can't eat meat, her species is herbivorous. Dairy, eggs, and small amounts of fish are okay, but it'd bereallyawkward if you tried to feed her some roast."

Twilight raised her brow. "Roast? What's that?"

Chuckling nervously, Peter dismissed it with a wave of his hand. "I'll tell you when we get home." Shifting his gaze back to the older woman, Peter placed his hands over her shoulders. "How about it, Aunt May? Noon sound good? We'll even let you meet Spike, Twilight's purple and green pet dragon. He's huge, but he's a softie."

"Like Barney?" May suggested innocently.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Barney's a dinosaur, Aunt May. Spike's way cooler and far more intelligent. Plus, he doesn't mangle show tunes so that's always a plus."

"What's wrong with show tunes?" Twilight balked. Having received a blank stare from Peter, she motioned with her finger. "Anyway, Spike's my assistant and he's like a baby brother more than anything."

May's hands clapped over her mouth. "He sounds like a sweetheart. So he likes show tunes? Does he like instrumental music? Maybe Spike would like to hear my Kenny G collection."

Shaking his head, Peter moaned. "Aunt May! Stop that. I'd rather you not scar me for life again. Anyway. After lunch, we'll take you over to the Sanctum Sanctorum to visit Spike. Bake a few extra pies for him. His appetite is a lot bigger than it used to be."

Escorting the young couple to the door, May grinned. "Of course, Dear. I'm looking forward to meeting him and to seeing you again. I know you won't be late with Twilight around you." The action was expected, but May wasted no time embracing Peter once more, clutching him as if she was afraid he would disappear again. Hesitantly, she relinquished her grip. As Peter stepped outside, May stole a hug from Twilight, earning a surprised "Eep!" from the girl. "Thank you for watching after Peter. I'm counting on you, okay?" she whispered, sharing a warm smile with Twilight afterward. As the pair walked off, May closed the door and allowed her tears to run. "Oh, Ben. I thought I lost him, too."

Once they were out of sight and hearing range from anyone, Peter stopped in his tracks and stared at the dark, cloudy sky. "Twilight. You should head to the Sanctum Sanctorum. I'm…going to be a little late."

Twilight slowed to a halt before arching a brow at her lover. His entire demeanor had changed so drastically in a short span of time. He was nervous on the way to his aunt's, more than Twilight had ever seen before. Then, as he conversed with May, Peter was happy, practically giddy in the company of his surrogate mother, but now, evident by his dreary demeanor, the young man appeared to have been consumed by sorrow. Twilight edged closer, but Peter diverted his gaze to the side, as if desperate to avoid eye contact. They remained silent, each waiting for the other to budge. The only sound heard between the pair was the wind rustling through the autumn leaves.

Twilight closed the gap before reaching for Peter's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'm in no rush. Where were you planning on going?" she asked, displaying her resolve and affection.

Peter bit his lip, forcing his gaze to meet with the girl's violet eyes. "It's not that Idon'twant you to come. It's just…" Peter paused to clear his throat. To the trained ear, he only just masked a sob. Peter forced a smile as best he could before Twilight could comment on his previous act. "I'm not going to a happy place. I just didn't want to bring down your mood."

Twilight shook her head. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily. Besides, you're upset. I know you. It's not a good idea for you to be alone right now." Her hand trembled as it clung onto Peter's. "Let me come with you, please?"

Peter closed his eyes and sighed. Twilight was as observant as ever, and it was proving to be rather frustrating. Before coming to Equestria, Peter practically made a living out of keeping secrets, but that had changed since Twilight came into his life. What was worse was his inability to say no, a trait he'd never excelled at to begin with. In the past, his dual-life gave him the strength to deny the requests of others. Even Gwen was on the receiving end of this, as she didn't know Peter Parker and Spider-Man were one and the same.

However, Equestrians seemed to be impervious to Peter's trump card, especially the mare that stole his heart. Peter wanted to say no, he really did. This was something personal he wanted to deal with, but Twilight was the center of his life now, meaning it was fruitless to attempt to be secretive with someone who already knew so much about him, if not virtually everything. Peter groaned inwardly, cringing at the glossy-eyed, pleading stare Twilight held above her flustered pink blush. If all else failed, Twilight would resort to the puppy dog eyes, and for Peter, the end result would be the same.

It was completely unfair - not that he minded, deep down.

With a defeated smile, Peter wrapped his arm over Twilight's shoulder before continuing to walk. "All right, you can come along, but we'll have to make a quick stop at a flower shop first." The sound of thunder roared in the clouds as the sky darkened. Peter sighed, his feelings similar to the impending weather. "We'll need an umbrella, too."

Soft knocking echoed at the door, catching Derpy's and Trixie's attention, and their ears perked. The unicorn groaned, forcing herself from the plush comfort the couch brought, but the pegasus whimpered, trembling as she quietly retreated to a chair near the back of the living room. Trixie paused, having noticed Derpy's movements. She strayed from her original path to the door and walked over to the blonde's position, placing a hoof over her shoulder.

"As far as Trixie is concerned, we're friends here," the unicorn declared, using her strength to pull the pegasus from her seat. Trixie led Derpy by her hoof, guiding her back to the couch. "Nopony is going to judge you. Trixie will make certain of that." Her words were honest, cueing Derpy to reply with a weak smile before taking a seat. Trixie trotted back on track once its knocking continued, but the moment the mare opened the door, her enthusiasm diminished at the sight of four troublesome fillies waiting with smiles. "Oh, goody. It's you. Trixie shall call damage control."

Applebloom skipped inside while Babs Seed followed closely behind, grinning. Scootaloo stopped in her tracks once Sweetie Belle bounced into the abode with a card in her mouth, but she eventually followed her friend, albeit with a hesitant expression.

Trixie shrugged before closing the door. "I shall warn you girls now, your beloved leader is not here." Much like Derpy had done earlier, the group of fillies grew saddened by the news, particularly Sweetie Belle who was on the verge of tears. Trixie frantically waved her hooves. "What Trixie meant is that Peter will return sometime soon. So… you're welcomed to wait here."

As if she were never sad, Sweetie Belle squeaked in delight, prompting the others with the exception of Scootaloo to mirror her actions as they hopped on to the couch with Derpy. Trixie lowered her head, dismayed how much Parker's soft-hearted nature had contaminated her. However, the unicorn brushed those thoughts to the wayside before she retook her seat in a comfort chair across from the couch.

Trixie sighed. "So what brings you girls here? Another crazed attempt to earn your cutie marks? Shall I grab the first aid kit for Parker's sake?"

"Well…" all four fillies murmured, trailing off as their ears fell into their manes. Trixie and Derpy eyed the group but maintained their silence. Eventually, Applebloom leaned forward, nervously brushing her hooves together. "It's just that… we thought something was wrong with Peter."

Trixie's eyes widened once the other Crusaders weakly nodded. "By the stars."

Scootaloo folded her hooves and groaned, glancing off to the side. "This is stupid! I keep trying to tell them it's nothing!"

Derpy edged closer to the young pegasus, smiling. "It's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Trixie and I felt it, too." Scootaloo's head shot up and ears perked. Derpy nodded, placing her hoof over her own chest. "Was it a strange, tingly feeling right here?" Scootaloo, and Derpy frowned. "It almost hurt, too, didn't it?" The filly's face was as red as a tomato, but she nodded, prompting Derpy to nudge Scootaloo. "Did you just have a feeling that had something to do with Peter?"

Scootaloo stammered about, her hooves fidgeting under her body. "Y-Yeah. I don't know why, but I thought Peter might have been hurt." She pointed her hoof towards her friends. "They felt it, too. That's why we came over, to see if Peter was okay."

Trixie brushed a strand of her silvery-blue mane behind her ear. "There is a strange phenomenon going on, and I wonder if it's affecting those closest to Parker. It's a wild accusation, but for now, you four should stay here until we can figure this out."

The Crusaders gave no objection. Applebloom and Babs Seed started conversing with Derpy, who was more than eager to talk with the fillies. Sweetie Belle slid from the couch, placing her card on the table next to the one Derpy left before joining the Apples in their conversation. Trixie's violet gaze remained fixed on Scootaloo. The young pegasus peeked out of the corner of her eyes, and the moment Trixie motioned her hoof, Scootaloo joined the unicorn in her chair, snuggling her way into the space available. Both mares glanced away uncomfortably, their needs for personal space becoming apparent as their tails whipped away from the other, but they swallowed their pride and eventually settled their nerves.

Trixie cleared her throat. "I can tell you felt it first. It tells me you have strong feelings for Parker." Throwing her hoof over her mouth, the unicorn masked a snicker. "It's not as obvious as Sweetie Belle's feelings, but-"

Taken aback, Scootaloo's eyes widened and her wings flapped feverishly. "I-I don't have a crush on Peter…!" Her response was quick, too much so.

Trixie smirked. "There's no shame in admitting to your feelings. I know it's something you're not used to." The unicorn paused, staring at the other Crusaders and Derpy. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't hear Scootaloo's outburst. Trixie playfully nudged the pegasus. "Trixie knows what it's like to like somepony and try to keep it a secret. I also know what it's like to like somepony who is out of reach. I do it all of the time with Peter." Scootaloo tilted her head to the side before Trixie gave the filly a warm smile. "Tell me how it started for you. I promise I won't tell Peter or anypony else."

"I'll hunt you down if you tell anypony," Scootaloo warned, shifting her eyes to the ground afterward. Nodding, Trixie chuckled. Scootaloo took several deep breaths, her face growing hotter by the second. The usually fearless pegasus felt unimaginable levels of trepidation, beads of sweat forming over her forehead. Exhaling, Scootaloo gave into Trixie's plight. "It started a few weeks ago."

Scootaloo gritted her teeth, straining as she used every ounce of strength in her body. Her wings flapped profusely, practically buzzing. They struggled to lift the weight of the pegasus and could barely maintain levitation a few hoof-lengths from the ground. The muscles in her wings began to tire, cramping from excessive use, but Scootaloo ignored her body's pleas, determined to prove she was a future Wonderbolt.

Those taunting words pushed her onward. Dodo. Chicken. She was neither. Scootaloo was a pegasus, ready to prove the world wrong, but gravity proved to beat her better once more, forcing the filly to plummet to the ground helplessly like a rock. However, a pair of hooves reached out and caught the filly before she could meet with the ground.

Peter smiled. "That was better, but the dive was premature. I give you an eight."

Flustered, Scootaloo squirmed her way out of Peter's grasp, managing to land on her hooves, but she turned away, hiding her flush. "That's the sixth time today! I'll never fly at this rate!" The filly slid her helmet from her head before tossing it over her shoulder in a huff. "Diamond Tiara was right! I'm just a stupid dodo!"

"Hey, hey, hey. Easy, Scoots," Peter calmly stated, catching the filly's helmet that would have otherwise struck him in the face.

Once he recollected his balance, Peter's ears perked at a peculiar sound. He stole a glance out of the corner of his eye, finding Scootaloo wiping her hoof over her eyes and choking back a few sobs. Despite being the toughest of the Crusaders, both physically and emotionally, flight was always a touchy subject for Scootaloo. Considering her role model, Rainbow Dash, was becoming one of Equestria's premiere fliers, it was understandable why the filly set such a high bar for herself, but Peter knew she was still just a child needing support, even if Scootaloo repelled the idea to a fault.

The stallion walked over to the filly, and before she could respond, he lifted her tiny frame into his hooves with a warm embrace. Initially, being somepony who deterred from physical contact with others, Scootaloo readied to free herself from the stallion's hold.

Peter grinned, nuzzling the filly affectionately before she could escape. "You're no dodo, Scootaloo. You're a pegasus in training." Swiftly, he kissed the center of Scootaloo's forehead, sending a heat wave through the filly's face. Oblivious, Peter's smile remained intact. "Most important, you're my little buddy. So don't worry about what anypony has to say. Everypony falls but only some get back up. That's why I'll always have faith in you, Scootaloo. You-"

Peter's words fell into his throat as his eyes shot open. Scootaloo's blush had grown to a deep shade of crimson while her mouth hung open and light violet eyes glazed over, starstruck, but that wasn't what startled Peter. The filly was lost in a daydream, her widened gaze settled on nothing in particular. Scootaloo's wings flapped with unmatched enthusiasm and strength, lifting the filly several meters from the ground. She continued to ascend, levitating near the tip of a tree. Peter's amazement turned to horror, prompting the stallion to shake his head and yell out at the top of his lungs.

Figuratively speaking, Scootaloo's head was in the clouds, but if this continued, that saying would become actuality. Fortunately, Scootaloo shook her head, freeing herself from her self-induced trance, but she shrieked, having realized where she was. The filly waved her hooves in a frantic, circular motion, as if trying to swim rather than fly, but it was to no avail, gravity snatching the filly from the air. Scootaloo slammed her eyes shut as the ground neared, but Peter positioned himself under the filly's shadow, extended his hooves, and caught her, like a ball in a mit.

After a few moments, Scootaloo opened her eyes and babbled incoherently once her mind registered she was being cradled. However, instead of displaying her usual hostile attitude toward this compromising position, the pegasus sighed, using her hoof to hide the blush on her face.

Peter chuckled. "Well, you flewanddelivered a perfect dive. I give you a ten." Perhaps it was out of instinct, but while Scootaloo averted his gaze, her body snuggled into his hooves. Peter's smile widened before his hoof ruffled the filly's mangled mane. "I knew you could fly. It's just mind over matter. You will have it perfected in no time."

Her mind was fuzzy, unable to tune out the image of Peter kissing her forehead or the strange tingling that ran through her stomach. She didn't like it. It was wet and nasty, at least that's what a part of her wanted to think, but the unwavering smile she bore spoke the truth. it may be a while until she could fly properly, but Scootaloo was fine with the progress she was making. She would fall, but she would always get back up, especially with Peter supporting her. Scootaloo's mind ran a bit further, but she had a better idea of why Sweetie Belle was infatuated with him, not that she cared.

Scootaloo was practically burning. "It's not like I liked it or anything, but…" she paused, throwing her helmet back over her head, "do you think you can kiss me more often?" Scootaloo cleared her throat. "I mean… for my flying lessons. That's all! It could help with my parkour lessons, too!" Her giddiness was getting the better of her. "That's why you're called Peter Parkour!"

Peter was lost. "That's Parker…"

Scootaloo shrugged, grinning. "It's not my fault you can't spell."

Trixie snorted involuntarily. "That's adorable."

The filly's ears lowered but her glare remained firm. "Remember, you promised not to tell anypony." She glanced away. "I don't get it, whenever Peter's around, I'm really happy. Is it weird that I really like him for… just being around? I know he's dating Twilight." She groaned, rolling her eyes. "Good grief, he can't stop talking about her sometimes." Shaking her head, Scootaloo's blush glowed. "I mean, I don't care about the kiss! It was so… yuck!" Scootaloo exhaled, folding her hooves in a pout. "So why do I still like it?"

Trixie shrugged before her silver-blue tail wrapped around Scootaloo's body, giving the pegasus added warmth. "It's because Peter's a weird pony, one who has a strange effect on those around him. Myself, included." While the conversation between the other Crusaders and Derpy continued, Trixie shook her head and whispered into Scootaloo's ear. "Peter's out of reach, and we have to accept that. Sometimes, you just want to see somepony happy. As long as he's happy, I'm okay." Trixie smiled. "That's why I'm okay… with keeping my feelings a secret. I refuse to put Peter's happiness in danger."

A Few Days Earlier (Equestria)

The coronation was finally complete. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Peter Pony Parker were officially established, made known to Equestria. Now the party festivities could begin. Everypony danced in the lobby, at least those who had a partner. Twilight's face was flushed to a shade of pink. Being the center of attention was never something she aimed to do. Considering history was just made, it was not surprising that everypony watched her movements carefully. Being known as a notoriously bad dancer among her friends didn't help either. The last thing Twilight wanted to do was to make a fool of herself on her first night as a princess.

Peter smiled, lifting the mare to an upright position with his hoof carefully placed around her hip. Twilight seemed surprised at the gesture, releasing a soft squeak, but she was content, instinctively placing her hooves over the stallion's shoulders to maintain her balance. Their faces were only inches apart, the tips of their noses gracing each other. Peter smiled widely, prompting the mare to shyly return his gesture. He maneuvered his hindlegs slowly, giving Twilight ample time to follow his movements. If one didn't any better, Twilight appeared to be a decent dancer, even if Peter was leading.

Twilight giggled nervously, finding herself lost in Peter's hazel eyes. "Most of the time, I'm used to being the hero, but right now, you're my personal hero."

Peter chuckled. "That's my job now, isn't it?"

All eyes were on them, but Twilight's gaze refused to leave Peter's."Don't let me go."

The stallion leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Rain poured from the sky, dampening the concrete jungle that was the city. The settings were somber and quaint with slabs of marble scattered across vicinity, each protruding from the ground. Twilight stood with her umbrella perched over her head, shielding her frame from the surrounding storm. She maintained her silence out of respect, as it was a resting place for the dead, but that was proving to be rather difficult. Peter knelt in front of one of the graves, pausing to run his fingers over the name imbedded on the stone before retrieving a rose from the damp box by his side.

He tossed the dead flowers in the pedestal away, carefully putting the rose in their place. Despite how drenched his hair and clothes had become, Peter took his time to murmur a prayer. Twilight, upon seeing the young man lower his head, mirrored his action but kept her distance a few feet away. Seconds later, she opened her eyes and stole one final glance at the grave, which read 'Benjamin Parker.'

"It's my fault he's here. I should have told Aunt May the truth," Peter stated, his words slicing through the silent air. Placing his hand over his knee, Peter forced himself to a standing position, but his gaze remained fixed on the grave and back turned to Twilight. His hair fell over his eyes, but the young man didn't care, his concern centered only on those around him. "I was a stupid kid. A good man died because I didn't do anything. It's redundant, but I wish I could go back and apologize to him. It won't change anything now, but he would at least know that I loved him."

Twilight stepped forward, reached out, and hesitantly placed a hand over Peter's soaked shoulder. "It's been years since your uncle died. Telling your aunt won't change anything. It was an innocent mistake on your part. You had no way to foresee what would happen. Besides, your uncledoesknow that you love him." Peter turned at the latter statement, only to be greeted by a close-eyed honest smile from his lover. "Just because your uncle isn't here physically doesn't mean he isn't spiritually. The connection you two have can never be severed. After all, he was more of a father than an uncle to you." Twilight opened her eyes and nodded, never losing her smile for a second. "That's why I know he's still watching over you, and I'm sure he's proud of what you've become."

Nodding, Peter sighed. "I hope you're right, Twilight." Freeing his hair from his vision, Peter reached down for his box and walked over to the girl. "There's one more person I need to see," he whispered before continuing his path through the cemetery.

Twilight followed, shivering involuntarily as some drops of rain breached the defenses of her umbrella. It took a few moments, but the journey had been completed. Peter quickly pulled his rose from the box, not caring once the wind snatched the cardboard from his grasp, and placed it within the grave's pedestal. He lowered himself onto a knee, but his will could no longer stand, unable to control the immense sadness his emotions held back.

Through a choked voice, Peter shook his head as his tears fell, matching the rain that poured from above. His shoulders trembled, no longer bearing the great strength his alter ego was known for. He placed his hand over the grave. The entire world had fallen on him, but Peter didn't care. For now, it was well-deserved in his eyes. An innocent woman was dead because of his actions.

Peter's fingers trailed over the name etched in the stone. "I'm so sorry, Gwen. This didn't have to happen. I should have saved you..."

His life was filling with new memories, but the old would always remain. Gwen Stacy was the first woman he ever loved, and her life ended much sooner than it should have, all thanks to Osborn's sadistic vendetta and Peter's reckless attempt to save her. Even the thunder's roar above could not mute that horrible 'SNAP' from the young man's memory. Gwen's death could have been prevented in several ways. Peter could have tried a different method of webbing to stop her death plunge, but the easiest alternative was to simply tell his former lover the truth.

Yet, shehatedSpider-Man for what happened to her father. Had Peter been upfront with her from the start, Gwen probably would have broken up with him. It was a possibility, one Peter wishes he took. He would have taken a failed relationship over Gwen's death. In a sense, it was selfish, and Peter had to live with the fact he had a hand in his former lover's death. It was his greatest failure, one Peter would never live down. The young man forced himself to stand, but the rain could not mask his tears or sorrow.

Peter's hand fell over his face, trembling as it gripped strands of his wet hair. The moment he turned around, Twilight dropped her umbrella, wrapped her slim arms around Peter's neck, and buried her face into his soaked neck, squeezing her lover with all of the strength she could muster. The wind whipped her hair violet hair about, but it eventually stilled against her back, thanks to the added weight of the rain it absorbed. The temperature dropped to a chill, making her breath become visible in the air, and her body shivered, succumbing to the weather.

Twilight dug her fingers into Peter's shoulders, refusing to let go. Should he fail, Twilight's life was as good as forfeit, but the thought never crossed her mind, not once. She only wanted to stay by his side, to show the love they shared for each other was worth a thousand times the impending danger. Peter gritted his teeth, Twilight was stupid for believing in him. His defenses crumbled, much like the rock that turned into dust. Peter threw his arms around Twilight's body. It wasn't right, he didn't deserve this, yet he couldn't turn it away.

Peter loved Gwen, but he could not dwell on her death. He vowed to cherish the connection they shared. Through that, Peter would always remember the best times he had with Gwen, and that would push him further to protect what he had now: a much stronger love for someone who saved him from despair. Twilight was his presentandfuture. To say Peter loved Twilight more than Gwen was certainly a fact, although it seemed taboo in some aspects. Peter tightened his grip as a sob escaped from his mouth. He couldn't deny his feelings, nor would he even try.

Gwen was his first love, but today, Peter had to say goodbye and thank you. He could never visit her grave again. Through Gwen, Peter knew to never fail his love again. It was his duty as Twilight's knight and lover. Peter promised to protect Twilight with his life, for his sake, as well as Gwen's. He clutched Twilight's body. He wouldneverlet her go.

The Web spread, each strand finding a new place to settle, but the center remained in disarray, its threads unable to join together. Madame Web leaned forward with her elbows on her knees. She studied the phenomenon tirelessly, but no explanation had come into mind. Spider-Man's life was meant to end, but his strand in the Web had already been severed. Madame Web held her hand out, in turn lifting the broken strands telepathically. She would attempt to fix the Web again, if only to find another clue to Peter's disconnection, but the strands glowed with a bright shade of violet before separating completely from the rest of the gossamer.

Cassandra's eyes widened behind her crimson blindfold. "What is the meaning of this?"

The strands spread, creating a new Web. Images of Equestrians filled the threads, each finding a place along the Web, but at the center, the main strand glowed with a crimson light and violet gleam. Suddenly, Twilight's image appeared, alternating between her pony and human form. The entire Web transformed once more, this time taking the shape of a violet star. However, at the center was the insignia of a black spider. Before Cassandra could react, the symbol disappeared in a bright flash of light.

Images rushed through the confines of her mind, but she remained focused, sorting through to see where the Web was traveling. Eventually, it found its hosts. Peter and Twilight were sound asleep, the girl cuddled with her back pulled against the man's chest. The insignia neared, morphing into an orb of violet energy, and rushed into Peter's chest before fading. The image came to an abrupt end, sending a throb searing through Madame Web's cranium. She massaged her temples with her fingers. Doctor Strange's words regarding the connections Twilight and Peter had back in Equestria finally began to make sense.

Madame Web nodded. "I see, I understand now. Spider-Man has begun to form a new Web of Life on Equestria. However, Peter is not the center of the Web. Twilight Sparkle is." The vision was faint, an image of a crimson web with a violet center appearing before disappearing. Cassandra raised her head. "I feel that Peter hasbecomethe Web of Life. He is not aware, but I can sense several connections are beginning to form within. I must study this further, but I am starting to believe that Twilight's ascension as an alicorn may be the cause of this change since her spirit has merged with Peter's."

Madame Web flicked her wrist and the surrounding Web disappeared from sight. "Perhaps this may prevent Spider-Man's death, I can only pray for the best."

Luna traversed through a blue, spiral wave. The journey was proving to be more difficult than she anticipated, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Inhaling deeply, she ripped through the vortex, skidding to a halt once the surrounding energy dissipated. Her breathing was erratic, her body shivered from the act performed. Luna exhaled, knowing she handled it poorly. Interdimensional travel was challenging, even for one exceptionally skilled in the magical arts, but this was merely a minor setback as her dexterity was to be commended.

The surrounding area was dark, indicating it was currently nighttime. Luna smiled inwardly. The darkness was her element. Nothing could catch her off guard at night. However, that thought was unceremoniously crushed when the lights to the room came on after a simple click. She turned sharply, finding a strange bipedal creature stretching his arms high over his head while letting out a low yawn. Had Luna remained calm and observed the situation, she would have seen the creature was simply waking from the comforts of his bed.

However, this was not the case, far from it. Howling ferociously, she fired a lightning bolt from her horn, striking the bipedal creature squarely in the chest and sending it crashing through the wall behind the bed. Another creature shot out of the bed, shrieking at the top of her lungs. Her eyes widened at the sight standing at the foot of her bed, and her hands rose defensively once it seemed the alicorn was ready to blast her as well.

"Princess Luna! Wait! It's me! Twilight Sparkle!" she yelped, sighing once the magic in the mare's horn dissipated.

Luna's brows rose and eyes widened. "My word." Although her appearance had been heavily altered, Twilight's distinct features such as her violet/pink mane and magical signature were still the same. Luna closed the distance, and Twilight wrapped her arms around the alicorn's neck, embracing the princess. The mare smiled as she broke away. "You certainly were being truthful when you wrote to my sister regarding your… transformation. I know so much has happened, but I hope I can be of some assistance during this time."

The alicorn's horn flashed for a second, causing various items to fall across the room. "My sister thought it would benefit Peter if he had his notes and supplies. Also, Peter told me once that our diamonds, rubies, gemstones, and moonstones could be of some value on this world. Hopefully, this will help. It is just a small portion of his salary earned for his heroic and knightly duties. Please inform Peter that hemuststart picking up his payments, otherwise the vault will fill up." Once the last of the supplies fell near the back of the room, Luna shifted her head about before furrowing her brow. "My apologies, Twilight. In my panic, I nearly forgot the most important thing. Who was that bipedal creature I just attacked?"

Twilight slowly turned to the large hole that stood over her head and clumsily stood on the mattress, peeking through the opening. "Actually, Princess Luna…" she hesitated, chuckling nervously as her gaze met with the alicorn's. "I think you made the same mistake I did when I first woke up on Earth."

Luna tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Three walls and two rooms down, Peter laid flat on his back with chunks of woods and rock over his body. Doctor Strange stared at the destruction that led to the foot of his bed, particularly the young man staring blankly at the ceiling. Twilight teleported into the room, carefully tiptoeing past the debris scattered across the floor before kneeling down next to Peter. Luna appeared in a bright flash behind Twilight, shooting a glare toward Strange once his befuddled stare fell in her direction. Spike reared his head through the hole in the wall, aghast.

"Whoa! What just happened?! I heard an explosion and-! Oh." The dragon paused to wave at the alicorn. "Hi, Princess Luna."

Peter, still slumped on the ground, rose his finger and slurred, "Doc. I need two things. Give Luna a human form so she can fit in with everyone."

Luna shook her head and raised her hoof. "That will not be necessary, I am adept at the art of shape-shifting. I will console with Twilight Sparkle about details I will need."

Stephen nodded, scratching his goatee. "Since that's taken care of, what's the second thing you need, Peter?"

With Twilight's help, Peter pulled himself to a sitting position, only to hear a crack escape from his back. "A good chiropractor," he groaned.

Twenty-Nine Days Remain Until the Portal Closes…

Peter stood in the main lobby, shifting his gaze between his girlfriend, wallet, and map. He grinned as Twilight smiled, swinging her legs happily under her chair. "You seem raring to go, Twi. Excited?" He took the available seat at the table next to Twilight, sliding his wallet back into his jacket pocket. "How's Luna holding up? You two have been locked up in the room for hours since she transformed herself into a human. Heck, I don't even know what she looks like yet. Are you sure you're still up for a tour of the city? You almost didn't get any sleep."

Twilight giggled as she buttoned her jacket up. "Well, she's beautiful and quite tall, too. Princess Luna even got to keep her wings, but that's because she refused to lose them." A blush formed over her cheeks as Peter took a hold of her hand. She nodded, her smile as vibrant as ever. "I'm fine, Peter. Princess Luna is a fast learner. She's already learned how to walk upright and use her fingers. If anything, clothes are the only thing giving her trouble. Her wings… makes putting on clothes rather troublesome, but the princess urged me to enjoy my day with you while she situates herself." She ran her free hand through her hair. "Are we still waiting for Mr. Stark? I really would like to study the technology in Stark Tower."

Peter shrugged. "Yeah, he's checking out those diamonds Luna brought for us. I figured we could get a few bucks from Tony since he's a billionaire and he's into that type of stuff. A few hundred bucks would be nice. I really want to show you a good time, Twi."

"We'll have a good time regardless," Twilight sweetly replied, patting Peter's shoulder. She reared over and pressed her lips against his cheek, giggling once Peter's face glowed. "You're so sweet."

Grinning, Peter scratched the back of his head. "Stop that, you're killing me with kindness."

Tony walked into the room with his phone in his hand. He tinkered with the device for several moments, and it wasn't until Peter stood from his seat that the older man finally peeked in his direction. "What's the story, shellhead? The jewels worth anything?"

Tony nodded, keeping his gaze locked on his phone. "Yeah. Jarvis detected those gems are beacons of energy. They can be used as alternative power sources for my tower and armor. I'd love to take all of them from your hands, if you're fine with it." Peter nonchalantly shrugged, earning a smirk from the billionaire. "Good man, I saw you don't have a bank account, so I created one for you and have compensated you for your goods." Tony offered a card to Peter. "Here's your debit card, your PIN is 1963. Don't spend it all at once."

Chuckling, Peter took the card and eyed it carefully. "Huh. Well, thanks. How much did you give me? A couple hundred bucks?"

"Three hundred million. I figured that'd be fair," Tony muttered, reaching into his pocket for his car keys. Peter held the card as a strand of drool escaped from the side of his mouth, babbling incoherently. By the time Tony finally found his keys, all of the blood in Peter's body rushed to his head, and the young man collapsed, bouncing off the table before meeting with the ground. Twilight yelped as she knelt down, using the map as a makeshift fan to cool her boyfriend off. Tony looked around aimlessly. "What? Three hundred million isn't enough? Fine, I'll give you five hundred million if it spares me from seeing you dying on Stephen's floor..."

To be continued...

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