• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,662 Views, 397 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Endgame: Fallout

Chapter Sixty "Endgame: Fallout"

Two Days Remain until the portal closes…

Though the day was all but perfect, Peter couldn't pay the sky, breeze, or sun any mind at all. He stood alone in the graveyard where two of the most influential people in his life rested. Though he had sworn to never come back, the experience with the Green Goblin was enough to change Peter's mind. The young man smirked at a thought as he ran his hand over the smooth marble surface of his uncle's grave. Peter needed closure, and his time on Earth was running out.

The Avengers were out helping with the widespread collateral damage while his Equestrian allies nursed their wounds in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Peter knew now was as good a time as any to say his final goodbyes. It wasn't like before. He managed to smile while staring at Gwen's grave. Something light and warm lingered in his chest, giving the young man a new sense of worth as he murmured a silent prayer for his former lover.

It was as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, allowing Peter to move freely without looking back. He inhaled deeply as a breeze brushed through, the fresh scent reminiscent to that of Gwen. For the first time, he was able to remember the positive memories of his former lover. With a small nod, Peter turned to take his leave, his smile vibrant and heart light.

Twilight and Peter sat on the top of the Empire State Building with their breakfast of hot coffee and doughnuts. Considering that the entire world knew their identities now, the top of a skyscraper was one of the few places where privacy was all but guaranteed for the most part. Peter sat in his classic red and blue costume without the mask, devouring a doughnut while Twilight, her face flushed to a shade of crimson, downed a cup of coffee.

The princess wore a violet jacket and pink shirt, the set of clothing she'd grown to adore during her time as a human, but there was a problem with the attire now. Twilight had been considerably shorter the last time she wore these clothes; the reemergence of her alicorn powers had added several inches to her height. While the jacket, shirt, socks, and boots still fit her body, Twilight's skirt was far shorter than she would have liked, reaching only to her upper thigh andbarelyconcealing her bottom.

The girl exhaled, chiding herself for making such a careless mistake. She had been in such a hurry to leave the Sanctum Sanctorum that she had failed to look in a mirror. Twilight growled before shivering involuntarily. Of course Peter, in his typical big-mouthed fashion, had to comment on the matter, and the princess felt perturbed that even Mother Nature added her opinion as well with a draft that traveled much lower than anticipated.

Peter grinned, extending a doughnut to the visibly flustered girl. "I'm just glad you teleported here. With so many camera phones out, someone could have easily taken a picture and posted it online." Twilight snatched the treat away, munching it down with a pout. Peter nudged her arm with his elbow. "Oh, come on. It's not that big of a deal. I think you look sexy with butt floss- Ow!" The young man rubbed the back of his head, wincing as Twilight shot him an exasperated expression. "Sheesh, I'm sorry! We can stop by that clothing store on our way to the café. I'll buy you some cheesecake, too."

Twilight seemed to have considered his words, placing her hand over her knees. "Fine. Let's go do that now. We can talk at the café afterward."

The princess used her magic to crush the garbage before placing the materials in a small black bag. With a snap of her fingers and a flash of light, the trash vanished from sight. Peter hopped to his feet and offered Twilight a hand, prompting the girl to accept the gesture, but she felt the temperature in her face rise once a gentle breeze brushed across her leg. Peter's grin widened, and Twilight whined, pulling down on her skirt in a vain attempt to shield her bottom.

"I'm going to teleport us to the clothing store," Twilight groaned, raising a glowing hand.

Peter gently took a hold of the girl's hand, shaking his head. "Where's the fun inthat?"

Twilight's violet gaze shot open. "Oh, no. No, no,no! Peter! Not-again!"

The girl's heart practically stopped as Peter hoisted her body into his arms bridal style and dove over the edge of the building. Twilight stammered about clumsily, shrieking as she managed to wrap her arms around the young man's neck. A pink blush filled the girl's face once she felt Peter's hand slide under her thigh while he shot a strand of webbing from his other one. He managed to hold Twilight's body with a firm yet gentle grip. Peter smiled, his cheeks a fair shade of crimson. The gaze they shared as he swung through the air with their faces inches apart was a moment worth risking a little of Twilight's anger to create.

Once they reached the nearest rooftop, Peter landed perfectly on his feet before gently placing Twilight down on hers. The princess inhaled deeply, holding her breath as she shot her boyfriend a glare. Granted, they were several stories above the ground, and there was no way anybody should have been able see them. Exhaling, the girl walked past Spider-Man, smiling contentedly, lulling Peter into thinking that all was well, until he heard her next statement.

"Just for that stunt, you're going to help me pick out some clothing," Twilight declared, smiling triumphantly once Peter's complexion paled.

Peter rushed towards Twilight, holding his hands together in a form of surrender. "Whoa! Hey! Let's not be too hasty! I was just expecting you to hit me and move on like we usually-Ow!" The young man rubbed the sore spot on his arm before smiling apologetically at the princess. "There! We're even now. Right?" He paused, whimpering as Twilight's expression remained unchanged. "Right?"

"Of course not," Twilight bluntly replied, waving her hand dismissively with a scoff. "Hurry up and change so we can go inside. If we're lucky, I'll be done by lunchtime."

Peter groaned. "You know that this is on par with waterboarding in some countries, right?"

It was certainly difficult to find a place to sit peacefully. Fortunately, Twilight had called in a favor. One of the individuals she interviewed during the Daily Bugle's supportive Spider-Man sessions owned a small café, and she was more than willing to rent the place out for the evening. Peter sat with a blush on his face. They had even named the shop the 'Spider Café' in his honor. It was a bit much, although he admitted it was flattering in a sense. After the waitress, who was also the owner, had placed a fresh cheesecake on their table. She wiped away her tears before hugging Peter briefly.

Flustered, the young man scratched the back of his head after the woman relinquished her hold. "Uh, thanks?"

The woman smiled. "No. Thankyou. I never had a chance to thank you for making my little Tania happy before she passed."

"Tania?" Peter whispered, his eyes slowly widening at a belated realization. Before he

could say anything else, the woman excused herself, choked back a sob, and ran into the kitchen. Peter's eyes softened. "She was talking about Maria, wasn't she?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. You made things easy for Taniaandher parents."

Peter weakly smiled. "I guess I'm not such a screw-up after all."

Twilight gave the young man a friendly wink. "I've been telling youthatsince day one."

Twilight sighed contentedly. The temperature within the café was perfect, the result of its own warm air mixing with a cool late summer breeze from outside. This meant Twilight was very comfortable in her simple violet t-shirt and skin hugging pink jeans, and she smirked at the memory of the purchase of the new matching boots she wore. She had sent Peter on a wild goose chase, making him go all over the store even though she knew these were the pair she wanted. The couple ate in a comfortable silence, giving each other a warm smile on occasion.

'Sometimes, the greatest pleasures come from the simplest of matters, and they usually come about when shared with someone special.'Twilight giggled at the thought, smiling sweetly as she slowly lost herself in Peter's hazel gaze.

The young man paused mid-bite, a contagious grin forming. "Those jeans look great on you. You could be the new spokeswoman for Old Navy."

Twilight giggled, her face flushing. "Oh, stop it." The girl inhaled sharply as Peter brushed his leg against hers before shifting his seat. Twilight arched a brow while she ran a hand over the material on her lower body. "It's strange. These pants fit so tightly yet they're so comfortable."

Peter grinned. "Congratulations. You're finally a human woman." Twilight rolled her eyes, not before playfully kicking the side of the young man's leg. After a few moments, the girl's expression softened. Peter arched a brow. "Something on your mind?"

Twilight shook her head, freeing herself from her self-induced trance. "Huh? No. This just…" she trailed off, giggling at the light tingling sensation in her chest. "It just feels right. Us, I mean. After everything we've been through, we can stop and finally enjoy it." Her cheeks blossomed to a rosy tint. "I'm sorry if I sound silly right now."

Peter curled his lips into a genuine smile. "There's nothing silly about it. I feel the same way." Reaching out, the young man softly placed his hand over Twilight's, caressing it gently. "We're both from completely different ends of the spectrum, yet I couldn't be happier." Sighing, Peter glanced off to the side. "What's weird is that I'm saying goodbye to this place tomorrow. I didn't think I would miss it, but it's where I grew up. I'm just glad I could leave on a good note: with you."

Twilight nodded, her smile wide. "I agree. Although we'll have so much work ahead of us when we return to Equestria." The girl hummed, her brow furrowing. "I know you willingly sacrificed your magic to help seal Nightmare Moon away back in Princess Luna. What aboutCelsius? What will you do with it now that you can't use it anymore?"

Peter closed his eyes. "Well…"


"Are you certain?" Luna questioned as she placed a hand over her rapidly-beating heart. Peter stood before the princess with his head lowered out of respect, extendingCelsius. Luna shook her head before lowering her gaze shamefully. "This is… a wondrous gesture. It means everything to me. I mean that from the bottom of my heart, but Icannotaccept this." Her royal blue gaze softened. "I have disgraced myself too many times over the duration of my life. I must live with my shame accordingly. One as lowly as myself does not deserve the right to wieldCelsius."

Peter rose to his feet, matching Luna's height. "It's like you told me. It's time for you to stop beating yourself up."

The young man placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, unknowingly causing her skin to burn. Luna frowned. "Are you willing to place your faith in me, after everything I've done?"

Peter offered Luna a smile. "No question. You have given a lot. You sacrificed a part of your very essence to bring me back from the dead, and you voluntarily took Nightmare Moon back into your body despite how much pain she has caused you." Peter reached down and took a hold of the woman's hand before placingCelsiusin her grasp. "You earned this. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Luna bit down on her lip, as if contemplating Peter's words. Her desolate gaze centered on the smooth, reflective surface ofCelsiusbefore stealing a glance at the young man. Slowly yet surely, particles of energy from the air began to draw into the blade, giving it form. Luna's eyes widened asCelsiusdisappeared from sight, materializing into orbs of energy. Each sphere seeped into the woman's necklace, fading only after the moon-shaped jewel glowed momentarily.

Peter's brow furrowed at an unusual sight. Luna's shoulders trembled as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks, soft sniffles escaping from the usually firm princess. She brushed a forearm over her face in a vain attempt to wipe away her tears. Luna stepped forward, burying her face into Peter's shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably. Parker simply smiled, wrapping his arms around the woman's slender waist while patting the back of her head affectionately.

"No matter what happens, my heart and soul will belong to you," Luna tearfully sobbed, clutching at Peter's shirt. However, as the young man peeked down, he found a warm smile graced upon Luna's face. "I willneverbetray you. I promise, Peter…" she trailed off, reveling in the warmth that consumed her. "Until the end of time, we shall never part!"

Twilight smiled, her eyes softening. "Wow. I'm proud of you, Peter." The young man chuckled sheepishly, unable to hide his own blush. The princess nodded her approval. "I think Princess Luna can start trusting herself again now. She needed a friend, and I think you're providing that for her."

Peter shook his head. "I'm not the only one. Luna loves you, too." He grinned. "She wants to be our child's godmother. Can you believe it?"

Twilight closed her eyes before brushing the pink strand in her violet locks behind her ear. "That's another conversation I'm looking forward to having when we go back to Equestria. I'm not sure how everypony else is going to take the news, especially Princess Celestia, my parents, and Shining Armor." The latter portion of the statement was delivered obsequiously, as if dread had filled the girl's voice. "There's no question that they were watching. I just hate that they had to find out likethat."

Peter nodded, offering Twilight his hand. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." The princess smiled as she intertwined her fingers with his. Peter's eyes widened at a sudden realization. "Hey. What are you going to do with the Daily Bugle? It's not like you can just leave JARVIS in charge-" The young man paused, shaking his head. "Okay. You couldtotallyhave JARVIS in charge, but that's beside the point. I doubt Tony wants anything to do with the press, although hedoeslike the attention. Maybe you can-?"

"I sold the Bugle already," Twilight stated, ending Peter's rambling before it could progress further. "And Ididn'tsell it to Tony or JARVIS. Though the thoughtdidcross my mind."

Peter arched a brow. "Really? To whom?"


Tara sat behind a desk with her arms folded. Needless to say, after the Green Goblin's televised event, there were going to be questions that needed addressing from those at the Bugle. Her identity, as well as Spider-Man's, was no longer secret. Betty was eccentric, barely able to converse coherently with anyone who called. The other employees assaulted their boss with camera shots, forcing Tara to blatantly teleport into her office and lock the door. She had intentions to relinquish possession of the Daily Bugle near the end of her visit, but invasion of her privacy was leading to a rushed ultimatum.

Tara's brow twitched involuntarily as she pushed the buzzer over the intercom. She wanted some peace back immediately, but there was no possible way to achieve that in these conditions.

"Betty. Would you, Robbie, and Jonah come into my office?" she politely requested, exhaling at the commotion coming from the other side of the intercom. It seemed everyone was waiting for her first move. "Just the three of you. Lock the door on your way in." The wait was brief, lasting only a few seconds as the trio stumbled into the office. Once the door had been locked, Tara slid a clipboard with a number of documents across the desk. "I'll be blunt. I haven't been your boss for very long. After what happened the other day, I'm ready to sell the Daily Bugle."

Robbie's and Betty's eyes shot open, but Jameson was fuming, a vein throbbing over the center of his forehead. "You can't sell this company! I've built it from the ground up! Do you realize how many people will be out of a job?! I won't sit by and let some-!"

Tara, undeterred by Jameson's outburst, calmly continued, "I want you to have the Bugle back, Jameson."

"-snot-nosed, little brat throw away…!" Jonah's words fell into his throat while Robbie and Betty stared the girl with bewildered expressions. "What?!"

After a few moments of awkward silence, Tara straightened her posture. "I'm surrendering all rights and profits to Jonah on the grounds that he maintains a sense of integrity. You have the capacity for that. Failure to do so will result in your immediate termination, and all rights to the Daily Bugle will be handed over to Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson." Tara took in a deep breath before exhaling, her expression stern. "I'm giving you a second chance, Jonah. For your sake, I hope you don't blow it."

Jonah paused, lowering his brow. "Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

Tara folded her arms across her breasts. "Everyone deserves at least one second chance." The girl glanced off to the side, sighing. "I'm also doing this because Peter asked me to. He feels you're a very decent man and doesn't want there to be any hard feelings before we depart."

Betty tilted her head to the side. "Where are you going to go? To… Equestria? I remember the Green Goblin saying something like that."

Tara simply nodded, folding her computer before placing it within its bag. After sliding its strap around her shoulder, the girl stood from her seat and walked to the corner of the room. "It's beyond our control. I'm pregnant, and I just want to raise my child with Peter in peace. I hope you will all take care of yourselves. I'll give Peter your condolences." Sharing one final glance with everyone, Tara held her gaze on Jameson as her hand emitted a bright light. "Don't forget what I said, Jonah," she warned before vanishing in a flash of light.

Peter snorted, failing to mask his laughter. "No way! You actually gave it back to Old Flattop! I didn't think you would."

Exasperated, Twilight folded her arms and exhaled. "I only did it because you begged me to. I only hope he doesn't resume his old ways."

"I know Jameson can be a total hardcase, but he's really a nice guy, if you can look past the angry moustache," Peter chuckled, earning an uncertain look from the princess. "Besides, Jonah gave me a job when no one else would. I owe him."

"You're so sentimental sometimes," Twilight groaned, chomping on her slice of cake angrily.

Peter smiled nervously. "When did you become Luna 2.0?" Twilight ignored the comment, exhaling under her breath. Peter arched a brow after a few moments. "Hey. Still no word from Felicia?"

Twilight's eyes shot open at the name. Before long, she shook her head disapprovingly. "No. I still can't believe Sunset Shimmer! How could she do something so careless?! Why did she think sending that woman to Equestria was a good idea?!" Her finger tapped impatiently against the table. "Nopony has seen or heard anything! She can't possibly be that hard to miss!"

Peter waved his hand defensively. "I'm not really upset with Sunset. She said Felicia wanted a fresh start after she made an enemy out of The Kingpin. With a price on her head, maybe staying on Earth was just out of the question for Black Cat. I mean, I gotmysecond chance in Equestria after all."

Twilight scoffed, downing her cup of tea in a few gulps. "The portal opens in Canterlot. If she was really that desperate, Princess Celestia would have listened. Instead, she felt the need to runandsteal a few jewels on her way out!"

Peter's eyes widened. "She'salreadyback to her old ways?" The young man shook his head and frowned. "Well, Felicia's a top-notch cat burglar.Nopony'sgoing to catch her easily. I wouldn't worry about it though." Twilight arched a brow before Peter followed with light laughter. "I think Felicia's in for abigsurprise."


Felicia slowed to a halt, taking refuge in a forest after she had 'borrowed' a lovely set of diamonds from the castle. The woman smirked as she stared at her reflection on the jade gem's surface. It certainly felt strange that she was surrounded by talking ponies, but Black Cat shrugged, knowing there had to be humans somewhere on this world. Surely that's where Peter would return to. Felicia nodded with a smile. In the meantime, it would be best to lie low until she saw a familiar face.

However, the woman stopped in her tracks as the muscles in her body locked involuntarily. Felicia fell to the ground and clutched at her chest before her entire body was engulfed in a bright flash of light. The energy dissipated, prompting the woman to place a hand over her eyes. Felicia's eyes shot open as her mind took in a horrid realization. The fingers on her hand were gone, leaving her limb stubby. Felicia's vision snapped towards her other hand, only to find the same occurrence.

Black Cat stumbled back, rolling to the ground in a panicked heap. She peeked down, finding a snow-white tail emerging from between her legs, staring wildly at the flat things that were now her feet. Strands of her hair fell, blocking the transformed woman's field of vision. She attempted to stand, but her legs wobbled, causing Felicia to fall to the ground in the same manner an infant would when learning to walk for the first time. Felicia held her limbs across from her face. Her skin color had been altered as well.

She paused after brushing them against each other, shuddering afterward. It was worse. She hadfurnow, and it was sky-blue of all colors. Felicia blinked inanely once her sight settled on her costume. It barely fit her once voluptuous form. Now, it was baggy, unfit for this physique she was forced to cope with. She wiggled her way out of the latex before glaring intently at the lake near her position. Felicia's mind raced as she crawled along the grass, begging that she hadn't been changed into that. Finally, she reached the bank, holding still as she stared at her own pointy-eared reflection, muzzle and all.

Felicia's face grew as pale as the moon before the mare screamed at the top of her lungs.

Twilight swallowed the last remnant of cheesecake and nodded, as if content with Peter's response. "I suppose you're right. Unfortunately, we'll have no means to find her since we havenoidea what she looks like as a pony." The princess brushed a napkin over her mouth. "That'sifshe transformed into a pony. Felicia could be a griffin, a cow, a donkey, a dragon, or a changeling! There's no way we'll know until she gives herself away."

"Changeling? What's that?" Peter questioned before shaking his head. "Anyway, I doubt Felicia will be making any moves for a while." Stretching his arms high over his head, Peter let out a low yawn and stood. He offered Twilight a hand, which the princess accepted with a smile. The couple made their way to the register. As Twilight wrapped her arms around one of Peter's, the young man gave the waitress an earnest smile as he offered her his bank card. "Just one last thing to let go of. You own this café, right? I want to give you a tip."

The woman smiled. "I do. Thank you. We'll accept any blessing you're willing to give, but you've done enough for us already, Spider-Man."

Peter used his free hand to scratch the back of his head as he chuckled sheepishly. "It never hurts to give back. Besides, I want you to have this. Consider it my thanks to Tania."

Parker whispered the desired amount, earning a bewildered expression from the waitress. She typed the amount into the register with a trembling hand. A receipt printed out, with the word 'approved' labeled above the amount of one-hundred twenty-million dollars. After an awkward silence, the woman's eyes rolled into the back of her head before she collapsed behind the counter. Fortunately, Twilight used her magic to capture the waitress before placing her down gently.

Peter only smirked. "Huh. Sothat'swhat it looked like."


Peter sat near the center of the bed with his hazel gaze fixed on the ceiling, wearing only jeans and a tank top. Tomorrow was set in stone. The moment everyone awoke, they would step through the portal and return to Equestria, saying farewell to Earth for the last time. Peter closed his eyes and nodded. As far as he knew, everything was accounted for. While there was still so much to do, Peter was equally eager to return to his new home for various reasons. The door to the bathroom slowly opened, allowing steam from the shower to enter.

Twilight stepped out with a towel wrapped around her head, but Peter's eyes locked on the girl's sleeping attire, or a lack thereof. She wore a small shirt that had the same crimson and blue design as his original Spider-Man costume and a pair of white panties with an insignia of his mask etched on the back of her bum. Peter's entire face flushed to a shade of pink. One might consider this the ultimate sign of flattery, but Peter couldn't help but feel a touch embarrassed that his face was on his girlfriend's butt.

After placing the towel in the hamper, Twilight crawled into the bed seductively yet clumsily until she reached her lover. Peter wrapped his arms around her slender frame, resting his cheek against the back of her shoulder while she snuggled into his grasp.

Peter grinned. "It's almost time."

Twilight nodded, stifling a giggle as Peter's foot played with her own. "Yeah. Are you okay with it?"

"I couldn't bemoreready," he replied, earning a content sigh from the princess. "There's nothing left for me here. My friends. My family. You…" Peter paused, seizing the opportunity to capture Twilight's lips in a deep kiss before parting for air. "Everything I love is in Equestria, but itdoesfeel good to have the chance to say goodbye. Italmostmakes me want to thank Osborn and Discord."

Twilight's eyes softened. "Osborn…" The princess sobered, burying her face into the crook of Peter's neck while she ran her fingers over his shoulders. "I know he was evil, and I don't regret what I did. Does that make me a hypocrite?"

"Nope," Peter declared without hesitation, causing Twilight to pull back and give him a wide-eyed expression. He brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. "You never once lost sight of what's important, Twilight. Honestly, you've been saving my life in so many ways since we've met. You gave me a fresh start when I was at the lowest point in my life. You put a roof over my head. You forgave me for what happened to Uncle Ben and Gwen when I couldn't forgive myself. You… became my best friend."

Peter kissed the center of Twilight's forehead. "You gave me love and healed my heart. You're always there to make sure I don't do anything colossally stupid and ready to lecture me when that fails. You chose me to be your knight and trusted me enough to make me a prince despite my failures. Even before that, you stayed with a nobody like me after you became a princess." Their faces were inches apart. "I'm not done yet."

Peter's smile widened as tears rolled down Twilight's cheek. "You saved me from a severe Hulk smashing. You bought out the Daily Bugle, gave Jameson a healthy dose of karmic justice, and managed to get the city to like me. You destroyed the Venom symbiote. You saved me from falling to the dark side, ended the Green Goblin for good,andsaved two universes in the process!"

Peter leaned forward, brushing his lips against Twilight's while his hand fell over her stomach. "Best of all? We're about to start a family, thanks to you. Madame Web swears I'm the greatest hero. Honestly, that couldn't be further from the truth. I'mlookingat the greatest hero right now. She's the best girl a guy could ask for, and I love her to death. Twilight, you'll always bemyhero." His smile widened. "Thanks to you, I'll get to spend the rest of eternity with the girl of my dreams. Twilight,I love you."

Twilight bit down on her lip, choking back a sob to no avail. ForeverythingPeter just said, she almost couldn't respond. Her heart felt light, fleeting, and the knot in her stomach tightened. Her ascension as an alicorn no longer felt like a curse. She wouldn't be alone. Twilight finally responded, pressing her lips against Peter's. They remained as such for minutes, allowing their bodies to speak on behalf of their minds and hearts. Twilight's mouth opened, allowing Peter's tongue to explore her further.

They were ready to depart from this world, knowing it would serve as the first step in the next stage of their lives. Twilight moaned blissfully as she laid on her back, prompting Peter to position himself on top of her. The princess managed to use her magic to shut off the lights to the room before melting into her lover's advances, evident by her pleased moans. They drank each other in, caring not for the outside world. This was their present, and if circumstances allowed, it would undoubtedly be their future.

Peter hesitantly parted, keeping his forehead pressed against Twilight's. "Why is my face on your butt? Are you trying to tell me something? You know, my face would make an awesome cutie mark- Ow!"

A few minutes remained until the portal was supposed to close. Sunset stood next to the opening with her hands over her hips. Luna, withCelsiusstrapped behind her back, kept her stern gaze centered on Peter's bedroom door. Doctor Strange sat in his meditative stance near the portal while members of the Avengers gathered. A smile suddenly formed on Luna's face as Peter and Twilight walked into the vicinity.

Tony stepped forward, extending his hand to Peter. Both men shared a smile after briefly shaking hands. "Good luck, Peter. You're a smart kid. I know you can be a great inventor if you put your mind to it."

Once they parted, Thor placed his hand over Parker's shoulder, smiling as he patted the young man strongly. "Fair journey, my friend. May Odin watch over you."

Peter chuckled sheepishly, struggling not to stagger under the God of Thunder's strength. "Thanks, but Twilight and Luna will be doing that for me."

Doctor Strange gave the young man an affirming nod along with a warm smile. "Try not to annoy the Equestrians too much, okay?"

Peter rolled his eyes. "Okay, Sorcerer-kind-of-okay-ish."

The Hulk emerged, staring down Peter with a saddened gaze. "Hulk… miss Bug-Man."

Spider-Man simply nodded, placing his hand over Bruce's forearm. The effects of the Elements of Harmony were already beginning to wear off. "Take care of yourself, big guy."

Nick Fury approached Peter with his arms crossed. "You've always been a huge pain in the ass, kid. I was always worried. With all of the crap you've gone through, I was waiting on you to become the next big supervillain, but you never did." His expression softened, losing all forms of steel. Soon, the older man's lips curled into a small smile momentarily before he shook Spider-Man's hand. "Equestria's safe as long as you're around. You'll be considered the best to me."

Captain America nodded once Parker stepped in front of his position. "Peter. It's been an honor." Steve raised a hand over his forehead, straightening his posture as he saluted Spider-Man. "Safe journey, son." Peter finally reached Wolverine, the hero he had the most history with. Both men shared a glance for several moments before smiling warmly.

"So long, bub," Logan stated, extending his hand. "You better not screw up."

"No guarantees," Peter chuckled before he accepted the gesture. "You sure you don't want to come with us? Equestria's pretty awesome, you know?"

Wolverine shook his head. "I can't, bub. There's too much I'd be leaving behind. Just promise me you'll take care of Red. She can use you."

Peter arched a brow, managing to smile once he stole a glance at Sunset Shimmer. "Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to her. I promise."

The Avengers gathered together, watching somberly as each Equestrian stepped into the portal and vanished out of existence. Spider-Man approached the gateway after his friends had already entered, pausing to steal one final glance with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. A hint of sadness pulled at his heart, evident by his desolate expression, but Peter's eyes widened at a peculiar sight. One by one, each Avenger smiled and gave a small nod of approval.

Nothing needed to be said. They believed in him. Peter brought a forearm over his eyes, wiping away his tears before holding out a simple thumbs-up. Spider-Man finally turned around and walked through the portal, his form vanishing in the collection of energy. Doctor Strange lowered his hands, allowing the gateway to dissipate and fade from existence. The link between both worlds was finally sealed, and with it, Earth's greatest superhero was gone, ready to protect his new home.


Landing on his hind legs, Peter stood upright as he analyzed his surroundings. They were within the walls of the castle, the royal chambers to be exact. Suddenly, as if his mind had finally caught up with reality, he found everypony was present and smothering the others. Considering the differences between Earth's and Equestria's time rate, it was easy to assume everypony was awaiting their arrival. Princess Celestia, with tears in her eyes, embraced Luna, pausing well after the fact to acknowledge her sister's considerably shorter stature.

Turning to the side, Celestia's eyes fell on Sunset Shimmer, who quietly stood near the back of the room. The young mare shamefully lowered her head, only to let out a surprised squeak once Celestia rubbed the underside of her chin against Shimmer's ear affectionately. Sunset was slow to respond. Her bright blue eyes swelled with tears while her sniffles gradually grew into sobs before she buried her face into Princess Celestia's chest.

"I'm very proud of you," Celestia whispered, choking back a sob.

Luna nudged Peter, freeing the stallion from his self-induced trance. It was swift, but the princess stood on the tip of all four of her hooves as she leaned against her friend. Peter's face flushed at the act of affection from the usually hardened mare. However, his lips curled into a smile before the stallion wrapped a hoof around Luna's neck and pulled her small frame into a warm embrace. This established bond would take time to adjust to on both of their parts. Peter grinned while Luna giggled softly. That was perfectly acceptable as far as they were concerned.

"You're such a dwarf now," Peter chuckled, patting the top of Luna's sky-blue, silky mane.

Luna rolled her eyes. "I may love you, but Iwillsmite you."

Peter waved his hooves defensively, taking the small mare's words to heart. Luna returned to her sister's side while Parker directed his hazel gaze to the gathering of ponies across the room, particularly to the hint of violet at the middle of the swarm. Twilight was practically smothered, held tightly in her parents' hooves while Spike hugged one of her limbs. She escaped, only to be captured in the hold of Shining Armor and Cadance. The rotation continued, giving Twilight little to no hope of recovering.

Rarity bawled at the top of her lungs. Rainbow Dash dropped her pride and joined the group hug, smiling earnestly. Applejack and Pinkie quickly joined, prompting all six mares to tighten their conjoined embrace. Fluttershy worked her way through the crowd, pausing once she was inches from Peter. The stallion smiled, extending his hooves for an embrace, but the pegasus recoiled and eased away from the gesture, whimpering slightly. Peter's eyes widened, stopping in his tracks. Fluttershy's gaze fell to the ground while her ears fell into her mane shamefully.

"I-I'm sorry," the mare whispered, easing back into the crowd.

Peter's eyes softened. "Fluttershy… are you afraid of me now?" With a saddened gaze, he watched the rest of his friends embrace Twilight. It was almost easy to forget that he would have to deal with the fallout of the battle with Osborn. Mostly everypony would believe Nightmare Moon was still within him. All things considered, it was best for it to remain that way, at least in the stallion's eyes. Luna's reputation was still recovering. Should anypony learn that she was harboring Nightmare willingly, it might damage the alicorn beyond comprehension. Peter furrowed his brow, stealing a final glance at Fluttershy. "Now, I know how Luna felt back at the Gala..."

Sadness, like a wave, swallowed the stallion, but Peter managed to force a smile onto his face while he watched everypony conversate. After everything that transpired, it was easy to assume that Twilight was the mare of the hour. Peter paused, blinking as Trixie approached his position. Before the stallion could react, the mare reached out and pressed her lips against his cheek before briefly embracing him.

"Welcome back," Trixie whispered sweetly, parting with a smile. Her stoic demeanor resurfaced, apparent through a bemused expression and scoff. "I certainly hope you're proud. You had me worried sick."

Peter chuckled. "I didn't think you cared, Trixie."

Trixie scoffed, unaware of how rosy her cheeks were. "I don't. Trixie is happy on the grounds that you can take your three terrorists back."

"Terrorists?" Peter questioned before his ears perked at the blaring alarm going off in his cranium. The stallion grimaced. "Uh, oh..."

Three small blurs sped into the stallion, knocking him to the ground. Sweetie Belle cooed as her hooves wrapped around Peter's neck, and Applebloom's grip was just as sound, making the simple act of breathing challenging for the adult. Scootaloo, while not displaying her friends' sentimentality, sat on Peter's gut with an earnest smile. Eventually, the stallion managed to force himself from the ground and scoop up all three fillies in his hooves at once, earning a content sigh from Sweetie Belle, a soft giggle from Applebloom, and an exasperated groan from Scootaloo.

Peter's eyes softened at a belated realization as he placed the girls down gently. "Wait. You all saw what happened, right? I'm not from this world. Never have been. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. I mean, it's not often you meet an alien. I was just worried you all would hate me. So, I understand if you're afraid of me now."

"Ah don't care about that!" Applebloom declared, earning a surprised look from the stallion. "You're still my big brother!"

"I still think you're dreamy…" Sweetie Belle cooed, blinking her eyes affectionately once she was a few hoof-lengths from the stallion.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and smirked. "Everypony knows aliens are super cool!"

Unable to lower his smile, Peter sighed. "Thanks, girls." Their responses were very childlike, but they were honest, which meant the world. After Peter patted each filly over the head, he arched a brow at a thought. "Where's Babs Seed?"

Trixie shook her head. "Babs is fine. She's taking a nap right now. The poor child got sick after she watched the Green Goblin murder your friend."

The stallion nodded. "I see. Hey, Applebloom…" He trailed off, patting the filly over the head. "Go give Babs a hug for me, okay?"

Applebloom smiled, running off at Peter's command. Suddenly, his sixth sense chimed once again. The stallion turned just in time for a pair of hooves to wrap around his head. Peter gathered his bearings, preventing the force from knocking him to the ground. He pulled the mare back with a furrowed brow, failing to recognize her dark brown coat. However, his hazel eyes widened once his gaze met her bright blue irises. They were warm and serene, something he grew up adoring. Peter's eyes traveled, alternating between the mare's earrings, her wonderful smile, and short silver locks.

"Aunt May?" Peter called out, earning a knowing smile from the pegasus. Both ponies embraced each other tightly, separating after several moments. Peter froze, arching a brow at the pair of appendages on his aunt's back. "Wait. You're a pegasus?" Suddenly, the stallion's expression soured. "Oh,come on! Why doyouget to have wings and I don't?!"

May huffed, hitting Peter's hoof. "Oh, shush! That doesn't matter!" The stallion tilted his head to the side while the mare's expression stiffened. "Whatdoesmatter is that you're about to be a father, and you didn't tell me!"

Everypony in the room froze, the volume dropping to where pins could be heard falling on the floor as all eyes shifted from Twilight to Peter. An alarm went off in the stallion's head before a white blur sped into his frame.

Shining lifted Peter by his neck, shaking him violently. "Why, you little scoundrel! You knocked up my sister! What were you thinking?!"

Flustered, Twilight's entire face shifted to match the color of a tomato. "Shining, stop it! I deserve half of the blame." she cried out. "We didn't even think it would be possible!"

Looking back to his sister, Shining Armor let out a huff, releasing Peter from his iron grip. "An accident?"

Peter picked himself off the floor, grasping his throat and coughing a few times. "We prefer the term 'unforeseen blessing'." Peter slurred, his vision refusing to stop spinning. "It's a long story. We'll fill you in on the exact details later."

With the silence broken, a large commotion lit up from the crowd. Everypony was eager to share their words of congratulations with the pair.

"I must say, darling, that bit of news was... quite unexpected!" Rarity said, her voice failing to contain her excitement. "To think, one of my best friends is to have a foal!"

"Yeah. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard it," Fluttershy giggled with a large smile. "Congratulations, Twilight."

Twilight's expression softened, returning her friends' smiles. "Thanks, girls."

Cadance giggled uncontrollably, giving her sister-in-law a friendly wink. "It sounds like that book helped you a lot more than I thought, but I can't help but worry about the baby's future." Shifting her gaze to the side, the older alicorn opened her mouth to continue, but inhaled sharply, her eyes widening suddenly. "By the stars…"

Sweetie Belle poked the Peter's hoof before pointing near his tail. "Peter! Look!"

Peter snapped his head back, directing his gaze to where Sweetie's hoof led. Applebloom and Scootaloo stared at the sight, mouths agape. A black insignia was placed on the stallion's flank, bearing eight legs. Its design was simple, matching that of the spider emblem he wore on his heroic costume. Peter's gaze softened. Ironically, it was something Peter wanted nothing to do with when he first came to Equestria. However it wasn't necessarily surprising after everything he had been through. Peter Parker would always be Spider-Man, no matter where he came or went.

Peter could only chuckle. "I guess that's a no-brainer at this point. I tried to deny it for quite some time now, but there's no point in doing that anymore. This is what I am and what I will always be." Pulling the Spandex over his head, the stallion ran a hoof over the eight-legged emblem on the costume's chest. "I am Spider-Mane."

"While I hate to cut the celebration short," Celestia intervened, stepping amidst Peter and everypony in the room, "we have much work to do until we can all relax."

Princess Celestia stood over the podium at the front of the castle. Spectators had gathered from around the world, filling the streets. Peter, Twilight, Luna, Shimmer, Spike, Shining Armor, and Cadance stood behind the princess as she addressed the crowd one day after the events involving the Green Goblin. There was tension in the air, making it difficult for some to breathe. Peter was crestfallen, glancing away at the hundreds, if not thousands, of glares he received. Even the armored knights of Canterlot stared at him with disdain.

Perhaps it was fear or anger that drove them. They saw the worst of their new champion, and Osborn's words weren't exactly wrong. He was dangerous, proving to be quite a problem should it ever cross his mind. Peter sighed. He would never betray the world, but the ponies weren't quick to believe that. Everything that had transpired washisfault. He was an outsider trying to blend in, and now that the truth was out, complete trust was perhaps out of reach now.

Twilight tapped the stallion's side, freeing him from his self-induced trance. "Hey. Are you okay?" she whispered, smiling reassuringly.

Peter shook his head, dismayed. "Not really."

"Give them a chance," she politely declared, resting her hoof over the stallion's. "Some are afraid, but that doesn't mean you should give up. No matter what happens, we'll see this through together."

"That's the problem," Peter stated, looking to the side angrily.

The glares weren't reserved just for him. Nearly everypony on the stand received some criticism. This was a secret their royal court had kept concealed, and now, everypony was in the line of fire, especially Twilight. She was the one who chose the outsider to become her personal knight when there were others who would have killed for the position or earned the right. They questioned her integrity and decision-making, especially since she was harboring an alien's baby. Peter chastised himself. He even managed to put their unborn child in jeopardy before it even had a chance.

"I didn't want to drag all of you down with me, but it seems I failed to do that. Horribly," Peter finally answered, sighing desolately. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I wanted to protect you, but it seems I'm more of a danger to you than anypony else."

Peter's words hit Twilight like a punch to the gut. It was easy to understand why the stallion was so dismayed. For all intents and purposes, this was too close to home. Peter's reputation as Spider-Man was salvaged and renewed on Earth, with the people finally seeing he was a true hero, but for Equestria, it was at a low that threatened to drag him into an abyss of neglect and loneliness. The inside of Twilight's chest tightened. There was a familiar sense of dread lingering in the mare's heart.

She recollected watching Peter's memories. She would not allow him to relive such loneliness, not again. Twilight leaned to the side, managing to plant a kiss on the stallion's cheek as Princess Celestia prepared her speech. Peter was still, staring at his mare with a saddened hazel gaze, but much to Twilight's relief, he gave her a small smile, as if understanding her desire to stand by his side.

"Everypony, you have all learned the truth. Peter Parker is not from the land of Equestria. He has always been a native of Earth, a world far away from our own," Celestia coolly declared, nodding. "My student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, summoned Peter here to help fight off the dragon that attacked Ponyville several months ago. Ever since then, he has stayed under our watch, protecting those around him under his own power. With no way to return to Earth, he accepted Equestria as his home and protected it without prejudice."

Celestia's eyes softened. "He has saved my sister's life and sacrificed so much for our sake. I understand that some of you will fear him, but I ask you all to open your hearts and trust him. We cannot allow one's biology to decide whether or not they will be accepted or rejected. Peter will remain a knight of Equestria and Twilight Sparkle's chosen prince." She sobered, stepping to the side. "Do not allow your fears to speak on behalf of your hearts. Please. The Green Goblin is vanquished and peace has returned to our world thanks to efforts of Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Luna, and Peter Parker."

Every gaze remained centered on those near the podium, but Celestia remained steadfast, stepping back to stand next to Peter and her sister. "Nightmare Moon has been purged from Peter's body thanks to the joint efforts of my sister and Twilight Sparkle. We must move forward as one and not allow our fear to shut out those looking in our best interest. Yes, we have known the truth about Peter's origin since he arrived on our planet a few months ago, but we gave him our earnest trust because webelieved, not in what Peterwas,but what hecould be. In my eyes, as well as those of others, Peter has become a friend, family, a knight, a hero, and he shall soon be a father to Twilight Sparkle's child."

Celestia's voice was calm and impossibly gentle. It was clear she supported the outworlder without a hint of hesitation. "Do not worry. I beg for you all… to not close your hearts off to Peter or anypony closely associated with him. You must have faith and listen to your hearts. Peter protected Ponyville with his life from Discord's underling. He saved lives in Manehattan by potentially sacrificing his physical well-being. Peter defended the Crystal Empire and vanquished King Sombra while protecting Prince Shining Armor. He nearlydiedprotecting my sister and Princess Twilight Sparkle multiple times. Should you all truly distrust somepony who has giveneverythingfor the sake of good?"

Disheartened, a majority of the armored knights closed their eyes shamefully while only a few of the spectators sadly glanced away. The rest stood steadfast, emotionless and unreadable. Peter's eyes softened, unable to ignore the sickening coldness from realizing how harsh the world could be. The stallion took in a breath once Twilight nuzzled into his side and Luna gave him a small smile while Spike and Sunset Shimmer nodded their approval. For now, Peter could only revel in the warmth provided by his mare and friends, for that was his only chance to survive the days to come.

Celestia's warm gaze fell on the stallion before settling on the surrounding crowd. "He ismyfriend as well, and I implore that you treat him as such. Equestria is and will always be a safer place with Prince Peter Parker and Spider-Mane watching over it."

And with that, they left, ready to face the perils of the approval of Equestrian society.

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