• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,659 Views, 397 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Fallen Knight, Part I

Chapter Fifty "Fallen Knight, Part I"

Twenty-Six Days Remain until the portal closes...

An awkward silence filled the room. Robbie and Betty had walked in the moment Tara made her statement to Jonah, both slack-jawed at the sight. The new owner of the Daily Bugle eased into her seat before folding her arms and shooting the older man a bemused glare. Jameson stood with his eyes wide, as if the reality of the situation hadn't dawned on his psyche. Slowly but surely, his anger began to surface, evident by the veins pulsing along his neck and forehead. Jameson stomped forward and slammed his hands against the desk, but Tara held her ground, her glare just as venomous as her oppressor.

"Who do you think you are?! I've been working in this company before you were even born!" Jameson bellowed, his voice bouncing off the walls. "You can't just fire me!"

"Actually, I can! I own one-hundred percent of the company, and I am entitled to make any and all changes I see fit!" Exhaling, Tara's hand clenched into a fist. "Now, if you're smart, you wouldn't yell. I'm not firing you from the company. I'm only removing you from your position as editor-in-chief. Be grateful. If I had my way, I would have you thrown out."

A brief expression passed across Jonah's features. It looked like relief, but his anger remained intact. "On what grounds do you have the right to fire me?"

Tara scowled. "Several. You have a horrible reputation. If you don't believe me, I'll make a list. JARVIS. If you may?" The computer screen brightened before a checklist appeared in the window. Twilight turned the device around so that everyone in the room could read the words that appeared on the screen. While Jameson, Robbie, and Betty read through the list, Tara spun her chair until her back faced her audience. "Media victimization. Blatant falsehoods. Endangerment. Fraud. The fact that you drove the Daily Bugle into total bankruptcy. I can go on, but we don't have all day."

Betty tilted her head to the side. "If you don't mind my asking, most of everything on this list is centered around Spider-Man. Do you know him or something? I mean, it's because you were pretty direct during the press conference last night." Reaching underneath the desk, the woman retrieved a newspaper from under the desk. The main article read 'Velvet Faust: #1 Spidey Fan'. Betty tilted her head to the side before directing her gaze to her new boss. "You mentioned the name change after the press conference last night. Why is that, Miss Sparkle? Or is it Miss Faust?"

Tara blinked at the question, blushing after an awkward amount of time. "It's my mother's name, but people always got us both mixed up because of how similar we looked physically. When I moved out of our house, I decided to change my name, but I felt bad about it after all and changed it back."

Twilight sighed inwardly. It was a terrible lie, but after consulting with Peter for a short time, it was agreed that it'd be best if she changed her name entirely. Her mother's first name was a good alternative, and JARVIS pulled 'Faust' out of a list of possibilities. It was either 'Velvet Faust' or 'Tara Strong', and to Twilight, her new alias sounded ridiculous in any indication. However, it was only a temporary solution, at least until they returned to Equestria.

Waving her hand dismissively, Tara shook her head. "You're free to call me either, but humor me and use my real name from now on."

Jameson's brow lowered. "You're such an amateur. You should have thought about that before you went public! Give it a week. You'll put the Bugle right back into the ground at this rate."

"I like your real name. It's very nice," Betty grinned, earning a smile from Tara and a frown from Jameson. She arched a brow at Tara as the girl turned around, meeting her gaze. "Are you really just a fan of Spider-Man, or is there more to it?"

Scoffing, the older man shot the girl a glare. "You never answered Betty's question, Tara…. or Velvet. Whatever. What is your relation to that wall-crawling freak?"

"There is none," Tara declared, almost too quickly. Her cheeks were pink, rather visibly. Jonah's expression stiffened, but before he could question the girl, Tara shook her head. "It's not important right now. We have urgent matters to discuss, starting with your place in the Bugle, Jameson."

Tara placed her hand over her forehead, groaning. It was fortunate Peter's idea was plausible, although she questioned the name as a whole. She'd always loved her mother's name, partially wishing it was her own, but the last signature was not ideal, at least for Twilight. 'Faust' felt like something Peter came up with on a whim, but as long as it protected her own identity a little, Twilight would tolerate it for the time being.

Waving her hand dismissively, she took the paper and handed it back to Betty. "Send these out. I want them on every shelf in the city by the morning, but I'll hang on tothiscopy, okay?"

Betty smirked as she accepted the paper and walked out of the room. "Yes, Ma'am."

Tara's fingers rubbed at her temples. "Honestly… being fired is a slap on the wrist for you, Jonah. You can actually be sued and face incarceration for what you've done." Inhaling deeply, the girl stood from her seat and paced across the room. "Fortunately for you, I was taught to love and tolerate all, even those who don't deserve it. You're temporarily demoted as editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, and Robbie will be your replacement in the mean-time. I will oversee everything as well as make the final decision in our business arrangements."

Jameson was fuming, grinding his teeth to the core, but his anger slowly dissipated, allowing a smug grin to form on his face. "Temporary, huh? I don't like it, but I'm curious to see how this whole thing crumbles over your head."

Tara met his gaze. "Good. You can start by keeping quiet." Turning to the side, she approached the other man in the room with her arms folded behind her back. "Robbie. How is the progress on our project coming along?"

Jameson burst out into laughter, earning a glare from Tara. "Oh, please! You can't seriously expect anyone to answer that phony Spider-Man line. He's a crook who has donenothingbut break the law!" Looking up at the ceiling, his smile only grew. "You'll be lucky if you get a call, but I don't see any more than two or three coming for the week."

Robbie scratched the back of his head. "Well, I'm surprised to say this, but we already have over nine-hundred calls in the city, and that's just from this morning." One employer ran over to Robbie, whispering something in his ear, and the moment the woman left, he faced Tara with a wide-eyed expression. "Scratch that. We have over fifteen hundred calls in the city, and thousands more outside. The lines are already flooded, and we just opened them this morning. At this rate, we'll have over ten thousand people here at the Bugle in a few days."

Jameson's jaw hung, but Tara's smile widened. "I hope you're all ready to pull a little overtime. We're going to be quite busy. Let's get to it then!" Pointing her finger skyward, Velvet cheered. "I hope you're all ready to put in some overtime. No one leaves until we answer every single call!" Robbie nodded, making his way to join everyone outside of the main office, and Jameson weakly followed, shaking his head in disbelief. Tara pressed her finger against her earpiece. "That means you too, JARVIS. Answer as many calls as possible and help with the travel schedule and expenses. Also, start making the appointments. I want to see everyone personally. How soon can I start seeing everyone individually?"

"By my calculations, it would be an hour, Miss Twilight."

Twilight nodded. "Good. We're going to be quite busy for the day. Send them to my office one at a time. I'll be waiting for them." She sighed, shifting her violet irises to the window near the back of the room. Her eyes widened at a late realization. "JARVIS. Schedule a phone call for two o'clock, and remind me to check on Peter, okay? I want to know how his recuperation is going." A blank expression formed in Tara's eyes. "Plus, I have to make sure he hasn't annoyed Princess Luna too much."

Twilight nodded. "Good. We're going to be quite busy for the day. Send them to my office one at a time. I'll be waiting for them." She sighed, shifting her violet irises to the window near the back of the room. Her eyes widened at a late realization. "JARVIS. Schedule a phone call for two o'clock, and remind me to check on Peter, okay? I want to know how his recuperation is going." A blank expression formed in Tara's eyes. "Plus, I have to make sure he hasn't annoyed Princess Luna too much."

It had not been for long, but Twilight missed being in Peter's arms. He was always warm and supportive, even if he came off as a tad bit annoying at times. She still had a few moments to herself before the meetings would start. Twilight reached out to JARVIS and whispered a command. Her computer's screen went blank before an image appeared within a new window. It was just a picture, taken on a whim during their time in the Bahamas. In full costume, Spider-Man had his arms wrapped gently around Twilight's body, who wore her own heroic attire. Twilight peered up at her lover with an affectionate gaze and sweet smile, showing the world that she would not want to be anywhere else.

With a saddened smile, Twilight hesitantly murmured the command for JARVIS to close the window on her computer. She had business to attend to, after all.

Twenty-Five Days Remain until the Portal Closes...

So far the meetings were progressing without a hitch. Tara had met with over a couple dozen individuals, and the other staff members of the Bugle had conducted over a hundred interviews, JARVIS recording each session through text and sound. Every news station in the city was helping as well, giving interviews on their respective channels. Fortunately, JARVIS calculated the total cost, and Tara still had millions to spare. Exhaling, the girl shook her head and freed herself from her trance as a woman and child walked into the room before closing the door.

Tara smiled, extending her hand. "Thank you for coming. As you know, we are conducting interviews centered around untold past experiences with Spider-Man. Are you giving us full permission to publish and televise your story, and do you promise to tell us only the truth? Any false information may lead to a fine. Are you okay with this?" The woman nodded after shaking the girl's hand. Tara sighed inwardly. She had repeatedly asked these questions enough to memorize them at this point. "My name is Velvet Faust, and you may begin now."

The woman grinned, resting her hands over her knees. "Hi, my name is Loretta Sanders, and this is my son, Dexter." She patted the small boy over the head, pausing to straighten his messy, blonde hair. "I met Spider-Man over five years ago. I was nine months pregnant at the time with my son. Traffic was heavily backed up, and I was going out of my mind with pain. The baby was coming, and the closest hospital was on the other side of town. That was when he arrived. Spider-Man offered to take me to the hospital himself, but it was too late: the baby couldn't wait any longer. I didn't know what to do! There wasn't even an ambulance nearby."

Tara's eyes widened. "My goodness! What happened next?"

"Spider-Man delivered the baby," the woman replied, her voice choking. "I don't know how, but he remained calm and walked me through the process. He was so positive, promising me that everything would be okay." Small tears escaped from the corners of Loretta's eyes. "I couldn't believe that the Daily Bugle labeled such a kind, young man as a criminal. My son probably wouldn't be here with me if it wasn't for Spider-Man." Tara wiped her own tears away before sharing a smile with the woman and her son. "If you see Spider-Man, please tell him that I said thank you. I even named my son after him."

Tara leaned back into her seat, arching a brow. "Huh? How? No one knows his name."

Loretta nodded. "Before he left, I asked him what his name was. He said it was 'Poindexter'."

Tara was silent for a moment before she rolled her eyes and struck her forehead with her palm.

Twenty-Four Days Remain until the portal closes...

"So, what's your story?" Tara questioned, taking a sip from her glass of orange juice.

A group of people stood in front of her desk, a little over a dozen at least. One of the men stepped forward. "There are more of us, but it'll only take a few of us to tell you what happened. It's really insane, lady."

A younger woman raised her hand. "We were all riding in the transit R train when Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus came by. They were fighting on top of the train for a while before Doctor Octopus started snatching a few people out and throwing them into the street. I was one of them. Spider-Man managed to catch me and throw me to safety. He saved the others that madman threw also."

Another intervened. "It kept going like that until Doctor Octopus maxed out the train's throttle and destroyed the brake controls! After he ran off, we thought Spider-Man was going to leave us, too, but…"

Tara's hand fell over her mouth. "What did he do?"

A man in uniform removed his hat and nodded. "It's hard to believe, that kid pressed his back against the nose of train, shot a bunch of those web-things out of his hands, and stopped the train himself before it could fly off of the rails."

The woman in the group retook her place between Tara and everyone else in the room. "There were dozens of people in that train, and all of us owe our lives to Spider-Man. The newspaper the next day wrote that Spider-Man caused the wreck! We all tried to call and explain what really happened, but no one would listen. We want you to tell everyone that Spider-Man is a hero!"

Everyone in the room whooped and cheered, causing Tara's lips to curl into a genuine smile. "Trust me. The entire world will know the truth. Thank you all!"

Tara stifled a yawn before straightening her posture. "All right. Let's hear it."

A couple shared a glance with each other before the woman reached into her purse and retrieved a photo of a young girl, handing it over to Tara. "That was our daughter, Maria Tania Elizando. She passed away three years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Tara whispered, feeling a twinge in her chest.

The man nodded, taking a hold of the woman's hand. "It's okay. She was terminally ill with Leukemia, but if you looked at our girl then, you couldn't tell. She was always so positive and energetic. Tania never held back. She always made it clear that she was Spider-Man's biggest fan, even when the Daily Bugle was labeling him a criminal. So me and my wife sent Tania's fan letter there, hoping they would give it to him, but we knew it was a better idea to send it to the photographer instead of the owner. I doubt he would have considered it."

Folding her arms, Tara frowned. "There's a good chance you're right." The girl cleared her throat, staring deeply into the photo in her grasp. "So, what happened?"

The woman brushed a few stray tears from her eyes. "We weren't there to see it, but our daughter told us that Spider-Man came to visit her. We couldn't believe it, but it must have been true! Tania was so happy! Even when her days were drawing to a close, she always told us how nice 'Mister Spider-Man' was to her." Unable to continue, the woman choked and burst into sobs.

Her husband placed his hand around her shoulder and gave Tara a smile despite his own tears surfacing. "We just wanted to thank Spider-Man for making our daughter happy and making her final days easier… for herandus."

Tara sniffed, choking back as many tears as she could. "Thank you. We'll post this story as soon as possible." As the couple made their exit, the girl brushed her forearm across her face and sighed. "It's late, JARVIS. Call forth a staff meeting so we can go over today's interviews and results."

'Find me...'

Peter's eyes fluttered open, finding Princess Luna with her hands over his bandaged torso. She gave him a small smile, something that was a rare yet pleasurable sight to behold for the young man. Peter sighed, feeling Luna's magical energy course through his muscles. It was soothing, like cool water over the body on a hot, summer day. Despite her rough tendencies, Luna had been quite gentle with Peter and remained vigilant in her healing procedure. The young man furrowed his brow, attempting to find the source of the voice, but he simply shrugged, paying it no mind as he attempted to recapture his rest.

'Find me… You must find me. I must reclaim my glory...'

Peter's eyes shot open, his mind finally recognizing the voice that echoed in his mind. However, before he could attempt to move, an image flashed across his vision. A pair of jade and crimson irises appeared before disappearing instantaneously. Peter glanced at Luna, but the princess was too focused on her healing spell to notice. The effects seemed to be mental, hence Luna's obliviousness. The image appeared once more, staying within his line of sight before the young man could call out to the princess.

'That would not be a wise choice of action. Should you alert her, or anyone else, of my presence, I will slay this woman that Osborn sent to spy on me. I know she holds no value tohim, but this… Felicia Hardy seems to have quite the history with you. With a heart as pure as your own, I ponder how you would cope, knowing you left this woman to die.'

Peter recoiled, chuckling nervously as Princess Luna shot him a questionable glare. Once the woman resumed her healing, the young man closed his eyes and focused on his thoughts. 'What do you want, Sombra? Leave Black Cat out of this.'

'Simple. A duel to the death with no outside interference. I believe you can sense where I am. Come alone, and I will release your friend. If you are followed, I guarantee the wretch will not live past the morning.'Sombra's gaze faded from Peter's thoughts. 'Bring whatever tools you feel would be necessary to defeat me. Find me by nightfall… Peter Parker.'

Peter blinked, slow to respond. 'Hey, uh, this may come out of left-field, but why are you being so… courteous. You're supposed to be this evil entity that tortures first and enslaves later. It just seems weird that we're conversing, even if the topic's about saving a hostage.'

'I only show respect to those I deem worthy. Now, you must stop idling. Find me.'

Peter shook his head, cringing as he sat up from his bed, but he hid his pain with a forced grin. "You're an awesome nurse, Luna, but I'm good for right now. You should hurry and take Shimmer to Canterlot while we have plenty of downtime."

The woman nodded, placing a hand over her eyes. "I suppose that would be ideal." A bright light shone from Luna's body, and in a flash, she returned to her Equestrian form. Peter forced himself to stand from his bed, managing to share direct eye contact with the mare. A ghost of a smile formed on her features, but it could not mask the worry evident in her blue eyes. "I will not be gone for long. Judging from Twilight Sparkle's calculations, I should return in three Earth days. I trust you will remain stationary until then?"

"No guarantees…" Peter chucked nervously. The mare studied her friend's face for a moment, but Luna let out a surprised squeak when the young man wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling the princess into a warm embrace. "Hey. I know I said your bedside manner sucks, but I didn't mean it. You're great." Luna's breathing grew shallow, feeling the temperature in her cheeks rise, but the princess cleared her throat, breaking away from Peter's hold. He grinned, placing a hand over his side. "We'll hold the fort. Try to get back soon, okay?"

Flustered, Luna turned her back to the young man. "You are too emotional. That is not fitting for a warrior of your caliber." Her voice was unreadable as she declared the fact, wavering with glee yet filled with conflict.

Peter tilted his head to the side, smiling. "Are you blushing?"

Luna's body froze at the accusation. Her eyes were wide, and her cheeks were practically burning to a shade of crimson. It was happening again. The fool spoke complete nonsense, and she reacted foolishly, her body betraying her mind's will. Luna could not face him, not like this, but her pride demanded that she face this situation, even if she did not understand it. The princess took a breath, shuddering. She hated feeling powerless, especially before one who came off as an ignoramus, but a part of her being didn't mind it, pleading to embrace this phenomenon that plagued her so.

Luna huffed. This had gone on long enough. Once her business had been settled with Sunset Shimmer, she was going to talk to her sister. Celestia constantly teased Luna whenever it came to Peter, meaning her sister more than likely knew what was happening. This alien feeling was not like the Nightmare, cold and transparent. It was warm, blissful. Luna's brow twitched, her eyes widening upon realizing she was still standing before Peter, as silent as the dead of night. However, before the mare would depart, she managed to hold eye contact with the young man. It was faint, but her smile was bright, like the shine of the moon on a lake's surface.

"Stay safe, Peter. I..." she grinned, feeling her stomach tighten into a knot once her friend's name escaped from her mouth. There was more she wanted to say, a part of herself demanding to declare it, but before she could embarrass herself further, the mare's horn glowed before she disappeared in a flash of light.

Parker simply shrugged, rubbing his finger over his brow. "I don't know what Luna was about to say, but I hope she's not on to me," he muttered, kneeling next to his bed. He reached underneath, retrieving his Spider-Man costume. His injuries lingered, coursing through his muscles, but Peter managed to slide his attire on, save for his mask. "This could be a trap, but what choice do I have? Sombra's a telepath, and I have to save Black Cat." He groaned, making his way to the gathering of supplies at the corner of the room. "It's never easy, is it? Man… Twilight's going to kill me for sneaking out." After making certain his knapsack was full and around his shoulder, Peter slid his mask on and leapt out of the nearest window. "I just hope Sombra doesn't beat her to it."

Princess Celestia paced across the throne room with her light violet gaze fixed on the floor. The wielders of the Elements of Harmony had just informed her of their bizarre sensations, but the alicorn was not quick to respond, maintaining her silence for several minutes. It wasn't that Celestia didn't understand the situation. On the contrary, she understood it fully, but so much was happening at once, filling the princess with an overwhelming sense of dread. Her precious student and younger sister were far away in another world risking their lives.

If that wasn't enough, her former protege was on her way back to Canterlot to stand trial. Celestia sighed desolately. That was a reunion she was not particularly looking forward to, considering how dreadful the last meeting with Sunset Shimmer had gone. Now, things were reaching a fever pitch with this latest development centered around Peter. Celesta's hoof tapped against the floor feverishly. All of the girls were staring at her intently, stunned and slack-jawed at the news their ruler had given to them.

"Princess Celestia?" Applejack called out, freeing the alicorn from her self-induced trance. "Twilight, Peter, and Spike are on another world right now,andthey're fighting Osborn?"

Celestia nodded. "I'm afraid so, although they haven't confronted Osborn directly just yet. My sister is with them as well, but the situation is far worse than we had expected. It is fortunate that they were able to retrieve Twilight's crown and save Sunset Shimmer, but I fear the worst has yet to come. They can only anticipate what Osborn is plotting."

Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side. "...and the Elements of Harmony appearing all of a sudden? You're saying that was Twilight's doing?"

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, but she is unable to use that power for a second time. Her altered form will not be able to handle the stress of putting out such a tremendous amount of magical energy a second time. However, that brings me to addressyourcurrent situation," Celestia calmly declared, placing her hoof over her chest. "You all have been experiencing random spasms of pain today, correct? As I mentioned, you are all forming the Web of Life for Equestria. Peter is the Web itself, Twilight is the center, and you all are the strands that keep it in place and provide it support."

Rarity's azure irises had not left the ground. "It certainly makes sense. The entire day I could just…feelsomething was wrong. My heart told me it was Peter. It sounds farfetched, but…"

Fluttershy edged closer to the unicorn, nodding. "Um… I believe it, too, Rarity. The pain was so real yet… I knew it wasn't my pain. It's hard to say, but… I could feel as if Peter was…"

Applejack shook her head, recoiling. "Dying." Fluttershy cringed at the word, but the pegasus weakly gave the earth pony an affirming nod. The blonde lowered her hat, sighing. "Okay. I get that Peter's important, but how did this happen? How are we a part of this, and what can we do to stop it?"

Celestia peered up at the ceiling. "I had reservations believing it to some extent, but I can sense that Peter has become the Web of Life. At some point over the last few months, you all have formed a significant bond with Peter in your own respective ways, thus creating a strand in the Web. The stronger your feelings for him, the more influence you have in the Web. Simply put, the stronger your attachment to Peter, the more pain you will feel during this difficult time."

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, exhaling. "There isnoway! I barely evenlikethe guy, and it feels like my heart is about to explode! Thatcan'tbe right! I don't- AUUGHH!" Before anypony could react, the pegasus flew out of the throne room, leaving behind a rainbow-patterned trail.

Rarity turned, stopping in place. She bowed before Princess Celestia respectfully. "My sincerest apologies. I will consult with her."

Applejack arched a brow, slowly shifting her gaze to the princess as Rarity left the room. "So, ignoring my personal feelings, is that true? So if wereallylike Pete, we'll share more of his pain?" Her emerald eyes shot open at a realization. "Hang on. Twilight's head-over-hooves in love with Peter. Ifwe'refeeling this much pain, what'sshegoing through?"

Princess Celestia fell silent for a moment, furrowing her brow. "I'm not sure, Applejack. Knowing my student, she would have brought that news up if anything happened. Perhaps Twilight can't feel the pain due to her place at the center of the Web?" Clearing her throat, the mare walked to the back of the room. "It's merely a guessing game at this point. However, there is something Idoknow. The Web of Life will grow stronger, but only if everypony in the Web can acknowledge and accept their feelings."

Fluttershy, her face as pink as her mane, lifted her gaze to meet with Celestia's. "Um… what happens if we strengthen the Web?"

"I am… not exactly sure. It's rumored that if the Web is in perfect harmony, Peter's life will finally be saved from the prophecy ending with his death," the alicorn stated, earning a squeak from the pegasus and stunned expressions from the others present. "Peter was meant to die on Earth, and that prophecy remained intact during his time here. However, his link to that fate has been changing. I want to believe it has something to do with the Web of Life, you all, and Twilight. Peter was the center of the Web on his world, but because of the magic of our world and his transformation into a unicorn, he has become the Web of Life itself. Now, Twilight is the center of the Web, and some of you are now supportive strands while the rest are in transition."

Celestia looked across, the tip of her horn emitting a bright light. An image of a web appeared, stretching out until a series of strands expanded and latched onto the center. The gossamer glowed with a shade of crimson and blue before an astral image of Peter appeared behind it, smiling as his image vanished as quickly as it appeared. Suddenly, a new image came into view at the center of the Web, revealing Twilight Sparkle, and the surrounding strands linked to its core, exposing other pictures. Applejack's mouth fell agape at several familiar images within the gossamer that held it in place, such as her own, Rarity's, and Fluttershy's to name a few.

Pinkie Pie stepped forward, poking her own image in the Web's circular strands before tilting her head to the side at the sight of Derpy's and Trixie's individual threads. Their strands seemed to lie closer to the center while her own lied within the outer wall, keeping the Web in place. Along the outside, there were other ponies seen within the threads, like Octavia, Lyra, and the Crusaders. They were all organized along the edges of the center, but some of the images were fuzzy and unclear, not fully realized and in view.

"The Web of Life consists of those individuals that have been affected by Peter," Celestia said simultaneously with expanding the image. More strands stretched out, linking to the outer threads. Images of various beings of Earth filled the strands. Celestia's eyes widened as more strands continued to add to the Web. "I don't believe it. It's still growing. I don't know how, but it seems the people of Peter's world have started acknowledging his efforts as a hero." The alicorn paused, glancing off to the side before returning it back to the others. "I must ask my sister what is happening on Earth when she returns."

Celestia stood confidently. "That's why I am imploring you to express your feelings and accept them. Twilight became a part of the Web of Life the moment she summoned him to Equestria. While their spirits are fused, I'm inclined to believe that Peter's magic is exceptionally powerful due to this fact AND Twilight's inclusion into the Web of Life. I noticed the first day Twilight started tutoring him to use his magic, and Peter generated an explosion without trying. He doesn't have the control, but he seems to share Twilight's magical potency."

The strands in the Web began to glow, alternating between shades of violet and crimson. "The second they confessed their love for each other, Twilight became the center of the Web as well as the most important individual in his life. This also added to Peter's magical powers. It also seems Twilight's ascension to alicorn status has affected Peter. The Web of Life has been quite… vivid since then. That's how I started to understand the importance of the Web of Life and your involvement in it. You may not realize it, but quite a few of you are VERY close to the center of the Web."

Celestia's horn glowed brighter, and small rays of light emitted from the center of Fluttershy's and Applejack's chest. "Your pain is evidence of this as well. The more pain you've felt, the closer you are to the center. Have you noticed that Pinkie Pie's pain was minimal to what most of you felt?" The alicorn aimed her horn at Pinkie, but the light that rose from her chest was dim in comparison to the other two mares. Celestia's lips curled into a knowing smile as her violet gaze met Applejack's emerald orbs and Fluttershy's ocean blue eyes. "I can tell… that some of you are in love with Peter almost as much as Twilight."

Fluttershy brushed her hooves against one another, shaking her head. "Um…! No! I mean… but…" she protested, voice indignant but eyes anxious.

Applejack opened her mouth, shutting it after an embarrassing amount of time. "Ah'm not one to argue P-Princess, but…" The temperature in her face skyrocketed, forcing the blonde to use her hat as a makeshift fan. "Whoa, nelly. This ain't fair. Why ismystrand so close to the center? Ah mean, Ah didn't think Ah was..." Her cheeks bloomed.

"Only you know the truth, Applejack," Celestia murmured, earning a defeated sigh from the farmpony. "It is up to you, however, to accept it. You can also strengthen the Web and the bonds you share with your honest emotions." A warm smile formed on the mare's face. "It's strange. My headstrong student managed to express herself first before all of you, and look at what's come of it."

The alicorn closed her eyes, knowing the others were staring at her intently. "It is not an easy task for anypony, but I want you all to talk about your feelings, that includes Rainbow Dash. I'm pleading with you to trust me. The best course of action… is admittance. All of you maintained your silence out of respect for Twilight. Iadoreyou for that, and I know she will, too. However, everything is depending on you all right now to confront your emotions."

As Fluttershy and Applejack shared glances with each other, their concern visibly apparent on their faces, Pinkie Pie edged closer to the Web. "She's right! I see your strands, Applejack and Fluttershy! They're connected to the center! Wait. Is that Trixie? Derpy? Rarity?" She glanced at another strand. "That looks like Zecora, too. Rainbow Dash? Oh! Spitfire's there also!" Her head tilted to the side. "Wait. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are closer to Peter than me? They aren't even that far from the center."

Applejack shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "Wait. What? You mean Applebloom?" She frowned, her gaze remained centered on each of the Crusaders' strands. "They'll not attached to the center, but they're pretty darn close."

"Maybe you can ask them about it when we get back home?" Pinkie suggested, her eyes shooting open at the location of a strand. "Hey! Shining Armor's strand is fuzzy, but it's still closer than mine! What does that mean?"

Celestia's brow furrowed. "It seems Shining Armor is more attached to Peter than he would like to admit. I'll send a letter to Cadance in a few minutes. Hopefully, she'll be able to get her husband to open up about it."

Pinkie returned her blue gaze to the Web, humming at an odd sight attached to the center along with the other threads she analyzed. "Hey, Princess Celestia! Does this mean Princess Luna loves Peter, too? Her picture's really fuzzy, too."

Celestia inhaled deeply and weakly nodded. "Yes. She has for quite some time now, but my sister is inconsolable about the matter. Her stubborn pride has always kept everypony at a distance. I can tell shewantsto open up to Peter. I'm afraid she just doesn't knowhow." Celestia chuckled, almost sarcastically. "It's strange. That's the exact same problem Twilight had when she first started to understand her feelings. However, Twilight wasn't too stubborn to ask for help." The image of the Web faded, and Princess Celestia turned sharply on her hooves. "After we conduct Sunset Shimmer's trial, I will talk with Luna about her place in the Web of Life. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy? Would you mind waiting for us in the lobby? I hope you consider revealing your truths to each other in the meantime."

Fluttershy's face was flushed, but the mare managed to nod. "Y-Yes, Ma'am."

Applejack lowered her hat, keeping her face hidden. "R-Right… we'lltryto talk this out." She turned around, trotting out of the room. "Ah just need some air."

Pinkie Pie, perhaps the only mare in the room with a smile on her face, bounced in place. "Okie dokie lokie!"

Celestia turned, making her exit. 'Cassandra. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?'

Spider-Man released his strand of webbing and landed on the side wall of an alley. "This looks like the place," he whispered, flipping from his position and landing just inches from a manhole. He lifted the sewer top high over his head before dropping into the entrance, allowing the lid to cover the exit. Spider-Man groaned, the damp aroma of the sewers seeping into his nostrils. "Geez. The ninja turtles' sewers seemed so much cleaner." Peter sprinted through the gutters, following the mental images Sombra left in his mind until he reached a dead end in the form of a wall. Spider-Man ran his hand over the stone, looking around aimlessly. "Okay. Sombra's vision ends here. Where to now?"

"This way…"

Spider-Man's masked eyes widened as a total of black mist spread from the middle of the wall. The darkness dissipated, revealing a room on the other side of the wall. Peter approached the mist, tilting his head to the side. He held his hand through the darkness, taking note how it didn't trigger his Spider Sense. Leaping through the mist and landing in the room, Spider-Man turned back to the opening as it sealed itself shut. His eyes widened, taking in the sight of an underground facility. The room was large in scale, but the machines were inactive, dust having settled on the surrounding metal. Peter snapped his head up, spotting a shadow escaping around the corner of the room.

"This smells like a trap," Spider-Man groaned, frowning at his soaked costume, "and poo gas. Oh, well. It's not like that's ever stopped me from doing something stupid before. I just hope the smell will come out of the costume."

Shooting a strand of webbing across the room, Spider-Man zipped to the area, but the moment he landed and peered around the corner, Peter found a pit in the middle of the floor. Hesitantly, the young man peeked down the abyss, cringing once his cranium buzzed. Spider-Man fell into the pit before speeding into a free-fall. The ringing in his head increased in volume, and Peter contorted his body, narrowly avoiding a pair of spikes that shot from the wall. More rose, forcing Spider-Man to quicken his descent, but as the end of the pit began to close, he shot webbing at the entrance, keeping it open long enough for him to fall through. Spinning, Peter landed perfectly on his feet as the webbing snapped, the pit promptly closing. He peeked up, finding himself in a long, narrow hallway.

Spider-Man exhaled. "Figures. Sombra invites me, and the place is still booby-trapped. Why must villains always do that?"

"It is but a small series of obstacles to see if you are worthy. It is a standard tradition for those who wish to duel a king."

Peter shook his head, pausing to tighten the straps around his shoulders and ensuring that his knapsack was secure. "If you wanted to fight me, you could have just asked. You didn't have to kidnap my friend."

"You should be grateful. I freed her from Norman Osborn's influence and spared her life. However, if it troubles you so, I will release her, but only if you give your solemn vow to face me."

Peter lingered for a moment, his brow lowering. "You have my vow, but how will I know I have yours?"

"I am a knight. To break my vow is to disgrace my honor."

Peter looked as though he was considering Sombra's words, cupping his chin in the palm of his hand. "Maybe I've finally gone off the deep end, but I trust you. Okay. Just stay put. I'll be there soon."

He took a few steps forward, leaping over an array of arrows that shot out from the wall. Metal poles fell from the ceiling, but Spider-Man sped into a dash, leaving the rods to imbed into the ground where their target previously stood. The ceiling descended and the floor elevated, forcing Peter to dive through the section before both ends met in crushing fashion. The young man reached the door, but an arrow pierced through the air and neared his neck. However, Spider-Man casually reached out and captured the arrow with his hand, its tip inches from his neck.

Undeterred, Peter entered the next room and dropped the arrow by his feet. "Good old Spider Sense. What would I do without you?"

Upon stepping into the room, a trail of black mist spread throughout the door until the entire wall and door were shrouded in darkness. Black tendrils whipped about from several cracks within a wall on the other side of the room. A large pit stood between the wall and the floor, making it a task to reach it. Spider-Man stared at the wall, alternating his gaze between it and various objects in the area. Peter's eyes widened at an unusual sight. He walked over to a steel beam on the floor, its end rusted from years of neglect.

Inhaling, Spider-Man lifted the steel, placing it over his shoulder. He walked to the pit, his steps heavier than usual, and the moment Peter reached the edge, he spun in a circular motion before throwing the beam to the greatest of his ability towards the crack in the wall. The object smashed through the stone, sending shards of rock flying in several directions, and Spider-Man dove into the makeshift hole, landing in the middle of a large room. Darkness masked the majority of the area, and the black mist covered the hole Peter had entered through, surrounding Spider-Man.

"Welcome, Peter Parker. You have passed the trials and found me."

Spider-Man looked around aimlessly. The voice was close, within the room somewhere. "Save it, Sombra. Where's Felicia?"

"I assure you. The woman is safe. However, there is something I wish to ask of you as a fellow Equestrian knight. You are strong, able to match the strength of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. What do you wish to accomplish with such power?"

The entrance to the room was sealed off, and the light began to fade, making the darkness more potent. Spider-Man shuddered involuntarily, the surrounding temperature dropping considerably. "Nothing, really. I just want to protect who I can, when I can. It's not that complicated, really."

"Impossible. You could rule a kingdom with such might."

"Not really my thing. I actually just want to live a normal life. Ireallyhope I can settle down when the time's right," Spider-Man shrugged before his hand clenched into a fist. "Anyway. Shining Armor told me about your past. I even did some research while I was in Canterlot. You used to be a noble ruler. What happened? What made you turn to the dark arts?"

"Power is absolute. Nothing can be accomplished without it. I simply found a means to take what I want."

Spider-Man shook his head. "Power isn't everything. You can be strong, but that's nothing if you have nobody to share it with. You chased everyone away, and now, you're all alone. It's not too late for you. You can change."

"Do not lecture me, child. You have disgraced my honor, and I vow to regain my glory. You will succumb to my will and learn how fruitless your intentions are!"Sombra's body rose from the darkness, his figure towering over Spider-Man. He held a large blade in his hand, and a wicked smile formed on his pale features. His jade and crimson irises glowed brightly before four tendrils rose from the mist, each plunging into Spider-Man before he could hope to react. Peter yelled as his vision darkened, and Sombra cackled, digging the tendrils deeper into his body. That very instance, Spider-Man's entire body was cocooned by the coils. "Sink into despair!"

Within the halls of the Sanctum Sanctorum, Twilight appeared outside of her bedroom in a flash of light. Her days at the Bugle were growing longer by the hour, evident by the bags formed under the girl's eyes. Using her magic, Twilight removed her shoes and levitated them to the other side of the room. She exhaled, ignoring the throb that coursed through her cranium, but Twilight managed to smile, eager to reunite with her lover after a hard day's work. Pushing the door open, she grinned, but her laughter quickly subsided once her gaze fell over the empty bed.

"Not here?" she whispered, running a hand over the sheets. "The bed's cold. He hasn't been here for a while." Exasperated, Twilight left the room and walked through the hallway. "Peter must be downstairs. He probably lost track of time again." Vanishing from sight, the girl appeared in the living room, but much like before, Peter was nowhere to be found. Twilight frowned. "Where could he have gone? He knows he shouldn't be out of bed with his injuries."

However, before she could resume her search, all of the blood in her body rushed to her head. Twilight's vision spun, forcing the girl to lean against the nearest wall in a desperate attempt to gather her bearings. Twilight cried out as a thunderous pain rushed through her heart, causing her to clutch at her chest. Visions sporadically rushed across her mind, yet Twilight could make out the pictures. Her eyes shot open, the air having left her lungs temporarily. As quickly as they came, the visions ceased, allowing Twilight to plant her feet firmly against the ground and force herself back to a standing position.

Twilight's eyes were wide, filled with concern, yet she bore her teeth, her fury growing in scale. "Sombra! By the stars! Peter, you idiot! Why did you leave?!"

Peter's eyes fluttered open as his vision cleared. The marble interior of Canterlot Castle was easily recognizable. Shaking his head, the stallion trotted through the hallways, but he stopped in his tracks, spotting a violet pony at the end of the path. His lips curled into a smile as he continued to close the distance between himself and the mare, her unique mane, wings, and large glossy irises too beautiful to forget. Peter finally reached Twilight, throwing his hooves around her body in a warm embrace, but the mare cried out, her horn glowing before magical energy enveloped the stallion and shot him into a wall.

Rubbing his hoof over his cranium, Peter stared at the mare with confusion in his eyes. "Twilight? What was that for?"

"Don't talk like you know me, you outsider!" Twilight spat, her voice repelling and harsh.

As Twilight backed away from the stallion, Peter's mouth hung open as a sharp twinge pulled at his heart. "Twilight! What's going on?! I-I love you! You know that!"

"Delusions of grandeur. How pathetic," Twilight scoffed, sending Peter's mind into a state of disbelief. She shook her head as an image of a man ran by them, fading out before another was found on the ground, clutching at the bullet wound in his chest. Peter's hooves clutched at his mane, but Twilight rolled her eyes, disgusted. "Why would I love somepony who lets everypony die around them? I'm not that stupid."

The mare disappeared in a flash of light before the entire environment shattered, falling apart like broken glass. Peter blinked, only to find Gwen Stacy's lifeless body in his arms. His breathing grew shallow, and he shook his head frantically. Peter slammed his eyes shut, determined to make the visions stop, but an awful snapping sound echoed throughout the vicinity, invading the deepest regions of his mind. Peter opened his eyes as tears fell along his cheek, but Gwen's body disappeared, with Twilight having taken her place. However, the girl peeked up, her glazed over eyes meeting his bloodshot irises.

"Once a failure, always a failure. Your uncle would be ashamed if he saw you right now," Twilight chuckled, the scenery dissipating and alternating between the worlds of Earth and Equestria. Flames rose from the ground, and countless humans and ponies laid scattered about. Peter peeked up, his mouth falling agape at a disturbing sight. Twilight stood in the flames as it ate away her flesh, but the mare only smiled. "How can you protect Equestria when you can't even protect me?"

"Stop it!" Peter yelled, his muscles trembling. His breathing quickened, and his heart raced, nearly stopping once his eyes fell on a prone pony by his side. Her beautiful orange coat was ruffled, bloodstains having ruined it. He brushed a strand of her golden locks behind her ear before his mind finally took in a pivotal realization. "My god… Applejack!" Her body faded, the trails of the wind blowing away her remains. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"

Applebloom shook her head, turning her back to Peter. "You were supposed to be my big brother. How could you let my sister die?!" She galloped away, her body disappearing in the surrounding darkness. "I was wrong. You don't deserve a family!"

Peter reached out to the filly, tears streaming down his cheeks, but his eyes shot open as his aunt stepped from the mist. "You let my Ben die," she scoffed, pointing at her nephew. "Why didn't you take responsibility?!"

Slamming his head against the ground, enough to crack the stone, Peter slammed his eyes shut, unaware his aunt had already left his side. "I'm sorry, Aunt May! I tried! I really did!"

Luna hovered over the young man, disappointment evident in her features. "I believed in you. Pity. It seems my faith was horribly misplaced." She aimed her horn at the countless bodies, only to turn to Peter with a venomous scowl. "We chose you to be our knight! We blessed you with the title of prince! Look at what's come of it!" She lashed her hoof out. "You deserve the worst punishment for your failures!"

His shoulders trembled, and weak shudders escaped from his mouth. "Luna. I'm sorry! I tried…!"

"Yes, you have tried, but to what avail? It is pointless to fight this neverending battle. Why deny it? You know that it is true," Twilight coolly stated, freeing herself from the flames as her eyes flashed to a shade of jade and crimson. A large, double-edged sword materialized in Twilight's hand, and a crimson cape latched onto her shoulders, reaching her ankles. "You have faced countless struggles, yet what do you have to show for it besides emotional and physical scars? Why fight for things so petty? Do you realize how much power and respect you can gain if you simply... let it go?"

Black mist engulfed the girl's body, and once it dissolved, Sombra stepped next to Peter. He extended his hand to the side. "You are a god walking among mortals." Twilight and Gwen appeared, both with their backs turned to Peter. Sombra knelt down next to the young man, holding his palm out. A black flame simmered over his hand, and a wicked smile formed on the king's face. "Cut loose the strands of the weak. Take your place as an elite! I tossed away my weaknesses. Do the same, and rise above!"

Gritting his teeth, Peter shook his head and staggered to his feet. Sombra slowly made his way back to a vertical base, mouth agape as the darkness rushed away from Spider-Man's body. Peter reached out, throwing his arms around Gwen's and Twilight's shoulders. The blonde nodded, smiling before her body faded from existence, and Twilight grinned as a light emitted from her being. Both Peter and Sombra remained still, despite the ground shattering like glass. The young man screamed at the top of his lungs while Twilight's light spread out and freed his body from the darkness.

Gritting his teeth, Peter snarled at Sombra. "I promised I would protect Twilight and my friends with my life! Do you think a damn thing you say is going to change that?!"

Peter's screams were heard from within the cocoon before his arms ripped through the darkness, clutching at the tendrils tightly. Sombra's eyes shot open. The man growled, tightening his hold on Spider-Man, but Peter pulled the tendrils away before shaking them free from his being. Sombra staggered back, the tendrils retreating back into his body, but before he could regain his balance, Spider-Man dashed forward and slammed his fist deep into the man's face. Peter roared, using all of his force to send Sombra flying into a wall. Spider-Man's mask fell limply by his side.

Peter stomped forward, pointing at the king. "You bastard! You want to screw with my head?!" His teeth ground down in righteous anger. Peter growled with each breath as he sprayed webbing over both of his fists. "You wanted me?! Get ready for a world of hurt!"

"Petulant child," Sombra whispered, freeing his embedded frame from the stone. Scowling, the dark being pointed his thumb at the sharp, crimson horn over his forehead. "I may have mended my source of power, but I will never be as powerful as I once was due your actions." He smiled, aiming the tip of his sword toward his foe. "It's more fitting this way! We shall fight as equals! Yes! Come at me!"

Sombra raised his sword high over his head as black mist rushed out from his body. Swinging his blade, he sent out a wave of darkness, forcing Spider-Man to leap over the attack. However, the moment Peter rolled to his feet, Sombra appeared behind him, wrapping a tendril around Spider-Man's waist. The man raised the vigilante from the ground, whipping him into the air. Sombra appeared over his position, thrusting his blade, but Peter contorted his body, avoiding certain impalement. Both men charged each other upon landing, trading blows.

Spider-Man drove his fist into Sombra's gut, and the king retaliated with a swift backhand across the face. Peter skidded to a halt and tossed a crystal heart in Sombra's direction, firing a strand of webbing onto the gem. The crystal released a flashing light, forcing the king to shield his eyes with his forearm. Spider-Man tackled Sombra to the ground before the light could fade, following with a flurry of punches. Each met their mark, colliding with the dark being's face. Sombra took hold of his blade, slashing out at his foe defensively, but Spider-Man hopped away before the steel could meet with his flesh. Sombra melted into the ground, quickly reforming onto his feet.

He swung his sword, but Spider-Man closed the distance and caught a hold of the dark being's arm. However, Sombra disappeared from sight, dropping his blade in the process, and he materialized underneath Spider-Man, his tendrils wrapping around Peter's waist as they lifted him from the ground. Sombra waved his arms, cuing his appendages to spin around with great velocity before releasing their prey. Spider-Man's body whipped out of control, smashing through a steel beam, but he held his legs out, eventually managing to land on the side of a wall. Sombra teleported over to his foe's position, but Peter reached out and grabbed the king by his shoulders. Flipping over his head, Spider-Man used his momentum, hurtling Sombra into the ground shoulders first.

Fading into the darkness, Sombra appeared behind Peter once he landed on the floor, sending his tendrils out. The first quickly approached the young man from the side, but Spider-Man ducked underneath the attack and flipped high into the air once the remaining three lunged in his direction. Sombra raised his hand, cueing the tendrils to lash at their airborne foe simultaneously. Spider-Man unleashed an array of webbing, tying the coils together the moment they got too close. Unable to defend himself, Sombra could only watch as Peter landed on his feet in front of him, spun around, and delivered a vicious punch to the jaw, disintegrating the webbing on his hand from impact. The dark being stumbled back, brushing his glove over his stinging mouth.

"That's it. This is the end I seek. Mortal combat with an equal!" Sombra grinned, his fanged smile widening as traces of blood escaped from his mouth. With both hands holding his sword tightly, Sombra retook a defensive stance. "Don't relent! Fight me! Kill me!"

Peter's eyes widened, his anger slowly diminishing. He shook his head and waved his arms dismissively. "Gah! That's it! I'm not here to please you! I've got better things to do than to fight you!"

Sombra leaped forward. "You must finish this battle!" He swung his sword, but Peter ducked underneath the first slash attempt and dove away from a lunge attack. Spider-Man's brow lowered, but he stood still, glaring at the king. Sombra snarled. "Where is your pride?! Attack me!"

Peter closed his eyes. "No. You said you were a knight, right? I won't fight you. Not like this." Dropping his knapsack to the floor, Peter held his arms out, walking towards the armor-clad man. "Well? What are you waiting for? Strike me down. I'm defenseless. If you're done wasting my time, I'll take Felicia and go home!"

All four tendrils burst from Sombra's back before the king sprinted forward, howling. Unfaltered, Spider-Man held his ground with a determined look in his eyes. A mere few feet apart, Sombra brought his sword down in an overhead slash and the tendrils shot out, prepared to lunge into their foe. However, everything abruptly stopped. His mouth agape, Sombra stared at Peter, who hadn't budged despite the sword's tip being held just inches from his skull and the tendrils pausing just inches from his body. They remained as such, refusing to yield, but Sombra let out a defeated sigh, prompting the tendrils to slide back under his armor before the dark being sheathed his blade.

"No. By knightly tradition, it would be dishonorable to strike down a defenseless opponent," Sombra said softly, a sense of dread filling his voice. "Please, Peter Parker. Indulge me. I beg of you! Defend yourself! Fight me as a warrior!"

Peter folded his arms. "Why?"

Sombra was silent, pausing to gaze at his hand as black mist escaped from it. "To free myself of this curse." Peter's brow furrowed at the statement. The king took a few steps back and placed his hand on the ground, causing the black mist to spread. However, it remained in a small circle, and images soon came into view behind the darkness. Sombra shared a glance with Peter, and though it was for a moment, the young man saw something he recognized all too well: guilt. The dark being nodded. "Many moons ago, I was no different than yourself. I was a humble knight of the Crystal Empire, but everything changed when I lost sight of everything. Allow me to share my tale with you… of my fall from grace and my descent into darkness."

To be continued...

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