• Member Since 13th Jun, 2017
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Darth Severus

Brony, Star Wars nut, Former Marine, BA in English, minor in creative writing, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum

More Blog Posts340

  • Today
    Four Aliens Down, Six to Go

    So, I'm planning a Ben 10 crossover again, and I've come up with four aliens for Spike's Omnitrix, but I'm having a block on what the other six should be. If any of you guys have ideas for some aliens, I'd be happy to hear them, and I'd appreciate it too

    Alien Transformation: Hyperstream

    Species Name: Portanox

    Home Planet: Vela Primus


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  • Friday
    Who Should Spike Bang Next?

    So, there are only a few girls left in Spike's crew that he hasn't slept with yet. As of right now, the only girls on his crew he hasn't slept with are Rouge the Bat, Black Rose, Sunset Shimmer, Penelope, Bonnie Anne, Chrysalis, and soon to be in his crew Smolder. Who would you like to see him bang next?

    8 comments · 126 views
  • Thursday
    Reboot of Tagged Story, Need Alien Ideas

    So, I'm going to do a reboot of the tagged story that is more in line with the original Ben 10 series, but instead of using any canon aliens, Spike's first ten aliens will be fan-made. Right now, I only have one idea for an alien, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me with the other nine aliens. Any help would be appreciated, and here is the information about the one alien I do have in

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  • 6 days
    I'm Going to Propose to My Girlfriend, Wish Me Luck

    So, I've been dating a girl named Cynthia for seven years now, and I'm finally going to ask her to marry me. We're going to go to our local bar with our old unit from when we were both in the Marines. Yes, she's also an ex-Marine. I'm just extremely nervous, even though I feel she'll say yes, there's always that chance she won't, like if she's not ready for that kind of commitment. And

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  • 3 weeks
    Help w/Next Chapters

    So, the next two chapters in the tagged story will be Spike playing cards with some of the corrupt members of the Equestrian Navy. Only problem, I know nothing about poker. In the end, Spike and his crewmates win the game, take the money from the corrupt officers, and have them hauled back to Equestria to face trial for their crimes. Like I said, I know very little about poker. If anyone is

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Who Should Spike Bang Next? · 7:35am Last Friday

So, there are only a few girls left in Spike's crew that he hasn't slept with yet. As of right now, the only girls on his crew he hasn't slept with are Rouge the Bat, Black Rose, Sunset Shimmer, Penelope, Bonnie Anne, Chrysalis, and soon to be in his crew Smolder. Who would you like to see him bang next?

Report Darth Severus · 126 views · Story: The Pirate Prince ·
Comments ( 8 )

Black Rose

Chrysalis for sure

Rouge, I want to see that the most.:pinkiehappy:

Chrysalis And which story is this for

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