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Darth Severus

Brony, Star Wars nut, Former Marine, BA in English, minor in creative writing, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum

More Blog Posts341

  • Tuesday
    Weird Idea for Tagged Story: Thoughts?

    So, I just rewatched the Ben 10 episode where Ben first turns into Rath, and I'm wondering if I should do a chapter similar to the episode, Spike and a few crew members go to deliver a baby as a peace offering, with some trouble along the way, and the baby gets eaten, only for Spike to save it while threatening the leader of the warring people, and at first, he doesn't take the threat seriously,

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  • Monday
    Four Aliens Down, Six to Go

    So, I'm planning a Ben 10 crossover again, and I've come up with four aliens for Spike's Omnitrix, but I'm having a block on what the other six should be. If any of you guys have ideas for some aliens, I'd be happy to hear them, and I'd appreciate it too

    Alien Transformation: Hyperstream

    Species Name: Portanox

    Home Planet: Vela Primus


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  • Friday
    Who Should Spike Bang Next?

    So, there are only a few girls left in Spike's crew that he hasn't slept with yet. As of right now, the only girls on his crew he hasn't slept with are Rouge the Bat, Black Rose, Sunset Shimmer, Penelope, Bonnie Anne, Chrysalis, and soon to be in his crew Smolder. Who would you like to see him bang next?

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  • Thursday
    Reboot of Tagged Story, Need Alien Ideas

    So, I'm going to do a reboot of the tagged story that is more in line with the original Ben 10 series, but instead of using any canon aliens, Spike's first ten aliens will be fan-made. Right now, I only have one idea for an alien, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me with the other nine aliens. Any help would be appreciated, and here is the information about the one alien I do have in

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  • 1 week
    I'm Going to Propose to My Girlfriend, Wish Me Luck

    So, I've been dating a girl named Cynthia for seven years now, and I'm finally going to ask her to marry me. We're going to go to our local bar with our old unit from when we were both in the Marines. Yes, she's also an ex-Marine. I'm just extremely nervous, even though I feel she'll say yes, there's always that chance she won't, like if she's not ready for that kind of commitment. And

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Four Aliens Down, Six to Go · 5:30am Monday

So, I'm planning a Ben 10 crossover again, and I've come up with four aliens for Spike's Omnitrix, but I'm having a block on what the other six should be. If any of you guys have ideas for some aliens, I'd be happy to hear them, and I'd appreciate it too

Alien Transformation: Hyperstream

Species Name: Portanox

Home Planet: Vela Primus


Hyperstream is a member of the Portanox species from the vibrant and dynamic world of Vela Primus, a planet known for its unique dimension-hopping environments and dazzling energy fields.

Physical Appearance:

Hyperstream exhibits several feline-like features that grant it a sleek and agile aesthetic. Its body is covered in a dense layer of smooth, dusky-blue fur that shimmers under light, giving it a faintly luminescent quality. The fur pattern includes darker stripes along the limbs and back, adding to its streamlined appearance.

  • Eyes: Hyperstream has sharp, luminescent green eyes with vertical slits for pupils, enhancing its nocturnal vision and giving it a piercing, intelligent gaze.
  • Ears: Its ears are pointed and tufted, positioned slightly higher on the head, which aids in exceptional hearing and gives it a predator-like aura.
  • Build: The body of Hyperstream is lithe yet muscular, facilitating both powerful bursts of speed and strength. Its limbs are long and flexible, ending in retractable claws useful for both combat and climbing.
  • Tail: A long, flexible tail helps with balance and maneuverability, essential for both terrestrial and spaceborne navigation.
  • Clothing/Armor: Hyperstream wears a utility-like suit with accentuated joints and padding, partially covered by armor pieces composed of a lightweight, yet highly durable material. The suit features glowing lines that pulse with energy when its abilities are in use.


  1. Enhanced Strength: Hyperstream possesses remarkable physical strength, allowing for devastating punches and the ability to lift heavy objects effortlessly.
  2. Enhanced Speed: Capable of moving at incredible speeds, Hyperstream uses its agility to outpace enemies and navigate quickly through complex environments.
  3. Enhanced Durability: Its dense musculature and reinforced fur provide significant resistance to physical damage, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks.
  4. Sonar: Hyperstream can emit low-frequency sound waves to map its surroundings accurately, even in complete darkness or over long distances.
  5. Space Survivability: Equipped to survive in the vacuum of space, Hyperstream can function without breathable air and withstand extreme temperatures.
  6. Portal Creation: The most distinguishing ability, Hyperstream can create portals in mid-air. These portals serve multiple purposes:

    • Offensive: Hyperstream can punch through these portals, hitting enemies from unexpected angles and distances, adding surprise and confusion to its attacks.
    • Defensive: Use portals to evade attacks by relocating instantaneously.
    • Transportational: Hyperstream can use portals for long-distance travel, stepping through them to instantaneously cover vast distances. This ability is also useful for quick escapes or strategic repositioning during combat.

Alien Transformation: Moltronix

Species Name: Atomorins

Home Planet: Moleculon-5

Powers and Abilities:

  • Subatomic Shrinking: Moltronix can shrink to subatomic sizes, allowing traversal through even the tiniest of spaces and infiltrating nearly any environment.
  • Molecular Manipulation: Moltronix has the power to quickly rearrange or disassemble anything at the molecular level. This includes breaking down objects for reconstruction, creating complex structures, or dismantling obstacles and machinery.

Physical Appearance:

Moltronix appears as a sleek, humanoid figure standing about 6 feet tall in their regular form. Their body is covered in a metallic, reflective exoskeleton that shimmers with a silver and violet hue. The surface of the exoskeleton is adorned with intricate, glowing patterns that map out molecular structures, giving the appearance of constantly shifting molecular diagrams.

Moltronix's hands are equipped with elongated, dexterous fingers that end in fine points, ideal for precision work at the molecular level. Their eyes are large and luminous, emitting a soft blue glow, which allow them to see beyond the visible spectrum and analyze molecular compositions directly.

Their face is mostly featureless, with a smooth surface and a single thin slit where their mouth would be, creating an enigmatic and minimalist appearance. When Moltronix speaks, their voice has a resonant, echoing quality, hinting at the vast energies they can manipulate.

When activating their powers, Moltronix’s body undergoes a subtle transformation, with the patterns on their exoskeleton lighting up in sequences, signaling the activation of their unique abilities.

In their shrunken, subatomic form, Moltronix becomes a nearly invisible speck of glinting light, maneuvering through the fabric of reality with unparalleled finesse.

Alien Transformation: Technomancer

Species Name: Mechamorphian

Home Planet: Technotronia

Physical Appearance:

Technomancer resembles a sleek, futuristic cyborg with an almost humanoid shape, standing at around 7 feet tall. His body is composed of a blend of organic material and high-tech components, seamlessly integrated into a streamlined, agile frame. His skin has a metallic sheen, with silver and dark blue hues dominating his color palette.

His head is helmet-like, with glowing blue eyes that can change brightness based on his activities and emotions. Instead of a mouth, he has a voice modulator that emits a variety of synthesized sounds. His limbs are segmented and flexible, allowing for precise movements. Each arm is equipped with retractable tools and weaponry, ranging from energy blasters to fine manipulation appendages for intricate technological work.

On his back, he has a pair of compact jet thrusters that allow for limited flight and enhanced mobility. His fingers can morph into various interfaces, plugs, and ports, enabling him to hack into and control virtually any electronic device. Small, pulsating circuits run along his body, indicating his constant internal processing and energy flow.

Powers and Abilities:

  1. Technomancy: Technomancer can manipulate, control, and enhance any form of technology. He can interface with electronic systems, reprogram them, or even bring inanimate machines to life.
  2. Cyberkinesis: He can mentally control machines and electronics from a distance, allowing him to manipulate devices without physical contact.
  3. Energy Blasts: His hands can emit powerful energy blasts, which can be used offensively or to overload electronic systems.
  4. Flight: With the jet thrusters on his back, Technomancer can fly short distances and maneuver quickly in the air.
  5. Technological Possession: He can merge with computers, vehicles, and other machinery, taking full control and enhancing their capabilities.
  6. Self-Repair: Technomancer can repair damage to his own body by absorbing and integrating surrounding technology.

Alien Transformation: Mirrorback

Species Name: Reflectrox

Home Planet: Prismos

  1. Description:

Mirrorback hails from the amorphous species of Reflectrox, native to the crystalline world of Prismos, a planet known for its ever-shifting landscapes and intricate prismatic structures.

  1. Physical Appearance:

Mirrorback embodies a fluid and blob-like form, adapting to various shapes and sizes based on its surroundings and emotions.

  • Texture: Its exterior is a semi-translucent, gelatinous substance that ripples and refracts light, resembling a living liquid mirror.
  • Color: Mirrorback's coloration shifts depending on its current emotional state, ranging from iridescent blues and greens to fiery reds and purples.
  • Size: Its size can vary from a small, compact form for maneuverability to a larger, imposing mass for defense.
  • No Distinct Features: Lacking traditional anatomical features, Mirrorback's form is smooth and featureless, save for the shifting hues and the occasional ripple or shimmer indicating movement.
  1. Powers:

Mirrorback's abilities lean heavily towards defense and redirection, relying on its reflective nature to counter incoming attacks.

  1. Reflective Resilience: Mirrorback can only attack by deflecting and redirecting incoming attacks back at its opponents with intensified force.
  2. Reactive Adaptation: Its gelatinous form allows it to absorb energy-based attacks, converting them into potent counter-strikes that mirror the attacker's own abilities.
  3. Amorphous Defense: Mirrorback can reshape its form rapidly to minimize damage and maximize the impact of its returned attacks, making it a challenging target to hit.
  4. Counter Assault: When struck, Mirrorback can unleash a barrage of reflected energy blasts or physical strikes in retaliation, turning defense into offense seamlessly.
  5. Vulnerability Requirement: It remains passive and unassailable unless provoked or attacked, utilizing its opponent's aggression against them with calculated precision.

Mirrorback's unique combat style revolves around the art of redirection and retaliation, embodying the resilience and adaptability of its Reflectrox lineage from Prismos. As a master of reflective combat, Mirrorback turns the tables on its foes, transforming defensive maneuvers into potent offensive strikes with exceptional efficiency.

Report Darth Severus · 32 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

You exclusively using 5YL aliens or are you accepting canon ones?

These aren't 5YL aliens, I've honestly never watched the series, but I do plan on reading the webtoon. And honestly, I might accept canon ones, but I'd like to make original ones

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