• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2484

  • Today
    Never more have I wanted a line from my favorite anime to come true.

    That's it.

    That's the blog.

    Good night, everyone.

    7 comments · 62 views
  • Monday
    Fans nail what major studios have blundered for years.

    Warning: Embedded video contains blood and gore.

    Over a year ago when I read that various YouTube channels in the Resident Evil community were collab'ing on a fan film, I somehow knew right then that whatever they put out, it was going to put everything Hollywood has done to shame.

    I was right.

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    6 comments · 87 views
  • Saturday
    Tell Your Tale: Emotional Roller Coaster

    Power is back, and this week, Misty and the voice in her head cuts in line.

    8 comments · 116 views
  • Wednesday
    Pray for my sanity.

    Have to keep this brief, battery life and all.

    Yesterday afternoon, a derecho (very wide, fast moving storm with hurricane force winds) ripped through Bloomington at more than 55mph, knocking out power for more than 100,000 people in the region.

    Power has been out for 24 hours, and restoration is not expected to be completed for at least another 30 hours.

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    10 comments · 190 views
  • 1 week
    MLP Merch For... Gaming...?

    Yeah, maybe.

    According to EqD, this is official... And French.

    Allow me to say... J'aime

    8 comments · 136 views

Tell Your Tale: Emotional Roller Coaster · 11:16pm Saturday

Power is back, and this week, Misty and the voice in her head cuts in line.

Comments ( 8 )

I love that episode, my favorite part is misty brightdawn facing her inner demons and being brave

TheGJ90 #2 · Saturday · · ·

"You cannot run from your shadow." - Princess Luna to Apple Bloom.

Phazon #3 · Sunday · · ·

Misty and the voice in her head cuts in line.

In more ways than one, I bet.

This was nice. Kind of reminded me of the Bridlewood food fight episode, but that one had a few different themes from this one. For a while there, I was wondering if the voice in Misty's head should've been Opaline's instead of her own, but this works.

And because I'm such a Celeste fan, I was trying to see if this had any references to the conflict with Badeline. Probably not.

The other Misty had red eyes like when a pony is under the influence of that amulet she destroyed.

Three days without power. I know exactly what that’s like, as I stated in your previous post. I hope you were able to stay cooler than I did when it happened to me.

But yeah it was interesting seeing Misty deal with her inner demon like that.

Sollace #6 · Sunday · · ·

This week's was such an odd episode.

Also the "voice" in this episode gave me Opaline vibes. Anyone else get that?

Hyper Star #7 · Sunday · · ·

Not much to say, just quite an odd episode.

I found this episode to be one of the more serious ones. Yes, there were sillies, but not that much. The writing and animation just felt like people were being serious with it.

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