• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago


More Blog Posts2485

  • Wednesday
    Totally didn't happen today, nope.

    3 comments · 45 views
  • Tuesday
    Never more have I wanted a line from my favorite anime to come true.

    That's it.

    That's the blog.

    Good night, everyone.

    7 comments · 103 views
  • Monday
    Fans nail what major studios have blundered for years.

    Warning: Embedded video contains blood and gore.

    Over a year ago when I read that various YouTube channels in the Resident Evil community were collab'ing on a fan film, I somehow knew right then that whatever they put out, it was going to put everything Hollywood has done to shame.

    I was right.

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    6 comments · 96 views
  • Saturday
    Tell Your Tale: Emotional Roller Coaster

    Power is back, and this week, Misty and the voice in her head cuts in line.

    8 comments · 120 views
  • 1 week
    Pray for my sanity.

    Have to keep this brief, battery life and all.

    Yesterday afternoon, a derecho (very wide, fast moving storm with hurricane force winds) ripped through Bloomington at more than 55mph, knocking out power for more than 100,000 people in the region.

    Power has been out for 24 hours, and restoration is not expected to be completed for at least another 30 hours.

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    10 comments · 190 views

Never more have I wanted a line from my favorite anime to come true. · 4:19am Tuesday

That's it.

That's the blog.

Good night, everyone.

Report milesprower06 · 103 views · #sonic #sonic x
Comments ( 7 )
Phazon #1 · Tuesday · · ·

Lol, show of hands, who would vote for Sonic? Pretend he meets the age and citizenship requirements.

Damn, I understand you so well. 😓

Sonic, please, come here to Sponia and blast my president (and the other candidates too).

Clopian26 #3 · Tuesday · · ·

I’ve been trying to get people to vote for Twilight since I found this video six years ago https://youtu.be/nvQWX5RT4qY?si=G-1ddlJU2bis9_Gf
But at this point, I will absolutely take sonic as President, too bad he’s only 33 years old maybe in two more years

And his cabinet would probably kick ass too.

Phazon #5 · Tuesday · · ·


I find that I've been underestimating the size of a president's Cabinet, so it's possible that there's a position for every one of Sonic's "shitty friends" and then some. Except Blaze. She's a princess from another land (world, in fact).

Hell, if I were to think of a position for Big the Cat, it'd have something to do with the environment or wildlife... maybe Secretary of the Interior. Tails is the head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Knuckles is Secretary of Defense.

Amy is the first lady.

Can't blame you, things are not looking good right now.

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