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Sunset Shimmer, now Champion of the Sinnoh Region, recounts a tale to one of her fellow Champions, about how she met one of her best friends and partners. It started like any other day for Sunset Shimmer on her Johto Journey, arriving in Cianwood for her next Gym Badge. Normal, right? However, when she stumbles across a Lucario who she suspects may have been abused by his former trainer, suddenly Gym Badges are the last thing on her mind. Instead, she faces something far more challenging. Can she fix what's been broken, or is she doomed to failure?

(Takes place before Lights of the Burned Tower)

Pokémon belongs to the Pokémon Company and Nintendo and I make no money off of their wonderful world of delightful creatures and locations. Only Pokémon stuff I own is an Eevee plush and a few figurines...

Rated T for teen for several moments of Pokémon Abuse, Pokémon on Pokémon violence and strong language.

Edited by Legolassy123.

Chapters (10)

My name is Lance. I was a young student who wanted to become a Graphic artist and also create characters for video games and comic books. One thing that I did not realize though is that I would soon become one of the favorite characters I would like to draw.

I went to a small anime convention in Los Angeles dressed up as the main character from Azure Striker Gunvolt. A 14 year old Adept that had control over lightning based powers. However, everything was going just fine until I ran into a merchant that resembled Xur from Destiny that was offering me something I couldn't refuse. Like the unknowing idiot I was then, I purchased what he offered me.

Next thing I knew, I wake up in a city called Maretropolis, where I was found by my breezie friend Lumen and another pony that fills me in on where I am. Now I'm in a world filled with ponies, magic, powers, and heroes. However, if they see me as one is another story

A Displaced story that is set in the universe of the Power Ponies. Also considered as an Azure Striker Gunvolt Crossover since the main character is dressed as GV.

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Azure Striker Gunvolt belongs to Inti Creates

Edit: Hit popular stories list on day of release. Thanks for your support everypony!
Gore tag added for content in chapter 3, Sex tag for sexual humor in chapter 16
Featured (Mature Filter off): 9/23/2020. A first for this story! Thanks for all your support everypony!

Chapters (70)

Fact number 1: Canterlot High is hardly a bed of roses. Fact number 2: if girls are roses, don't forget that every rose has its thorns - sharp and even harmful. These are things that everyone should know, and yet it still appears not to be that clear for many. Seeking for the truth behind the facts? Follow Rainbow Dash and her friends as they have to overcome the hardships of what it means to become an adult.

Inspired by manga "Gals!"
Tagged "sex" for innuendoes and serious-related topics

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to The Truth About Girls (Vol. 2)

Fact number 5: There comes a moment in life when it's time to think of the future. Fact number 6: this still include girls. More than ever, even. As the lines of this future are slowly drawing a path to take, everyone, and especially that girl named Rainbow Dash, will have to go over the past in order to see forward. No one said it would be easy.

The last volume. Still inspired by manga "Gals!"

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Truth About Girls (Vol. 1)

Fact number 3: Life can be tough for everyone. Fact number 4: this include girls. But thankfully, it's not the only thing there is to see about life. And the seven friends are about to learn new lessons about life and what is the truth of growing-up. Not just in order to become a woman, but most importantly, in order to become an adult.

Inspired by manga "Gals!"
Tagged sex for innuendoes and serious-related topics

Chapters (27)

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force.

This is the Oath the Code of the Je'daii. This is what I believe this is what I will teach Equestria.

My name is Grand Master Socrates meaning knowledge and wisdom well it is now.You see I was just some ordinary guy that went to a con dressed as a force Wielder. Something happened now I am in Equestria but this is not the Equestria I know for the inhabitants are not ponies or anthro they are human.
Now that I am here I have all the knowledge and power of a Je'daii Master and I intend to teach the force sensitive of this world the ways of the Je'daii. But first I must find those who could help me, unfortunately, two of them happen to be named Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
Please tell me why these two have to be force sensitive.

(Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Chrysalis are simi major characters they will appear in the story every now and then one at a time or all together, Zacora will also show up every now and again.)

Chapters (12)

[Please click 'More' - a bit of explanation comes after the description!]

Some years ago, contact between Earth and Equestria was established, allowing for both humanity and ponykind to cross over to each others' worlds. Immediately, Princess Celestia tasked the Elements of Harmony with conducting outreach missions to Earth - to learn humanity's ways, culture, history, technology, and sciences.

During one particular avenue of study on Earth, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy cross paths with one Doctor Ian Malcolm; a man shrouded in mystery, revered but misunderstood by his peers. What comes to pass is a chain of events that the ponies get ever further dragged into - industrial espionage, acts of international secrecy, and governmental cover-ups.

Twilight and Fluttershy learn the ugly truth behind the string of lies on an island nobody has rightly heard of - and it is here that the pair find themselves fighting for survival against monsters that have been extinct for sixty five million years.

~ ~ ~ ~

A/N (Please read!) - Hello! This is my first attempt at anything really really long. I've been working on this on-and-off for nearly three years now and, at the time of writing this, think I'm about three quarters of the way through.

This is a crossover with The Lost World: Jurassic Park. I'm borrowing from both novel and film canon - the story is dated in 1997 (so film canon) but with a bunch of events that occur in the novel. The first two chapters or so are fairly faithful to the novel - as faithful as a story about the characters from My Little Pony wandering about on Earth can be.

I will not be re-telling either the film or novel but with ponies inserted. I plan on borrowing events and scenes from film and novel canon to some extent - for instance, the first few chapters remain faithful to the novel - but the overarching plot is of my own design.

The characters in the story all feature in the novel but many of them have qualities of their film canon counterparts. I imagined Sarah Harding as Julianne Moore when writing this, and Ian Malcolm as Jeff Goldblum (Goldblum is the one true Ian Malcolm, praise be to him.)

(I don't think you'll have had to read the novel / watched the film to make heads or tails of this. Hopefully. Let's see.)

This is a very wordy story. I've sort-of tried to emulate Crichton's writing style a little bit here, so there's a lot of high-brow sciency and philosophical-type stuff in here. Chaos theory plays a big role, for instance, and I've done my best to understand it but science isn't what I'd call my forte.

If you are after a story where dinosaurs rampage from the get-go, this won't be your jam. Sorry. I'm all for ponies running for their lives from Tyrannosaurs, but I wanted to explore other themes too - the dinosaur-y bits, though important, serve to further the plot and themes.

There is swearing and there is some gore. Characters get annoyed with each other a lot in this one, because a lot of them make very idiotic decisions. As such, they swear at each other. Also, dinosaurs eat people. There's gonna be some blood and gore and violence, so yeah. Just warning you. Might up the rating a bit later if required.

Twilight isn't an Alicorn. I guess this is sorta AU in that respect. But no, she's still just a Unicorn!

That's enough from me, I think. Enjoy!

Chapters (19)

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity transfer to a school in New York. A new town means new friends, but also enemies. Will they be able to defeat these enemies with the help of their new friends?

Chapters (13)

It has been 5 years since Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo went missing. A pony by the name of Pin Point will do what others could not. Find the CMC and bring them home. This is history.

Chapters (6)

Ten years after the events of Pokémon Sun and Moon, two teenaged siblings from the Kalos region move to Melemele Island in the Alola region with their family. Both are eager to partake in and complete the famous Island Trials for the chance to challenge the fearsome Pokémon League, and they each set off on their journey, each one with a Pokémon from home in tow.

Very shortly after, wormholes similar to the ones the Ultra Beasts came from appear all over Alola, only this time, magical creatures calling themselves "ponies" emerge from them. The two siblings come across two of them and agree to keep them safe and help find the rest of her friends along their travels, all while evading forces who wish to use the ponies for their own power-hungry ways, as well as solving the mystery of their appearance.


Playing Pokémon Sun/Moon (or watching/reading an entire play/walkthrough) is not a prerequisite for reading this story, though many references to the events of those games (among others) will be made.

Rated Teen for language and Pokémon violence.

Chapters (110)