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The Cooper Gang has faced many hurdles since they left the orphanage together. Each heist held its own hazards, its own problems, and its own consequences if anything went wrong. However, by working together, Sly, Bentley, and Murray have handled everything thrown their way.

However, their next mission saddles the raccoon leader of this little band of thieves with two hurdles he never anticipated, ones he'll have to handle himself: romance and fatherhood. After all, how could he resist the allure of the lovely Carmelita Fox, even if she is on the side of law enforcement? And an orphan himself, he could never turn his back on the lost, alone, and scared Coco Pommel, a tiny pony filly small enough to fit in his hand...and threatened by the worst of the worst of the criminal world.

Little did he know just how much these decisions would change all their lives.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by Technopathic
Edit 2: New fan art by The Emerald Nightingale

Chapters (144)

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

A massive war of titanic forces is taking place in the Kaiju's world. However, when two faction's leaders, the current Godzilla and his 'brother' Xenilla duke it out; humanity unleashes its most devastating weapon. Something beyond comprehension occurred and the boundary that divides worlds, if only for the briefest of moments, was torn to shreds. New forms are taken, new bodies assumed. But old hatreds die hard. But how well can hatreds continue in the world of love and tolerance? Especially with its own demons follow it there?

Godzilla Franchise by Toho Company Ltd.
My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro Studios.
This is a non profit fan-work and I claim no ownership on the IP itself.
Story created by Tarbtano
Co-created and Contributed by Faith-Wolff and Skylark8756

Now on TV tropes (Thanks Raidrik, VampyGirl; Lance Omikron, Ultimomant, and ZimFan!)

Kaiju Cast:

Godzilla a.k.a Gojira

[Character copyright of Toho and Daiei Company, artwork property of Matt Frank]

(for any G-fans, Xenilla is the kaiju you may know as Spacegodzilla. I changed the name because I got quirked about typing it repeatedly and am writing the story so it can at least be understood by just an MLP or just a G-fan; and thought it get very confusing that one character's name was just another character's name with an adjective. Also... don't pretend it's the most imaginative name Toho has every made)

Chapters (94)

You just want to be left alone. Pinkie won't let that happen. She's been there.

Lighter, fluffier sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/373623/youre-getting-better

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You're Not Fine

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship. Fortunately for you, Pinkie doesn't ask for much, and she has plenty to give.
Maybe it's time to start giving back.

Chapters (21)

Set a few months after the events of Twilight VS Anime, Twilight is content to relax now that she has seen the appeal in the animation that she thought would once threaten Equestria's way of life and can now focus on her personal life. However, she is called back to duty once more after it has been discovered that anime was suddenly stolen from Equestria's broadcasting stations. Along with the help of her friends, Twilight travels to the birthplace of anime to uncover the identity of the thief and return anime to TV screens across the world.

Once again, Discord could have just snapped his darn fingers and...!

Chapters (2)

In a sudden wave of chaos magic, Discord transforms Equestria, and it is up to Twilight to set things ri- hey, where's she going?

Twilight wants nothing more than to sleep until everypony stops acting crazy, but the universe has other plans, and she's sent on a quest to set everything back to normal...

Despite the fact that everything can be set back to normal if Discord would just snap his damn fingers!!!

Chapters (8)

Okay... so short description wasn't the best. But here's more!... Maybe!

With Adagio and Aria abandonment of Sonata, she is forced to fend for herself. Why? Is unknown, but will she be able to overcome her own insecurities with the help of a mystery man by the name of Red Moon? Or will his own past destroy them both?

Chapters (2)

But what is love? What does love truly mean? You'd read about it in novels or short stories. You'd see it in movies or TV shows. You'll even hear it from your friends and family. No matter where you go, you can bet that love will be just around the corner, waiting impatiently to make its sudden appearance.

Not everyone have had the chance to experience love, though. Take the hero of this story for example: Salami B. Salami B is your everyday average high schooler. He isn't a genius, nor a strong athlete. He isn't incredibly dashing, nor a big hit with the ladies of Canterlot High. If Salami B was anything, is average.

So, being the average guy that he was, Salami B has never once stopped to think about pursuing a romantic relationship with any of the girls in his school; he just don't understand why should he be wasting his time chasing a girl, when he could use that time to focus on other things?

Besides, love was never really something Salami took an interest in; he finds it weird and mysterious, if not downright intimidating. No, Salami B would be much better off alone and single. At least, that's what he tells himself.

But, of course, like every other love story you'd probably read, his life and views on love was about to change. And it all began when he first met Sunset Shimmer.

Our story takes place in the Equestria Girl's Universe. So, yeah, you'll find that there is an unreasonable amount of humans here instead of ponies. So, if that really ain't your thing... too bad. But if it is, welcome! And I hope you'll enjoy this.

P.S. I have no idea who did the wonderful cover art, so, unfortunately, I'm unable to give credit to the artist. If anyone knows who did the cover art, please, let me know.

P.P.S. Rated Teen because reasons.

Chapters (3)

Travis Rayne, a pretty cool, yet shy, teenager moves into Canterlot High School, and yet thinks this could be his dream come true to get a girl of his dreams, as yet that was his life wish ever since. He yet failed quite a bit in the past...OK maybe alot in the past, but now he sets his eye on a beautiful future. And that starts with the cute and adorable, Sunset Shimmer. Though, it is not going to be easy for him, as yet he feels like he will screw up once again, but will he actually? Along the way, he gets the friends that will help him out through his days in high school. Find out if Rayne gets the girl of his dreams. My first story, so enjoy!

(In Chapter 20, the tragedy plays in, and so does the gore element. Sad can't go in with comedy, so I picked tragedy)

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to New Beginnings

Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings.

Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Continuation can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/332488/consequences

AN// All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles.com for helping me beta.

AN2// Many thanks to mix-up for the coverart. His user page can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/mix-up and the deviant art page can be found here:http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)