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This story is a sequel to Normal Life

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes. The point is that your actions, large or small, have consequences. If they turn out good or bad is often not up to you. Especially when you live with the Princess.

But fear of the consequences is not a reason not to act when you need to.

Next story can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/361744/secret-of-flying

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to Consequences

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn doesn’t make it any easier.

Especially when you are trying your best to keep it hidden.

Since the defeat of Tirek, Blank Page has been trying his best to keep his sudden case of Alicorn hidden from the general public.

Because honestly, who would want that much responsibility?

Coverart by Sipioc

Chapters (43)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

This story is a sequel to Secret of Flying

Blank Page continues his life in Equestria. Everything seems to be going his way for once... hah! Like that would ever realistically happen.

Even if nopony else did anything, he could get himself into plenty of trouble all on his own. 

So, while Equestria seems peaceful for now, that may change. Or at the very least, he'll manage to make his life interesting for himself.

Whether he likes it or not.

Big massive thanks to Sipioc for the cover art!

Chapters (47)

20-year-old Ryan Burbank is living with his girlfriend in their woodland home when he is struck by a mysterious infection seemingly out of nowhere. To everyone's horror, his sickness spreads quickly throughout his body, shutting him down one piece at a time. The doctors are at a loss of what to do about this new form of bacteria. Ryan and his loved ones choose to keep fighting until either a cure can be discovered...or the pain becomes too much.
At the height of his suffering, he discovers a happy little show while watching television in his hospital room. The bright colors and happy attitudes of the cartoon equines provide him with a much-needed escape from the daily pain of being killed from the inside.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much and he decides it would be better to go out surrounded by his family, in the embrace of those who kept him company throughout his short life. Just as he starts to fade, his eyes wander to the screen of the hospital room television and the cartoon ponies who adorn it. Something strange begins to occur...almost like the screen is pulling him in. Tunnel vision, maybe?
No, that can't be it...why can he hear his name being called by a very familiar voice? And why is she...crying? Who is this crying, familiar voice and why does she seem to know him?



Rated "Teen" for language and the "Sex" tag is for all of the sexual humor and suggestive situations. If I decide to up the suggestive stuff in the future, I'll change the tags and rating to fit that change.

Cover by enamis.

Chapters (21)

Meet Ben, not to be confused with his cosplay character. He considers himself decent, fun-loving, and strong, but only because it is how he copes with the voices in his mind. Ten other personalities that try to dominate him at every turn. It sent him from psych ward to psych ward, but nothing ever improved. He was under constant watch, despite living off the streets. It was only at school where he ever got any food or proper shelter, though he never gave up hope that one day, his luck would change.

One day, at his first Comic Con, dressed as his favorite TV character, Ben meets a strange fate of falling from his world and into one of Technicolor ponies. The voices were finally gone from his mind, freeing him... or so he thought. Now the voices have their own bodies and still haven't given up tying to control their host. This led to many acts of destruction in this land, landing all of them imprisoned for millennia. Now Ben is free, but so are the voices. With some unlikely friends by his side, can Ben finally tame these monsters, or will they finally succeed in taking what they want?

Rated teen for occasional swearing and sexual references. You have been warned.
Featured on February 17, 2015!

Chapters (12)

While Sora and Riku were on thier quest to put a stop to Xehanort's plans, the Master Yen Sid summoned them to go into a mission in a new world which have a source of light that it's under threat by Xehanort. The result of this mission would have a big impact in the upcoming final battle so the two heroes can't afford to fail on this mission...

Sunset Shimmer and her friends are having a good lives after the friendship games, but she has been feeling weird lalely, the feeling that something bad it's about to happen. A new threat, worse that any other foe, will come, she also feel that she and her friends gonna need new alies to help them out, also she has been feeling that it might be time to go out and look for somebody to make her happy, her hero...

Sci-Twilight Sparkle is trying to get used to her new life and learn about the friendship, but she's having a hard time trying to, also she feels more isolate than ever to the people from her past actions, the fault is eating her up, even with her family and her friends trying to help her there's not great effect on her, what she needs now is someone that can help her and fill her with light, she needs a hero...

Takes Place after Friendship Games and in the beginning of KH3

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix
Artwork by GundamBrony
Simple And Clean -Ray of Hope MIX belongs to Square Enix and Utada Hikaru.

Chapters (16)

Sora was an average teenage boy, though average was an understatement. At the age of fourteen, he was thrust into a battle between light and darkness, wielding a mystical weapon known as the Keyblade, saving worlds from creatures known as the Heartless and finding his friends, Riku and Kairi. He has saved the universe many times from the Heartless, saved Kingdom Hearts from being controlled by those with evil intentions, and has made new friends in each world he visited.

However, he fails his mark of mastery exam after almost getting himself killed by Xehanort's younger self, needing to be rescued by his friends as Riku and Kairi become Keyblade Masters. Needing more training before he can retake his exam, Master Yen Sid gives him coordinates to somewhere in the galaxy, though the information on what was there or why was unanswered, obeying his teacher. But as he was close to reaching the coordinates, his own gummi ship, which he crafted on his own while on a break a week prior to his exam's failure, malfunctions for some unknown reason and crashes into the world of Equestria.

With no way to make it back home, and Equestria too far from the rest of the worlds to contact his friends or fix his ship, Sora is stranded on this new world until someone realized he's been missing. Until then, he's going to have to fit in, his magic transforming his body into being a part of the world like in many others he visited in the past, and be patient. Little does he know that there were also dangers that lurked in this world, aside from any Heartless that may appear.

Sora's story takes place after the events of Dream Drop Distance, his adventures beginning in Equestria before the season 1 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix and Disney. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

EDIT: Those who are new to this story, there are links in a majority of the chapters where they lead to soundtracks of Kingdom Hearts to help build an atmosphere in the story. Sadly, most of them may come up as dead links because those videos had been taken down by the YouTuber for some reason, even if there are some still active by that same person, or they'll be gone as well if they happen again. With how many chapters I've put in this story, and how many links there might be, I don't have the patience to take them down or find new links with the right music I chose for those moments if I can remember which ones. So, up until Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (Part 3), ignore the links, as much as I hate to say that with the hard work I've done. Hopefully this crossover will be as enjoyable without music as it keeps on going. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (237)

( Chapter proofreading by: Pinkiepierocks and MD stephen51991 )

Yen Sid, receives a message from an old friend of his asking for the assistance of a Keyblade Bearer. Dark and mysterious happenings have suddenly started appearing in Equestria. Sora is sent on a mission to take care of the situation starting by looking for the world's key hole and locking it. As a request on Yen Sid's part, Sora will also remain there for a year to train and unlock abilities he never knew he had to prepare him for 2nd attempt at the Mark of Mastery and become a Keyblade Master. However, he will need the help of his new friends to activate it until he can learn to do it on his own. Of course this doesn't mean he'll be the only one getting something out of this exchange. His friends will be gaining some new powers along with him. The question is, will they be able to take on the Darkness that is slowly making it's presence known to Equestria. One thing is certain: Things are gonna get crazy with Sora and the Elements of Harmony.

I do now own Kingdom Hearts or My Little Pony nor do I own any pictures that you see in the story.

I do not own the background music, and it is optional for the reader to play them at certain parts of the story, you are free to not click on them if you feel like it. they are there basically help with the atmosphere of parts of the story.

Chapters (57)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Princess Twilight Sparkle

After arriving to Equestria early, Sora helps Twilight figure out what the mysterious chest is and why it's there. Twilight decides the only with more information is the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters and the group heads there for research, much to Spike's dismay. After a while, the rest of the group goes to the castle for their own reasons; Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to prove who's the most daring pony, Rarity tries to restore ancient art, and Fluttershy is accompanying her, but Pinkie was currently ringing the school bell to the day...or was she?

When entering, everypony's imagination starts to run a little too wild for their own good. Twilight and Sora, on the other hoof, are perfectly calm, but not for long when they find two secret journals...and one of them doesn't belong to anypony in Equestria.

Chapters (2)