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This story is a sequel to Turtles of Everfree

After the death of Master Splinter, the Rainbooms and Turtles team up to take the fight to the Super Shredder with the aim of ending him once again for all to avenge their sensei. Will their combined strength and friendship be enough to overcome the rage and evil of the most powerful mutant they've ever tussled with?

Chapters (1)

Displaced Story

Maretropolis. A town unlike any other. A town which is phasing a new mutant problem. A town with a suddenly increasing crime rate. A town with a new furless deformed Minotaur habitant. A town-

Well, you probably get the gist. This town had seemingly a lot of challenges to face. Increasing crime rate, the unrest of their citizens towards mutants, and even a growing price for potatoes. And god knows potatoes are awesome.

One of the few well accepted mutants, the Power Ponies have a lot on their hooves, and they certainly don't need anything more to worry about.

Too bad it wasn't meant to be as they encounter a strange furless thing, that can only be described as furless black deformed Minotaur in one of their missions.

This is a direct response to the ridiculously low number of fics with the tags: Power Ponies, Human, Comedy, which is up to six. At least up until now! But this changes now with this one, fic number seven is now on the list! So help us fight against this low number of fics!

Crossover: X-Men

Chapters (16)

I was just a normal deadbeat. I had trouble keeping a job, even through I didn't have many personal issues that would caused me such troubles, and I didn't have many friends. So, in short, there's really nothing special about me.

But that all changed when the security firm I worked for was hired for an extra muscle at a Con. I don't clearly remembered what happened next, but I awoke to find myself in a world not my own, with a body not my own, but luck was with me, as a party was going on. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to join in as the party was rudely crushed by some uninvited guests.

Now it was up to me to save the day, learn why I'm here and why I have these new powers and body. But on the bright side, I may finally get a family I so long desired.

Chapters (12)

Cover art from HERE

Edit 14/3/2019: Had to remove the Drama tag because I wasn't allowed to save edits to the description due to too many tags due to the new rules.

I was enjoying a quiet day at work, when I suddenly find myself in what I can only describe as what a person high on drugs would see, before a blinding rainbow light slams into me and knocks me unconscious.

Upon awakening, I find something very off, not only about my surroundings, but myself. For one, I seem to have become a small horse and a female one at that.

I also seem to be in a forest of some kind. Hang on. Is this the Everfree?

Oh, great. What do i do now?

Well, having powers on par with a Chaos Lord certainly might come in handy. Let's see what i can do with them, shall we?

Sex tag for sexual references and teen for teen reasons, plus a lot crass swearing.

And, just be warned, that random tag is serious. Random shit will happen in this fic, so be wary of that when entering and DO NOT expect anything to just be normal at any point.

In Popular Stories 31/12/2015. What a way to end the year!

Featured 24/7/2016. Okay. Honest to God did not see that coming.

Featured again 31/7/2016. Wait. What?

Featured 5/8/2016. Someone's pulling my leg here, right?

Featured again 26/8/2016. No. Wait. WHAT?

Despite everything, got Featured 16/2/2017. Just hope the next update does this justice

In Featured 2/07/2017. Um... How? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... how?!

Seriously? Featured 23/7/2017?

Featured 28?7/2017. .... Um, HOW?

Featured 4/8/2017. Wait, HOW?

Chapters (61)

A tribute rock band, Lamss, from the Pokemon world has crash landed in Equestria. While there, they meet the cast of the show, and even teach them of the card game Duel Monsters. With no other option for them to return home, Princess Celestia opens a duel tournament with the grand prize being the granting of one wish. The members of Lamss and their new friends must fight strong opponents to win the tournament so Lamss can return to their home world.

I understand that the crossover elements maybe a little strange and that the pacing may be slow in the beginning, but I'd like it if you read at least 4 chapters before you make your ratings.

Chapters (43)

Inspired by Heart of the Cards.

Everything was almost peaceful within the magical land of Equestria, key word: almost. Two days before the Summer Sun Celebration, a bunch of strange cards started appearing out of nowhere all over Equestria, and some of them started making ponies go crazy, it warranted enough attention for the princess to get to the bottom of this. Princess Celestia, ruler of all of Equestria, decided to conduct her own investigation on these cards, after casting a unique spell, she accidently pulled a human named Yulo Shinsetsu from his home world called Earth and told her about the card game from the strange cards, Duel Monsters.

She immediately enlists his help in stopping these incidents and protecting her subjects from any further harm, he is hesitant at first, but agrees after Celestia promises to find a way to send him back.

But little do they know is that those cards are the least of their problems, especially when threats from Equestria's past come out of the woodwork...

Author's Notes:
This fanfiction will introduce a new Duel Disk design I came up with and are planning to build.

This story is not canon to Heart of the Cards, this is merely a bout of inspiration come to life.

A personal note to AspirantWriter, the author of Heart of the Cards, if you believe that I'm ripping off your story by writing this, please PM me with your concerns, and we'll try and work something out that'll separate our two stories from each other and prevent copyright issues.

Chapters (3)

Twilight crosses the mirror portal to pursue Sunset Shimmer after the theft of the Element of Magic. She finds herself in a world of odd two-legged creatures, and for some reason they're all obsessed with a card game called "Duel Monsters." Twilight soon learns that the only way to get her crown back is to win it in the school's semi-annual duel tournament, of which Sunset has been the reigning champion three rounds running. The tournaments have divided the school, and split up a group of five friends similar to Twilight's friends in Equestria.

Twilight now faces her biggest adventure yet. She must master Duel Monsters, reconcile these other versions of her friends, and defeat Sunset to win the Autumn Crown. And she has only three days to pull it off. It's time to duel!

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and RTStephens. Cover art by EGStudios93

View Twilight's deck here. View Sunset’s deck here.

Reading by Martialartfruituser here

Artwork of the Harmony Spirits by Ajustice90. View them on DA here and here.

Chapters (24)

It's a relatively normal day in Canterlot. The sun is shining; the birds are singing!; and somebody somewhere just spent a good chunk of change on the latest Duel Disk model. Yes, Duel Monsters has become quite the phenomenon, and the Canterlot scene is beginning to develop quite nicely. The local card shop has even decided to hold a beginner's tournament to help introduce new players into the game!

So; what happens when a few, questionably normal magic-infused high schoolers take up an interest in a game that's never really mixed well with magic to begin with? Naturally: nothing good! It's up to them and their new companion: a self-proclaimed Duel Monsters veteran named Onyx -- who has decided to help them learn the basics of the complex game -- to discover the consequences of the cards' newfound hidden powers.

It's a good thing he's a pretty understanding guy. Right?

[Crossover] with Yu-Gi-Oh! based on the EQG universe, but with several fundamental differences -- hence the [Human] and [Alternative Universe] tags to account for canonical discrepancies and the sudden prevalence of children's card games. Additional character or genre tags may be added as necessary. "Duel Monsters" utilizes the updated Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Rule 4 established in July 2017.

Chapters (11)

A few years ago, while on archeological dig, in Saddle Arabia, a young stallion named Maximilian Pegasus discover the ruins of an ancient civilization. As he ventured deep within the tombs of the lost pharaoh, he depictions of ponies battling each other with powerful monsters. After seeing many the depictions, he decide to creature a game in which modern day ponies could battle each other just as the ponies of old. He called the game “Duel Monsters.”

It wasn't long before he creation became popular among ponies. Soon, Maximilian spent countless bits into making a portal version of the Duel Arena, so the ponies could duel any and everywhere. He called his creation Duel Discs. Before long, it was decided to hold a tournament once year to determine who would earn the title of “King/Queen of Games”.

This year's tournament will be different as an ancient force lurks in the shadows that will threaten all of Equestria. What will happen when a young stallion named Star Driver and his friends discover that there's more at stake in this tournament than deciding who is the best duelists in Equestria?

While most of the Decks will contain actual Yu-Gi-Oh! cards from the original series, GX, and 5D's, Zexal, the majority of the OC's Deck will contain original cards I've created.

Many thanks to goldenrise365247 for being my co-author, Utopianking and the beat brony for being my proof-readers and my editor The Notebook :pinkiehappy::yay:

Chapters (31)

Eddie Brock and a symbiote bond to make a creature called Venom, one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies/ reluctant allies. Despite their immense irritation, anger, and sometimes downright hatred toward him, both Eddie and the symbiote greatly value innocents. They will go to great lengths to save them, and stop others who wish to do harm upon them. This made Venom one of the greatest anti-heroes, and by some degree, could be trusted.

But when a "mishap" happens during one of their battles, Venom gets whisked to Equestria.
Now, Eddie and the symbiote must find a way back, if it is even possible. But how will the ponies react to Venom? Will Venom still defend the innocent here, despite being ponies who sometimes despise him? Perhaps Equestria could use a lethal protector...?

Update: April 23, 2020. Story will not continue in this fic. for more details, click on the latest "chapter", an update of the current situation.

Crossover of Venom

For those who don't know much about Venom or Spider-Man, you might be thinking I'm using a villainous Venom. I'm actually using modern Venom, who is an anti-hero. Reading the comics isn't required, but I will hint and/or reference them once in a while.

Also, I will go back at some point to edit the first couple of chapters. They don't include my best writing.

Chapters (23)