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Coverart from HERE

Set shortly after the season 5 premiere, but before episode three

Romance tag readded due to a lack of a certain mare having a ship in the finale.

Normally, Ken wouldn't have minded finding an excuse to get out of school. However, being hit by a car and suddenly waking up as a strange four legged creature with purple fur, wings and a horn is not something he'd have chosen just to play hooky.

Now in a world he continually doesn't understand and makes him... now a her, want to pull her hair out, Ken must learn how to coincide with the creatures of Equestria, while finding her place in this bizare world that defies all senses of logic she was raised with. On top of that, she's now apparently a princess and has to deal with nobles fawning over her, including one male who she knows is definitely just trying to get into her new female parts to breed, and she'll have none of that.

Of all the things she could've chosen to get out of school, this was definitely not one of them and she just wants to go back to normal. Sadly, that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Though not pertaining to the main character, Romance tag does still apply to other characters in this story. It's just the Tag Limiter wouldn't let me keep Romance Tag after I edited the description a little, so had to remove the tag, even if it still holds some small weight on the story.

Featured Box 16-18/8/2015. Okay. Seriously did not see that coming.

Popular Stories 16-20/8/2015

Featured Box again 6/11/2016 if only for a few moments.:rainbowderp: I... I honestly don't know what to say:raritystarry:

Featured again? Really? Thank you guys, so much:twilightsmile::yay:

Chapters (26)

One day, Discord had a wonderful idea. It was too peaceful in Equestria. There was a dire need for some chaos. What's more chaotic than a human displaced to Equestria? A human who's been displaced to Equestria with all his memories and lively possessions. Come to find out that this human has immense knowledge of both his homeworld, Earth, and Equus. His plan fails, and now there's a reasonably angry human in Equestria. Oh, Discord, can't send the human back. Wait, he managed to get Discord to help him find someone who could. Now the human has a small part of Discord's power and a mission. First, he's got to set up his home.

This story contains Slice of Life, maybe Drama not 100% sure, I'm going to try and work in Romance, Mystery, and Tragedy in later chapters. The slice of life doesn't really appear until past chapter 5.

This story contains profanity in the form of a protag who swears like a sailor. Dark and insensitive humor in the form of making references to world events. In addition to this, the protagonist uses humor as a coping mechanism, so dad jokes beware. Lastly, this story contains violence and gore—not extremely detailed on the gore part, but still warning all you folks. Also, this story will make references to many media franchises like Fallout, Star Wars, Titanfall, MHA, and The Hunger Games. Mainly Fallout and Titanfall. Due to the main setting being an underground facility based on those of Fallout and many mentions and appearances of things like Titans, Jumpkits, and Titanfall Weapons. These aren’t full-fledged crossovers of worlds, only equipment, vehicles, and possibly the design of characters. Finally, there will be a wide variety of military equipment, including small arms, artillery, ground, sea, and air vehicles, referenced in this fanfic. History nerds unite.

My goal is to upload at least one chapter per week unless I hit a severe case of writer’s block.

The goal of this story is to be an introduction to me as a writer and the world of the Keeper. I hope to learn a great deal from this short fanfic, so please leave your feedback, both positive and negative. Just keep it constructive. I’ve waited long enough; it's time to see how you like it. Plus, if you don’t like this story in particular, Janon is kind of a side character, so you can still enjoy the expansive world of The Keeper without reading it. Just know you’re destined to find something you like in the world of The Keeper, and if not, suggestions are always welcome.

Before you ask, the cover is an AI-generated image edited by me.

Chapters (11)

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it... The Last Dragonborn, Skarin of Atmora, awakens in a new world born from the ashes of the old one and must, once and for all, defeat The World Eater Alduin. But first he must adapt to this new and strange world he finds himself in and gather as many allies as he can. Maybe even fall in love?

The title "Kulaas ahrk Dovah" is dragon for "Princess and Dragon", lack of grammar accuracy since dragons don't really care for proper sentence structure.

The story starts with the beginning of season 5, between episodes 2 and 3 and continues from there following canonical-ish episodes and new storylines.

Cover art by the amazing REDACTED.
Sloppy coloring by me. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (14)

This is tagged as Spyro the dragon but is a mlp x Skylanders crossover. There is simply no Skylanders tag so it will have to do.

Frederik, Jason, Fred, Keith, Barry, Mateo, Kaitlin, Kellie, Kendal and Chadwick are all good friends who met at a game expo a couple years back, all cosplaying as their favorite Skylander. One day when they were all hanging out at Keith's house. A weird box is dropped at his front door, which contains figurines of their favorite Skylanders, all wearing a accessory they were currently wearing.

The moment they all grab their respective figurine, they all black out and wake up in the middle of a clearing in the whitetail woods.

This series will be complicated for you to understand if you don't know about Skylanders. I personally only have played the games and will only write lore around what i know and the games. Each character will unlock the different forms of their Skylanders. If a Skylander doesn't have a rerelease (example being one of the Skylanders in this story), or not enough forms. They will get custom forms picked by myself.

You may ask what counts as a form for them? Anything basically. A special figurine such as a glow in the dark? Special form. Lightcore? Special form. Etc.


Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Scarlet

This is the continuation of Twilight Scarlet. After living a fulfilling life in Fiore. Her life takes her back to Equestria. The world in which she was born in. However now, still the young age she was when she left, she is far more powerful than even most mages or even some arch mages.
However her stamp of Fairy Tail is now gone. This has brought her great sadness. However she is happy to see her parents, she missed her family dearly.

There is only one thing she can do. Make an extension to Fairy Tail in the world of Equestria. Her life as a Guildmaster will continue. Will she successfully extend her family in Equestria? Or will her future stay predetermined by her parents. This is final book. (Unless I want to continue it even further.)

Chapters (2)

Many have pondered the purpose of human existence and how we came to be, are we perhaps a mistake? A simulation? Or were we designed by a god or perhaps even gods, and if so, why? Well, I found out the answer to this question, and I'll make damn sure they pay for answering it.

Chapters (9)

It wasn't Eric's fault he hit the alien with his truck. How was he supposed to see a dog-sized horse walking down the highway in the pouring rain? His life would've been simpler if he just left the animal like any other roadkill. But in his injured delirium, the horse spoke.

This accident soon ends with an intimate personal knowledge of just how dangerous magic can be. An ancient rises, tied to a mysterious tome the pegasus was protecting on the night of the accident. A malevolent force grows within those pages, whispering louder and louder about the cleansing flame. But without the spells inside that cursed tome, Eric's humanity will be gone forever.

He has no choice but to master the words of power contained within, before his life is turned to ashes around him

A commission for Muziki. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

The various artistic works created for this story are credited to their artists within the chapter they appear.

Chapters (46)

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had others plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife. Which of course, was a reincarnation to another world! But Lux failed to comprehend the sheer differences between his world of alchemy and the new world of magic.

Will Lux be able to understand and regain the childhood he had lost, or will his past life catch up to him?
Find out in Season 1.

Chapters (22)

Mystic Knight, a Unicorn born with a condition that grants him little magic wants to prove that even he can be a mage.

Aura Kaiser, a God of Space and leader of a team known as the Dimensional Guardians goes to the MLP Dimension to find out what it truly means to be a leader.

By fate, these two meet and form a bond that is like family and team up with the Mane 6 to protect the land of Equestria.

This is a prequel to the posts that I make on the Friendship Is Awesomes forum and The Storyboards forum with my OCs Mystic Knight and Aura Kaiser.

Chapters (9)

Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...


Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?

Disclaimer: 'coding' is being used very loosely.

Chapters (37)