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The wedding was a disaster, but the changelings were defeated. The only real price paid was a mare's trust in her friends and family. Now she will seek out a new path in life, teaming up with an exile and a music loving DJ, the group will forge a new destiny in life.

Chapters (8)

It's been several weeks since Sludge's departure, and despite their relationship being stronger than ever, there are still some awkward moments as Twilight Sparkle and Spike adjust to finally figuring out what they are to each other.
But there are moments when that isn't an issue.
A rainy morning is one such moment.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Unwell

Twilight Sparkle is not well.

After the incident in Ponyville, Twilight has been moved to the Canterlot Mental Hospital, a top of the line care facility. Rainbow Dash has moved to Canterlot as well, to be there to provide support to Twilight.

Along the way, she will learn things about Twilight that she didn’t even know she didn’t know, as well as meet important ponies from Twilight’s past.

Twilight Sparkle is not well. But there is a plan for her and she is recovering.

The thing about life is, it never quite goes according to plan.

This story is a sequel to my other story, Unwell.
As a result, it won't much sense if you don't read that one first.

Cover art by dreamingnoctis. Check out his user page here.

Chapters (7)

For three proud generations, the Apple clan have been some of the finest monster hunters Equestria has ever known. But that's all about to change. You see, Applejack met a special somepony, and she's not quite like other ponies...

Happy Nightmare Night everypony!

Part of a spoopy Hallooween Terrifying Tamantha fic exchange, this one for Breakfateschain! If you wanna get in on the next one (Secret Samantha!), come on down to the Donut Hut!
Proofread by Caravel.

Chapters (1)

After hearing some alarming reports Twilight Velvet visits her daughter in Ponyville only to discover that Twilight is emotionally broken. Can she, and Twilight's friends, get Twilight the help she needs?
Trigger-Attempted suicide.

Chapters (6)

This fanfic is dedicated to the men and women who serve to protect our freedom. It is dedicated to the poor souls who lost their lives on the fields of Verdun, the Somme, Gallipoli in the First World War, to those who saved us from tyranny in World War Two, and many others who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
These people are soldiers of the Free World. As such they live, and as such they die.

Scootaloo never knew her parents. When she was very young, she was left in the care of her uncle, who took care of her. But one day, she finally meets her father.

Inspired by this fanart: https://that1andonly.deviantart.com/art/Surprise-Scootaloo-347308063
Its author, THAT1ANDONLY, kindly gave me permission to use his piece as a thumbnail. God Bless him.

NB: The show is probably going to address the subject of Scootaloo's family, so this story is going to get the AU tag sooner or later.

Chapters (1)

The final Two episodes to the Canterlot Wedding really got me thinking, why? Her family, friends, and mentor abandoned her, and only Applejack tried apologizing. What if Twilight was able to save Cadence and not herself.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to But I'm here for you now

Scootaloo's been having the time of her life since she's been back with her mother, Fluttershy. Life has been great, but as time progresses Scootaloo has been wanting to ask her mother a very important question: who in Equestria is her father?

((The sequel to 'But I'm here for you now' is finally here. Took me long enough. lol))

Warning: rated teen for a bit of language and violence down the line.

((Second story to be featured. I can't believe it. :) ))

Chapters (26)

Princess Luna has finally found love. The pony who would keep her in the light, bring joy to her life, and happiness for years to come. All of this suddenly came to an end. Tirek, still imprison left behind a little bit of magic inside of the mare who defeated him, Twilight Sparkle. An evil curse to end the princess of friendship for good and shattering Luna’s hope for the future.

Tirek cursed Twilight in the cruellest way. This dark curse will attack Twilight’s heart and kill her if Luna gets too close. Twilight is forced to push Luna away in hopes she will find a cure. But will Luna be able to overcome this new darkness in her heart? What will happen to this heartbroken mare, who can’t be with her true love at the risk of killing her?


This story is now apart of a trilogy:

Chapters (12)

Twilight Velvet and everypony else that cares about Twilight is worried about her. After finding her passed out in her tower she decides to put her hoof down.

Chapters (1)