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991 years. That's how long it's been since Nightmare Moon took over Luna and was banished. Every single year, Celestia has tried and failed to abate her pain over the incident. Finally, she has had enough of the hole in her heart and seeks to fill it, even if only temporarily. Becoming a mother to six seems like the best course of action to that end, doesn't it?

A little idea I had that I hadn't seen done before. Proofread and reviewed by Azure5555.

Chapters (3)

This story is to help me write better.

[This story takes place in The Magic is Friendship, parts one and two]

Though Nightmare Moon is defeated, Twilight is not set free from her wrath unchanged.


Sex tag for some sexual themes for a few scenes throughout the story.

Chapters (11)

For most ponies the day they get their cutie mark is the day everything changes. That was especially true for Twilight Sparkle, as the day she got her cutie mark was also the day Princess Celestia took her on as a student, she gained a new little brother and started on the road to her future.

It was also the day she became a dragon.

Custom cover artwork by Elza Fox
Editing and so much more by Klamnei

Chapters (1)

For Doctor Twilight Sparkle, life at Canterlot National Hospital was pretty good. She'd struck up a bond with the director and even had enough time to publish a paper or two. There's only one thing she needs to advance even further: better bedside manner.
For these reasons, Doctor Celestia carts her off to a tiny Ponyville practice. Now, Twilight must find a way to both cure and tolerate the village idiots--and try to convince a certain high-strung healer that she's not after her job.

Because "grumpy doctor Twilight" practically writes itself. Art by Punk-Pegasus

Chapters (19)

Sunset Shimmer had everything. Personal protégé of the Sun Princess herself, top marks in the School for Gifted Unicorns, and the honor of being dubbed the greatest arcanist since Starswirl the Bearded.

Until she threw it all away.

In the last moments before leaving Equestria forever, her destiny is snatched away right before her eyes. Once upon a time the story of the lives of herself, Twilight Sparkle, and the path of Equestrian History went one way, a story that we all know well. But in every stand of woods there is a path untrotted, one with a different story and new experiences.

About the deleted comments.

Discussion of this and other works can be found on my Private Discord Server

New cover by DVixie. If someone knows how to contact them I'd be appreciative. It more accurately portrays the current evolution of the story.

Arc One, Filly Steps: Complete.
Arc Two, What Twilight Learned Today: In Progress.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to My Faithful Student

After being trapped in the past by a botched spell. Twilight was almost free to go home before a tragedy struck. Now staying in the past with her two new daughters and a kingdom under her, Twilight Sparkle, the Eternal Queen, shares her time with her foals before her return to the present.

In the present, a pony finds a certain journal left behind from those Forty Long Years, a pony who wishes nothing but revenge upon the Eternal Queen. A pony who hopefully, after seeing all the trials and tribulations of the Queen, will learn that forgiveness is the answer to her troubles. Or at the very least, learn the name of the Queen to enact revenge upon her immortal being.

Sequel to the very successful and well received, My Faithful Student, which was Co-Written by me and FadFreaky

(Coverart made for this story! Thank you Glitteronin!)

Chapters (36)

Canterlot lies steeped in chaos, a virulent and deadly plague still boiling away after a decade of suffering. The city, and the ponies in it, still feel the effects, still feel the bite of the times. The lower city, cursed as it is, is mostly partitioned off, leaving each and every pony left stranded and without help. Ponies struggle day by day just to stay alive.

Even as the ponies suffer, politicians toil away, plotting and scheming, machinations rumbling just below the surface. The city is fevered, sick and bloated, ready to pop at any moment. A single pony may be enough to make it all erupt.

And make it erupt Twilight Sparkle shall.

One small step, one lucky break is all she needs to turn the city on its head and take her rightful place by the Queen's side. But even she may not be prepared for the shark tank that is Luna's court.

Chapters (25)

Twilight's friends have had enough, resulting in a terrible split among the mane six.

Finding herself almost completely alone after the events of the Storm King's invasion, Twilight needs some new insight into her purpose in life. She's hurt where it matters the most, the spark of friendship in her failing to rekindle, and she knows she can't just stay in Ponyville after what happened.

She gets to thinking... She liked the adventures she went on. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have some more.

First story published on FIMfiction. Rating is subject to change.

Chapters (5)

Rarity has fallen hard for the lavender mare from Canterlot, but there is just one problem, that certain mare from Canterlot is completely oblivious to it all. Thus, Rarity does everything in her power to escape the dreaded friend zone, from skywriting to asking Twilight's parents for help. But will it be enough? Probably not. After all, Twilight is rather naive, but a mare's gotta try.

The pic that inspired this story, and the cover pic credit goes to ~SigneTheSlaske of Deviantart.com, check them out for more great artwork.

Chapters (6)

Far, far away from the Equiss system, the queen of blades is readying the launch of her newest weapon. A ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret, readying it for the eventual zerg invasion and softening up even the hardest target, Korhal. Unfortunately for the queen of blades, the untested zerg biotechnology is more difficult to master then she thought and the infestation ship vanishes after launch.

Untold eons later Twilight Sparkle is preparing for her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns only to stop when she sees a star fall into her new treehouse. The young pony sets out in the middle of a storm, intent on seeing this fallen star for herself.

What she finds inside will change not only her destiny but the destiny of all on Equiss prime.

Make sure to check out the sister story to this one.
Trigger warning, parasites. Starcraft Crossover!
Updates twice a month!
The story so far!

Chapters (98)