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Geyol, a half pony, and half dragon are also known as a Kirin, is the foster daughter of Nessonth and his mate Ymi. Along with her uncle, she learned draconic magic alongside her cousin Spike Scaleborn. She also gains a friend with Amber, the daughter of the Dragon Highlord, while she grew up.

Now she’s grown up she is tasked by the Highlord to be the bodyguard of Princess Amber as she travels to across the sea to the land of Equestria to sign a peace treaty between kingdoms. Along with Spike, an apprentice mage of his father, and Amber, the three travels to Canterlot to take part of the biggest event in Equestria (At the moment); the Marriage of Shining Armor and the Princess of Love Mi Amore Cadenza.

This is a Rewrite of Twilight, The Dragon Sorceress. If anyone wants to read that story here’s a Link to that story.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor has been revived by the Equestrian Dragon Balls, along with everpony else who had perished when Sapphic raged war on the land, Discord and Celestia excepted. Life seems to have pretty much returned to normal for him; he has his loving wife, Princess Cadence, and all his friends and loyal subjects being there for him. Only one thing has not returned to normal...

His little sister, Twilight Sparkle, is broken; her mind shattered by the grip of what the doctor ponies are diagnosing as severe PTSD that has slowly been progressing to insanity. It seems not even visits from her closest friends has done any good.

Now, it's BBBFF's turn to see if he can put the pieces of his sister's fractured mind back together...

(Dragonball/MLP Crossover)

Chapters (1)

This will be a short story, around the 2000-3000 word range (edit: I lied, this will hit the 10k word mark and possibly on up to 15k as I didn't expect to do this much writing for the amount of plot I had planned in my head).

Derpy has been deemed an unfit mother, due to her mental condition, and has a real chance of losing custody of her only foal. Before that day comes though Derpy remembers how Dinky came to be, how her only source of pride and joy is tied to such a painful memory, and all of the time spent raising Dinky.

I'm writing this story in honor of a friend of mine who went through a very similar situation.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Don't Take My Mommy!

Derpy gets to rediscover what love from another pony feels like, and Dinky has a new sibling on the way and couldn't be happier.

Edit 9/19/2018: I'm back guys after my long hiatus. I plan to be actively writing again for the time being.

Chapters (4)

Having committed one of the greatest crimes in Equestrian history Twilight finds herself exiled from her home. None of her close friends side with her during her hearing and she is curious as to why. At the same time she is presented with options she never had in Equestria and a chance at a life more on her own terms than playing nice with nobles or simply being a librarian first and a princess second. Which priority will prevail or can she achieve both?

Chapters (3)

The Witch of the Everfree... a tale that has spread among all who live by the ever illustrious forest, to whom the witch truly is, no one knows apart from the one herself... until now. Twilight Sparkle had lived in the Everfree throughout most of her long life, since the corruption she was alone until not long ago when she met few companions. Trained along side her sisters through bond in arcane magic, given true immortality, she continued her studies alone only every now and again seeing how her race fared. Now, forty years after she was dubbed a witch by her race, three little girls stumble through her woods in search of the ever mysterious "witch", what could really happen? read to find out.

FEATURED: 16/03/14

Many have wondered what Twilight looks like and such so to clarify, she does not look like a human female, she retains her fur coat, she is of human height and has hands. The facial structure is more detailed such as where the eyebrows should be there is a darker patch of coat much in the color of her mane.

The story starts a few episodes in, around halfway through season one I would say, some shall stay canon whilst some with alter, I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Twilight is still Twilight in every way, though she has been with little to no contact throughout her life apart from when the Everfree retained people, in such her words would become haggard sometimes so that's why you will probably go "huh" when you first see her talk to the CMC.

That is all for now.

Chapters (12)


After the leaders of Equestria were kidnaped the Canterlot Nobility were enraged. They now are demanding the subjugation of the changelings, whether peacefully or by force. In a desperate attempt to keep the peace Celestia must make a difficult decision. A decision that will change the life of her former student forever.

NEW STORY! And this time co-wrote with the amazing Julunis! Please go over to her channel and show her some love! This story was originally her's and the artwork is also done by her!

And thank you to Wokarian and Princess_Nika_xx for pre-reading and editing!

I hope you all enjoy the story!

Edit: Featured on the front page on 5/25/2018

Prologue rewritten on 5/26/2018

Chapters (6)

Queen Chrysalis has been banished from her hive and Thorax is now in charge of the changeling hive. However, the changelings are facing a new problem. Without a Queen to the hive, there can be no new changelings. Thorax goes to his new ponies friends for help.

Special thanks to sdponies and Twi-Fi Brony for editing this story. And Thanks to damiranc1 for the cover art.

Side story

Chapters (23)

When Luna convinces Celestia to go on a vacation she brings Twilight with her. A week in a royal summer house with the mare she loves? Could anyone keep their mask?

A/N Way overdue. Sorry guys inspiration havent been flowing so good lately. Anyways, feedback is apriciated like always. Short author note because I'm almost falling asleep here I'm sitting so have a nice day/morning/evening/night!

Also there's a musical refrence which no one has left a comment on... Anyone picked up on it yet?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now Twilight and Sparkle are sisters from another time. Twilight is hailed as the potentially greatest light magician of all time, and already has a reputation as a hero by the time she goes to Ponyville. This isn't her story, not primarily.

Sparkle is an orphan - her dark magic killed her parents. She lives with her brother in Canterlot's industrial sector because they can't afford anything better. She can't leave either. She's a natural dark mage; while Sparkle won't go mad like Sombra, her reputation is hardly any better. Worse, the law doesn't see her as a good pony.

The fact that the dead don't stay dead around her, or that Thorn - Spike's double - is an undead, soul-eating abomination, are other matters altogether.

(Also has some Slice-of-Life, but fimfiction tags won't let me put it with Adventure.)

Has an ask blog to go with it: Ask Sparkle and Thorn.
Also has a TvTropes page: Split Second Tropes.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by Swirling Line.

Chapters (51)