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Twilight Sparkle has a secret. Not one that can change the world or overthrow the Princesses. But it is one that hangs over her head every day. One that colors her every thought and action. Or at least, that is how it seems to her. But when a rainbow colored pegasus asks her out on a date, will she learn to see past it, or will her secret tear apart a budding relationship?

Inspired by the excellent fic Asylum by Daemon of Decay.

Takes place before "A Canterlot Wedding."

Thanks to SilverSugar for the cover art. You can check out her other works here

Chapters (25)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a very good day. First she was in some dark place, then it turns out she's in the hospital. Oh, and she's apparently blind now.

Eventual Twidash!


Inspiried by the cover art, which belongs to the awesome 8-Xenon-8 on deviantart! Also inspired by the Ask Blind Rainbow Dash tumblr blog by Jykinturah.

Youtube reading, by the awesome L0RdZovChAoS, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6S23CkL48EM

Chapters (19)

Co-authored by Phoenix Nebula.

Hosted by me

Twilight has never handled stress very well.

Over the years, she's found ways to cope, and her anxiety attacks and breakdowns haven't been nearly as bad as they used to be, but they still exist.

It takes a lot more for her to reach her breaking point, but when you throw, old enemies, political strife, and blood thirsty invaders from another dimension into the mix all in the same week, that's when enough is enough.

A new and unexpected threat arises, and it's enough to push Twilight Sparkle over the edge. The new Princess calls out for an end to the madness, and Magic returns her call by bringing the arcane might of the mage to bear.

The mysterious forces that have invaded Equestria will soon realize that Tartarus hath no fury like the Element of Magic.

WARNING: This story contains gratuitous amounts of OP Twilight doing OP magical things. If that isn't your cup of tea, leave now. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

The brown note is legendary among researchers and common folks alike as a source of intrigue and comedy.

For Clockwork, an earth pony whose real talent lies in repairing nearly anything, it’s been a never ending source of pain and isolation. Seeking a quiet place to spend the rest of her days, she closes her humble mechanical repair shop in Canterlot and moves to Ponyville. Unbeknownst to her, Ponyville is anything but quiet, and a chance encounter with its resident alicorn sets her life on a course she could never imagine.
Despite the name, this fic features no explicit content. This started as a mini-crackfic that eventually turned into legitimate romance story. Takes place before Starlight Glimmer is reformed.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Princess of Shadows, Darkness, and Light

Dark times are falling on Equestria. Though the Moon Kingdom has returned, the Dark One is gathering his forces, preparing to strike out at the Princess of Friendship in order to lay claim to what belongs to Him.

It will take everything that Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Nightingale has to win.

They will need it, for Twilight's sanity hangs in the balance.

The Guardian of Darkness comes, and his arrival will shake the foundations of Equus.

This story is a direct sequel to Princess of Shadows, Darkness, and Light. Reading of the prequel is not required, though is highly recommended.

All characters, save for original characters, belong to Hasbro. This story complies with Free Use laws.

*Gore rating for graphic content
*Sex tag for suggestive themes; there won't be any clop. I can't write clop; my mind is too twisted for it.

Chapters (4)

Following the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight begins some intensive research into the history of the Empire and its late king. Modern historians know next to nothing about the enigmatic dark mage. Who was he? Did he have family? Loved ones?

The answers to those questions changes everything the Element of Magic knows about herself, and in doing so catches the attention of a shadow that yet clings to the frailty of life...

Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Featured on 20/10/2018.
Russian Translation: Here

Chapters (31)

The events of this story take place after the episode Luna Eclipsed

Luna loved her first Nightmare Night. She had so much fun and was dissapointed that it came to an end. However she had a plan to see if she can stir things up by summoning the power of nightmares to trasform herself into a vampire and have more fun. But the Nightmare spread to Ponyville and now the town is trapped in a dimension where its always Nightmares Night. It'll be up to the mane 6 to find a way to save their town and to find Luna before its too late.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Moon and her Star

Twilight and her mother, Luna, return from the moon a year early and though Celestia is suspicious at first she eventually welcomes her sister back and her new niece with open hooves. However, not everyone is so welcoming. Twilight and Luna's relationship is tested time and time again as disaster after disaster stricks Equestria. Will their bond be able to survive, or will it shatter like glass?

Art by littlewashu45

Edit: Made #1 featured on 7/24/18

Chapters (5)

Twilight finds an ancient book in an abandoned catacomb at Hollow Shades. Upon discovering its secrets, she unleashes an ancient horror on Equestria. But as bad as that is, the poor Alicorn has bigger problems to contend with. Just what dark plans does the dreaded Nyarlathotep have in store for her?

Chapters (4)

There exists a desolate land where nothing survives for long on the surface. Life can only exist below the surface, where thousands of years ago, creatures known as procubi have created thriving civilizations. Those with horns lead those without; those with wings guard and fight for those without; those without either serve those with; and all are under the command of those with both.

Four matriarchs lead the Femescubi, creatures of beauty, grace, and machinations. One patriarch leads the Mascubi, creatures of strength, power, and wit. Conflict had driven the two apart long ago, yet they still convene together regularly before returning to their respective abodes. Past and present conflicts within each trouble the balance they've developed, threatening their way of life for better or for worse.

Image is by Audrarius on inkbunny.net. Sex tag for brief nudity and sensuous outfits.

Chapters (4)