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The day after the Friendship Festival, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, preferably known as Commander Tempest Shadow and previously Second-In-Command to the dreaded Storm King, awakens to realize she has three problems:

1) She has a wicked hangover
2) Somepony else is in bed with her
3) Said pony just happens to be a certain princess.

"Oh, horseapples..."

Chapters (3)

What if during a chance encounter, Tempest had met Twilight after leaving her village?

What if there was a way for her to attend Celestia's school anyway?

Oneshot Drabble.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is the last of her friends and as she mourns them Celestia makes a revelation that inspires new hope in her. (Twilestia)

Chapters (1)

Starlight rushes to get Twilight a last-minute gift before Hearth's Warming.

Special thanks to OnionPie for his help and advice.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight is stolen from her home, fate intervenes and brings her straight to her destiny. After growing up sheltered and loved by the spirits of the Tree of Harmony, Twilight will grow into her place in Equestria like never before while she searches for the family that raised her and gets to know the one she's lost.

(Unapologetically OP Twilight, if you’re going to nitpick that point then you are welcome to leave at any time.)

Chapters (7)

Ponyville is a small, charming beach town on Equestria's coast, but it has a tragic history for Rarity. Despite this, she moves with her family to Ponyville to start her fashion business. While she begins to adjust to her new life she still does not believe the "Legend of the Mermare" that visits the Ponyville beaches and docks. Giving trinkets and gifts from the sea in exchange for a book. Especially if everypony in town, even her sister Sweetie Belle, seem to believe it.

So, when she goes one sunny afternoon to relax and read a book by the sea she very quickly realizes that the legend is not only very true but the mermare intrigues her like no pony has ever before.

Here we go again! Earthsong 9405 draws amazing artwork and a bit of AU world building and I cannot help myself! Her Mernerd!AU idea just seemed too cute and sweet to resist. So here we are once again!
Really though, go see her Tumblr it is amazing.

All kinds of thanks to @Carapace for the pre-reading and support!

Chapters (1)

My take on the events of the first EQG movie in the continuity of the Hive Series by law abiding pony. Set between the events of Of the Hive and For the Hive.

While representing the hive of Stripped Gear at a Equestrian Princess Symposium in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle finds the Element of Magic, which she had been using as a crown, being stolen by a mysterious unicorn that escapes with it through a magical mirror. Now it is up to Twilight to find her way in the strange world on the far side of this portal and retrieve the stolen Element before it can disrupt the balance of this other world.

Chapters (11)

Designation ManeFrame, an experimental construct created by the Equalists, has only one purpose – to crush the remaining resistance that struggles against the mighty Empire. However, when the construct gains conscience in a bloody, unmerciful battle, it is thrust into one last, titanic struggle that would decide the fate of Equestria.

Information is scarce to come by, and every clue reveals three more questions. What happened to the Princesses of the Old? How did the Equalists seize power? And just why does the name Twilight Sparkle sound so familiar?

Featured 28/01/2017. Thank you so much, everyone!

Massive thanks go out to my editors and proofreaders: Garzeel_, Flicka Ravenhide and Destella Morningdew.

Character tags maybe updated in the future. The cover art is edited from the original artwork by zolombo, which you find here. If you don't like the story, please tell me why in the comments description. It would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (7)

Love is one feeling that can never be taken from someone's heart. No matter how many years of separation, no matter what wrongs were done in the past, no matter how much enmity exists between two ponies, love will always stand; at least that's what Nightmare Moon is hoping for. 700 years ago was the last time she had seen her sister Celestia, and her departing words had simply been 'I love you'. Now, after so long, Nightmare Moon's heart longs for its other half; and thus, she has brought Celestia back from the far away, magically void lands she cast her to so long ago. Now, she wonders if her sister will ever find it in her heart to forgive her for what she's done, and if their lives together can ever resume as they once had.

Takes place 300 years before when Luna would have returned from her banishment to the moon, and takes place in a universe where Nightmare Moon was never banished in the first place.

TVTropes Page!
Thanks everyone for getting the story to the feature box! (12/10/16)
This is now my 1st story to have broken 200 likes! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (13)

It's been one year on the dot exactly since Rainbow first adopted Scootaloo, and Scootaloo intends to show her gratefulness towards the pegasus in spades. So, she gets the best idea ever, a cake from Sugarcube Corner! Trouble is, getting it home. How hard can it be?

(Wait, featured? How did this happen?)

Chapters (1)