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How do you tell a sun goddess you love her??
Welp...Twilight's got to find a way before she explodes from locked up feelings for Princess Celestia.

Cover by: MLP-Moon-And-Sun - DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

A lot of things happened to Twilight. But sometimes the change is so big, that your life will never be the same again.

Of course, these kind of changes aren't that rare for Twilight. In fact only one was had made her loose her footing.

But now, a huge new change in her life is about to happen.

The story runs as if the finale of season seven (Shadow Play 1&2) don't exist.
Includes species change, bad bugs, good bugs, awkward moments, egg laying.

Also the only 'reformed' hive in this story will be Thorax's. (No rainbow colors. Thorax is the only moose (Sorry to Thorax fans))

Inspired by Change.

Chapters (4)

Years ago, Coco Pommel rescued a young laborer in Manehattan's textile district when she was on a delivery shift for Suri. Realizing that every reformed villain or assistant needs a project, she sets out to adopt the filly, Babs Seed, as soon as Rarity leaves Manehattan. But between her daughter's troubled past, bitter relatives, and a disputing producer and director on her Bridleway set, Coco soon finds that giving love--and getting it--may be harder than anypony ever imagined...especially when it comes to forgiving herself.

Takes place during late S4 and S5. Romance elements come in Act III. Edited by Smaug the golden, Elusive Element, Harry S Faustin, and pokefreak13. Cover art by DreamscapeValley

Now with an official TVTropes page!

Check it out on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (66)

Many years after Luna's banishment, a secret network of ponies still remain loyal to the Lost Princess. They worship her as a goddess, a returning hero who will stamp out injustice, and reward the faithful who love the night.

Loyal cultists Night Light and Velvet, receive word of a prophecy that their second child will be instrumental in the return of Nightmare Moon, so they leave Canterlot behind, and bring their foals to a secret colony, deep within the Everfree with only one goal in mind: Keep Celestia from finding Twilight Sparkle, no matter what the cost.

Meanwhile, time is running out to find a bearer for the element of magic. Sunset Shimmer has disappeared, Sunburst isn't ready for the job, and Celestia can't bring herself to put her faith in shy, clever Moondancer, even though she might be Equestria's last hope.

A Friendship Is Magic AU in which Luna has a small band of followers, and that changes everything. Please don't discount this story just because of the pairings, but I've listed them below all the same.

- Twilight/Twinkleshine
- Shining Armor/Rarity
- Applejack/Fluttershy/Big Macintosh (It's not really incest, they just end up sharing Fluttershy)
- Berry Punch/Colgate
- Noteworthy/Ditzy Doo

Chapters (11)

What would happen if the Elements of Harmony didn’t work on Discord? What would happen if Discord had won, turning the wielders of the Elements of Harmony into stone and hiding them away for three thousand years? And what if a curious Pegasus pony discovered the legend of the lost mares and set out to rid the world of the Lord of Chaos?

Chapters (6)

Moondancer, after talking with Twilight, came to the distressing conclusion that a lot of her dear friend's life has been manipulated by Celestia. When she works up her courage to confront her, however, Moondancer gets the last answer she expected - Celestia agreeing.

A commission for Alex Warlorn.

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up on a strange new world. Her mind is fuzzy and the memories of her friends feel ancient. Read and follow along as Twilight comes to terms with the past and the future that is now in her hooves.

I'm once again attempting to write a proper story instead of a short story. I hope you all enjoy.
Constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged! I hope you all enjoy the story!

Art by: shamanguli

Story has been put on hiatus do to other stories demanding more attention. This should be only for a short time, so stick around.

Chapters (3)

When Twilight awakes one morning to a furious pounding on the doors of Castle Friendship, she assumes someone has a very dire friendship problem.

When she opens the door to find an abandoned newborn colt, not a guardian in sight, her whole world turns upside down.

At the prospect of the little foal going to an orphanage, Twilight puts her hoof down, and adopts the colt.

Investigations turn up a terrible orphanage, and a mistreated mare.

Follow along on Twilight's journey of finding love, sleepless nights, sick foals, and the trials and tribulations of motherhood, with a newfound love by her side.

Mild Parental Abuse mentions and descriptions later on, chapters discussing it in any detail will have a warning in the authors notes at the top.

Taking suggestions for adorable Star Chaser shenanigans here!

Cover art made with pony bases by roserooibos and bootiqueenx

Full Credit on DA piece

Chapters (16)

Their universe has come to an end, two goddesses sacrifice what is left to make sure it doesn't happen again. But fate lets them start over somewhere else...

Twilight Sparkle was dying because of the magic flare she emitted during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's school, when she was about to destroy herself along with everypony on the school grounds a deity offered the little filly a deal that would change not just her life but the world itself.

NEW cover art by Lmkyouki

Also thanks to G33kySt3v3 for helping with the editing. :pinkiehappy:

And thanks for those 8K+ views :twilightblush: and the 400+ likes :yay:

Twilight's team art by Lmkyouki

wow Featured 10-21-2018 ~ TY :twilightblush:

Chapters (18)

A normal end to a normal day -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be.

But it wasn't.

Luna went to raise the moon as usual, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong. She felt it, but she couldn't stop it.

None of us could.

It appeared too suddenly -- acted too quickly.

The only warning we received was a roar and a bright flash of light, then everything was gone. No more Canterlot, no more ponies, no more anything.

Nothing survived.

Nothing... except for us and whatever 'it' is.

We may be immortal beings, but that doesn't make things any better -- if anything, it makes the pain all that much worse. The only thing we can really do now is try to avenge those dear to us. Our subjects... our families... my friends...


I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care if it's a pointless battle. All I care about now is making sure we put that thing down for good.

After that?


Cover art done by Little Tigress. Check out her other stuff on deviantart if you wanna see more!

Chapters (30)