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Staring out at the desert i cant help but wonder how if i could have done better. Was there a way that i could have proven that it wasn't cadence at the wedding? Maybe if i had i would be home in Equestria in stead of here at Enotita. Maybe i would still be a unicorn instead of a kirin. Maybe i would still be a scholar instead of a guard. Maybe i would still be the prince's student. Maybe.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Hero of Equestria was thought lost in the event known as the Canterlot Catastrophe. But when a recon unit lead by Princess Celestia and Luna to see is anything can be salvaged from the castle finds traces of a survivor that leads them to her everything changes. However no one can live through what she has and truly survive intact, what will she do when she is saved? Will she even be the same pony, or something... else?

Chapters (15)

Princess Luna had many Children she took under her wing, those who were forsaken and abandoned. But one night Luna found a foal who was different from all of her other Children she cared for. This Child was day-night-walker, or more commonly known as a Two-World Walker, a Child who could walk between the night and the day without needing magic.

Luna was the only other pony closest to the young filly, and understood how she felt to be misunderstood. The Other pony was a young colt named Dracula, who envied the filly he named Twilight Amila Sparkle. Many other Children of the Night envied her as well, for she was half vampire half unicorn, but stronger than both, but Little Twilight wasn't stronger than a werewolf pony(were-pony).

What happened when Twilight left the Children of the Night for some unknown reason? What if Cadence knew of Twilight's secret, never told anypony?

Twilight was adopted by Twilight Velvet and Night Light after her 100th year of living, but she never told them what she really was for she didn't trust them enough with her secret... They wanted to help Twilight with her problems, but she always hid herself within the shadows of her room or the forest out side of Canterlot. She hated the fact that she was a half-breed and no pony she knew was around anymore. Twilight often ran away from home, hoping to find her brothers and sisters of the Night but she never did...

inspired by: Children of the Night

Chapters (10)

Everypony should be with their family on Hearths Warming Eve. So when Fluttershy sees Scootaloo being bullied for being an orphan, she makes it her mission to give Scootaloo a home for Hearths Warming.

Editor/proof reader: RaylanKrios

Chapters (1)

If there was one thing that Rainbow Dash knew, it was that everyone loved High Princess Luna. And that, by Proxy, everyone loved her daughter, Princess Twilight, as well.

Too bad she loves said young Princess in a completely different way.

Eh, she'll figure it out.

Chapters (11)

Twilight attempts to commit suicide after convincing herself it is the right thing to do. Rarity doesn't take this lightly.

Amazing reading done by Animation Geek Expert

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle had been preparing for her entrance exam for so long, just to blow it at the end! If only she could get away to a place no one would know her.

Sometimes wishes come true.

A Collab with The Abyss

Edited by RK

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chasing Shadows

Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle's daughter is caught in a time loop.

Part of next gen Echosverse

Updated on Fridays and Saturdays

Chapters (110)

Rarity had always known she would have an arranged marriage—such was the life of a princess, after all. She just hadn't expected her wife to be a sphinx or that she would actively avoid her, and not just because she loves books.

Commission for the lovely Earthsong9405 set in one of her AUs where Rarity is in an arranged marriage to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a sphinx Princess from Saddle Arabia.

Chapters (1)

Deep beneath the mountain, Twilight must continue the great work. She has stopped for no one in many years. But perhaps she will stop for a friend. At least for a little while.


Written within two hours for Everfree Northwest 2018's Iron Author competition.

Chapters (1)