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The failed invasion of that mad queen, Chrysalis, rocked the changeling community. From the hives nestled outside Equestria, to their kin living in peace within, they watch those colorful ponies eye one another with suspicion and let themselves be swallowed by fear and distrust.

A gamble by Princess Celestia has summoned forth the diplomat to the Seekers, the one changeling who may be able to ease tensions between their races and restore balance. The Bearer of Magic has been summoned after a century of peace.

And, like her mother before her, Princess Twilight Sparkle will answer the call.

Preread by Alto, Cynewulf, and Timaeus.
Cover art by FoughtDragon01, used with permission.

Chapters (12)

There comes a turning point in every civilization where the future is dictated by the smallest decision.  Be it the will of a king or the cascade of changes by a commoner, it rarely matters the source, only the outcome.  So it was that, shortly after banishing Nightmare Moon, Celestia envisioned a world that could have accepted, loved, and embraced her now lost sister; an Equestria that had to cast off the simplicity of agrarianism and stanch traditionalism.

Instead of relying on the old ways as a bedrock for the six tenets of harmony, Celestia pursued this vision by lauding the advancement of magic and technology.  Over the centuries, cities of marble and stone were replaced by steel and glass. Family farms commercialized, business and trade expanded the world over, and the streets brimmed with cars.  The nobility long since traded away the power backed by titles for influence via companies. Megacorporations now dominate the skylines of every Equestrian city, yet Celestia still holds fast to the reins of true power.  Her word is law.

Even centuries after Nightmare Moon’s banishment, harmony is still in the bedrock of Equestrian society, yet one must dig to find it under so much soil and refuse.   There have always been those that chafe against the law and give lip service to harmony. Be they the rich and powerful figureheads of industry, or the scum of the underworld, there are always things these ponies in power need done discreetly, or at least deniably.  Sensitive matters such as these are often handed over to a class of professional criminals as diverse in their skills as they are in their ideologies. The Shadowrunners.

Note: As with my Beyond Equestria story, I am taking a lot of elements from the Shadowrunner series, but it will be written so that anyone unfamiliar with Shadowrunner can understand what's going on and enjoy the fic.

Chapters (15)

After seeing that something that wasn't quite right on Twilight's birth certificate Pinkie Pie decided to go ask her about it.

After all, it was probably only a simple mistake, right?

Edited by Jumbled, Weakest Link, Link4 and others. You guys are awesome!

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia's personal student, tinkerer, philosopher, arcanosmith, and more. What she is not, however, is one to give up on a good mystery. Especially when her attempts to put it off are met with strange dreams and vague hints.
If only she didn't have to do this alone. Well, that's what the young inventor thought.
Added gore tag for some later chapters

Chapters (12)

Twilight gets sent back in time because of a magic mistake. She finds herself in the past when the Wonderbolts were founded. She needs to find a way to escape the past, without changing her future too much.

Chapters (12)

A horrific accident forever scars a rainbow, but nobody said it would ever break her or make her lose her luster. They said she'd never fly again... But she proved them all wrong.

And Spitfire smirks all the while.

Implied Spitfire/Dash shipping

(Based loosely on the song Crashed by Daughtry)

(Featured through 3/31/18 through 4/1/18)

Chapters (1)

Prequel: Number One Assistant
You don't need to read the previous story, but it doesn't hurt to have some context :heart:

Hearth’s Warming has finally arrived!
The two long-lived best friends, Twilight and Spike, must now achieve the task of announcing to literally EVERYPONY they know that they are now a couple. However, because the two have enjoyed each other’s company so much, they’ve spent very little time preparing for this fateful night since their own fateful night a few days prior.

So, how will everypony react? How will Twilight and Spike react to their reactions?

Rated Teen: Suggestive Themes
Any criticism or feedback is much appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (2)

Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle isn't sure she likes the way ponies tend to put her on a pedestal now that she's a princess. Celestia has some unexpected words of wisdom on the subject.

This fic is not a sequel to anything in particular, but probably takes place in the same setting as Chocolate Fluff.

Credit goes to Jordanis for finally giving me an idea I could use. Credit also goes to him for providing last-second editing, and vastly improving Celestia's dialogue.

Amazing cover art by LuleMT.

Chapters (1)

MOVIE SPOILERS! Do not read ahead if you have not yet watched The Movie!

After the events in Canterlot, Twilight seeks to strengthen her new bond of friendship with Tempest Shadow. There’s something special Twilight is interested in, however. A certain something that’s being hidden beneath the armor. And she has to find out even if it takes some clever suggestion.

Like taking a bath!

Chapters (1)