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As Ash trains his champion team, he finds a glowing dish on the top of a mountain. He touches it of curiousity and ends in a new world with talking ponies who can either perform magic, fly or neither of those two. Two special beings can do both.
What will he do in this new world? Will he find a way home? Will he get stuck forever or even want to go home?

Chapters (33)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are loved by all citizens across Equestria. It is common knowledge that they are both over one thousand years old. However, no one really knows where they came from, or how they came to be. When the princess of the night notices a strange star in the night sky, all that starts to change.

With Equestria under threat from a powerful new enemy, Princess Celestia calls upon four warriors from an alternate universe; four warriors with a special talent. They are descendants of our world's First Civilization. When they arrive in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle soon finds out that they are not so different from the princesses after all.

Rated T for language and violence.

NOTE: This story will contain spoilers for the games: Assassin's Creed II, Uncharted 2 and 3, Red Dead Redemption, and inFAMOUS 2, as well as the short film Assassin's Creed Embers. Read at your own discretion.

MLP © Hasbro
Assassin's Creed © Ubisoft Entertainment
Red Dead Redemption © Rockstar Games
inFAMOUS © Sucker Punch Productions
Uncharted © Naughty Dog, Inc

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends

Almost a year has gone by for Harry Dresden since he left Equestria. He'd have written, but between saving his newly discovered brother and destroying a scourge of vampires he's been a little busy. Then out of the blue he receives a strange letter from Twilight asking him to return. With no cases at the moment he eagerly accepts, but his friends aren't the only ponies expecting him. There's been a lot of rumors since his last visit and some ponies aren't too keen on seeing him come back.

A sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends.

Chapters (25)

Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, accidentally travels to Equestria after being attacked in the Nevernever. Twilight is none too amused with their newest 'guest', but trouble is brewing. Somepony is planning something sinister and the mane six may need Dresden's help however little some of them want it.

Story Image by: Lynxgriffin
Cover arrangement by: Novel Idea

Chapters (13)

Ryan O'Connor was a young man with a long career in medicine ahead of him. Was being the operative word, as Ryan has been dead for a long time, only brought back a monstrous bio-weapon that he helped create. Now on his third life, he finds himself in a world he never expected to end up in. How is he still alive, and more importantly, why is he surrounded by ponies?
[Prototype]-MLP Crossover

(Please excuse continuity issues, the story is currently undergoing a rewrite.)

Chapters (20)

Lashona is one fine sassy woman living the dream. No debt, no kids, no husband, she's got it all. Due to forces beyond her control, she finds herself in Equestria.

And she isn't having any of it.

Nuh uh. No way, no how.

Hey look, YouTube readings! Start here!

What people are saying about it:
"Hey, RainbowBob made a new... Wait a minute..."
~Skeeter The Lurker
"Flint, this is absolutely f***ing brilliant."
"Why would you even..?"
~Comrade Sparkle
"Flint, you can't release this...you'll destroy us all!"
"Totally just commented to see if I could get onto the list of things people are saying about it."
"A group just for you!"
"Why the hell are there so many people in the description? THIS IS NEPOTISM!!"
~Vengeful Spirit
"this is gay"

Chapters (3)

The fourth great ninja war was over. With Sasuke's help, Naruto vanquished Madara and defeated the Juubi. However, when all was said and done, the two were betrayed by those they trusted most. Fearing the outcome of the toad elder's prophecy, The survivng kages threw Naruto and Sasuke into time and space with the hopes of banishing the two forever. The two however, manage to end up in an entirely new world, giving the two a possible fresh start. Their arrival however, changes the outcome of upcoming events in this world in ways that should never have happened.

It was an ordinary day in Equestria. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and princess Celestia had some free time from her royal duties. Then the explosions started, explosions originating from the Everfree Forest.

Cover art supplied by RainbowDashVegetaFan123

Chapters (15)

Phil Phillips isn't your everyday slacker. His life practically redefined relaxing and his antics practically redefined ridiculous pranks. One day however, life decides to give Phil a taste of his own medicine when the effects of an ancient comet send him to the magical pastel world of Equestria, but not without consequences. The after effects of the comet give him an odd, unwanted power. Whenever Phil gets wet, he becomes an irresistible mare magnet! Can Phil survive the onslaught of horny mares?
Not a self insert.
Takes place immediately after the events of "Keep Calm And Flutter On."
Side note: All chapter titles will be Led Zeppelin song titles. Because fuck you, that's why. All rights reserved.

Chapters (19)

Now with TVTropes page! Show it some love: TVTropes

At last, the second season of your favorite wind mage's adventures in Equestria is here!

Just as Vaati has fully settled down into his new life in Equestria, the unthinkable happens; Ganon appears and declares his intent to conquer. Now, with the Princesses forced into hiding, the Elements of Harmony scattered all across the land, and races all around Equestria suffering under Ganon's harsh rule, it is now up to Vaati, Twilight, and their friends to join forces with unexpected allies, recover the Elements, and take the fight to Ganon. And all the while, an even greater evil plots from the shadows, enacting a scheme centuries in the making that shall soon encompass two worlds that do not yet know the connection they share...

And as the adventure gets underway, one by one, the Mane Six begin to have nightmares...

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders must combat the darkest depths of madness and twisted illusions if they want to save Scootaloo from falling victim to the evil power that weaves the strings of all their fates...

Rated T for action violence, minor language, mildly suggestive themes, and some scary/disturbing images.

Chapters (19)

Lauren Has been having very strange dreams lately. Dreams of her being in Equestria and killing an evil clone of herself... but were they really just dreams? Or were they something more?


Hello everypony,
In case you are wondering, yes this is the sequel to 'Journey to My Imagination' by DeiStar.

Credit for giving me permission to write this sequel: DeiStar.
Also, New Cover!

Chapters (11)