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The two most intriguing minds in Equestria sit down and have tea together.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Immortal rulers of Equestria, shepherds of the Sun and Moon, and arguably the most powerful beings in existence.

Even they are not immune to the dreaded rivalry that comes between sisters. Feeling her sister has gone soft over the millenia spent alone, Princess Luna challenges Princess Celestia to the one and only Iron Pony Competition.

Which sister will come out on top?

Now with fanart! By Soulite1110

Chapters (1)

In a spell gone wrong, the Main Six suddenly find themselves in Twilight Sparkle's body, switching command every time she gets hurt or falls asleep.

Now the town thinks that Twilight might have finally snapped.

The six may think they are good friends now, but they'll need to be more than that if they want to get anything done.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SQUIGLY SQUIGLY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is a collaboration between me and Lord Ershwin Wholewheat.

Give 'im a search. He's the Lord of Wheat, for Grains' sake.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Celestia share two moments across time.

A story about growing up.


A special thanks to all the friends without whom this story would be much less. You guys are the best.

Chapters (1)

Discord is forced to write a friendship report to Celestia. It ends about as well as you'd expect.

Thanks to my editors SolidFire and Xl9 and prereader Skeeter The Lurker for all their help!

Awesome art from the greatly talented Mickeymonster.

Chapters (1)

An influx of weather duties has left Rainbow Dash more overworked and exhausted than ever. With no funds to go on a proper vacation to blow off steam, Rainbow is trapped in a endless cycle of waking up, going to work, and going to sleep.

When Rainbow's responsibilities make even flying no longer fun, Twilight offers to let her stay at the library for an all-expenses paid staycation. Though a little unsure, it doesn’t take much convincing from Twilight for Rainbow to change her mind. Expecting to just find some peace and quiet for a few days, Rainbow finds that and much more.

My (extremely late & winning) entry for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Editing done by The Abyss and DarqFox

Cover art by Rossby Waves

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds out that Twilight's mother is the real identity of Silky Dusk, the author of the Daring Do books.

Excited by her discovery, she writes a fan letter.

Things only go downhill from there.

(Written before Daring Don't)

Proofread by RainbowDashie1001.

(Russian translation courtesy of Korryamber)

(Audio reading by KhaosSparkz)
(Audio reading by Ironwolf)
(Audio reading by Landon)

Chapters (3)

Luna was never banished, Discord is Celestia's court jester, the Elements of Harmony do not exist, and Twilight grows more pompous and more egotistical every day.

Celestia is not amused.

This story is on indefinite hiatus. I might revisit it, so it's not cancelled, but I'm not currently skilled enough as an author to do some of the things I wanted. Believe me, I've got the drafts to prove it.

Chapters (3)

Ponyville's premier pranksters pull Ponyville's princess into their latest prank, but after the town's rumor mill completely misconstrues the situation, Twilight finds herself in rather hot water.
Still, maybe getting that license isn't ALL bad...

Now with 100% more dramatic readings!

Chapters (1)