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Princess Celestia has watched Twilight grow, develop, and endure. Twilight has exceeded her expectations each and every time, and now she's enjoying a productive life full of joy and wonder. As far as Celestia is concerned, their studies together ended quite some time ago. But there's still one thing she'd like for her learn, something she can't exactly teach.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has been keeping a dark secret from her subjects for a very long time.

It's not an easy truth to tell, but if anyone can accept her after learning it, it will surely be her most faithful student.

Third Place Finisher in Equestria Daily's 2013 Nightmare Night Contest!

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie finds out that Luna hasn't celebrated a birthday in over a millenium, she is determined to help Luna make up for missed parties with the biggest, best Un-Birthday bash ever. But all Luna wants is quiet, personal time with ponies who care about her. Can Pinkie learn to understand what Luna needs from her little pink friend?

Featured on EQD 10/7/2013:

Chapters (1)

After what happened the first time around, the planning committees for the Grand Galloping Gala were understandably reluctant to invite Twilight & Co. back once more. Two years down the road, however, it has become impossible to continue following this doctrine, as refusing an invitation to a sitting Princess is something that simply is not done.

But there are many things which will be different this year. And either Twilight Sparkle will need to come to terms with what society expects from a Princess, or else society will need to come to terms with the sort of Princess that Twilight Sparkle will be.

Of course, that's not to say that this night won't be one to remember anyway. At the very least, the Treasury will once again be left with a memorable bill.

[Set in the interim between Seasons 3 and 4]

Featured on Equestria Daily August 26, 2017

Chapters (9)

Pinkie Pie has always served admirably as the Element of Laughter, and it's time for the princesses to show their appreciation. In fact, they have a special assignment for her, something they've never tried. It will be the best surprise she ever had.

Third-place winner in the /fic/ write-off "The First Time."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to Scott "Inquisitor" M for critique of my rough draft.

Chapters (1)

With her return to Canterlot and her sister handling most of the royal responsibilities, Luna doesn't have much to do with her spare time. She and her assistant Vanilla decide to start a vlog, where Luna reads the fanmail that she receives.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has overcome many trials and tribulations, all of which have challenged and changed her. Now, as a ruler of a new demesne of Equestria, she must face the world in a new light and learn the rules to play the game.

Things are different in the world of sovereigns. Foreign rulers are not as understanding or compassionate as Princess Celestia, nor are they as forgiving. Twilight must find a balance between being an effective ruler, and a strong diplomat. But with new trials arising at every corner, can she manage to maintain herself? What sort of ruler will she become? And will she manage to protect her own little ponies?

Chapters (1)

It's been a while since Discord's reformation. Most mortals are still intimidated by him, scared of him, but that's only to be expected. But Discord isn't looking for their approval; they'll come around, in time. He wants someone else's.

Mortal life is too short to hold a grudge for long. Immortal life is a different story. And even the greatest of the great have sore spots.

Featured on Equestria Daily on October 4th, 2013. Thank you all so much, and please tell me what you liked and what I could do better!

Chapters (1)

While on a work trip to help family in Appleloosa, Big Macintosh strikes up some correspondences with friends back home. These are the letters that crossed Twilight Sparkle's desk.

Sometimes words don't mean what they say.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Octavia sat in her kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea and the afternoon sunlight. Then, Vinyl Scratch had a question.

Reading by Scribbler

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)