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This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)

Twilight and Pinkie have been together for a little under a year, and they're celebrating their first Hearth's Warming as a couple by spending it with the rest of their friends. Twilight is determined to show Pinkie how much she cares for her with her present, and hopes that Pinkie will do the same.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo is having a rough day. Not only did she and her friends not get their cutie marks again today, they also get cornered by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. While Scootaloo has never taken what Diamond says to heart, today is different. Today she said something that Scootaloo has been trying to ignore for some time now. It's how she ended up currently all alone. Its also how she came across a certain princess with a lot of things on her mind.

Maybe all you need to make the day little better, is to have someone to talk to.

Chapters (1)

Lucidity (n.) lu·cid·i·ty
1. the quality of being easily understood, completely intelligible, or comprehensible
2. the ability to see things clearly

Rainbow Dash has always wondered what it would be like to perform magic, but seeing as she's not a unicorn, it's always been a dream that was just out of her reach. Fortunately for Rainbow Dash, Twilight may have the perfect solution: lucid dreaming.

Of course, neither Twilight nor Rainbow expected what would happen once they started experimenting with dreams. It turns out, if you're not careful, the line between dreams and reality may blur beyond recognition.

Chapters (5)

Twilight and Celestia have always been close friends, she basically raised Twilight. But, those feelings have developed into something more lately, and Twilight needs to tell the Princess how she feels.

Chapters (1)

There are many duties and obligations a Princess of Equestria must carry out and Twilight is in the midst of learning them. Over the past few days Princess Celestia has been tutoring Twilight in a series of strange, seemingly nonsensical rituals and incantations. Could this all be as vital to the survival of Equestria as Celestia insists, or has Twilight simply found herself caught in an elaborate prank courtesy of the wily white alicorn?

Chapters (1)

Twilight told her friends of her adventures in the Human world, but she didn't tell them everything. One dark secret haunts her still.

Hamburgers are delicious.

Chapters (2)

A reclusive mage.
A devoted cleric.
A disgraced sell sword.
A beautiful thief.
A timid knight.
A travelling gypsy.

Six mares who've never met, will suddenly be thrown together as an ancient threat returns imperiling their entire world. Now these unlikely heroes must band together, or their entire world is doomed to eternal darkness.

This is a dark fantasy retelling of the series premiere, using Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition rules, spells, and monsters. It was an idea that I've been wanting to write for a good while, and I hope folks enjoy it.

Chapters (9)

Sometimes you look so hard for something that you miss what's right in front of you.

You just have to keep hoping.

Rarity awakes to knocking, only to find a book the only thing at the door.

Reading the research log of Twilight's feeling ends up to be one of the better things she's done.

Accepted into Twilight's Library! I feel all warm and fuzzy now.

Written for the Friendship is Magic Gaming Clan creative contest.

Not written for but given the okay to add it to the RariTwi Contest (Made it to the top five too EDIT: Tied for the Top Prize)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has crashed into the library one too many times without consequences and Twilight has had enough. She decides to teach the brash pegasus a lesson she won't forget by putting her new status to use.

Edited by The Elusive Ninjay

Chapters (1)