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This is a one-shot, off the cuff little story written for the sheer amusement of it. The mane six prepare for the shooting of their next episode and the gloves come off. Totally intended to be silly and written as a 1 hour challenge to myself.

Chapters (1)

Celestia ponders what she has done, who she is now, and what she will do if she can't stop herself.

Now has a sequel 3,835,125 Moons; My Descent

Author's Note
Mostly canon with a few important changes.
Feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Luna, the princess of the night, struggles with loneliness and the weight of her past mistakes. Seeking solace in the stars and the silence of her library, she stumbles upon Twilight Sparkle, a young and curious student of magic and with a passion for astronomy.

This is a what if Nightmare night never happened and Twilight meets Luna in a completely different way.

Chapters (5)

Wallace and Gromit go to the moon for a picnic. They find a lonely pony, a lovestruck robot, and an incredibly cheesy life-lesson.

Rated E for Englishness.

Featured on Equestria Daily as of 22nd January 2014!

Saw some Wallace & Gromit pony art. Then this happened. Enjoy!
Thanks to Mr101 and Craine for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

Rarity just doesn't have any luck when it comes to finding her special somepony. Just some shipping nonsense I wrote for a contest. I hope you all like it.

Proofread by Triforce of the Gods, thank you again.

Cover art found here. All credit for the picture goes to the artist.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of Chrysalis' failed invasion, a different hive breaks tradition and steps into the light to open relations with Equestria. The ever eager scholar, Twilight Sparkle, uses this truce as the perfect opportunity to learn more about this enigmatic race. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a changeling.

But will Twilight lose herself in the hive, or will she regain what she has lost? Only time will tell.

Featured on 9/24/13

My first featured story! You guys are awesome.

Story readings and cover art by Luminescent Skies: Click here for some audio novel treatment

My Editor in Chief: Cloud Hop

Chapters (11)

Princess Luna faces a philosophical quandary that challenges the very concept of Equestria's cuboid storage devices.

Chapters (1)

It's that day. The one day of the year that Celestia dreads more than anything in the world. And too bad for her, everyone seems intent on making her go through such an awful occasion. Well, at least she gets cake at the end of it.

Thanks to my editors Skeeter The Lurker, Xl9 and The Abyss for all their help!

Art from the very talented http://yubi-note.tumblr.com. Go check them out!

Chapters (1)

Some lavender alicorn princess had the bright idea to create a holiday where anypony could come and tell their concerns to Mayor Mare. Any pony. Without an appointment. All day.

Mayor Mare almost made it through the inaugural one without snapping. Or drinking. Or plotting murder.

Until the last appointment...

This is the story of the first, last and only Ponyville Citizen Speak Up Day.

The title was inspired by Lethal Weapon and Cola Bubble Gum. The story was written out of an attempt to kill writer's block.

Rated teen for alcohol use and (likely) future swearing.

UPDATE: Briefly seen in the side box. Hooray.

UPDATE 2: New and improved, with ColgateTM!

Chapters (2)

Twilight has developed a device that can detect strange signals coming from outer space; signals from aliens! She gathers her friends so that they can all listen in.

But they may not like what they hear...

cover image courtesy of DocWario

I'd appreciate if everyone could keep the YouTube embeds in the comments to a minimum. The sheer number of them is putting a bit more strain on my connection than I'd like. I'm going to start deleting any comments with 2 or more embeds in them.

Chapters (6)