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Discord holds the weekly meeting of the fan club for the television show 'My Little Human', a popular cartoon amongst fillies and foals, and especially adult ponies, nicknamed 'humonies'. The only members of their fanatic group? Himself and Lyra Heartstrings. Watch as they confound others with their love for the show, and the adventures it takes them on.

A semi-sequel to The Villains Anonymous Support Group.

Chapters (2)

Divided between two worlds for thirty moons, left alone with their individual thoughts, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer meet again. However, Twilight brings Sunset an option that she had thought long and hard on. A single choice that would alter both of their beings for all eternity if accepted. A grand yet humbling gift left only to the other to decided.

Art beautifully done by Xaztein.

Chapters (2)

To a mysterious coastline, three dragons awaken with no recollection of their past, the beings that filled it, or how they ended up there.

As simplicity cracks to give way to the true, complex monster beneath, Spyro, Spike, and Toothless must come face to face with their own demons, a world they have been forced to forget, and an evil so ancient, that success might as well be in vain.

Sometimes, all it takes is being estranged to find the true path of attainment.

[Character tags will be added as the story progresses]

Edited by the wonderful Mike Myers

Chapters (1)

On the eve of Twilight Sparkles wedding, Princess Celestia has some things to get off her chest. So she pens one last letter to her faithful student.

Chapters (1)

One morning, the sun doesn't rise. Twilight is convinced that every timekeeping device in Ponyville has malfunctioned, while Luna blames Discord.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You

"Dear Princess Luna... I love you oh so much. I just want to be with you forever, lost in your embrace. While mere words cannot even begin to describe the depths of my feelings for you, but this letter will have to do."

Twilight is at it again with hitting the bottle and forcing Spike to put words on a letter. This time addressed to Princess Luna herself, who is quite surprised by the gesture. Even more surprising in the revelation of Twilight's feelings for her. Along with some other... quite questionable subjects.

Warning: Not so subtle sexual context.

Sequel to Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You.

Thanks to my editor Xl9 for all the help!

Chapters (1)

Play this song first!

Twilight Sparkle has always been looking forward to her 21st birthday. It's the day that she's finally recognized as an adult mare, but also the day she's finally able to learn magic on the highest level. What should have been a great day though, turns out to be the most horrific day in her life. She finds a prophesy talking about the next great evil in Equestria, and it's HER! Now she's falling, slowly becoming the very evil she swore to fight against, and not even her closest friends can pick her up in time. In the end, she may even...

Apple Bloom is tired of being the last in her class to not have her Cutie Mark, but her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't going in the right direction to get their Cutie Marks, and she knows it. In order to get her Cutie Mark the right way, Apple Bloom begins to have thoughts of separating from her friends, and getting her Cutie Mark on her own. But her search for her Cutie Mark opens up to a major mystery in Equestria, and Apple Bloom will discover much more than just her special talent...

friends become enemies...

destinies are revealed...

light fades into the darkness...

and through it all, a hero is born...

This is the first main story in the series.

New cover art by my friend The Spectralist.

Link to the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (34)

Celestia has spent a millennium keeping her emotions to herself in favour of a tight rule over Equestria.

Now that there are stirrings in her heart, is she willing to open it?

Chapters (1)

To many ponies, Twilight is a bookworm, friend, and master mage. In light of recent events, now princess, too. But princess of what? Celestia says it's the stars, but when Celestia's statement is tested, will it hold true? Maybe, just maybe, Twilight has a different meaning after all...

Chapters (3)

Sweetie Belle knows it, Rarity knows it, everyone knows it except for Spike. He's being used. Rarity is constantly seducing him into doing hard work, and Sweetie Belle is tired of it. She decides that the only way to save him is to admit the feelings she has for him. But is Rarity really treating him the way Sweetie thinks she is?

Cover art done by LadyFoxling. The other art she does is great! Go check it out on deviantART.

Proofreading done by Barnabi and I HV NO FEAR. Editing for chapters 3 and on done by Serene. They're awesome too, so go check them out!

Chapters (3)