• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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The shifts on Princess Luna's night guard can be long and boring, but tonight Princess Luna invites you in to play a game.

EDIT: Non-mature feature box day of posting, 11/11/19!

Chapters (1)

This is Bloodvein. He's a pegasus. His family are full-blooded bat ponies.

He shares the same fangs and blood as his family, but is completely different from the rest of his colony.

Does he enjoy life in his colony? Only he knows.

Chapters (30)

Rough Sketch is a young artist from Baltimare who has recently suffered a personal tragedy. At the request of his friend and art manager, he travels to the seemingly idyllic Sasamare Lake in Vanhoover to recover but Rough Sketch has other plans. While out on the lake, he encounters the kelpie Sassie, a water pony that catches both his eye and his mind. Having found his muse, he decides to learn all he can about the strange mare, who is just as interested in him as he is in her.

*This is my second story written for the 1st Monster Mare Story Competition (Unpopular Monsters) Contest

Cover art by the amazing Mutter_Butter

Chapters (7)

Twilight decides to stick herself out there and try to make some more friends. She knew she'd probably meet some strangers but what she didn't expect was the stranger she met to be so... Strange.

My entry into the Monster Mares story contest. Staring my version of a Kuchisake Onna, translated to English it means slit-mouthed women, a type of Yokai from Japanese Folklore. Here's a Link to where I researched this type of Yokai so anyone who wants to learn more about these fascinating supernatural beings is able to. Enjoy. Yokai-nda have to look for them. ;P

I rated it Teen because I'm not 100% sure it's An E for Everyone. Also if you spot any tags that I missed please let me know and I'll fix that right away.

I hope you all enjoy.:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (3)

The desire to sail was in Fancypants' blood. His father spent more time on the ocean than on land and his best memories as a colt were on his father's yacht. With the recent boom of ships able to sail through the air, Fancypants wasted no time in purchasing two or three and taking them on a trip past Equestria's shores.

During one voyage, severe weather strikes, and Fancypants is thrown overboard in a terrible accident. Expecting to drown in the cold waters, he is saved by a rather exotic creature.

But by gum, she is gorgeous...

Written for Robipony

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sculptor

After Prince Blueblood disappears, Celestia sends Twilight to meet the Sculptor to help retrieve Blueblood as well as to learn more about the Sculptor herself.

However, her mission isn't simply just to find the stubborn prince and bring him back to the castle but also to interview the Sculptor. What secrets will Celestia's prodigy discover?


I drew the cover image myself, however it was too large despite my consistent editing so if you want to see the full image you will need to visit my Deviant Art page.

Editors: Mass, Guts and ItIsASillyLittleGame.

This story is a part of my: Gorgony-Verse.

Chapters (1)

After being embarrassed by Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala, Prince Blueblood swears revenge against the mare and seeks out an new ally to help him with his plans.

However can he muster up enough manners to turn an old enemy into such an ally? Or will his pride stand in his way?


While I can't summit this story into my gorgony story contest (It wouldn't be fair considering the fact that I am a judge), I figured nobody would mind if I tried to write a story, by the same rules for my own personal enjoyment.

If you are interested in a group about Gorgon Ponies please feel free to follow this link: The Gorgony Group.


I created the image using GIMP.

Editors: Mass, Nugget, ItIsASillyLittleGame, and Guts.
Proofreader: Nadus

This story is a part of my: Gorgony-Verse.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All Eyes on You...

When you were told you'd be helping Applejack try to catch an apple thief, you didn't think that you'd experience something so unexpected and out of this world. As a unicorn, you know all about magic and the wonders it can bring to Equestria, but what about the other side of progress; technology and the ones who bring it?

What will happen when you, a unicorn stallion come in contact with a being from another world?

Preread, proofread and edited by: Quillian Inkheart.

Cover Art by: marking.

You can find images of Haewara the alien pony, here and here.

The sex tag isn't for clop or any sex scenes. It is however there for a reason: dialogue about the potential reproduction between two different species.

Notes about Haewara... There will be spoilers:

I originally created Haewara as a character for another comment driven story idea I was working on. However the project didn't really get off the ground.

Later I decided to write a story where the reader meets an alien monster mare. I took the original design for Haewara, added a few things (mainly the prehensile tongue) and here we are.

While I only intended to show Haewara this once, if any of you are interested in seeing more stories with her, please let me know. Thank you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Missed Stop, Monstrous Meeting

You are a unicorn stallion who has just arrived on the Haywaiian Isles by airship to gather some research for your next book. As you step off the ramp, a few pounds lighter after the wobbly ride, you meet your tour guide and begin your exploration across the islands.

While the diamond dog by the name of Holly might be your tour guide, there are other interesting characters that await you here in Haywaii. Some of which can be pretty intimidating. Enjoy your stay.

Note: It needs to be noted that I do consider the story: Somewhere, Beyond the Sea, by Lupine Infernis to be canon with this story/universe, so if you don't wish to spoil that story for yourself, please go ahead and read it and come back here. You will understand why. :raritywink:

Of course, if you don't want to, then you don't have to. It is merely a suggestion.

My good friend, Quillian Inkheart, was a big help when it came to working on the Haywaiian setting. In addition to his advice he also preread and edited the story for me.:pinkiehappy:

The story was proofread by: ShadowblazeCR.

The cover art was created by: Pigeonsmall, who did a really awesome job with the artwork.

Here is a link to an image of the main shark mare of the story: Jagged Nibble. Drawn by Grim_Grin and colored in GIMP by yours truly.

As you can see, FiMFiction needs more shark pony stories and I am more than happy to oblige.:raritywink:

Chapters (5)

You are a unicorn stallion, who wakes up to find that you fell asleep while on the Friendship Express and have missed your stop in Ponyville. Now you have to wait until you reach the next stop in the Crystal Empire in order to return home.

Fortunately across from you is another traveler, who might be a little odd but is still willing to accompany you on your journey. She is a chimera pony hybrid by the name of Amble Barb.

Edited by: ShadowblazeCR

Proofread by: Strays

The cover art was created by: LaptopDJ, a great artist who was very patient with me. :pinkiesmile:

I would also like to thank, The Graceful Articuno, for helping me with the title.:pinkiesmile:

This story was written for Viper Pit's Hybrid Story Contest.

I kind of wanted to experiment around with the second person perspective, while also trying to write some more Monster Mare stories. Please feel free to look into the Monster Mares Group for more stories.

If you liked this story and would like to see me write more in a similar format, then please comment and let me know. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)