• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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You are a unicorn stallion, who serves as a professor at Canterlot's Magic Academy, aiding the gifted youth in their magical training. However, due to your diligence, you have been unable to find your special somepony, something which has been weighing heavily on your mind as of late.

As Nightmare Night begins you decide to work late in the library when you hear a noise. Investigating you discover a few of your students performing a magical ritual. After sending them away, you attempt to clean up the mess. Unfortunately in doing so, you accidentally managed to complete the ritual, summoning an exotic and understandably surly creature into Equestria.

Warning! This story contains: an alternate take on succubi, suggestive content, annoyed individuals becoming friends (and perhaps more), maids and cuddles?

I've always wanted to create a story about a succubus that could also be safe enough to make it onto the Monster Mare Story List and here it is. I hope you all enjoy. :scootangel:

I came up with this story for Nightmare Night (🎃Halloween🎃), one of my most favorite holidays.

:derpyderp1: Holy Cow-pony! This story was on FiMFiction's Featured Page, 10/29/19 - 11/1/19. :derpyderp2:


Preread, proofread and edited by: Quillian Inkheart.

The cover art was made by: marking. They are a great artist. If you need some cover art, then you should totally commission some cover art from them. :pinkiehappy:

There is also a reference sheet for Silken Soul that was made by: ZettaiDullahan, which you can see here.

Chapters (1)

Anonymous is Princess Celestia's royal bodyguard, serving to protect her at any and all instances. While always close to the Princess, events may conspire to test his convictions as threats both old and new rise to attempt to swallow Equestria.

-My second AiE fic, put in loving prose for all you FiMfictioners.

Chapters (23)

Ever since Chrysalis swore vengeance on Starlight, the mare has been making preparations for the day she'd strike.

Twilight is just as concerned, but more for Starlight than an attack from Chrysalis.

Chapters (1)

Nothing suspicious going on here.
Just a group of bugs coming together to create a show for everyone to watch.
Twilight doesn't believe it for a second.

Chapters (1)

Guarding a library at night is one thing,
but waking up a princess that's over ten times your size...

Author's (strange) inspiration: I'm kinda hittin' a brick wall with my other stories, so here's one that came to me during a late at night browsing of pictures.

Chapters (1)

For some time now the Bat Pony Nightguard Mothchaser has nursed an infatuation on one Idol Hooves. A sterling example of all Unicorn Stallions (as far as Mothchaser was concerned) and prominent member of the Royal Guard. Tonight she would finally take the bold move from secretly watching him from afar to secretly slipping messages to him at night.

However, as she begins her nightly delivery, Mothchaser stumbles upon a secret that is going to make her wish that she had never gone out after dark in the first place.

Set in vdrake77's "Changeling of the Guard" story, this is a short and completely non-canon snippet starring poor Mothchaser.

Chapters (2)

Recursive fanfic of vdrake77’sThe Changeling of the Guard.’ TCOTG/Power Ponies/Into the Spiderverse fusion fic.

Idol Eyes, sidekick to Maretropolis’ most toxic villain, “The Bugisher,” does not dream of greater things. Regardless of what schemes his employer might put into practice, Idol has never truly believed that his efforts could change his life for the better. Unbeknownst to our villain, however, a reckoning is coming, and Idol Eyes will soon be forced to learn the art of self-improvement.

One way or another.

Chapters (1)

Recursive fanfic of vdrake77’s “The Changeling of the Guard.” Following the trend started by “Idol Hooves at a Canterlot Wedding” by Airy Words. This is “Idol Hooves After a Canterlot Wedding,” in which Idol Hooves is out of town during the Changeling invasion, gets back about a week later, and then proceeds to freak everyone out with his reaction to the news.

Chapters (1)

What will happen to everyone's favorite changeling Royal Guard when Chrysalis comes to town?

This is my take on what will happen 10-12 years in the future of the fantastic story The Changeling of the Guard by vdrake77 when A Canterlot Wedding takes place.

Cover image by backlash91.

Chapters (7)

Doomie, like most of his brothers, hasn't eaten in a while.
So, when a random pink pony asks for him to "do her"
and intercourse love is the tastiest kind of love out there,
and the pony herself looks pretty pretty:
How could he refuse?

Author's diary: DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR diary. There is not enough Doomie pie fanfics out there....That is all.

Chapters (14)