• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

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Estimated Reading: 36 weeks



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This story is a sequel to A Passing Through Kamen Rider: Movie Max the First: Sunset Over Zero

A lot has changed for Sunset Shimmer since her high school days. She's opened up a Private Investigation firm. Granted, she mostly takes on small time fare like following cheating spouses and looking into insurance fraud. But lately, a much bigger case has fallen into her lap. One involving dark forces that seem to be acting towards some larger goal. Lucky for her, she might just be enough of a gumshoe to stick this case out and take on anything they can throw at her.

This story is related to A Passing Through Kamen Rider. Reading it is not required.

Featuring co-author: shagohad12

Credit for new coverart goes to Malunis. Be sure to check them out.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Twilight's coronation has come and gone and the crown weighs heavy upon her head. Or it would if
it hadn't been stolen by a figure from Princess Celestia's past. Now it's up to Wyatt, Twilight, Spike and Daring Do to get on the case to bring it back. But with a mysterious benefactor on Sunset's side, the task may not be as simple as grabbing it and going home in the time it takes to say, "Henshin!"

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Star Fox Equestria

After saving Equestria from a local and very dangerous threat, Fox McCloud settled down, married Krystal and they got a son together: Marcus. Everything perilous about his work has stopped, just going on escort missions and liveries from one side to another of the Lylat System.

Twilight Sparkle is now the sole ruler of Equestria, doing a pretty good job during the last ten years of her peaceful reign. All along the way, she was helped by Spike who was her ambassador. Everything was going just fine until a space armada made its appearance in Equis' sky. The suddenness of their arrival and their technological advance proved to be too much for the locals, even with the strongest pony to history at their side.

Yet, not all hope is lost. The only chance for the planet for be freed from the invaders rests on the shoulders of one group: The Star Fox Team.

Chapters (2)

There's been something wrong with the moon, Princess Luna is certain of it, but can't put her hoof on what the disturbance is exactly.

Her older sister Celestia, also known as the Princess of the Sun, try to ease her fears and concerns but without any success. However, the sudden and unexpected arrival of the Arwing and its pilot, the legendary Fox McCloud, push the topic to the back of her mind. Yet, the help of an otherworldly biped, one that can also fly, could be the perfect thing she needed to investigate the strange activity on the space rock.

On the condition they manage to repair the All-Range Fighter, of course.

This story takes place after Command and just before the end of Season 3.

All rights belongs to Nintendo and Hasbro for their respective characters.

Chapters (12)

Many users on here will be familiar with Moonlight Raven, the goth and Sunshine Smiles, her hyperactive friend.

Well, today, Manteo will meet one of their relatives. Buckle up, it's a crazy ride!

Chapters (1)

 Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.
Cover art by: Hioshiru
Edited and preread by: Not Enough Coffee and Makuta
Flash Request: 2

Chapters (1)

Achilles, hero of the Iliad, is a man known through the ages. Stories of heroes like this appear all over the world, inspiring others to carve their own names into history. In the modern age, a young man has taken up the manta of this hero to start his own legend

Flash Sentry is a man who believes in always helping others and protecting those who can't protect themselves. Unfortunately, its hard to do that when other worldly magic attacks every other week. Fortunately, Flash finds magic of his own to fight alongside his magical girls friends against the mysteries Magi-Beast that have been attacking everyone in town. As Kamen Rider Achilles, Flash fights to defend others but can he unravel the mystery of those using magic for their own wicked plot. Can he win, or will his fear of losing control be his Achilles Heel?

5/16/22: now co written by Banshee531

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Spiderman: Equestria's Hero (season 2)

Spiderman must face the super-villain group, known as the Insidious Six; who named themselves after the Sinister Six. Each villain has some kind of grudge against the wall-crawler, including the one who assembled them; The Master Planner.

No one knows who this villain is, but he's coming. All I can tell you, it's someone Adam's fought before. And they know who Adam is.....

Chapters (10)

The Succubus Equestrian Pony Kingdom went on a brink of collapse, betrayed by the armies of Vampires, Werewolf Lycans, Kitsunes, Minotaurs, Gryphons, Zebras, Caribou, Changelings, Dragons, and the others. Preventing a possible extinction, the Council has chosen some of the Succubi members including the Princesses to safety as the Light and Dark Mage transport the members somewhere more hidden and promising to protect them. 1500 years have passed after they teleport to safety, the remaining Succubi began to rebuild their Kingdom. That is until they were discovered by some human agents, but they offer an exchange program plan and repopulate solution. Since then, a graduate boy is relocated to another place, where he has to deal with a lot of sexy Succubi living in his new home and a private Kingdom Academy.

Note for extra tags; Death, adventure, crossover, and possible harem/herd cause why not.

Chapters (1)

A pony is stuck in a fence, and it's my job to get her out.


Cover art by silfoe. I've always loved this particular picture.

Inspired by the cover art and this video.

Originally wanted this to be in 2nd person, but I know that can turn people off to the whole thing. I get it, I used to be like that too.

Featured on March 2nd, 2020! Thanks so much guys!

Now has a live reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)